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What is family: Definition and 200 Discussions

  1. Cookin' Momma

    Personal How Can New Pampered Chef Consultants Achieve Success?

    Hi Everyone! I just stumbled upon this site and am happy to have done so! I began as a PC Consultant at the end of March 2017, and just submitted my first show.I signed on for two reasons. Firstly, to support my daughter in her efforts toward becoming a Director and a wildly successful Pampered...
  2. Kat B

    How to Kickstart Your Pampered Chef Business?

    This is a rough draft of an email to announce my joining pampered chef! Any tips and feedback appreciated so I can jump start my business right from the start :)Hello all, To start of 2017 I have been gifted the opportunity to start my own Pampered Chef business. I want to try to fund my kids...
  3. sue

    Can Pampered Chef Help Me After Losing My Job?

    I'm a Wife of 33.5 yrs, mom to 5 grown men, Nana to 8 beautiful people that has used Pampered Chef for over 25 years so trying to sell now that I've lost my corporate job.
  4. raebates

    Want to see our family Christmas newsletter?

    My Christmas cards have been sent out. Thought I'd share our family Christmas newsletter. I'd love to see yours. Share it here.
  5. T

    Father Dies Fundraiser for the Family??

    A friend of mine is looking to do a fundraiser with pampered chef for a family who's father got killed in a motorcycle accident. How would this work? What would they have to do? I'm new to pampered chef. Not sure how they work.
  6. ivykeep

    Personal My Growing Family: Our Joyful Journey

    My oldest daughter is my profile photo. She is now 7, the twins are now 4 and the baby is 19 months.
  7. J

    How Can You Organize a Successful Fundraiser for a Co-Worker in Crisis?

    I have a friend who would like to help a co-worker whos house burnt down. I would like to set up a fundraiser and have never done a fundraiser before. What are some ideas and things that i can do to help???? thanks!!
  8. esavvymom

    Saving Money: Family Memberships

    (uggh- I typed this the first time and it didn't post! round 2) Look at the Family Membership options for places like Museums, Zoos/Aquariums, Theme Parks. I usually have a Zoo or Aquarium membership most years, and a museum membership. For me, the Aquarium membership is cheaper than...
  9. dannyzmom

    Ot: Not Pampered Chef but My Family Needs a Little Help :)

    Please take a moment to vote for our family business...and if you wouldn't mind voting every day, we'd be ever-so-grateful! http://vote.local10.com/place/39933-ceciles-gourmet-italian-ices Feel free to share with with friends, family, FB, etc. We're a SMALL business family (his ices shop and my...
  10. wadesgirl

    Bridal Shower for a Family Member

    My 2nd cousin is hosting a bridal shower for her soon-to-be sister-in-law to which I'm invited but also the consultant for. How does that work as far as me getting a gift for her? I always put the orders under the guests name but I can't put myself in as a guest. Should I just put the order...
  11. K

    What's cooking with Pampered Chef?

    Hello all! I'm trying to make a fun family feud type game for my team centered around Pampered Chef. I would love some question ideas. I am aiming for 20 questions. Here's what I have so far: What do you use the Food chopper for? What is America's most popular dessert. Name a...
  12. A

    Delicious Family Recipes to Try and Share | My Favorite Go-To Dishes

    What is your favorite recipe to make for your family? My youngest has been very sick since January so I have not been able to cook a lot lately. It's going to be a long road ahead of us to get him better but I still need to feed my family. So, what are some of your favorite go-to recipes for...
  13. babywings76

    Awaiting a Response: Working with a Potential Recruit with Family Issues

    I have a potential recruit who contacted me in reply to my last newsletter saying, "i haven't forgotting u at all i have been dealing with family issues." She had approached me when I was at Walmart one day. She said she had gone to a fair and met a consultant and the consultant never...
  14. Sheila

    Family Dog Lost in Tornado 4/3/12

    Sorry, I'm using Chef Success to try & make my missing dog's microchip number searchable on Google! She ran away during the tornado on 4/3/12 & we still have not been able to locate her. The microchip was done in Japan & is registered there. I did a free online registration with the stateside...
  15. DebPC

    Director Greg and Anna: Engaged and Ready to Join the Family!

    Hi All- Just wanted to share our wonderful news! Greg and his girfriend Anna just got engaged. We are thrilled and look forward to her joining our family. Happy Times!
  16. wadesgirl

    Prayers Needed: Please Pray for Ashley & Family

    Please send prayers for my sister's sister-in-law. I really don't want to say what happened but Ashley and her family need lots of prayers right now!! Pray for my sister and her husband, for Ashley and her husband and all of Ashley's family. Thanks!
  17. C

    Sharing Show & Family Experiences: Tips & Ideas

    Anyone done this at a show or for your family? If so, tips or ideas you could share? Thanks!
  18. wadesgirl

    Prayers for My Sister and Family

    I really can't get into details but things with my ex-brother-in-law are not good. It's putting my sister is a really bad spot and is causing problems with my young nieces and nephew. She's having to make some really hard choices which may also strain her relationship with my older nieces...
  19. C

    Family of Four Saves Big with DCB!

    At my cluster meeting on Monday, My director said one of her consultants did a neat little thing. She took herself, her husband and her 2 kids to the following: McDonald's and ordered for all Applebee's and ordered for all Texas Road house and ordered for all a local steak house (that is...
  20. P

    Director Can't Get This Family off of My Mind

    I had a show last night with a family that is just weighing on my mind, and not in a good way :( The show was fine, the guests were fun and I got some bookings, but it was just the life-style of the host's family that really bothered me. The home was clean in an okay neighborhood, my best...
  21. 1PamperedMommy

    Quick & Tasty Dinner Ideas for a Busy Family!

    This summer, I had SO MUCH TIME to experiment with new recipes and cook dinner for my family, and it was great! But now that I'm back to work full time, I find myself cooking less and less. I have two young (picky) children and one selective (picky) husband to feed, and I'm out of ideas! I've...
  22. esavvymom

    Urgent Prayer Request for a Family Friend

    I don't normally do this, but my DH and I have a friend who is in some trouble. Her husband had an affair. After awhile, our friend confronted him, and he moved out. But he wants custody of their kids (oldest is 14). He has 2 of them convinced she is lying to them, and that she is...
  23. C

    Is This Professional 12 Family Skillet the Perfect Addition to Your Kitchen?

    I have a gently used Professional 12" Family Skillet for sale. Retailed for over $100. Only asking $40 plus shipping. PayPal preferred Thanks! :D
  24. F

    How Can We Support Jennifer Porter After Her Son's Tragic Accident?

    I know she isn't on CS, but I know how loving our group is and she can use all the extra prayers. Jennifer Porter, signed May 2011 was notified last night that her son Jeremy was killed in a car accident. He and some friends had gone out of town and were headed home. They think he fell...
  25. Jennie4PC

    Prayers for DH's Job Opportunity: Moving Closer to Family

    My DH has applied for a job back by where our families live. Please pray that he can get the 2nd interview and that it goes good. We really want to get closer to both our families. His mom and dad have both been having health issues and we want the kids to be by thier grandparents.
  26. Bren706

    New Recipes Vs Finicky Eaters in Your Family

    I LOVE trying new foods and recipes. However, my hubby and the 3 kids are finicky. DH likes to stick with all my classic recipes and that's it. I get tired of making and eating the same thing all the time, and like to try out new recipes. DH hates when I try something new. Do you have...
  27. Hunter Mom

    Can You Help a Family Who Lost Everything in a Fire?

    My daughter's BF from kindergarten's family lost their house in a fire last night. IIRC, I can't do a fundraiser for them, can I? If I want to help, I'd have to do a "shower" instead, right? The good news is (since I'd wonder if I read this) that they all got out ok - even the dog - and...
  28. J

    Organic, Non-Processed Recipes for a Family: Ideas for Next Month's Show

    I have a show next month for a lady who only feeds her family organic, non processed foods...Any good recipe suggestions for her show. Thanks
  29. P

    Discover Delicious 12" Family Skillet Recipes for Demos | Share Your Favorites!

    What is your favorite 12" family skillet recipe that you demo at shows? I did a search under "files" and came across a number of them but wanted to hear from the group on what their favorite to demo is.