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What is receipts: Definition and 178 Discussions

  1. raebates

    Printing Receipts Without Email: Is There a Solution?

    I know that with the beta site we can email receipts. But, many of my customers don't have/use email. In the past I would have printed a P3 receipt. I know I can print out the email, but I hate to print 5 pages for each guest. Is there something I'm missing? Is there a way to print a plain receipt?
  2. H

    Receipts and Order Numbers...? Please Help

    i am fairly new and have just submitted my first couple of shows.... Not everyone(barely anyone) supplied emails, so i have all sorts of phone-number-email addresses for my guests... Not everyone filled out the supplied "Sales Receipt" order forms so i don't have all of that together... i was...
  3. wadesgirl

    Do You Need to Have Guests Sign Credit Card Receipts?

    Do you have your guests sign their receipts for credit card payments? I only ask because right now I'm doing a book party for another company and she is requiring me to mail her all the receipts that paid by credit card with signatures to her for "verification that they agree to pay". I take...
  4. K

    Director Can You Print Receipts on the New Website?

    Got a question for those using the new website. I've saw someone post that we cannot print out receipts like in PP3 for host to give the guests. Can you just put the host's email address in for those who do not have an email, then she can put it in with their order or give it to them? Karen
  5. heather223

    Printing Receipts in the New Web: Paper and Email Options Explained

    Hi! I know in the new web we will be able to email receipts, but can also print them for those that do not have emails. Can anyone tell me if these are printed on the same Paper we use for P3 today? (Placing a supply order and don't want to order a lot if I won't be using it.) Thank you! :chef:
  6. naekelsey

    Can I Use Receipts With My Boyfriend's Payment Info?

    I have a few receipts that has my bf's payment information on them because I didn't have my money/debit card with me at the time I bought a few things, like the printer I needed. My question is, can I still use that receipt? &/or do I need to prove that I paid him back in order for me to use...
  7. byrd1956

    Receipt Printing Upside Down - Anyone Else Experiencing This Issue?

    Has anyone else had this problem? When I printed the receipts from a recent show every other one printed upside down! No, I did not have the papers in every other way. I even had to print some receipts on blank paper and then print the 'receipt design' on them and they were every other one...
  8. C

    Sales Receipts: Comparing 2-ply & Pampered Partner Plus

    Hey Everyone, Im fairly new to PC and im placing an order for supplies. Can someone inform me what the difference is between the Sales Receipt 2-ply and the Pampered Partner Plus sales receipts? Each give you 100 but there is like a $5.00 difference and I am wondering why. Thanks in advance!! :D
  9. baychef

    Director Printing on the Sales Receipts From Pampered Chef

    Does anyone order the outside order blanks to print out receipts from outside orders and for the host's order? I tried to print out 22 pages tonight and gave up 8 short of finishing up. The paper is so flimsy that it keeps getting caught in the cartridge carriage. I've taken at least 6 jams...
  10. naekelsey

    How to Email Pampered Partner Receipts & Back of Receipts

    I saw on a thread that someone is able to take the receipts from Pampered Partner and email them to the customers. And also emailed the back of the receipt. I assume the back of the receipt was scanned but can someone tell me how to have the receipts go from PP to your email address? Or...
  11. C

    How can I hide my address on customer receipts as a Pampered Chef consultant?

    Can anyone tell me how to make it so my address doesn't show up on the customer receipts I print out for guests? Unless someone is mailing me a check, there really isn't any reason they need my address. Thanks!!
  12. C

    Gift Receipts and Notifications for Direct Ship Gifts?

    Hi- my friend ordered a gift item to be shipped to her daughter (across the country). I wanted to make sure her daughter had a receipt but I did not want to have the price. So I just used white out to cover the price and folded and re-copied with the receipt letterhead. I also feel I should...
  13. K

    Easy Returns and Receipts for Tupperware Orders - Step by Step Guide"

    I have a customer who ordered the MFP without realizing she already had it. She wants to send it back and get the food chopper (she is within 30 days). I've never had a return before (new consultant) -- what do I do? Even more, she was an outside order for a cooking show and so the only...
  14. NooraK

    Receipts for Outside Orders From Pws

    Do I need to print official receipts for outside orders placed on my PWS? I know if a customer places an individual order, they get a page to print that serves as their official receipt. But the PWS order isn't final. I know, I should know this by now...
  15. M

    Place Order for Fall/Winter Receipts with $4.75 Shipping

    I am trying to place my paper supply order in. Does anyone know which is the correct order for the Fall/Winter Receipts with the $4.75 Shipping? Is it the KW 21?
  16. T

    theFirst Few Shows I Didn't Print Receipts for Everyone. I Just

    The first few shows I didn't print receipts for everyone. I just printed a receipt for people who didn't get a copy from the carbon receipts. Then I did a fundraiser and I had a lot of outside orders so I just printed receipts for the chair to give out to everyone. It seemed easier then...
  17. ChefinHarmony

    What Are Sales Receipt for Mail Submission 3 Ply?

    I liked our 3 ply receipts - the old style. Now PC offers 2 ply as free/standard. I prefer 3 ply because I give one to the customer, one to the host & I keep one. That way the customer is leaving with something in hand and the Host has a general idea of where her show stands/who ordered what...
  18. M

    Free Pack of Receipts: Get Yours Now!

    I know I have in the past, but does anyone know if we can still get a Free Pack of Receipts with our first Paper order in the season?
  19. babywings76

    How Many Pages of P3 Receipts for a Standard Postage Stamp

    Anyone know about how many pages of P3 receipts will fit in an envelope with a regular stamp? I'm just debating sending things this way vs. in a catalog size manilla envelope (which will cost more to send.)
  20. RCKmom

    Download Outside Order Sales Receipts: Fast Delivery Caught Me Off Guard

    Is there anywhere online to download the outside order sales reciepts that we print out after a show. I had a catalog show and thought I had sales recipts at home that I cannot find anywhere. I got an email this morning that the show is to be delivered today and I need to drop the receipts off...
  21. B

    Frustrated? Learn How to Print a Receipt for Your Customer!

    How in the world do you print a receipt for a customer...... This PamperedPartner is so not user friendly... :thumbdown: I am ready to pull my hair out...Please help! TIA! Andrea
  22. kdangel518

    Urgent Which Sales Receipt Should I Order for Shows?

    Hi all, it's been ages since I've had to order order forms/sales receipts on a supply order. I'm a bit confused as to which ones to order... I'm looking for the Sales Receipts that are used at shows. The ones I have now are tri-ply, they're the white/yellow/pink ones. I see a 3-ply sales...
  23. A

    Receipts for Supplies, Kits, Etc...

    Hi! I was wondering where we get receipts for our kit purchase, supply orders, and things that we order for our business directly from Pampered Chef. With my kit and supply order I have only received packing slips. Thanks so much :) Alicia
  24. deanna_g

    Choosing Between P3 Receipts and 2-Ply: Pros and Cons | My Personal Experience

    Which do you choose to use and why? I currently use 2-ply (unless I am out for some reason). I just think it's easier to give the receipt to the guest at the show rather than worry about printing them from home and then getting them back to the host before the shipment gets there. What are...
  25. sherri lynn

    Can't Print Receipts on P3? Need Help Fixing It?

    I see how to print them, but when I try to do it microsoft works says file cannot be opened. Help!! Am I doing something wrong? I hope there is an easy way to fix this. Thanks
  26. pcsharon1

    Organizing Receipts for Customer Show Folders: My Strategy

    So, another post I was reading talked about giving customers file folders to keep their receipts in. I loved this idea - and I'm sorry, I don't remember which post was talking about it - and decided I'm going to give it a try. I plan to use file folders as my show folders for each guest...
  27. turtle15

    Understanding Cash and Carry Receipts and Warranties

    Am I remembering correctly that if a customer buys a cash and carry item, it is not covered under warranty? If that is the case, do you not give them a receipt?
  28. L

    How Do I Print Receipts From P3?

    I thought I was supposed to be able to print reciepts for my customers off of P3. I can't find how to do it? Anyone know?
  29. emiscookin

    Clarity on Receipts & Shipping: Yes or No?

    So, will customers receive their receipt in the box with their products or no? (would LOVE it if they are doing that!!) Also, is shipping and handling going up 25 cents or no? I keep hearing Yes's and No's and I just want to know what the correct answer is. Thanks!
  30. emiscookin

    Maximizing Warranty Coverage: Encouraging Customers to Keep Their Receipts

    Hey everyone, How do you encourage your customers to keep their receipts?? I tell my customers to file them in a safe place so they can refer back to it if heaven forbid something happens to their product they will need it for the return. I also tell them their warranty is pretty much voided...