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What is sent: Definition and 74 Discussions

  1. babywings76

    Pampered Chef Sent Me a Recipe Survey, Anyone Else?

    Did anyone else receive an e-mail with a link to participate in a survey about recipes? I'm doing mine right now and am trying to decide if I have any extra comments or anything to say. Just curious if anyone else got this, too.
  2. thehaleykitchen

    theWeird Email That Was Sent Out...

    Here is a screen shot of the body of the email that was sent out if anyone wants to try to translate it!
  3. DebPC

    Director Tablecloth Automatically Sent for June 1-14 Shows - Relief!

    I'm so happy they are automatically sending the tablecloth for June 1-14 shows. I wish they would always do that. Maybe this is the start. I rarely miss a special but it's nice not having to worry about one slipping thru.
  4. Bren706

    Pws Newsletter Sent to "Opt Out" Customer

    I just received an e-mail as a reply to my newsletter in large bold letters from a past customer to be removed from the newsletter. When I checked her contact information in the PWS, the privacy option was already there :confused:. (I also have a "Remove from Newsletter" group in PP3 to keep...
  5. pampered1224

    I Sent This Out Last Night After Viewing the ...

    Video we got from HO. So far no accepts but hey, it is worth a try. Also, I did this as an attachment with the e-mail message of I NEED TWO PARTIES IN DECEMBER! Plus it is Friday and many people won't think about it until this weekend. Yes, I did add to the host special but I can afford too. You...
  6. K

    When Do Emails About Individual Orders Get Sent?

    I posted a facebook invite today to encourage friends to go to my website and order HWC products through individual orders. One of my old teachers posted saying she placed an order, but I didn't get an email about it. Are individual order emails sent after the order is submitted, or is it...
  7. chefkathy

    Director Just Sent This Email to My Team About Recommitting to My Biz

    Let's see if anyone responds. Even their silence will give me the answers I'm looking for. LOL Thank you, Colleen, for your help!!!!!
  8. chefsteph07

    Host Who Supposedly Sent Checks Mia

    This is long, sorry in advance, but I need some sound advice! Last Monday (last day of the month) I was closing a $900 show for a host whose party I did on Saturday. During host coaching and even after the show, I told my host that I wanted to close Monday and any outside orders she received...
  9. C

    I Have a Host Who Booked a Show in June, I Set Her up Online and Sent

    I have a host who booked a show in June, I set her up online and sent the email to her, and then she decided to instead do a catalog show - so I changed the online info and resent it. THEN she decided to have a July cooking show...so I changed and sent the info again = but then, of course...
  10. P

    Guest From Show Sent a Fb Friend Request

    Anyone ever get a friend request on facebook from a past guest? I just did and I am not sure I really want to accept her. She was a bit strange at the show she attended and asked some wierd questions. Well the questions were not so much wierd but how she asked them and that she kept asking the...
  11. P

    Director Remind Me: How Many Months Before Kits Sent?

    remind me please... they have to be active how many months before the kits are sent in order to receive on??? I can't find it in the guidelines.
  12. I

    Did I Just Send a Venting Email to My Director by Mistake?

    To Judy Joel. After the 4th response of " I'm just so busy, and I am not sure this workshop is going to be a good fit for me," I sent an email to Judy Joel. I forwarded the last email between the other lady and me, and unfortunately for me I had also sent it to my director and vented a little...
  13. C

    Having the Show Orders Sent to Me to Sort?

    For my past show my neighbor was the host. It started with her placing an order that I turned into a catalog show. I decided to have the show orders sent to me instead of her. I sorted and bagged each guests order and prepared their receipts with my thank you letter, recipe card and business...
  14. PampChefJoy

    I Just Sent Out a Blast Email to Everyone...

    Just a quick message about how I've gotten the database cleaned up and about the changes that lead to me posting flyers here instead of "free" on the website. If you are a current or past subscriber or trial member, you should receive the notice too. On a side note, I know I'm not everyone's...
  15. C

    How Do I Check Emails Sent on Pws?

    I read somewhere in another thread that you can check to see if your emails sent from your PWS have been opened and read. I've sent an email to a few hosts last week about setting up their guest list online and they have said they haven't received the email. How can i check to see if it went...
  16. kdangel518

    Will You Use This Improved Pampered Chef Party Ad to Attract Attention?

    I absolutely love my customers :D One of my most memorable customers who I really connected with and had a great time with at a show back in February sent me this email today. I really must ask her to come join us b/c I would love to work with her ;) Here is her email to the host and I, and...
  17. dannyzmom

    She Sent Out 1325 Invitations Thru My Website!!!!

    Oh. My. Gosh!:eek: :pray: :love0010: Tuesday night's show. She's the co-owner of one of those storefronts like Mr. Foods where people come to prepare week's worth of meals...I guess she invited her entire customer base??? So far only 14 yes responses and no outside orders (which I think is...
  18. D

    New Mini Catalog Being Sent With Shows?

    I think i recall in the past a few times HO sent the newest mini catalogs to the host to put with the orders. Does anyone know if this is being done this season? I am closing a show today and would order some then to give to the hosts to put in the bags if she wasn't already gonna get them...
  19. BlessedWifeMommy

    Discontinued Item Sent With Show, Has This Happened to You Before?

    I just received a show and it had a Stoneware Mini Fluted Pan (#1441) in it instead of a large platter. Anyone know how much it is worth? Just thought I would ask before I did the adjustment since it asks if the guest is interested in purchasing it. Also, if you have one, do you use it...
  20. S

    Emails Sent Through Pampered Chef Website

    I've been using my PC website to send out invites to parties and I just learned from my last show, hardly anyone is actually getting them. I sent out 48 invites to a Christmas in July event for this weekend and only a tiny percentage of people have actually read the invite. From the party that...
  21. chefkathy

    Sent Out My July Tasty Tidbits Today...

    and got a $92 online order already! Woohoo outlet sales!
  22. Chefstover2

    Urgent Kit Sent to the Wrong Address!! Now What?

    A little background. New consultant signs just as she's about to head to Cincinnati for 1 month (she's a teacher), so she signs up and gives shipping address in Cincy (she's got 4 shows booked while she's there). She just called me...her kit has arrived...at home in North Carolina!!!! I...
  23. B

    My Apology: Virus Sent Through Facebook Network

    I got an email through the Facebook network from someone who used to be on here who is my friend on Facebook. It was a virus. It was sent to everyone in her friend list. Apparently everyone on my friend list got one from me right after I messaged her asking what she meant. I am so sorry...
  24. beepampered

    Tuesday Newsletter: Check Out What I Sent Yesterday!

    Here's the newsletter I sent out yesterday (since another thread said Tuesday was the best day). No responses yet but perhaps you'll have better luck. Note, the cute photo of kids is of my kids - please remove when/if you use....
  25. F

    Ready to shake things up with the Margarita Maker?

    Got my Jan/Feb promo e-mail :love: I'm going with the maragrita maker. Already have the 5 piece stainless--had thought about getting it and re-selling to make $, but went practical with my level 1 selection--this one I decided was all about FUN. Think it will be great to take to shows...
  26. C

    Home Office Just Sent Me an E-Mail

    :mad: Somehow my name has appeared on a website advertising my PC business. Mind you, my name is there, but there is NO personal website, or personal profile listed. The e-mail from PC was sort of nasty (to me anyway) threatening me with loss of my website if I did not provide them with proof...
  27. N

    Ok, so This Host Sent Out Her Own Evites..and You'll Never Believe

    WHAT SHE SAID!! First of all, it's HWC show and she already sent out evites--normally a good thing, right? This is her wording "Ladies, come and let me Pamper you--wear your cutest pink shirt or shoes. Pampered Chef will be offering items only available in May and the proceeds goes to help...
  28. babywings76

    Ho Sent Me the Replacement Instead of Customer

    I have a customer who lives over an hour away from me. I did an adj. for her small batter bowl lid. I had it set to be shipped to her. It came to me instead. I double checked the confirmation e-mail from HO and it was supposed to go to the customer. How annoying!
  29. OhmyDLM

    What I Sent Out Today... (New Recruiting Promo)

    Just wanted to share with you all what I sent out today when I learned about the new recruiting promotion. It's a letter I found on here by Debbie and then I updated it to work for me. I'm offering my own little promotion as well if you're wondering what that's all about. I REALLY need to...
  30. colegrovet

    Urgent Why Are Some Catalog Page Numbers Out of Sequence?

    Check your catalogs.....the company has reported some catalog page numbers are out of sequence.....please check yours and if you have these, contact the Home Office and they'll replace them.