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What is opportunity: Definition and 138 Discussions

  1. T

    Responses When Offering a "Pamper Your Business" Opportunity

    I had a couple of places told me they could not accept this because then they would have to allow all other direct sales businesses come and do the same... How do you respond to that?
  2. kcmckay

    How to Organize a Successful Bar Fundraiser Event?

    I may have the opportunity to have an event at of all places a bar. I'm in a women's dart league on Tuesday nights and last week one of my teammates was looking at a catalog and somehow sprouted the idea of an event there on dart night because our playoff/ end of season party got pushed back a...
  3. W

    Fundraising for Relay for Life: Tips and Strategies for Success

    I am attending a Relay for Life meeting tomorrow evening and will be presenting information to the group about fundraising with PC. This group has 46 teams and just under 200 participants. I am hoping all goes as planned and I have a fundraiser to put together this weekend. Any...
  4. K

    Grieving a Lost Opportunity - Moving On to Cabo!

    :cry: I was so pshyched and pumped to earn Nashville, and I just found out last night that I won't be able to go... :cry::cry::cry: My husband's best friend just booked his wedding date for that weekend. I know I can and will still earn one of the other trips, but I'm just really bummed at...
  5. F

    Postcard Opportunity for Back-to-Business Meeting: Don't Miss Out!

    Anyone have a great post card opportunity flier made up? We're having an opp. event prior to our back to bis. mtg. and I'd like something to send out to potentials in post card format.
  6. raebates

    My 15 Seconds of Fame: I'm the Star of the Opportunity Video!

    A snippet of my the video I did at NC is being used in the new opportunity video. I'm the first one one the video, the one who mentions success. Don't blink or you'll miss me. Just thought I'd sing my own praises for a moment. :sing:
  7. C

    Director Maximize Sales with Tuesday Night Team Calls - Don't Miss Out!

    Curiosity at work here. Have you had leads call in to the Tues. night Sales Team calls? Do you promote the calls to your team? Have any leads signed after the call?
  8. dme.grant

    Connecting with an Old Friend: Pampered Chef Consultant Opportunity?

    So I have a friend on facebook that I think would be a perfect consultant with PC. She is someone I knew in High School and have since been in contact with through facebook, but we're not close and we don't even live in the same state. I know when they moved, she had to quit her job and I know...
  9. Bren706

    Is There an Opportunity Call for Cheffers Tonight at 9pm EST?

    I saw a couple fellow cheffers post on FB about an opportunity call tonight at 9pm EST. Did I miss something? Was there some sort of announcement about it?
  10. Jennie4PC

    Prayers for DH's Job Opportunity: Moving Closer to Family

    My DH has applied for a job back by where our families live. Please pray that he can get the 2nd interview and that it goes good. We really want to get closer to both our families. His mom and dad have both been having health issues and we want the kids to be by thier grandparents.
  11. P

    Garden Fair Opportunity, Need Advice

    I have the opportunity to have a large booth at a local garden fair over Mother's Day weekend. The fair is in its 18th year and has attendance between 15k-18k people. It is run by the state arboritum so the attendees will not be your typical craft fair/bazaar type looking for a freeby or cheap...
  12. A

    Spring Home Show at Stabler: PA/NJ Consultant Opportunity 3/25-27

    Good Day All, I have Home Show Opportunity for the weekend of 3/25 for PA/NJ consultants; Spring Home Show at Stabler Lehigh Stabler Arena 124 Goodman Drive Bethlehem, PA 18015 (610) 758-3770 Show Times: Friday, March 25, 2011: 6pm - 10pm Saturday, March 26, 2011: 10am - 9pm...
  13. Intrepid_Chef

    Retirement Home Reunion: A Pampered Chef Opportunity?

    I got an e-mail from a retirement home where I used to do tables for in my Previous Product Line. Back then the business was hit or miss ... got a couple good shows out of it but that was pretty much it. Never saw the Pampered Chef girl do much but I was right next to the TS person and they were...
  14. babywings76

    Making a Big Change? Consider a Business Opportunity

    I have someone on FB that I'm not close to. Actually, I'm embarrassed to confess that it's someone another friend introduced me to because she also plays a game I do. :blushing: So we're gaming friends. :D Anyway, she posted today: ok im ready for a big change and i might take xxxxx on a...
  15. S

    Advice Needed on Biz Opportunity

    A fellow called me earlier in the week and is putting together a new store with local goods and vendors. He wondered if I was allowed to have products in stock in his store. I told hime no, we weren't allowed to do that. Then he wondered if I could possibly do a demo a week, say on Wednesday...
  16. Bren706

    Unlocking Business Opportunity with Engaging Activities

    During the call, Sheila discussed a few activities to bring up the business opportunity: 1. The Ticket Activity 2. Pass a tool 3. Door Prize Drawing Slips 4. Booking and Recruiting slide 5. The Why Bag I use the DPDS. What I do is after they fill out the front part, I have them...
  17. jcsmilez

    Did You Know About the Amazing Benefits of Being a Pampered Chef Consultant?

    I just wanted to share...I haven't been on much, I've just been barely maintaining my PC business as I was adjusting to being a bio mom of one and foster mom of three. But just the other day I was talking to a friend who is in the process of signing on with another DS company. She shared her...
  18. wadesgirl

    I Have an Opportunity to Advertise in a Local

    I have an opportunity to advertise in a local "news" paper (not really a news paper but something that still gets circulation around this area). Anyway the lowest rate is $30 a week for 13 weeks - comes to $390. While I would probably never spend that much on a booth, I'm debating on doing...
  19. cmdtrgd

    Director Donnelly Huckleberry Festival: Missed Opportunity!

    Ah, I am so upset with myself right now! I had a second show from all the orders I got from the Huckleberry Festival in Donnelly this weekend and I didn't get them in! I was so exhausted that I went to bed at 8 and just woke up out out of a dead sleep to remember. I hate that I didn't just...
  20. Melissa78

    Is the New Consultant Poster/Stand from Merrill Worth the Purchase?

    Has anyone purchased the New Consultant Poster/stand from Merrill? If so, your thoughts on it? Decent? Worth the price? Good for a booth? (although I think its wrong that they have not updated it and it has the old measuring spoon/seasons best on it). Looking to make a purchase for a booth...
  21. K

    Interested in a Booth at Johnson County Old Settlers?

    HI - I am in charge of a booth at Johnson County Old Settlers in Olathe KS Sept. 9th, 10th & 11th. I haven't gotten all spots filled and need to fill the spots so I can pay for this. If you live in the area and would like the opportunity to get in on this booth, please contact me via email...
  22. A

    Maximizing Networking Opportunities: A MaryKay Perspective

    At the show I did this afternoon, there was a MaryKay consultant in the crowd. She seemed to have a great time and placed an above average order. At the show she mentioned that she attends weekly networking meetings, which are based out of the local MaryKay office. (I live in an area with...
  23. babywings76

    School Family Fun Day Booth Opportunity

    My kids school is doing a Family Fun Day. This is the first year the PTO is doing it, so they don't really know what they are expecting the turn out to be and such. They sent home a flyer saying that if anyone is interested in renting a table to showcase their business or something, to let...
  24. P

    Health Fair Opportunity: Seeking Ideas for 250 Food Samples

    I have an opportunity to do a Health Fair at the end of the month. The table fee is $95 (noon-4pm) which seems to be a bit high to me. I contacted the organizer and voiced my concern over the fee amount for an independent seller. She offered me the opportunity to supply 250 food samples in...
  25. chefkathy

    Now Where Did I Put Those Opportunity Brochures???

    I got a pack of the new brochures in the mail....getting ready for my show tonight and now I can't find them! I'm trying to clean reorganize my office and I keep misplacing things. That's not supposed to happen. D'oh! Guess I'll just use some old ones. No biggie.
  26. C

    Maximizing Your Time: Boost Your Business with an Opportunity Email

    yes, yes, i know that we are encouraged to use the phone when talking to others about our business. But i spent most of my free time on the phone yesterday, made 20 live calls and left at least 10-15 messages. i know peoples lives are busy right now so i dont want to be a bother to them and I've...
  27. babywings76

    Someone Clicked the "Opportunity" Link on My Newsletter!

    I have iContact and I just went and tracked my last newsletter. It showed me who made any clicks and what the links were that had been clicked. It doesn't say who clicked what, though. Well, someone clicked on the Opportunity link! Now I'm wondering if I should make calls to all the people...
  28. pampered1224

    Incentive Trips No Opportunity for Some

    I had to do it. The following letter to HO says it and why. I actually had a recruit lead that was very excited about the incentives she might be able to earn. Even the simple one of going to National Conference in 2011 which I never dreamed they would eliminate due to so many of us who work...
  29. DebPC

    Director Recruiting Opportunity: DS Company in Bankruptcy

    Just got this email from a PC Consultant: Just FYI, this is a DS company that has recently filed bankruptcy. They are not even able to pay their consultants their commissions. I was talking to a recruit lead that went with this company instead of PC. Just in case you know anyone that is...
  30. C

    Did You Miss a Fundraising Opportunity at the Craft Fair?

    I was supposed to work a craft fair for a SPCA fundraiser yesterday but at the last minute couldn't make it. My daughter was there with her rabbit rescue shelter so I decided to go visit. There were only about 15 booths and was suprised to see that someone else had a PC booth. I was glad I...