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What is book: Definition and 200 Discussions

  1. esavvymom

    Book More Cooking Shows- Teleseminar (Tammy Stanley)

    Just wanted to share this information with you guys. Tammy Stanley is doing a teleseminar geared towards Pampered Chef consultants specifically. I think she may have been chatting with consultants recently about the new host program, etc. She has a very down to earth style and approach...
  2. byrd1956

    What Is Your Favorite Recipe Book?

    And what about that book makes it your favorite?
  3. Bren706

    The Ups & Downs of Trying to Book an HO Lead

    I finally get an HO lead after many, many months of getting nothing (although I have been eligible). The person was wondering if I travel to their town, about 50 minutes to an hour away. I called as well as emailed her to let her know that yes, I have done a few shows recently in her town as a...
  4. AJPratt

    Need a Suggestion for Dish to Take to Book Club

    I have book club on Friday and they are doing a pot luck this month. Of course, I want to show off one of our recipes. I was thinking of taking everything to make the lava cake in the microwave as something fast. Is there something else I should take? I work that day and will be leaving for...
  5. T

    Trying to Put Together a Pampered Chef Scrap Book

    I am starting my 15th year March 1. I decided at launch I need to change some things. I am going to make a binder of my why. I have earned a trip every year but because my husband doesn't fly and I wasn't going with out him we took the money and take our own trips. So I am trying to figure...
  6. T

    theReason I Could Not Book a Show Last Weekend...

    the lady said she loves PC and would love to host, BUT because she said yes to booking a party to consultants from other companies and they were so pushy and called her a million times after she agreed to having her own party, she decided she will never host anything again... there was no...
  7. P

    Brownie Pan Recipe Book: Delicious Recipes & Satisfied Customers!

    Love this product and a BIG thank you to the person/people who put together the Brownie Pan Recipe Book. Show this a.m. I did the mini omelets.....so awesome! Sold 9 Brownie Pan's.:chef:
  8. babywings76

    Need Dessert Idea for My Book Club Tonight

    So it's my turn to host our Book Club. We read a book called "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie." I'm trying to decide what I want to make for dessert. I thought maybe I should make some sort of pie. But I really don't like pie. I'm not a big cooked fruit lover and I don't like a lot...
  9. K

    Book: the Women of Berkshire Hathaway

    Profiles the female CEOs and Directors, including Doris and Marla. Can order from http://www.amazon.com/dp/1118182626/?tag=pfamazon01-20Amazon, B&N or http://www.womenofberkshire.com
  10. B

    Book a Party & Get FREE Rewards!

    I'm writing out a flyer and i wanted to add in some incetives for booking! I.e. If you host a party/ catalog show, you will receive_________________ FREE, ontop of your benefits. Or If someone books a show and mentions your name you receive__________ help...
  11. P

    Null" Email Address Woes: Lending a Book

    I lent a book apparently to the wrong email address. Reader says lent to "null" - do I have to wait for the exp date to get the book back to lend to the correct email address?
  12. K

    Easy Fundraising with Cook Books: Simplifying the Process for Your Next Event

    I've seen several posts about these but I guess I'm a bit of a simpleton cause I can't figure out how you do it. I'm going to do a fundraiser probably in January for a friend's daughter's church group. I was wondering how to do this and if it's simpler than offering the whole catalog...
  13. kam

    Can I Book a Host for Her Own Show in the Same Month?

    OK, I know that I can TECHNICALLY do this...but I want to make sure it is right. I have a host who is having a cooking show Nov 29th. She originally just wanted to buy some things for herself but decided to have a show. But, she saw the Free Turkey offer and wants to order some things now...
  14. babywings76

    Business Card/Ad in Mary Kay Fundraiser Book

    A friend of mine is a MK consultant. She called me the other day to ask if I'd like to pay $20 to have my business card printed in their booklet they will be giving out to all the attendees of their fundraiser Tea thing they are having for their foundation (can't remember what it's called, but...
  15. F

    Director Holiday Mini: Release Date & Look Book Info

    Anyone know when the Holiday Mini will be released or if we are going to have one? I noticed on the Emmy pics there was a Holiday Look Book someone was holding. Placing an order and don't want to just Miss ordering the holiday if they are avail in the next couple days. Thanks!
  16. C

    Why Is Everyone Booking Parties This Fall?

    It must be the change in weather, fall fever or something. It seems like everyone I talk to is interested in hosting a party. Please understand that 2 shows a month is normal for me. I've already got my 2 shows for August working. I've got November and December shows booked too and that's...
  17. gailz2

    Cook Book Holder--Take a Look at Paula Deen's

    http://www.pauladeenstore.com/Product/detail/Paula-Deen-Signature-Pantryware-Cookbook-Holder/238768 Wouldn't it be nice to have one similiar from PC??
  18. A

    Director Are you ready to conquer June with PINK Parties and Sell-A-Thon month?

    Here is the email that I just sent to my team... feel free to copy as you wish to your teams/downlines I am hearing from a lot of you that MAY isn't shaping up to be exactly what you wanted it to be! Good News! First of all you still have time to have you own PINK Party, get a few more people...
  19. husbandwifepcteam

    Not Book Related but Not Sure Where to Post This

    I know this not a booking related question but I wasn't sure where to post this. Does anyone know how many consecutive months without sales equals losing your business? I think it's 6 months but not for sure. THanks!
  20. D

    Book Now: Learn What We Do to Get Customers to Book Quickly

    I need to know what you guys do at your shows and at check out to get your customers to book within the next couple of weeks. I use incentives and let them know at the end of my show what my next two open dates are, but they always seem to book at least a month and a half out.
  21. O

    Confused: No Difference Between Book Out & Book Close!?

    I am so confused - All the newsletters look the same - I found no difference between the book out and book close!! Has anyone else noticed this?:yuck:
  22. kcmckay

    Book February & Get Rewarded: Catty Specials & Double Points!

    So I really want a solid February to accrue as many double points as I can because I am going to New Orleans and Europe! :) So I just want to offer something that will get people to book February because people always feel like it's too soon and I have no early bookings. I have one on the 20th...
  23. M

    Free Book Download-Smart School Time Recipes

    A vegan friend of mine posted this and thought I'd post here...lots of different recipes-some vegan, some dairy or gluten free, etc. Free PDF, and also available on iPads, Kindles, etc Alisa Cooks – recipes from the Go Dairy Free kitchen It’s Here! The Free eCookbook Has Landed!
  24. babywings76

    Book Now & Get an Extra $15 in Products at Your Show!

    I did a booth where if people booked right then and there and held their show, they would get an extra $15 in products at the close of their show. For some very odd reason, my brain just isn't functioning correctly right now. How do I total things up for her? How should I calculate what I'm...
  25. winklermom

    Book Your Show Now! Amazing DCB Special for $34!

    One of the host specials in February will be the DCB for $34 with a $650+ show! That ought to be a huge selling point for booking shows, I would think! Wahoo!!
  26. Jholmes0904

    Looking for the Deep Covered Baker Recipe Book? Anyone have one?

    Hey! I was at a vendor event last weekend and a lady asked me about the DCB recipe book... Does anyone have one?
  27. California Girl

    Book a Show Now: Invite Your Apartment Neighbors!

    SO i just went to check my mail and well i live in apartments so people come and go around here all the time, how would you about giving them a catalog and seeing if they want to book a show? TIA
  28. Careyann

    Did You Win a Prize in the Book Your Own Show Promotion?

    Congrats to everyone who won a prize in the "Book your own show" promotion! For the first time EVER, I won a prize!!! And whats even better is both my new consultants were also on the list!!!! And one of them that was her Grand Opening show!!!! I could hardly believe it, I had to call...
  29. T

    I Need to Book Shows Asap, but Don't Feel Motivated...

    I need to bring in some extra $$$. But that means I need to get on the phone and ask people which makes me feel like I am begging for $$. Not very motivated to do it, but need to do it... Any advice? Thanks!
  30. Jen1409

    What are Your Favorite Cookbooks and Pampered Chef Recipes?

    Do you read any? Which ones?