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What is walking: Definition and 28 Discussions

  1. raebates

    Walking the Stage at NC? Let Us Know!

    Please let us know if you'll be walking the stage at NC. We'll keep an eye out for you and cheer wildly.Don't forget to give us your real name if you use a screen name. CharmingCheffer* may be familiar, but that's probably not the name that will be listed when you walk the stage.*As far as I...
  2. raebates

    Celebrating Student Success: Nc's Upcoming Graduates & Promotions | June Update

    I had hoped to promote to director on June 1, but that didn't happen. I've still got this month, so we'll see. In the meantime, I know there are people here who will be walking the stage this year. Let us know so we can cheer for you. Oh, and don't forget to give us your real name if it's...
  3. baychef

    Director 2 Walking at National Conference!!

    :party:So excited that my second line Director has now promoted her FIRST Director 1 year and 1 month to the day of her promoting to Director!!! So she now is an Advanced Director! Some of you know Nikki so give her a shout out if you are in contact! So Nikki will walk as an AD and Angela (her...
  4. P

    Exercise with Friends: Walking Routine for Early Mornings

    and walk with me? I don't want to give up my exercise routine, but also don't want to go out early in the morning by myself. My roomie did that last year, and said it was scary! Sadly, she won't be joining us this year. When I say early, I mean out the front door by 5:15am, so we have time to...
  5. K

    ifYou Are Walking, What Are You Wearing?

    This year is my first year to walk across stage. I will be walking as a New Director. I am very excited! Every year that I go to conference and watch the recognition part of general session, I see all kinds of "styles" go across stage. I have seen people dressed like they were ready for...
  6. lockhartkitchen

    Overcoming Financial Hardship: A Personal Story of Perseverance and Hope

    We finally got moved into our new house. It is very small, but we have a roof over our head. In order to move, because the old rental company has our $2500 in deposits, I had to take an advance on my September paycheck. PC has been slow, because of all my moving, and I had shows cancel in...
  7. Flamingo

    Who Is Walking at Conference?

    Ok Want to know who is walking at conference ? I may be if everyone submits this month..... Don't want to get my hopes up but ......:o
  8. raebates

    Are You Walking the Stage in Wave 3?

    I won't be, but I'd love to know if you are. I'll be sure to yell really, really loudly for you.
  9. PCCHeather0506

    What's the "Deal" About Walking at Conference?

    I've heard ppl say that if you promote to director you get to walk the stage at conference....what are the rules to that? When do you have to promote by?
  10. O

    Are you ready to make strides against breast cancer?

    Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Who is walking where??? I just signed up for Atlanta. I am doing a fundraiser walk for Alzheimer's on the 11th but I am going to try my best to raise money for this one as well. BTW-I do a walk a few times a year and if you need help on ideas to raise...
  11. S

    What to Wear When Walking as a New Director...

    I am thinking black pants, heels, and as for a top...not sure... Don't want "arm jiggle". LOL
  12. crystalscookingnow

    Join Wave 1: Tell Us Who You Are & Why You're Walking!

    Who's Walking in Wave 1? Let us know your name & why you'll be walking! We want to cheer for you!
  13. lacychef

    Walking the Stage List for Wave 2

    Well, Ann started one for her wave.....who's all walking for something in wave 2 so we know who to cheer for?:D
  14. chefann

    Wave 3 - Walking for TPampered Chef

    There's only one month left in the TPC year and those who will be walking at Conference for reaching it will know (soon) that it's actually happening. We want to cheer extra loudly for you! Post your name in this thread, along with the category(s) so we know who to cheer for. Real names...
  15. chefann

    Who Will Be Walking as a New Director at Conference 2008?

    Now that we're only a short time from Conference, and promotion phone calls are being made by HO, those who will be walking at Conference as a new Director will know that it's actually happening. We want to cheer extra loudly for you! Post your name in this thread so we know who to cheer...
  16. mrsbettyboop0000

    I Achieved My Goal: Walking as Director at National Conference 2008 Wave 3!

    I also wanted to share that I will be walking as a new director at National Confernece 2008 Wave 3. My promotion Date is May 1st. (TOMORROW) :chef: I was in Wave 1 last year and this was my goal before Conference this year!!! AND I DID IT!!!!!:D
  17. pamperedcheermom

    Host Called to Cancel as I Was Walking Out the Door........

    I was getting ready to walk out the door to head to the host's house this afternoon when she called me. She said she had "handed" out 40 invitations and yesterday she had 7 coming. Today she got 5 email cancellations and only had 2 coming. She said she didn't want me to waste my time driving...
  18. L

    Managing Walking Difficulties at Leadership Conference: A Personal Experience

    Ok...no, it's not "walking the stage". I have a slipped disk or a hip problem (won't know for sure until the 31st when I see the orthopedic doctor) which makes it extremely difficult for me to walk and to sit in the car for any length of time. It is also very painful at night when I'm...
  19. chefann

    Join the Stage at Leadership - Share Your Presence Here!

    Are you walking the stage at Leadership? Post here, so other folks who are going can take a list and look for you. This thread is not for kudos and congratulations, please keep it to a simple list so it's easier to read. Thanks.
  20. dianevill

    Walking Across the Stage...deadline

    Quick question: Is/Was the deadline for walking at conference (as a new director) May 31 or June 30? I know TPC was May 31 but what about directorship? Thanks!
  21. I

    Stage Walking: A Memory for the Family - DVD Edition

    If I buy the DVD, will my family be able to see me "walk across the stage"? Anyone know from year's past? How I wish I could bring my 8 yr old daughter!!!!
  22. DebbieJ

    Walking Right Now?

    I want to cheer for you, so tell us if you are walking! (Thought I'd get it all together in one post)
  23. PCGINA

    Are You Ready to Walk with Me in Dallas on January 1, 2007?

    At 6:03 pm this evening ~ I received my call from HO!! I promote January 1, 2007 and I WILL walk in Dallas... Thanks everyone for your support and care... I too will be looking for all of those GREAT buttons Ann has made for us and be cheering loudly for all of you as well..... And for...
  24. PCGINA

    One Away From Walking in Dallas Help!! Ughhhh!!

    OK ladies I need a super boost from you all. I have signed 6 recruits ~ 3 have qualified and #4 should be sending in her 4th show this weekend... #5 had a show cancel so she has been hoping her catty show would be enough $$ so that she could simply split it into 2 shows, thus qualifying...
  25. fruit76loop

    Successful Leadership: Walking Across the Stage!

    WOW! Hello everyone! I know that you have already listed all of the juicy details about Leadership, but I have to tell you all that walking across the stage as a new Director was awesome! I have been to Leadership as well as National before, but there was something about 3000 people cheering...
  26. P

    Cami and I Reach New Heights as Directors at Conference 3!

    I got the official call today and I will walking as a NEW DIRECTOR at Conference 3! YAHOO! I want to say thanks to Cami who signed on here and qualified her FIRST MONTH! She helped me get there. THANKS CAMI!
  27. D

    Making Directorship: Celebrating My Fifth Consultant's 4th Show!

    My fifth consultant just submitted her 4th show! Without the official call from home office, I have made Directorship! With the lack of my personal contacts understanding what this means or how exciting this is, I am turning to all of you. Thank you all for being here! I'll see you at...