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What is kitchen: Definition and 200 Discussions

  1. Suzie


    I have been a Pampered Chef customer for many years
  2. B

    New here

    I just started at PC 2 weeks ago as a consultant.
  3. N

    Which Mini Pie Pan Should I Buy?

    I would like to buy a mini pie pan.
  4. B

    Found this pampered chef item. What is it?

    Can someone tell me what this pampered chef item is used for
  5. C

    Why is My New Kitchen Sprayer Only Spraying Air and Not Oil?

    New kitchen spritzer will spray out nothing but air till the very end of the pressure release then spits out the oil. Help! How do I fix this? I have had these in the past and NEVER had an issue with one before.
  6. M

    How Do You Remove the Sleeve on a Kitchen Spritzer Before Dishwashing?

    I have a new kitchen spritzer. The instructions say to remove the sleeve prior to dishwashing by twisting off. I can not for the life of me twist the sleeve off. I have tried and tried. It will not come off...so I have not washed or used it. How do you get the sleeve off and is it really...
  7. J

    Iso New or Gently Used Kitchen Brush

    I have a customer looking for a new or gently used Easy Clean Kitchen Brush (the one with the long handle), any color. If you have one for sale, please email me at JillzPampChef at aol dot com. Thank you!
  8. Heather Collins

    Ready to Cook up Success in Mississippi with Pampered Chef?

    Hello, my name is Heather and I am a new consultant. I have used Pampered Chef products for over 20 years. I am excited and ready to start my adventure.
  9. T

    Discover the Perfect White Kitchen Brush - Available Now!

    ISO of a new white kitchen brush that was sold years ago?
  10. lisaterwilliger

    Need a Kitchen Timer/Clock? Anyone Have an Extra?

    Hey friends! I just had a dear friend from church call in a panic because she lost her kitchen timer/clock and is desperate for a new one. She uses it in her bathroom and left it at a hotel. Does anyone have one stashed away? I'd be happy to paypal you for it! Thank you!!
  11. byrd1956

    Ultimate Kitchen Must-Haves for Weddings and Showers

    I'm looking for a flyer/picture that would be great to share with couples for showers & weddings. Does anyone have something?
  12. S

    Looking for an Easy Clean Kitchen Brush? Anyone have one?

    ISO Easy Clean Kitchen Brush, 3 if possible!
  13. Sharon Roode

    Can selling Pampered Chef products be a source of joy during tough times?

    I started selling Pampered Chef mainly to get a few products that I wanted in my own kitchen and decided to go all Virtual with it. Soon after (within 10 days) of joining my husband was diagnosed with Acute Myloid Leukemia and my whole world changed in an instant! I was going to give up selling...
  14. G

    New Consultant Asks About Bamboo Kitchen Towel (#2306)

    Hello! I just signed up to be a Consultant on Friday! I have a question about an item in the outlet. The Bamboo Kitchen Towel, does anyone know if it has a loop on it to hang on a kitchen drawer knob? Item #2306
  15. esavvymom

    Updated "Well Stocked Kitchen" List??

    Does anyone have an updated "Well Stocked Kitchen List" by chance? Last one I have is from 2012, and I can't locate an updated one on the PC Website.I'll keep looking, or try to create an updated version, but thought I'd ask before reinventing the wheel. :)(It's kind of scary, but I'm...
  16. PeggyB

    Want to join me on my journey as a Pampered Chef and Avon consultant?

    My name is Peggy and I have just started selling The Pampered Chef. I also am a consultant for Avon Products and enjoy selling and networking with other people. I am looking forward to selling and meeting new people with this journey.
  17. byrd1956

    Recipes for Kitchen Spritzer: A Flyer

    Does anyone have a flyer of recipes for the kitchen spritzer?
  18. babywings76

    Updated Well Stocked Kitchen Flyer?

    Does anyone have an updated flyer? Or something else to help a bride make her wish list?
  19. K

    Find the Perfect Kitchen Spritzer for Your Home - Shop NIP Options at Iso!

    I have a guest who wants another kitchen spritzer. Please let me know if you have one NIP.
  20. pcchefjane

    Gently Used Kitchen Aprons for Sale - $7 Each + Shipping

    I have the HWC Black & Pink Paisley Apron, the Black & White Consultant Apron, and the Snowman Christmas Apron. I would like $7 each plus shipping. All of them have been used but are in very good condition. I did mainly catalog & Facebook shows so they have not been worn a lot. Contact at...
  21. raebates

    Well-Stocked Kitchen List Ss 2015

    Does anyone have an updated well-stocked kitchen list? I'd like to be able to offer one to prospective shower hosts & brides.Thanks in advance.
  22. E

    Join the Hells Kitchen Show Fundraiser and Cook Off: June 1st-15th

    I am running a fundraiser starting June 1st to the 15th. I have been asked to also add in a small cooking segment for the "Officers Meeting" for this group. They have to put on a skit with the President and VP and asked it I could do it as Gordon Ramsey from Hells Kitchen. Im totally down for...
  23. K

    Fun and Easy Kids' Cooking Party Ideas and Recipes | June Celebration

    I've got a party coming up in June that is for kids to learn how to cook and get around the kitchen. Mom's will be there. Has anyone done a kids party before and if so, what worked, what didn't, what's the best recipes to do, etc? Thanks in advanced!!
  24. DebPC

    Kitchen Tips: Get the Most Juice & More!

    Kitchen Tips To get the most juice from your citrus fruits, microwave about 10-15 seconds, then roll between hands or on counter top. To avoid having to microwave, do not refrigerate citrus. They have more flavor (and juice) at room temperature. + When your Kitchen Shears/Scissors start...
  25. Admin Greg

    Kitchen Spritzer: Discuss Tips, Complaints, Praise & More

    Please discuss the Kitchen Spritzer. Tips, complaints, praise, reviews, ideas, thoughts...
  26. C

    Just Used: Pink Kitchen Items - Make an Offer!

    Just used for display but the knife is not even out of the bag nor is the towel. I'm just not into pink so if someone else is, rather them enjoy them. Have the apron in the bag as well and then the little pink measure cup. Make an offer.
  27. babywings76

    Urgent Can Digital Kitchen Scales Measure Less Than an Ounce?

    I made a post on my business page about the kitchen scale and a friend posted a comment asking, "does the scale go less than an oz? if so where can I get one?" Does anyone know? I couldn't find the answer in the U&C and I'm not at home right now to check.
  28. DebPC

    Is Pampered Chef Kitchen Spritzer the Best Non-Stick Spray for Your Kitchen?
