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What is attend: Definition and 25 Discussions

  1. K

    How Can I Get People to Attend My Party When I'm New to the Area?

    Hey everyone,I am new to PC and my first party was a bust, no one RSVP'd nor did any shw up. i had to cancel the party. I'm looking for advice on how to get people to attend when I schedule a new one. This is supposed to be my Grand Opening party and I need ideas on how to convince people to...
  2. P

    Director Did You Attend Launch Today? What Are the New Products and Recipes?

    Anyone, I want spoilers!! I don't go until next week. You can PM me
  3. R

    What Are Your Personal Reasons for Attending Conferences?

    I'm doing a presentation for our cluster on the 'benefits' of attending conference. We all know the benefits as listed by PC...what were some of your personal reasons/benefits for attending conference and did it indeed benefit you to attend? Thanks for your help.
  4. raebates

    Why Should You Attend National Conference?

    I came across this information from The Success Factory. Since people have started asking why they should attend NC, I thought I’d share it. OBJECTION - I don’t need to go – I can pick up whatever I need to know from those people who went. TSF - While certainly it might be possible to...
  5. finley1991

    Director Is Anyone Attending the Vegas Event?Who's Shooting to Attend the

    Is anyone attending the Vegas event? Who's shooting to attend the other 3? When and where? I'd love to qualify for Raleigh but am thinking the August event is more probable...
  6. baychef

    Director Unlock the Benefits of Attending Meetings & Streamline Invitations

    Does anyone have something in their files that I could stick in a meeting invitation? Thank you!
  7. C

    Can My Director Still Attend the Free Conference? Help if You Can!

    My director earned the free conference but wasn't able to go, but now she maybe able to. She can't find info on it, does anyone know the details? Can she still get in or is it over. Help if you can!
  8. raebates

    Why Invest in Attending National Conferences?

    This was part of the email I received from The Success Factory today. I thought it had some really good points. Now, I don't believe you HAVE to attend NC. I think you need to make sure it fits your budget and your priorities. However, I know that there are people who just don't see the purpose...
  9. C

    Spring Launch Mtg - Can't Attend, But...

    It looks like I may not be able to attend one of the Spring Launch Meetings that are coming up. I was wondering though, if I registered and paid the $50 would I be able to get "credit" for going and still recieve the goodies? Thanks! Tracy
  10. chefannie

    Can't Attend NC: Looking for Wave 3 Info Sharing Thread

    Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend NC this year. But last year I was able to give someone my email address and they sent emails giving me information. I didn't share it with anyone as everyone on CS agreed to wait until Wave 3 was over to post information. I wasn't able to find the...
  11. lockhartkitchen

    How Can I Support My Recruit's First Show?

    How many of you attend your recruits first shows as a support? I attend each of my recruits first shows. My role is to answer any questions as needed, I'm the third hand to get things needed as she's cooking, I help get bookings, and help close the show. I want my recruits to be able to...
  12. J

    Maximizing Fair Refunds: Director Attendance Guidelines Explained

    So, I have one fair in Sept. and one in Oct. I called HO to make sure that I could book the fairs to share space with my cluster and have my director turn in for the partial refund of the booth cost. They said that was fine as long as she turned it in I would get the money back. Now my director...
  13. susanr613

    Motivating Members to Attend Cluster Meetings

    Hi - How do you motivate team members to attend cluster meetings? It Thanks!
  14. T

    When You Can't Get Team to Attend Meetings???

    How or what can I do to encourage my small team of recruits to attend meetings?????????????? I've probably recruited at least 15 -20 people over the years and CANNOT get them to come to even one meeting. I know I can't force them, but I think if I could get them to come to at least one they...
  15. pcchris

    Should I Attend a P3 Conversion Workshop?

    Hello! I figured I'm come here to ask a question about the workshops. I have not converted to P3 yet...is it really worth a workshop?? There are so many other workshops I'd like to attend, but I know I gotta get ready to switch to P3. So, is the conversion THAT difficult that I should...
  16. Intrepid_Chef

    It Pays to Attend Your Cluster Trainings!

    So I hosted a "spring kickoff" that was officially on ice. I made some stuff in the vain hope neighbors would trudge through the blizzard, but in the end, it was just me and Roomie eating the chicken nachos and brownies. (At least they were good!) I trudged ahead, dug out, and headed to my...
  17. J

    Cranberry Apron Dreaming: Can't Attend Leadership? No Problem!

    I just saw the cranberry apron for those who hold a show Jan 1-9 and attend leadership....*sigh* I WANT THAT APRON!!! Do you think they'll sell it for those of us poor souls who aren't eligable to attend leadership?? or..if anyone gets it, and is in despair because they don't like it...don't...
  18. nikked

    What Was the Gift for Attending Conference and Submitting 2 July Shows?

    I'm sure this is posted somewhere, but I don't have the time or the patience to find it. Does anyone know what the gift was if you attended conference and submitted 2 July shows? Thanks!
  19. Joelen

    Should New Consultants Attend the Conference??

    I'm meeting with my consultant Saturday to complete my agreements and provide the dates of my first 4 shows (woohoo!) and she mentioned the Conference coming up. I live in the city of Chicago... and I'm debating on going to the conference. Would you recommend a completely new consultant to...
  20. krzymomof4

    Hosting a Show: How to Send "Sorry You Can't Attend" Email to Beth Ann

    I had someone who said via the website that they could not attend a show that I am having this weekend. I wanted to send her the "sorry you can't attend email" I previewed the email and it says to put my name as host and that Angela would get credit. Her name is Beth Ann. What do I do now...
  21. S

    Leadership Summit: Reps from Nancy's, Merrill, VIP Attend

    Will there be representatives from Nancy's, Merrill, and VIP at Leadership?
  22. chefann

    Can I still attend Leadership with only two recruits?

    I have a question and maybe one of you fabulous people in my virtual cluster knows the answer. Yes, I could call HO, but I don't necessarily want to draw any attention to me (you'll see in a minute). Right now, I am qualified to go to Leadership. Woo-hoo! I've got my registration, roommates...
  23. AJPratt

    Gifts for Those Who Attend My Host App Night (Han)

    I need INEXPENSIVE ideas for fabulous gifts to give hosts who attend my HAN. Please, please, please help!!!I want to give them 1) Something when they show up 2) Gift for great show 3) Gift for bringing guest 4) Gift for signing 5) Door prize gift 6) Raffle items They do not have to...
  24. N

    How Many People Attend Your Cluster Meeting?

    I'm curious about how many people attend cluster meetings out there.
  25. G

    Encouraging Consultants to Attend Meetings

    Hi! I'm looking for information/ideas to motivate and intice my cluster to attend the monthly meetings. I've tried incentives like fun gifts, meals, on-time drawing prizes. I'm tried spouting off the stats like how much more successful consultants that attend meetings are. Right now I'm...