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What is disaster: Definition and 70 Discussions

  1. Jennie4PC

    Vendor Event Disaster - Missing Knife & Lid

    I did a bridal fair on Sat. That part went really good. But when I got home and was unpacking my bag I realized my 7in santuko knife was missing. I had 1 of my recruits there who helped me pack but I swear I put it in my bag. I have emptied the whole thing and it is not there. My lid to my...
  2. P

    Director HHH"2 Signings After Hot Lasagna Disaster: UGHHHHHHHHHH

    Ok, so the good news first. I signed 2 at my show last night :woohoo: That was after dropping my baker full of HOT Mexican Chicken Lasagna on the floor :yuck: UGHHHHHHHH
  3. C

    My First Party Disaster: Pecan Salad & Flying Apple Tart!

    I did my first party by myself today. It was for my mom & her friends, so I did a lot more than I probably should have. Anyway, I made the pecan crusted mozzarella salad and the apple tart. Everything turned out great until I was cutting the apple tart with my pizza cutter. We had the...
  4. P

    Why Did My Loaded Potato Chowder Turn Out Runny?

    No clue what I did wrong when I made the Loaded Baked Potato Chowder in the DCB the other night for supper. It came out extreamly runny! I ended up adding some corn startch and put it back in the microwave and it helped a little. Did that twice and it got somewaht thick, but I can't do that...
  5. wadesgirl

    Pineapple Salsa Disaster: What Not To Do!

    What not to do: I made pineapple salsa last weekend and it was late when I got home so I threw the bowl in the fridge figuring I would tranfer it later to another sealable bowl. Well I forgot until last night and now it split in several areas at the seams!! I'm so sad - hopefully HO will...
  6. D

    Grilled Pizza Disaster: Tips to Avoid a Black Bottom

    I have a show for the end of July and the host has asked for a Grilled Pizza. I have tried this twice now at home and have not had any success. The bottom of the pizza is always black, even my grandkids commented. Can I use the round pizza stone on the bbq? What am I doing wrong????:confused:
  7. V

    My Cool and Serve Tray Disaster: What Now?

    Not a great ending to my show today..As I cleaned out my new cool and serve tray I dropped one of the inside trays veg's, dressing and all in the floor. The tray is now cracked and unusable....What should I do now..Will home office replace it, or will I just have to suck it up and use the server...
  8. J

    Natural Disaster Program: Get Help From FEMA & Pampered Chef

    From my NED:Just in case you have been really affected by the crazy weather – remember to check our company policy Natural Disaster Program…. P. 31-32 in the policy guide. First you need to see if your county was officially declared a disaster by FEMA. They YOU NEED TO SUBMIT A REQUEST TO...
  9. J

    Tomato Seeds Everywhere! Microwave Jumping Disaster!

    Does anyone else lid "jump" while in the microwave? I opened up my host's microwave last night and there were tomato seeds all over her microwave door from the dcb!! yikes!
  10. mmoran4pc

    Mom's HWC Ordering Disaster: Help Needed!

    Hi ladies! My mom was ordering her HWC products at ten pm the night it ended. The computer messed up and it was 12:30 before my dad got it up and running again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So she never got her HWC products ordered. She does Mark Kay and wanted to give them as gifts to other consultants...
  11. C

    Never Use Large Metal Bar Pans: A Brunch Disaster Story

    The lesson learned is NEVER use the large metal bar pan to make Ham & Cheese Brunch Squares! Last Saturday, I had a huge brunch party (25 expected - 24 showed up!) and the host had several vegetarian guests, so we decided to do one batch in the stone, and a vegetarian one in the metal bar...
  12. H

    Warm Nutty Caramel Brownie Disaster!

    :cry: But thanks goodness I made it at home for MY family before I did it at a show. Its was super hard, Stuck to the pan and my dessert/chocolate loving husband didnt care for it... something about texture. What a huge disaster. Now I have to call the Hostess and convince her to do...
  13. J

    Black Forest Trifle Bowl Disaster

    So I'm hoping some of you pros can help. Thank God this wasn't at a show. So I did the Black Forest Trifle which was a flop. I'm considering doing a different one. The first time I had it, it seemed choclatier. Part of that was because I didn't have as many brownies because the edges...
  14. wadesgirl

    What Should I Do About My Broken DCB Lid Disaster?

    DH just broke my DCB lid! I was in my office working and he tried to get to the mashed potatoes I made in there. He lifted the lid which was still hot and ended up dropping it. I have two problems: 1) I need this for my show tomorrow and possibly my show on Sunday (We have our team meeting...
  15. C

    Cooking Disaster: Rice Cooker + Brown Rice = Disaster!

    So - I rarely have cooking disasters...but tonight - Wowwie! I don't believe I've ever used the Rice Cooker to make rice before - I just do it on the stovetop, because I am usually adding a bunch of stuff to it when I cook it. But for dinner tonight, I just wanted to make plain brown rice...
  16. C

    I Must Have Missed Something- Disaster!

    I did a neighborhood Power Cooking Class, (trying to get bookings), and served the cheesy tortilla soup. It called for 2 Tbsp chipotle seasoning.......OMG!!! No one could eat it, it was SO spicy! We cut it down w/ sour cream, but I was really embarrassed! Should it have been 2 tsp? I think I...
  17. G

    Hosted My Own Show: A Disaster Turned Into a Treasure - Read My Story!

    So last night I hosted my own show at my house and only one person showed up!! I really didn't host-coach myself very well :blushing: Sounds like a total disaster, right? Well, actually, she and I had a good time cooking together and she has booked a show and she took home recruiting material...
  18. C

    Will My Baking Mishap Ruin Christmas Dinner?

    So - what do you think will happen if the recipe called for a tsp. of baking powder, and I used a tsp. of baking soda instead? I just mixed up a batch of sugar cookies, using a new recipe - and I didn't read the recipe right. Didn't notice it was powder, and not soda, until they were mixed...
  19. Y

    Did I Overcook My 30 Minute Chicken in the DCB?

    I tried the 30 minute chicken in my DCB last night- and it took over an hour for a 3.5 lb. chicken! I followed the 30 minute chicken show guide for the "chicken dinner" that includes carrots celery and potatoes. I seasoned the chicken as directed and microwaved it uncovered for 30 minutes...
  20. ChefJoyJ

    Toddler Decorating Disaster: Disney Ornaments Meet Super Glue!

    I have a set of Disney ornaments I was given several years ago (high school I think...) which consists of Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and Pluto. DH and I were joking that they would be a great reminder of Disney while on the tree and would remind me of my goals during Dec. My almost 22...
  21. prepchef

    Oh No! I Forgot the Condensed Milk: Pumpkin Pie Disaster?

    I guess I'll find out soon enough, but... I just finished making a pumpkin pie, but forgot to put the condensed milk in it! Is that gonna mess it up? I hate when I do that!!!!!! Dammit. I made a grahm cracker crust, put a layer of Nutella on the bottom.
  22. L

    Urgent Horrifying FedEx Delivery Disaster - Is This Common?

    :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: FedEx delivered a show shipment of FIVE boxes (a $967 show!!!) to the wrong address on November 11. They don't know/remember where, but the driver claims he left them with an actual person but did not get a signature. (My host was home all day on delivery day --...
  23. Pam Barrett

    Troubleshooting a Lemon Cake Disaster: Tips from a Pampered Chef Fan

    I made the lemon cakes in the prep bowl the other night. My batter was so thick, I kept adding water to make it smooth out. I love pampered chef and all the recipes have been simple (I'm not a cook anymore). But this one just did not work. What did I do wrong? Thankfully it was at my mom's...
  24. Intrepid_Chef

    Why did my pumpkin trifle turn into a disaster?

    OK, not exactly ... But I made the recipe I'm about to post and it wouldn't even fit in the bowl, and that's with one layer left out! What did I do wrong? Used the whole cake (baked in the square baker.) Used too much whipped cream (frankly, 24 ounces of whippped topping is too much for...
  25. Intrepid_Chef

    Lava Cake Mishap: Don't Try This at Home!

    Or ... don't try this at home! I made my lava cake ... had it cooking for 8 to 10 minutes. I decided to let it sit for 10 minutes while I talked to a friend. I did check it and it wasn't "done" but I figured ... duh .. lava cake and dumped it on a plate. There was "lava" everywhere! I...
  26. DebPC

    New Laptop After a Computer Stroke Disaster

    My computer had a stroke 2 weeks ago. All of a sudden I couldn't get on the internet even though I still had access to all my files. After hours on the phone- my computer could not be saved and I just got my new one. Thank goodness- I could still get on my husbands laptop a little each night and...
  27. kcjodih

    Amish Friendship Bread Disaster!!

    Okay last Saturday I made Janet's starter for the AFB and followed directions accordingly. Wednesday I added the same ingredients again (day 5) and today (day 7) when I went to stir (since I used the large bowl from the retired colander and bowl set with lid) there was TONS of dots of MOLD...
  28. Jessamary

    De-lousing Disaster: My Middle Child & Unsupportive Hubby

    Guess what I spent the last hour doing. De-lousing my middle child. ::shudder:: I am so grossed out! Anyone have to deal with this ever? A few years ago, my eldest son had it and I was equally grossed out then. Then, to top it off, my husband goes to play poker on Facebook while I'm...
  29. cwinter474

    Recipe Disaster Stories: Tales of Kitchen Fails and Lessons Learned

    Wondering if anyone ever had a recipe disaster? You know a recipe that you had alot of trouble with and will never demo again. Mine was an electric stove and the skillet cake... darn thing never did cook all the way thru, almost burnt around the edges and runny in the middle. I really think...
  30. Intrepid_Chef

    Rain Disaster at Relay for Life: What Do I Do Now?

    I am a member of the steering committee for a Relay for Life. At the last meeting before our Relay, I passed around an order form for the pink products. The form never made its way back to me, so I assumed it was blank. But one of the co-chairs of the event told me on the phone that she had...