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What is comfort: Definition and 18 Discussions

  1. W

    Did Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone Lead to 7 New Business Opportunities?

    I decided to get out of my comfort zone and go out and find business. Last night my daughter and I drove through town and wrote down businesses where I could drop off old catalogs like hair salons, car repair places and such. We also made a list of places I would offer a Pamper A Business...
  2. S

    What Are the Best Comfort Food Recipes for a January Party?

    I'm doing a January party and offered Comfort Food thinking I had lots of ideas -- but I don't -- hahahha. Just the Loaded Potato Chowder. Do you have any suggestions that are also good demo recipes? Thanks! Sandi
  3. pampered1224

    I Did Get Out of My Comfort Zone

    And I got TWO bookings because of it! At my party Saturday, I actually did put out the close in party! A lady booked for March 20th right there on the spot! Then, I did something else bold. I e-mailed the Human Resources person at the place that laid me off and asked if I could come in one day...
  4. DebPC

    Director Top Comfort Foods for January in the Freezing North: Get Cozy and Warm!

    What is everyone making in January? Up here in the very frozen north I want to do comfort foods. Any suggestions?
  5. ValerieHurtado

    Create Custom Comfort Food E-Vites for Your Next Party on PC Website

    I'm new to the PC website, and I don't see the option to set up the comfort food e-vites that I see on the CC Theme Show page. Are the theme templates only available to premium subscribers? My next show is CC Potato Chowder and I'm trying to make the matching e-vites available to my host.
  6. M

    Need to Get Out of My Comfort Zone and How?

    i really need to get more names of people and different ones. i am so desperet to get out of the comfort zone and it is hard to go any where now. i live in a tow where there are more people that do the biz because i calld all contact and they said no because it is very bussy time and another...
  7. M

    Transporting Your Consultant Kit: Comfort vs. Convenience

    do you use the tote bag that came with the new consultant kit? I know its says its made for easy transporting of all your materials but it just doesnt seem comfy to me. I havent done a show outside of my house yet though so maybe its not that bad
  8. crystalscookingnow

    Surgery Jitters: Prayers Needed for Comfort & Healing

    I'm having surgery on Monday morning & I'm getting very nervous about it. I'm usually not a nervous/scared person at all but this time I am. What if something happens to me? Will things be the same (I'm having a hysterectomy)? What if I can't get someone to watch the kids after this is all...
  9. chefkristin

    Merrill Comfort Shoes: Get Yours Now!

    Are available on Merrill while supplies last!!!!!! They are VERY comfortable!!!!
  10. smspamperedchef

    I've Really Stepped Out of My Comfort Zone

    But HEY, it's great- TRY IT!!! This is what I did. My husband's truck needed to be registered, so I walked in (of course all decked out in PC clothing with the PC flip flops to boot! :) ) I took care of why I was there first and then casually asked the lady helping me if they would be...
  11. KellyTheChef

    Breaking Out of My Comfort Zone: Fun with Mary Jane Croc's!

    We were discussing these shoes on a thread about conference...when they first came out I thought to myself "I would NEVER wear those!" (Thinking they are way too "loud" for me...I am very conservative.) I have really been trying to step outside of my comfort zone recently and changed up my...
  12. J

    How Can I Best Introduce Myself to My New Neighbors?

    I was sharing with my director this morning on a phone meeting that one of my goals with PC was to widen my circle of friends (we relocated 3.5 yrs. ago from my hometown), and one way I'm going to do that is to personally knock on each door in my cul-de-sac and invite all my neighbors to my...
  13. G

    Cutco Knives: A Review of Comfort and Efficiency

    They sure do look pretty and comfortable for the grip. I wonder if it really feels like you're cutting through butter when you cut through steak, like the catty says. I had the old cutco ones and they are sooooo ugly! Our's are a little pricey but I think I paid about $100 for mine about 6...
  14. krzymomof4

    Stepping Out of Comfort Zone: My Saturday Show Experience

    I have a show Saturday with a perfect host for once!!! I originally wasn't going to take the show because I am afraid to drive in big city traffic and her house will be about an hour drive. My husband backed me into a corner and said that I can't expect my business to grow unless I am willing...
  15. P

    How Can I Introduce Myself to New Neighbors and Promote My Business?

    I have been doing really well trying to get out of my comfort zone to ask for bookings or to just do Customer Care calls, but I need help from you guys. We have lived in our house for 4 years and we have a couple of neighbors down the road on the other side of the street with young kids. We...
  16. M

    Impressive Recipes for Iron Chef & Comfort Food Shows

    I need recipe ideas for 2 different shows I am doing in January. I am doing Iron Pampered Chef show (2 of them) These will be couples shows, and the men will do the main dish, and the women the dessert. I am looking for 2 impressive recipes that are pretty easy. The rest of my kitchen...
  17. N

    Farmer's Market Catalog Drop: Will It Boost Sales or Flop?

    I wanted to tell you all about something I'm doing tomorrow that I'm a little nervous about! I'm going to our local Farmer and Craft's Market and I'm going to pass out catalogs to the vendors with some specials, then go back around and (hopefully) pick up orders! It could be good or it could...
  18. S

    Looking for a Comfort Show Flyer? Share Yours Here!

    :o Hello I have a host who wants to have a comfort show. I did have an invite that showed a women wearing a bath robe and slippers. Does anyone have such a flyer that they would be willing to share? Somehow mine got erased off my computer. I really enjoy all the information I receive from...