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What is cluster: Definition and 130 Discussions

  1. C

    We Just Did the Wraps at Our Cluster Meeting Tonight. We Tried

    We just did the Wraps at our cluster meeting tonight. we tried two: the Grilled Buffalo-style chicken wrap, which i didn't taste because everyone was saying was spicy and the grilled chicken & garden-fresh basil wrap...the consultant brought parsley instead of basil (lol):rolleyes: but...
  2. B

    Suggestions for "Jazzing Up" Cluster Meetings

    Hey all, I'm wondering what you do in your cluster meetings that keeps the energy going? Our cluster meetings here seem to lack the enthusiasm that I feel I need to keep my forward momentum. Our Senior Director has asked us for suggestions in what we want for the meetings and I was the only...
  3. Sheila

    Director Did Our Team Crush Our Sales Goal for October?

    On Oct 21st I posted to my team that we were $46.86 away from beating our best month ever of $17,570.63. They not only beat that number, they blew it out of the water! We closed October with 45 shows & a total of $27,471.23 in Cluster Sales. So, because I was so happy & in a sharing mood...
  4. C

    Director What Are Some Affordable and Meaningful Christmas Gifts for My Cluster Team?

    I need some help! I want to give a gift to my cluster for Christmas - but I'm having a hard time coming up with something that will fit into my budget, and still be meaningful/thoughtful. I have 16 on my team - some are MUCH more active and productive than others (who do only what they need...
  5. Bren706

    Interested in Cluster Meetings in Western MA?

    I just recently moved back to my hometown in Western Massachusetts (Lenox / Berkshire County) after living in NC for 4 years. My director is barely active and has not taken the time to find me hospitality here, so I am trying to do it myself. Anyone in the Western, MA area (west of...
  6. I

    Looking for a Cluster in Gainesville, Fl

    My daughter who attends UF just signed up to become a consultant. Is there anyone around here who's from Gainesville? I'd like to get her to some meetings up there if I may. Thanks.
  7. JackieB999

    St Petersbug, Florida Cluster Meetings?

    Are there any directors here in St. Petersburg, Florida that would like to adopt me?? :love: My cluster is up in NPR and Oldsmar and it's just too far to travel on a work night. I'd love to find and bond with a group here in southern Pinellas county. OR if youre reading this and you know...
  8. baychef

    Director Come Join the Fun: My Cluster Invitation!

    Wanted to share my invitation to my entire cluster (local people alone are 44).I bought a hoola hoop, a shiney pin wheel, 8 crazy plastic glasses with straws (74 cent a piece) and tiny highlighters in many bright colors. I am going to try to grab some helium balloons if I can (I am in a very...
  9. C

    Did the Dates of Nc Hurt Your Cluster Attendance?

    I am sending an email to HO about the dates of the conference. It seems so spread out. I hate that conference starts for consultants on Tues. I am driving up with my director so I have leave my house Sunday evening to drive to her house and then leave for Chicago early Monday. So Monday is...
  10. K

    Any Cluster Meetings in the Beaverton/Aloha or Area?

    Are there any PC cluster meetings in the Beaverton/Aloha OR area? I am signing up under Wendy Love. She is lovely! Her meetings are every other month in the Bethany area. I am also looking for hospitality/cluster meetings that are in the Beaverton Aloha area because I love going to monthly...
  11. babywings76

    Feel Awkward at Cluster Meetings

    Why do I always come home from a cluster meeting feeling stupid? I always walk away thinking that they all would love to kick me out of my cluster. :rolleyes: :blushing: :D The reason is that I think I just talk too much, not social chit chat, but business stuff. After being cooped up all...
  12. C

    How Often Does Your Cluster Meet?

    Just curious how often your cluster meets and approximately how many people attend?
  13. P

    Motivational Music for Cluster Meetings: Suggestions from Conference

    I'm looking for some motivational music to play at my cluster meeting....what do you all like? Any suggestions from conference?
  14. K

    Join the Team Cluster Challenge for Friendly Competition and Fun Goals!

    Hey everyone! I was wondering if there was another cluster similar to mine that would be interested in friendly competition. Last year, I encouraged the team to meet cluster requirements and set other goals for them (sales, shows held, recruits, etc) and if they made them then I took them...
  15. kcmckay

    Rant I Missed the Cluster Meeting Tonight!:(

    So our meeting tonight was to be at our SD house as per usual. I was going as per usual because I always do. Well the only way I know how to get there is from one main road. She lives in an area I'm not familiar with. I drove around for over 1/2 hour trying to get to other side of road so I...
  16. Sheila

    Uncovering the Scoop: Cluster Meeting Updates!

    Ha! Made you look!!! Did you really think I would spill the beans here? It's after midnight here in Japan, so it's the 5th now. We had our Cluster Meeting earlier tonight & enjoyed the video. It was cute the way that they did it. You girls & guys pop some popcorn and enjoy your...
  17. jcsmilez

    Directors Charging for Cluster Meetings ??

    I was told that some directors are charging for cluster meetings. I'm curious if that is going on in other clusters. If my director started charging, unfortunately I don't think I could afford to go. :( My understanding is that while not all directors provide them, meetings are part of the...
  18. pc_jessica

    Discover New Products and Recipes at Cluster Meetings - Your Guide

    okay so i just have brief question...i tried calling my recruiter tonight but again she is at a show...anyways i have my first cluster meeting on sunday...what generally happens at these?? i know they said we are going to see new products and try new recipes but mainly i am just looking to see...
  19. Jane the PC

    My First Cluster Meeting: The Lemon & Rosemary Soap Story

    So last night, I went to my first cluster meeting. It was so neat getting to see someone with 12 years experience and talk with her about her business. She had so many great tools, including the Lemon and Rosemary soap. I knew that it would be a good seller at my parties if I got some, but I...
  20. DebPC

    Director Maximize Your Party Success with Cluster Calendar on Cc

    Just wanted to see if everyone is having success in having their consultants list their shows there? Do you think this is motivating or not?
  21. chefann

    Why Is My Clustermate Attending a Conference Despite Severe Financial Distress?

    Please say a prayer for a clustermate of mine. She's experiencing severe financial distress, but has put on a brave face. I wouldn't know about her problems if another consultant hadn't been on the phone with her when the power company came to shut her power off. She needs prayers not only to...
  22. P

    Anyone Want to Share Their Cluster and Customer Newsletters?

    I am a new director and looking for ideas for my cluster newsletter and customer newsletters. TIA
  23. candiejayne

    Marie Frietag Visits Moline, IL: Karen & Venita's Cluster Meeting

    to Marie Frietag's visit to Moline, IL Monday night? Karen Winters and Venita Prichard's cluster meeting will be visited by Marie. I don't know if there are any others here from my area, but I'll be there if anyone else will be! I'm really excited about the evening!
  24. C

    Boost Your Bookings: Training Tips for Cluster Meetings

    Do any of you have notes for " Increasing you Bookings at every show" I have to do training at my cluster meeting on Monday and would like to see how everyone else trains on this topic or any wonderful advice that you guys tell your cluster! Or if you have notes from conference! Thanks for any...
  25. C

    Director Disney Themes for Cluster Meetings

    Hi All...this is my first foray into the Director CS...has anyone seen or does anyone have some Disney Theme ideas for Cluster Meetings?
  26. deanna_g

    Moving and Cluster Meetings Etc....

    Hi. It looks like my husband and I will be relocating ourselves this month! We're happy about the move, but I'm concerned. What do I do about my cluster/team meetings? What about my director? Does everything stay the same as far as up lines? I won't be able to attend my team/cluster meetings...
  27. M

    Recruiting Atmosphere in Cluster

    My team is finally getting the recruiting bug !!! I promoted in November, and was a bit concerned about the new Career path,. thinking "great, it took me 3 years to promote, and I am going to lose it", but then I decided "no, I would rather promote to Advanced Director at National Conference...
  28. C

    March Cluster Meeting: Fun Ideas for a Green-Themed Gathering

    Is anyone doing anything really fun for March? Our cluster all has to bring our favorite "green" item and wear green. Any one have games, anything to go with this? Katie
  29. C

    Exploring the New TPC Requirements and Deadline Extension

    Please direct me if I missed it, but is there discussion yet regarding the new requirements for TPC? Why did they move the deadline date back to 3/31? Will the new year begin 4/1? TIA!
  30. baychef

    Iso Hospitality Cluster in Lawton, Ok Area

    I am posting this on CS and DS. Looking for hospitality for 2 of my downline. Please feel free to PM me! Thanks, Ann