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What is walk: Definition and 51 Discussions

  1. C

    Saving Money: Shop the Side Walk Sales

    Shop the side walk sales at the malls for clothes for next year. I just bought my 15 yr old daughter a coat at areopostle for 14.40 originally 119.50. When she was younger a group of women I know all decided to swap clothes for our kids as they outgrew them. Saved me a lot of money as I was a...
  2. K

    Please Help With Hwc Fundraisers Foe Avon Walk

    Hi chefers! I need some help. I have someone who's interested in doing a HWC fundraiser to help with her Avon walk in a couple of months. I haven't done that many fundraisers so I'm nor sure how to go about it? How can I set it up so that she gets the money? Or does it automatically go to the...
  3. P

    Supporting the Susan G Komen 3-Day Walk: Participate in our Local Y Fundraiser!

    Participating in a Fundraiser at our local Y this weekend for the Susan G Komen 3 day Walk for the Cure. This is a flyer I made to go along with the basket. The basket has hot pink and black/white polka dotted tissue paper in the bottom, the items in the basket. It's wrapped in clear...
  4. cookinforyou

    Interested in Joining the Pittsburgh Breast Cancer Walk?

    Hi Folks I have started a team for the Pittsburgh, PA walk on October 29, 2011 on the North shore. If anyone would like to walk with us we would love to have you join us, our team name is Pampered Peeps and as folks join we will have more information If you have a HWC t-shirt be sure to wear...
  5. L

    Fundraiser to Support a Charity Walk - Help Sponsor Our Cause!

    I have a lady who wants to do a fundraiser to benefit a walk she's doing. It would basically be raising money to sponsor her. Is that ok? Or does it have to be directly for a non-profit?
  6. T

    Need Help! Flyer for 3-Day Walk Fundraiser

    Good evening, I'm very new at this and my sister-in-law is walking the 3-day walk so her team is going to do a catalog fundraiser to help raiser money. Does anyone have a flyer that I could use? Also anyone have great wording for e-mail/facebook? HELP!!! Thanks!!:eek::cry::eek::cry:
  7. nikked

    Personal Who is Walking in the 'Out of the Darkness' Walk for Suicide Prevention?

    My former sister-in-law committed suicide last year, and our neice is doing the Out of the Darkness walk in her memory. If this is something that God leads you to, donations are appreciated...below is her message. Thanks.
  8. thehaleykitchen

    Show to Help Ladies Doing the 3-Day Walk?

    I am wondering if we can do a fundraiser show for the 3-day walk.. My neighbor is walking again this year and they have to raise $2,300 in order to walk. Can a show be a fundraiser for her to walk? How would that work? Thanks, Karen :confused:
  9. B

    'Normal' Fundraiser for 3- Day Walk Vs Hwc Fundraiser

    Is it possible to do a fundraiser in May that the check does not go to the American Cancer Society? The fine print on the HWC flyer says all contributions are made in the form of a check to the ACS. I have a group of women that are raising money for the August 3-Day Walk and would like to tie...
  10. M

    Do You Do a Catalog Walk Thru?....

    Hey, The shows I have observed my director do she does a catalog walk thru where she goes through each page about and points out the poplular items and gives some info...I have been doing this but it seems they get off track and bored after a while... Need some suggestions. What do you do at...
  11. Jen1409

    Nicole's Milestone: First Steps Without Help at 11 Months

    Nicole's been walking assisted for awhile now but yesterday she took some steps without help. I seriously wanted to cry. I can't believe my baby is growing so fast! In less than 2 weeks she'll be a year old!
  12. pchefjaime

    Join the Making Strides Walk with Us in Chicago | Get Your Hat Today!

    OK ladies, Did anyone recieve their hat before doing the walk in chicago area?
  13. D

    Join the Ot-Chd Awareness Walk | It's My Heart Northern NJ Fundraiser

    If I got your attention then this post is worth it! If you don't know what CHD stands for it is a congenital heart defect. Today we have the It's My Heart (non-profit) Northern NJ Walk to raise money and awareness. The learn more got to http://www.itsmyheart.org. On another note, please...
  14. ChefJWarren

    Need Help Planning a 3-Day Walk Fundraiser!

    I had a woman contact me yesterday about doing a 3-Day Walk fundraiser. I gave her some info and now she wants to proceed forward and wants me to drop off all info tomorrow. We tried to setup a kickoff, but couldn't make it work. Here's my problem: This is my first fundraiser!! My director...
  15. D

    Fresh to Pampered Chef? Get Ideas for Your Cancer Walk Booth!

    I am doing a booth @ a cancer walk and wondered if anyone could offer any ideas. This is my first booth and still fresh to PC. What do you say to people when they approach you booth? How can I show case HWC? Thanks!
  16. pchefjaime

    Wow 'em with a Tasty Cake Walk Treat!

    Hey ladies and gents, I know you can help me. I have to make a cake/bake item for our preschools cake walk tomorrow. I wanted it to be a wow item but also something easy to make and take. I wanted people to look at it and ask about it to get the buzz going about PC. Any ideas? I thought...
  17. thecougchef

    Help Naming Our 3-Day Walk Team..

    we are registering our Breast Cancer 3-day team & are trying to think of names... we did the Relay for Life once as the "dudes & babes for boobs." its just girls this time so i was thinking about keeping the babes for boobs. any ideas...?
  18. M

    Planning Director Walk: Finding Your Way Through Co-ordination

    I am trying to co-ordinate things with DH, does anyone know which general session the Director Walk is in?
  19. chefkathy

    I Hate Merrill.my Msabc Walk Is Sunday and I Still Don't Have My

    I hate Merrill. My MSABC walk is Sunday and I still don't have my shirt. Their customer service reps are useless. End of rant.
  20. M

    Gift Ideas for Christmas Walk: Batter Bowls & More!

    I will have a booth at our local Christmas Walk, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving, and I am planning now. I am trying to put together gift packages, gift giving ideas- and I am thinking about batter bowl cooking mixes- I have 2 large batter bowls, would it be possible to take the...
  21. chefkathy

    Totally Frustrated With Acs Re: Msabc Walk

    I signed up to be a team leader via the website in August. I didn't receive anything from ACS (other than emails), so I dug around the event website and found that I could request a leader kit. Did that at least a month ago. I never received anything. Fast forward to this week. Our walk...
  22. M

    Exciting News: Confirmation for Christmas Walk Booth at Only $35 for Both Days!

    I received confirmation today for my booth for the Christams walk the Fri and Sat after Thanksgiving. (from 10AM to 5 PM) I got it for only $35 FOR BOTH DAYS!!! The town is doing all of the advertising, and they advertise extensively.(Newspaper advertising is to tens of thousands of homes in...
  23. S

    Starting a Walk in Your State: Tips and Advice for Participation

    Is there a way to start a walk in my state? I would love to participate but I am not sure how. Any thoughts would be great!
  24. J

    How Can I Effectively Set Up My Fundraiser Table at a Walk?

    Hi, I'm setting out some invites at a walk this Sunday and I'm not sure how to set it up. I am setting out a frame/ 8x11 with a flyer inside about my fundraiser. I also have postcards that I made out into invites at Vista. Should I include recipe cards? I was thinking of putting them in a...
  25. pamperedharriet

    Can you help support Alzheimer's research through our Memory Walk fundraiser?

    Some of you know that my DH has Alzheimer's (5 years this month). We will be participating in the local walk here in Manchester, NH on Sept. 20th. I am going to find out if I can set up a booth/table the day of the walk. I am doing a PC fundraiser at our place on Wed Sept 10th (hope it goes...
  26. PampMomof3

    Director Join Me for the Msabc Walk in October and Make a Difference - Sign Up Now!

    Hi guys! I signed up at NC and finally sat down to export my contact list over to The American Cancer SOciety website. Well, I had trouble b/c I sent over 689 contacts to the site and my guess is that it was way too many to send at one time. @ Noon today, I sent it out by breaking it up into...
  27. quiverfull7

    Join the Making Strides Walk to Raise Funds for MS - Share with Your Contacts!

    Has anyone sent out an email or message to your contacts about raising funds via the MS Walk? I'm checking the files here but if you have something and are willing to share it that would be so wonderful!
  28. jcsmilez

    Who Has the Goal to Walk as Director at Leadership?

    Hey all! I just wanted to check and who is in the same boat with me. I really really really want to walk as Director at Leadership. Moreover, I would like to promote before October 1st so that I can go to Director's Academy that month. Looking over all the great benefits of promoting right...
  29. chefann

    Want to join the Detroit Making Strides Walk and make a difference?

    I've started a PC team for the Detroit Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in October. Anyone who lives near Detroit and would like to participate is welcome to! The more people we can get on the team, the higher the team donations will be, which makes it more likely that we'll get some...
  30. chefann

    What are these cards for and how can I get them for my team?

    There has been a little discussion of the walks that the ACS is having in October of this year. I signed up as a team leader for a PC team for the Detroit walk. And I really want to have a large group, plus a bunch of donations personally. :) So I made the attached cards on VistaPrint and...