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What is instructions: Definition and 48 Discussions

  1. csnteacher

    Iso Woven Tray Care & Instructions

    If anyone has the care & instructions for the Woven collection, could you please email me a copy. I recently obtained a lovely pizza woven tray & would like to know the do's & don'ts. Appreciate it very much!! [email protected]. THANKS!!
  2. cookingwithlove

    Create a May Order Form: Instructions & Ideas

    One of you creative types have a May Order Form done yet?
  3. P

    Director Can I Use My Cookie Molds for More Than Just Baking?

    anyone have the instructions for the old cookie molds?
  4. DebPC

    Director Welcome to DCS! Password Instructions for Newbies

    DCS now has a new password for newbies joining. The directions are very easy and clear. A big thank you to Beth B. for helping me with this.
  5. C

    Looking for Instructions for Marna Ross Card Game!

    Marna Ross was a speaker at our Spring Launch, and she had a game she played with playing cards instead of the ticket game. I took notes on how she did it - and just now remembered to buy the cards, and now can't find my notes. Anyone else who was there, or who might be in her downline, who...
  6. G

    Need Recipe or Instructions on Cooking Roast Beef in Dcb

    I want to use my DCB to make a pot roast... any recipes/ cooking instructions?
  7. T

    Roast Beef in DCB: Oven & Microwave Instructions

    Has anyone ever done Roast Beef in the DCB? How long per pound in the oven? In the microwave? I have a host who just got hers and is anxious to try this,
  8. cmdtrgd

    Director Lemon Feather Garnish: Instructions for My Team

    Does anyone remember the Lemon Feather garnish from a few years back? I want to have the instructions for my team. I know how to make it, but I am not good at explaining like HO can.
  9. E

    Mexican Chicken Lasagna Oven Instructions Help Needed

    Does anyone have oven instructions for the Mexican Chicken Lasagna?? My DCB doesnt fit in my microwave:(
  10. pampered1224

    Caring for a Microwave Potato Bag: Tips & Instructions

    I had a lady on Sunday ask me about a bag that you put your potato in then popped it in the microwave. What she is looking for is the use and care - specifically washing - instructions. Anyone remember this product. I have been in this since 2001 and do not remember this. I remember the toaster...
  11. chefann

    Someone Needs to Post Instructions

    One of the Canadians who attended conference needs to post the product dance steps! I just got Tammy Stanley's newsletter for the week, and she mentions doing product dance steps with the consultants at PC conference in Canada. Actually, the whole newsletter is pretty gushing about PC, but...
  12. babywings76

    How Can I Place an Online Order without Email or Internet Access?

    I have a host who is wanting to do a catalog show. She doesn't have e-mail or internet access. I just created a little handout for her to put with the catalogs she is passing around work. This way people can take one home with them and know how to place an order online. Let me know if...
  13. L

    Mashed Potatoes in a Batter Bowl: Microwave Instructions

    I think I read somewhere that you can make mashed potatoes in the classic batter bowl in the microwave. If so, can someone give me the details....time, amount of water, lid on or off. Thanks Danielle
  14. J

    Adding Instructions to Address for Fedex?

    Not sure which forum this belongs in but thought I'd start here. Has anyone ever added instructions to FedEx before? I have a host that asked if I can give them an instruction to "use side door and leave in garage". I was considering trying to add that in the address line since we have two...
  15. P

    Fancy Food Ideas & Instructions for Big Show Tomorrow

    HELP! I have a big show tomorrow and my host wants to do the fancy stuff with food like cut radishes into roses. I know there is more than just that. Can anyone please share. Thanks Oh and I need instructions too, please. I don't know how to do any of them.
  16. mamadugan

    Making Pizza Dough without Instructions?

    I guess I don't know where to put this. I have some pizza dough from PC...along with the yeast....but no instructions. Guess that the box got thrown away. How much water do you add to the dough/yeast mixure and do you put anything else in there with it?? I can't remember, but would love to...
  17. S

    How Do You Make a Beaded Wire Ring?

    I know how to make a ring but I was wondering if anyone had anything typed up for their customers on how to make a ring? I have a customer that wants me to make sure I have these instructions printed out for all her guests. Thank you. Sarah
  18. F

    Iso Checkerboard Insert Product Use/Care Instructions

    Had a guest at my show that needs to know how to use the checkerboard insert. Don't have one and couldn't find the use and care info. on consultant's corner. Can someone give me directions on use? Thanks.:confused:
  19. P

    Digital Thermometer Instructions

    I have a current customer that bought a Digital Thermometer about 6 years ago and needs the Use and Care or Instructions. Does anyone have a copy you can share? Thanks for your help.
  20. A

    Replacement Instructions for Rectangular Baker: Help for AJ

    Hi Ladies, I have a customer who purchased the rectangular baker back in January at one of my shows. She misplaced the "use & care" instructions and I was wondering where I could find that if it's posted anywhere....or should I just call HO? Thanks! AJ
  21. cmdtrgd

    Iso Digital Thermometer Instructions

    I can't find them, and a customer needs them. Anyone have it typed up or willing to scan it in?
  22. Geekgirl69

    Fundraiser Instructions & Information: Discover the Basics on CC

    Is there anything on CC that explains a fundraiser? I found information on this site (of course) but was trying to see what PC itself has on fundraisers and couldn't find anything. I know the 10-15% breakdown only because I read it here. If I did not have access to CS, where would I find...
  23. krzymomof4

    Sending Letter to Jean: Wave 1 Instructions

    For those of you in Wave 1...where do we send the letter thingy (what was it again?) to Jean?
  24. babywings76

    How Can Guests Order and Have It Count Towards a Show?

    I just got my website up and running. I have entered in a show. Now what are the instructions for guests so that they can order and have it count towards a show?
  25. P

    Unlock the Power of Pws: Tips & Tricks for Navigating My Personal Website

    I just opened a personal website and I'm about to send out my newsletter. What should I write in my newsletter to get people to look at my website. I want them to understand what it's for and what they can do with it.
  26. P

    Product Care Chart: Washing Instructions & Tips

    Does anyone have a chart of products and how to wash them? I was considering making one for my quick reference, but thought I would check here to see if someone already has.
  27. chefsteph07

    Baking Joyce's Broccoli Dip: Instructions and Tips

    Can the broccoli dip go in the microwave? the only instructions are from Joyce's website and it says to bake...
  28. S

    Easy Instructions for Oofs: Simplify Outside Order Form Process

    Does anyone have or use an instruction sheet to give the Host for outside order forms? I have customers wanting to write cheques but they have trouble figuring out all the subtotals and tax. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  29. L

    Fall Mystery Host Catalog Show - Easy to Follow Instructions!

    I am currently running a Fall Mystery Host catalog show on my PWS and I want to send a catalog with my DH to put in his breakroom at work. I need it to be very self explanatory (because DH doesn't really know what to do with it - lol). Does anyone have a flyer or label designed for this?
  30. P

    Unlock Microplane Grater: Easy Instructions Needed

    I am having trouble with the release of the handle on the Microplane Grater. Could someone give me easy instructions on how to get it out the locked position. I have tried and tried with no success. This is a product that I have not used at my cooking shows because I can't get it unlocked...