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What is vacation: Definition and 64 Discussions

  1. I

    Navigating Catalog Party Specials During Vacation

    I have a customer who wants to start a Catalog Party this week and keep it open for two weeks. She wants to have enough time to see everyone at a few upcoming family functions, and I am going on vacation next week so it works well for me too. But what happens with the guest special for those who...
  2. DebPC

    Are You Going on a Vacation This Year?

    If so- where are you going???
  3. ChefPeg

    What's Wrong with the September OOF Request?

    I've attached an OOF for September. Edit as necessary.
  4. K

    Mystery Recruit Appears: Unexplained Sign-Up on Vacation

    I checked my stats today being gone on vacation for a week, and to my surprise there was a recruit listed under my name! I don't know this woman and I didn't recruit her. The report said she signed yesterday (the 9th), so I'm for sure I didn't do it. Is this part of the new website? Was she...
  5. Intrepid_Chef

    Humor I'm Going on Vacation and I'm Taking With Me ...

    a product that a) isn't ridiculously large b) doesn't have a lot of stuff I have to take with it and c) will feed a LARGE group and maybe get me some new customers! We have 13 friends going on this trip ... 5 couples and 3 singles. We'll be preparing meals and they say our kitchen is well...
  6. chefkathy

    Director Staying in a Rental Cabin for Vacation

    Our family is going to Gatlinburg, TN. The cabin says they have "basic" kitchen tools/utensils. I am trying to restrain myself from packing my entire kit! LOL! I will definitely be taking my knives and a Food Chopper and the MFP. Not sure what else yet. Probably my square griddle. I'm...
  7. PampMomof3

    Director Vacation Plans: Canada & Hawaii Trip Packages

    Has anyone received their trip package yet for Canada or Hawaii? For us going to Canada, we'll be there in less than 2 weeks and wondered if anyone has gotten theirs already? Thanks and SOOOOO looking forward to VACATION!!!
  8. J

    How to Pampered Chef in the Rv and Other Vacation Themes

    Another thread made me ponder the possibility of summer vacation show themes. How to PC in the RV, For Down the Shore and More, Keeping it neat in the hotel suite, pampered camping... etc. I was thinking about making PC packing lists for the planes, trains and automobiles. Gift basket...
  9. 1PamperedMommy

    Must-Have PC Products for Easy Vacation Meals on a Budget?

    I'm taking my family on vacation to Orlando in May and we're trying to save some money by eating some meals in the hotel room. It's equipped with a full kitchen so it shouldn't be too hard to accomplish. My question is...what PC products are a "must-have" for traveling? Does anyone have tips...
  10. PampChefJoy

    Vacation Planning: Late is Better Than Never

    Here you go. Sorry it's late. I guess I need to start planning my vacations NOT around the 1st of the month...
  11. etteluap70PC

    Vacation Show Booking Tips & Recipe Ideas for Limited PC Products

    I booked my trip east for 2 weeks. I just booked a show while I am there and want to book another... any tips or recipe ideas? PC products are limited.
  12. F

    Personal Vacation Property Mkt?? Experience?

    We have a Timeshare in Branson, MO and are looking to sell our wk to help pay bills. We've been contacted by a company called Vacation Property Marketing. Wondering if anyone has experience with this? They had my DH pay an adv. fee upfront today and promised to refund it if it doesn't...
  13. esavvymom

    Operation Mousetrap: A Disney Vacation for the Whole Family!

    My DH and I needed a vacation badly....been a long couple of months- especially for DH with work. I finally convinced him that going to Disney was the way to go. :) After pricing other destinations within a few hours drive of our home, it was going to cost us a fortune it seemed for very...
  14. C

    Vacation in New England-Need Help Planning

    My family will be visiting the New England states later this summer. Don't kow where to start my planning. Any cheffers out there that might want to share some sites to see, things to do? We are also looking at going fishing off the coast, any ideas. We love the outdoors. Thanks in advance. :D
  15. P

    Choosing the Right Points for Your Disney Vacation Club Membership

    I am pretty sure that I remember someone on here talking about buying into the Disney Vacation Club. We have decided to buy into it also but are trying to figure out how many points to buy and was hoping for some advice. We have already been preapproved, just need to let them know how many...
  16. J

    Budget-Friendly Tips for a Magical Disney Vacation

    A friend of mine just got back from Disney World with her family of 5 kids and hubby. She posted this on facebook, and I thought these were great! a fun tip from our Disney Trip: to avoid all the souvenier shops and the Dollars of souvenier shops, "Tinker Bell" chose our special family to...
  17. Gina M

    Planning a Family Vacation to VA Beach/Outer Banks - Seeking Advice

    Hello Everyone, My family of 5 (kids will be 9, 13 & 15 when we vacation in July of 2010) and my parents (who are in their mid 60s) are planning a vacation for July to either Virginia Beach or Outer Banks. We want to rent a house with a pool in one of those two areas and have some neat...
  18. wadesgirl

    Find the Best, Most Cost-Effective Website to Print Photos from Your Vacation

    I just got back from vacation with my sister and her family. As a thank you I bought a photo album and wanted to print out pictures I took of her family. I have about 100 pictures to print out. What is the best most cost effective website to do this on?
  19. tig_536

    Need a Desert Demo! I'm Having a Show on Vacation.

    Hi Evevryone! Ok so tomorrow we leave for Walt Disney World! Woo Hoo! And I am doing a show for our friends that live near Orlando on Monday night. What should I make? I am doing a desert demo. I have to pack my stuff in my luggage, so... What should I absolutly take? Has anyone ever done...
  20. G

    Planning Family Vacation: Find Out 2010 Conference Dates Now

    Anyone know the dates for conference 2010? Need to know soon as booking a bi-annual family vacation for 15 people.
  21. S

    Organizing a Catalog Show on Vacation: Experiences and Tips

    So we are off for vacations at the end of the month, do you guys think I can make a catalog show with the hotel crew? like get someone to collect oreder and have fun? have you ever done something like this? and if you did how did it turn out?
  22. pampchef.angel

    Budget-Friendly Beach Vacation for June 14th: Advice Needed!

    I am planning a family vacation for the week of June 14th. Anyone know where to find the best deals on an oceanfront hotel? Money is tight, but we have two small boys who are begging for a beach trip - I just can't deny them! Hopefully I will have a few successful PC shows between now and...
  23. lestat_de_leon

    Achieving 50% Back in March & Ready for Disney Vacation!

    I started on March 4 and I just qualified tonight putting me at over 1350. Leaving for 1 week vacation to Disney with my family tomorrow so I wanted to do it before I left. Yeah! I get my 50% back...all the free HWC stuff and $200 in PC dollars. I have 2 shows booked in April with 2 more...
  24. whiteyteresa

    I Am Going on Vacation at Jellystone Park

    This year was going to be the year I take my daughter to Ocean City, Maryland but my husband lost his job on January 8th - which happens to be my daughters birthday. But any way, we decided to take a different vacation this year, something a little way from home but not expensive but fun. So I...
  25. J

    Unbelievable Vacation: An Amazing Trip to Chichen-Itza!

    Well, one word....WOW!!!!I still can't believe what an amazing trip we had. I can honestly tell you that it was WAYYYYY more than we expected!The hotel was incredible, the excursions amazing and the food was GREAT!!We went to Chichen-Itza (the 8th wonder of the world) as a day long excursion and...
  26. J

    An Unforgettable Vacation: Our Pampered Chef Getaway!

    Well, one word....WOW!!!! I still can't believe what an amazing trip we had. I can honestly tell you that it was WAYYYYY more than we expected! The hotel was incredible, the excursions amazing and the food was GREAT!! We went to Chichen-Itza (the 8th wonder of the world) as a day long...
  27. P

    Earn a Disney Vacation: Breakdown Your Goals with Excel!

    I did an excel spread sheet with some breakdowns for earning Disney. This is SO DOABLE!!!!! Start now, don't wait until July to decide that you want to earn a vacation. See the attached word version (since excel files can't be attached here - why is that anyhow?) I based my calcs on...
  28. thecougchef

    Best Vacation Youve Been on in the Us?

    we are trying to plan a vacation for this summer. we are big lake/fishing/outdoors type people. we were thinking about going to shasta & towing our boat down. or maybe montana (i went to seely lake once & thought it was gorgeous). but we also wouldnt mind just flying somewhere & relaxing on a...
  29. candiejayne

    Humor :( My Dishwasher Is on Vacation...

    He's 6 years old and loves to do dishes... he's at his mom's this week so I have to do them myself... pooo! LOL