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What is social: Definition and 33 Discussions

  1. Admin Greg

    Anyone Successful Using Linkedin Social Media?

    LinkedIn has been around for awhile now for business professionals. I wonder if any cheffers have a LinkedIn page and if it is helpful to their business?
  2. AJPratt

    Social Media Policy Reminder Email

    Did anyone else get this email? Dear Consultant, It has been brought to our attention that some Consultants may be using images and recipes from food bloggers and other sources on their Facebook pages. Sharing images and recipes is a great way to create interest but it’s important...
  3. DebPC

    Discover Daily Deals with Groupon and Living Social

    Does everyone know about these? You can sign up for your city and every day they send you a 1/2 price deal for restaurants, exercise, spa, etc. It differs every day. We usually buy one every couple of weeks.
  4. K

    Social Gathering Invite: Join Us for a Pampered Chef Sampling Event!

    Hello Ladies, I have a host that wants to have an 'open house' but not call it that. She wants more of a social gathering invite, but a little blurb about a pampered chef consultant being there with samples, but no demonstration. Has anyone done an invite like this that I can take a look at...
  5. mspibb

    Facebook Shows? It's Called Social Media?

    I'm really struggling with the idea of Facebook shows. I find it very annoying to see the constant requests from all my PC Facebook friends to do Facebook shows. I've read on here that only people who are invited to the event see event posts but I have stuff show up on my wall all the time from...
  6. baychef

    Director Where Did Everyone Go? A Look at Social Isolation

    Gee where did everyone go???
  7. B

    How can I organize an Ice Cream Social as a successful fundraiser this summer?

    Hi I was thinking of advertising an Ice Cream Social as a fundraiser idea this summer. Everyone seems to have a team or something they are always hitting me up for $$$ or to buy some dumb magazines or cookie dough :yuck: Anyone have any ideas on how to organize something like this? Do you...
  8. finley1991

    Director Pampered Chef Party: Virtual Social Media Experiment

    Remember in December when PC did that cooking demo on FB? Looks like this consultant is trying to do the same thing... I didn't sign up for it and saw it on Twitter. http://virtualhiredhand.com/pampered-chef-party-social-media-experimentAnd I can't tell if she's the consultant or sponsoring...
  9. M

    Successful Social Media Posts: How I Improved My Facebook Presence

    I figured this deserved its own thread, so here we go. I think I started out abusing Facebook. I would mention every special, every open date I had, etc. I think it made people's eyes glaze over, and it wasn't very successful. I would also make discussion topics, that were my recipes. I...
  10. Nep2nfly

    Navigating a Social Situation: Party Host Invites Two Different Businesses

    :mad:So, I called my hostess for a party coming up in a week and a half. While speaking to her about the menu, etc. she mentioned that she had invited a mutual friend (I don't actually know the host, but the person the host knows is an acquaintance of mine) to bring her "purses" to display at...
  11. A

    Venting Frustrations with Social Media: My FB Story

    So I need to vent a little about FB. FOr the past 3 years I have been battling with them. First someone opened an account with my email (before it was my email). I fought to have that account closed as it was no longer in use. I then tried to open my FB account with my email (which is my...
  12. RMDave

    Following Social Media Training Rules ...

    ... I'm trying not to violate anything that will cause hairs on the back of HO's neck to stand up straight. Good for me. But ... One of the first things the training taught was "Use a photo of yourself as your PC business page." It went on to say NOT to use the Independent Consultant logo...
  13. NooraK

    How Will Pampered Chef Enforce Social Media Policy Violations?

    I got this email today: I see on CC that the policies have been updated as of 7/20, but I'm not in a place where I can take time to read all the detail to see exactly what changed between the 14th and the 20th. Also, what I'm interested in is the part where they say any pages in...
  14. Triciascucina

    Facebook and Othe Social Networks

    My director had posted her website on facebook and I let here know it was a no no. She was not aware of this so she said she would check it out. this what she was told by HO. "I found out that they are in the process of reformulating their policy to accommodate for social networking sites...
  15. K

    Social Networking Strategies and Meetup.com

    On Sunday, I was on an incredible call with Belinda Ellsworth. She interviewed Jennifer Fong, an expert in social networking for direct sellers. I took five pages of notes. If you can get on the call, it's worth it! Last I checked, all calls were full, but she may be adding more. Check her...
  16. chefkathy

    HO is Working on Social Media Guidelines!

    I have confirmed that HO *is* working on guidelines for using Facebook and other social networking sites for business purposes. So everyone just hold on...
  17. S

    Join Us at the Mommy Social Event for Goodie Bags and Ad Opportunities!

    I've just found out that I can participate in a Mommy Social Event, where "goodie bags" w/ the mini-catalog will be distributed, as well as an ad (60 words) put in the Event Info Guide. Have any of you done an ad like this before, or is there a file where I could look for ideas? Thanks so...
  18. G

    Changing the Social Stigma of Men in Pampered Chef

    So, my show last night was a nightmare. My host's boyfriend was the biggest recruit lead I have ever encountered. His excitement made me excited! He watched the Your Life Your Way DVD twice the night before the show and got there early to check out the products. He kept saying things like...
  19. pampchef.angel

    Party Time! Appetizer Recipes for a 6:30 pm Social

    I have a host whose party is at 6:30 pm. She is expecting lots of people and wants to serve several different "appetizer" type foods since the party is around dinner time. Anyone have any good recipe ideas? I thought the taco tartlettes would be good...
  20. D

    What are some delicious ice cream social ideas?

    Hi, everyone! Hope you're all doing well and enjoying these hot summer months. I was hoping that a few of you may have some ideas for me. I'm doing a show in 3 days, and the host just decided he wants to do an "ice cream" bar or "ice cream social" - HELP. I've never done one of these before...
  21. shawna_sue

    Organizing an Ice Cream Social for Preschoolers: Need Advice!

    I need help in Sept. I am going to offer and ice cream social to the kids at my daughter's preschool, and I have no idea how to go about it. I figured that I would charge 25 dollars and send all the kids home with an ice cream sandwich maker. I personally have never used one of these. School...
  22. T

    Ice Cream Social Tips: How to Host a Successful and Interactive Event

    I've done these types of shows in previous summers. I've looked in the files and picked up some ideas, but I'm looking for some new ideas and a quick run down of how you do yours (interactive).
  23. jcsmilez

    Ice Cream Social Invite - What Do You Think?

    I'm going to do an Ice Cream Social at the end of June (hoping it will put me over the top of the $6,000 SAT level). Here's the flyer that I made - what do you think?I'm thinking that I will do a Kids in the Kitchen version on Sunday afternoon and then (eek!) a grown up version Monday night the...
  24. C

    Do I Need to Pay Social Security Taxes with TurboTax?

    Okay - you may think I am really a ditz...but I'm doing taxes, and DH just asked me what I do about SS taxes - and I haven't been doing anything. I asked my director, and she has been doing PC for 12 years, and says she doesn't pay them either.....but now, DH has me worried, so I'm wondering...
  25. littlebeans

    Using Social Networks: Pros & Cons

    Do you use them? How do you like them??? Thanks!
  26. Brandi2007

    Ice Cream Social Ideas: Make Your Show Stand Out with Interactive Fun!

    i am planning an ice-cream social for a show that I have right after conference. The people attending this show have been to a few of mine already and I really want to twist it up and make it new to them. So what better way to do that than make it interactive! I have read and saved all the...
  27. P

    Join Us for a Fun-Filled Ice Cream Social on July 13th at Our Show!"

    Ok so I have a show coming up on the 13th and am thinking about making it an Ice Cream Social. I love this idea!! I was reading some of the files on here and one of them said they loved the flyer "Sundaes are Better on Tuesdays!" by Director, Emily Smith. I was wondering does anyone have...

    How Do I Plan an Ice Cream Social?

    Can any of you post how you go about doing an Ice Cream Social? I've seen great flyers and I want to do one in August. I understand that you put out do-it-your-self stations. I'm just unsure on how to work in everything else. (Games, products, host etc....) Thanks!
  29. Swirl

    Social Security Bonus: Choosing Your Set

    I am in my 2nd ss month and will be eligible for the ss bonus for this month. my question is they have 3 diffrent sets..do you get to choose which one you want or does it go by line up 1-2-3 equaling the ss months? I really want the second one and since this is my 2nd month I was hoping it went...