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What is microfiber: Definition and 42 Discussions

  1. C

    Looking for Iso Microfiber Dish Cloths?

    If you have any of these please email me thanks. [email protected]
  2. C

    Iso Microfiber Dish Cloths (October Guest Special)

    I have a customer/friend who just ordered the orange and eggplant microfiber towels thinking they were the dish cloths she got back in October. As far as I know PC doesn't regularly carry the dish cloths. Does anyone have some they'd like to part with? Thanks!
  3. S

    Where Can I Find Microfiber Dishcloth Sets for Sale?

    Looking for some microfiber dishcloth sets. Any one have any. Not dish towels, the dishcloths for washing dishes. If you have any spare ones and will sell please contact me. [email protected] Thank you. Schel
  4. C

    Iso Cranberry Microfiber Towels (4)

    I am looking for 4 Cranberry Microfiber Towels for a customer. Thanks in advance!!
  5. quiverfull7

    Looking for Cranberry Microfiber Towels in Zip 27892?

    I need a couple of Cranberry Microfiber Towels for a great host/customer. Does anyone have any? She would love 2. Zip 27892 TIA
  6. A

    The Benefits of Microfiber Towels: A Golf Story

    Not sure if the micro fiber towels are still a current selling item (I'm inactive) - but found a great use for them this week. DH and I took up golf and had been using damp paper towels to clean out the little grooves, removed grass, etc. on the golf clubs. This morning tried using a very damp...
  7. P

    Looking for an Iso Pink Microfiber Towel?

    Anyone have a new in package HWC pink towel from last month they are willing to part with? Price?
  8. BlessedWifeMommy

    Help Me Love the Microfiber Towels!

    Okay, I have avoided the microfiber towels until I just earned the pink one. Help me love it! :love: I really want to I love every other product!I can't get over the texture of it. :yuck: Does it help to wash it? :confused:I almost wish I hadn't taken it out of the package. :)
  9. R

    Eliminate Musty Smell from Cloth: Solution Found!

    I have a guest looking for a solution. She purchased a cloth (not from our company but pretty similar) and it has a musty smell. She has tried washing it several times, hanging it out to dry but the smell will not come out. I know I have seen a solution to this somewhere??? I know its the fibers...
  10. susanr613

    How to Clean a Microfiber Couch?

    I always find an answer on this board, so here's my question. I have a dark red microfiber couch that could use a good cleaning. There are no visible stains, but DS and I eat/drink while sitting on it, and my smaller dog keeps us company on it. I do not want to pay a lot of $$ to have it...
  11. Jean DeVries

    How Do You Handle a Basement Flood After a Girl Scout Overnight?

    After staying awake all night at an overnight at the mall with my Girl Scout troop, I was looking forward to coming home to sleep. But alas, it was not to be. At 6:00 this morning, I went to check the basement of our newish house (which has had undetermined water damage int he past). Per...
  12. B

    Where can I find lavender and seafoam green microfiber towels?

    Hello, I have a customer that wants the microfiber towels from last season the lavendar or seafoam green. She wants 10 of these. Anyone have any. I know they are coming out with the dish cloths but I didn't see the towels. Thank you. Brenda
  13. redsoxgirl

    Green Microfiber on *The Auction Site*

    Is this the new microfiber??? http://cgi.ebay.com/Pampered-Chef-Microfiber-Towel-Sea-Green-NEW_W0QQitemZ120208089311QQihZ002QQcategoryZ20651QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  14. C

    Where Can I Find Microfiber Washcloths?

    I am in desperate need for 2 sets of microfiber washcloths. They were the guest special back in April. If you have any please let me know. Thanks.
  15. KellyTheChef

    Why Are Purple Microfiber Dish Cloths Becoming Misshapen?

    Hi all! I love the small dish cloths that we had as the guest special, you know, the green and purple ones? Anyone else having problems with the purple ones? The more I wash them, the less and less "square" they become. Sounds silly, but they are so out of whack that I have a hard time...
  16. jenniferlynne

    Have you had trouble with stinky microfiber towels?

    I loved these towels when I first got them :love: Now they stink and I can't get the smell out of them :grumpy: I don't wash clothes every day (and I certainly don't do towels every day), so I guess they set in the utility room and build up a stink. Now everything that I wash with them also...
  17. pckrissy

    Do You Need Iso Lilac Microfiber Towels?

    If anyone has the Liliac Microfiber Towels please let me know. I am looking for 2 of them. Thanks so much
  18. rayday

    Looking for gently used Iso Microfiber Dish Cloths in green or purple?

    They were the green and purple ones that were a guest exclusive special a while back. I am looking for 2 of them, either color is fine and if they have been gently used that's okay too. I'd like to get them from one person to save on shipping if possible! Please e-mail me...
  19. lisa717

    Microfiber Dish Cloths From April?

    Does anyone have 2 sets of the dish cloths from April that I could buy?????
  20. chefclare

    Where Can I Find Iso Green Microfiber Towels for My Customers?

    Anyone know where I can get some for a couple customers?
  21. T

    Looking for Iso Microfiber Dishcloths?

    Hi, I'm looking for 2-3 sets of these if anyone has any they are willing to part with. I have a past guest that LOVES them and is looking for a few more. Thanks! Tina
  22. rennea

    Looking for Microfiber Dishcloths

    Does anybody by a slim chance have any Lilac or Artichoke microfiber dishcloths that they would be willing to part with?? My MIL loves them and would like more.
  23. T

    Need Iso Microfiber Dishcloths? Contact me for price and availability!

    Hi, If anyone has a few sets of these that they don't want, please contact me at [email protected] and let me know the price. Thanks, I need them asap.
  24. ivykeep

    Host Gift for Show: Scalloped Bread Tube & Microfiber Dishcloths

    I have a show this weekend that has a host and a co-host. The host asked me about the scalloped bread tube (at the show that she booked from she bought the All the Best cookbook and it features some recipes using the bread tube). I had bought a few of them before they were discontinued so I'm...
  25. M

    Do You Have Any Extra ISO Microfiber Towels?

    i am ISO Microfiber Towels, if you have any extra please let me know. Monica
  26. N

    Microfiber Dish Cloths Product Number

    Does anyone know the number for the microfiber dish cloths?? I have a host who just called to let me know that she is short 2 sets and I want to do the adjustment through the internet but I can't find the number. Thanks!:confused: :confused:
  27. N

    Need to Get Microfiber Towels for My Guests: Host Specials Available?

    So I messed up this month. Two of my guest ordered the salad spinner before they could. Of course their totals where above $60. Now I need to get them the towels. :rolleyes:
  28. jrstephens

    Easy Care for Microfiber Dish Clothes: Top Rack Dishwasher Safe!

    I put mine in the top rack of my dishwasher to wash them this weekend. This way I did not have to remember to get them out of the dryer and not put them in with fabric softeners. I just laid them out in my kitchen to dry. The "use and care" card does say "dishwasher safe." I thought that was...
  29. G

    Iso Fall/Winter 2006 Cranberry Microfiber Towels

    Hello. I'm hoping that someone has extras that they are willing to part with. I have a client who is looking to purchase as many of them as possible (since they are now retired). 920.427.3461 or [email protected] Thanks, Tricia
  30. T

    inNeed of Cranberry Microfiber Towel

    Hi Everyone- I had a guest at my show on Friday that desperatley wants the microfiber towel in cranberry. I checked the outlet but wasn't lucky. Does anyone have any that they would like to sell?? Let me know and we'll figure out the shipping. Thanks- Terry