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What is chopper: Definition and 135 Discussions

  1. mspibb

    Ordering Chopper for Christmas: Amazon vs. Local Store

    Got a text this week from a friend asking if I could get a chopper before Christmas. I said certainly and she asked Price and shippping. I sent her the total- I took a 10% discount off (Our sales tax is 9.75). I get a text back saying the person is ordering from Amazon. Found it $33.49 and...
  2. kam

    Food Chopper Clear Collar Question

    I have a customer who is asking about a replacement clear collar for the food chopper. I know that there was an older version once... For the life of me I can't remember anything about the older version - what do I ask my customer to distinguish between the 2? How long ago was the new one...
  3. DebPC

    Salad Chopper: Who Loves It and Why?

    Who LOVES them and why? http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/3671/saladchopper2916n.jpg
  4. J

    F/S Charm Bracelet, Food Chopper and Dcb Charms

    Bracelet and Food Chopper and Deep Covered Baker Charms. Selling for $35, including postage.
  5. C

    Rusty Blades? Tips for Removing Rust from Food Chopper

    I just spoke with a woman who is not very happy with PC right now. She told me that her sister bought a food chopper 2 years ago, & the blades are rusting at the top. I told her to get in touch with her original consultant to get the info so she can deal with HO. In the meantime, are there any...
  6. thehaleykitchen

    How can I effectively clean a sticky rubber bottom on my food chopper?

    I just had a costumer email me about her food chopper rubber bottom being all sticky and gross ~ any ideas on how to clean it? Thanks, Karen
  7. T

    Replacement Parts for Food Chopper

    I have a customer who bought the food chopper a long time ago and needs to replace the clear plastic ring that the cap installs on. Where do I find where I can order replacement parts?
  8. kam

    Can You Use a Salad Chopper for Carrots? Find Out Here!

    I feel silly even asking this... I use my Salad choppers for lots of stuff, but never celery or carrots. With the Veggie Slicer not being available I have someone who is questioning using the Salad Chopper for carrots (and celery). (They originally wanted the Veggie Slicer.) Is the...
  9. scottcooks

    Where Can You Find a Food Chopper in Disney's Family Fun December Issue?

    Disney "Family Fun" December issue Sweet Gifts to Make and Bake - blonde girl in light blue with pigtails chomping gingerbread man's head on conver. page 28 "Let's Cook" French Bread casserole shows Food Chopper :)
  10. vanscootin

    Dish Network Using the Food Chopper!

    So my hubby was watching tv and I'm cooking dinner in the kitchen and he yells for me to come in... he asks me if I've seen the Dish Network commercial with the Pampered Chef stuff in it.... uh no. So he rewinds it and sure as $h*t there is our food chopper being advertised as a slap chop! I...
  11. D

    Replacement Parts for Food Chopper - Help Needed!

    Hi, Does anyone know if you can get replacement parts for the Food Chopper? Thank you, Dana D
  12. chefkathy

    Director Get the Ultimate Salad Chopper Guide for Efficient Meal Prep

    Anyone have something they send to folks who purchase a Salad Chopper? I had a recent guest ask me. Thanks!
  13. M

    Salad Chopper Recipe/Tip Sheet Needed

    Does anyone have any recipe or tip sheet for the salad chopper? Didn't see any in the files.
  14. R

    Are Mfp and Chopper for Sale Against the Rules?

    against the rules...sorry!
  15. gailz2

    Cleaning Food Chopper Blades: A Step-by-Step Guide

    How do you all clean between the blades on your food choppers?
  16. M

    Differences Between Food Chopper & MFP: When to Use What?

    Wasn't there a flyer or thread on the differences of when you would use the food chopper vs. the MFP? When I had my show Friday and used the food processor to chop onions EVERYONE was asking .... HUH??? how come you use that instead of the food chopper... "uhhh I dunno" was my answer...
  17. M

    Cleaning Tips for Food Chopper Blades

    I have a couple of items that I have a hard time cleaning sometimes. So, I thought I'd get some tips here. It's hard for me to get down to the bottom of the blades on the Food Chopper. I'm afraid I'll cut myself.
  18. GingerChef

    Does Anyone Else Have Issues With the Food Chopper??

    I just became a consultant in Jan. When my kit arrived my, wonderful, husband decided he would wash all of my new products. Well, when he went to wash the Food Chopper it fell apart on him and the blades got dinged up on our sink. He fiddled around with it and 'fixed' it, but I have never felt...
  19. kam

    Multi Chopper: Comparing to our MFP - What's the Difference?

    Just thought I'd post this link to this "multi chopper". It looks close to our MFP. I have yet to see our MFP, so I REALLY don't know how this compares - or if it is even close to the same thing... But, I notice it has a lid for storage. Can anyone comment on how close this is to...
  20. C

    Looking for Blade Guard & Old Food Chopper

    I have a customer who needs a new blade guard for the old food chopper. Does anyone have one? or even an old food chopper they want to sell? No she doesn't want to have a party to get the new one for free, I asked!
  21. lockhartkitchen

    Why Is My Food Chopper Not Cutting Apples Properly?

    Tonight I had an embarassing moment. I cut up granny smith apples into small pieces, and like I always do, with the peel on, I was going to chop the two apples. I couldn't for the like of it, get the apples to chop up. They kept getting stuck in my chopper. I have had my chopper since I got...
  22. P

    Question about Pampered Chef Food Chopper: Is it Supposed to Do That?

    Hello, I am a new consultant with PC and have a question about the Food Chopper. I understand that the chopper comes apart for cleaning but while I am demoing it and chopping in the lid and sleeve and then I go to pull the chopping part of it off the sleeve the piece that covers the blade...
  23. C

    Fs - Collar for Old Style Food Chopper

    I discovered that I still have a collar for the old style food chopper. I will only charge for shipping otherwise it is FREE. (It will ship from 93560.) Contact me if you're interested.
  24. emiscookin

    Rant Did Slap Chop Really Copy Our Food Chopper Design?

    Ok, if you haven't seen this on TV check it out YouTube - Slap Chop Commercial "You're gonna like my nuts." LOL!!!!!! :D Anyway, the product is advertised by the one and only Shamwow guy. I really think that guy is annoying and if you click on some more videos off to the side you will...
  25. M

    Food Chopper on Good Housekeeping Website

    I don't know if this has been posted, but if you go to the Good Housekeeping website, there is a video of the best food choppers and they rated Pampered Chef as the best. :) It's a really short clip, but still kind of cool.
  26. L

    Rusted Salad Chopper: Has This Happened to Anyone Else?

    I just got an order in on Thursday evening. This time I actually read all of the use and care guides. I stuck the Salad Chopper in the dishwasher, and it came out RUSTED!!!!!! I haven't even used it yet. I will definitely be calling tomorrow, but was wondering if this has happened to anyone...
  27. babywings76

    Recipes to Compliment the Food Chopper

    I know we use this for tons of recipes, but does anyone have a recipe file that they give out to anyone who orders one? I usually don't, since it's kind of a "no-brainer" type of thing. I usually tell people what they can use it for: nuts, onions and other veggies, chicken, etc. But I have a...
  28. christinaspc

    Pampered Chef Food Chopper Warranty: Lifetime vs 5 Year Explained

    Tonight when I was calling potential hostess for May I had one ask me if pampered chef changed the warranty on the food chopper cause she remember the consultant telling it had a lifetime warranty and when I told her it had a 5 year warranty she said well which would pampered chef warranty the...
  29. emiscookin

    Is It True? Pampered Chef Warranty and the Food Chopper

    Last night at my very first Pampered Chef show (which went GREAT! :D), I pulled out the Food Chopper and asked how many people had it already. A few raised their hands. Then I asked what they love about it and the first lady I picked said she uses it for everything and loves how easy it is to...
  30. kam

    Replacement Parts for Old Food Chopper - Compatibility and Tips

    I have a customer with the OLD style Food Chopper. First, since only one set of parts is listed on the replacements list, I have to assume it id for the CURRENT Chopper. Second, I am not familiar with the old chopper. Does anyone know if any of the parts mix n match? The "inside platic...