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Overcoming Excuses: Achieving Leadership Goals

In summary, Kim struggles with Leadership and feels overwhelmed. She is encouraged by the conference but is still working on making good choices. She will focus after Leadership is over.
Gold Member
I had wanted to start already and things keep happening. I having a hard time with it because of Leadership coming up and it will be hard to track.

(oh my goodness,, all I hear are excuses coming out!!!)
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  • #2
I think I will start this all over again,,,,,

Hi! My name is Kim and I am a procrastinator! LOL

I did not start the day out very good but I have the right foods at home and plan to follow WW as best I can through Leadership and then after that there is NO best I can it will be that I WILL DO IT.
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  • #3
BTW: My first goal is 30 pounds - a bit more than the 10% recommended by WW but it is a starter goal
You go Girl! I really like WW . . . did it without meetings . . . did well on it . . . Good Luck! You can do it!!
chef_kimmo said:
I had wanted to start already and things keep happening. I having a hard time with it because of Leadership coming up and it will be hard to track.

(oh my goodness,, all I hear are excuses coming out!!!)

Kim, you can do this, just be reasonable. Enjoy conference; you are paying a lot to be there! Just remember you don't have to eat everything in site. Make great choices. You know it's okay to have that choc cake and then be good for awhile. Don't deny yourself you'll end up binging.
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  • #6
missydivine said:
Kim, you can do this, just be reasonable. Enjoy conference; you are paying a lot to be there! Just remember you don't have to eat everything in site. Make great choices. You know it's okay to have that choc cake and then be good for awhile. Don't deny yourself you'll end up binging.

Thank you for the encouragement. I find that when I go like we do at conferences that I end up weak and hungry. I will try to find some good snack foods so I don't overeat when there is food.

I need to save my energy so I can e-mail or post what happens during conference!

After conference, I know I will focus big time!
chef_kimmo said:
Thank you for the encouragement. I find that when I go like we do at conferences that I end up weak and hungry. I will try to find some good snack foods so I don't overeat when there is food.

I need to save my energy so I can e-mail or post what happens during conference!

After conference, I know I will focus big time!

Take some fiber one bars, the Pb ones are the best. Just don't eat more than one or two in a day!:eek: They are a great filling snack. The curves bars are also a good choice. Something you could carry with you. Just a thought. We want to get those emails.:cheerleader:
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  • #8
I haven't weighed myself because like I say I am really going to start after Leadership so nothing to report based on amount of weight loss. I really need to go get a scale to track now but for now I am just working on eating better.

Todays report is that my boss came in and asked if I wanted to go do lunch with the other co-workers from the department to get on track before I leave. I have always had a hard time of choosing good when I go out to eat but felt good for myself today to have ordered a salad. I was very hungry come dinner time but I ate a more healthy lunch than I normally would have eaten.
chef_kimmo said:
I haven't weighed myself because like I say I am really going to start after Leadership so nothing to report based on amount of weight loss. I really need to go get a scale to track now but for now I am just working on eating better.

Todays report is that my boss came in and asked if I wanted to go do lunch with the other co-workers from the department to get on track before I leave. I have always had a hard time of choosing good when I go out to eat but felt good for myself today to have ordered a salad. I was very hungry come dinner time but I ate a more healthy lunch than I normally would have eaten.

:cheerleader::cheerleader:GOOD FOR YOU!:cheerleader::cheerleader:
  • #10
Very High Maintenance New Consultant...I have a very high maintenance new consultant who is a pistol and on the ball. It seems like a contradiction, but here's the scoop. She plans on trying PC for a year to see if and how it fits into her life. She already has a new email address, new bank account, debit card, website and has ordered business cards and labels. She is also set up to be the business of the month at her bank next month. The main problems are that she has a mac and she is very negative (it feels like she is trying to look at things honestly instead of dreamily, but it comes out negatively). I called Ann (from CS) and she helped with the Mac thing by burning a CD of Boot Camp as well as a not so legal copy of Windows. I also spoke with the Tech Support manager at Leadership and they all have Macs and are in the process of creating a mac version. Anyhoo, I dropped off the discs yesterday when I got home. Apparently they won't install on her Mac. Now, I hate Macs and don't use them, so why would she call me? And she keeps threatening (at least, that is how it seems to me) that if she can't get her computer going with P3 then she will have to quit. I almost told her to because I got so frustrated, but I'm not going to do that. When she called me this morning I didn't answer it because I didn't want to deal with her. I did listen to her message and it helped me to be in the right state of mind to help her. I told her to call her Mac Tech Support (DUH!!!!!!!!!!!) and see what they could do for her. And, of course, she came back with "luckily I have the 3 year extended warranty so it won't cost me to call them but it would have....." Ummm...my husband is a computer programmer and we ALWAYS get the warranty. See how she is turning things from a "great, I can call and it won't cost me money" to a "I'm not going to put more money into this so I'm glad I was smart enough to get the warranty..." thing? So, she had her Open House yesterday and only 4 people came and she only has $75 in orders. She is upset at the flakiness of people (aren't we all) and that they didn't call her. I told her about a situation I am in (basically, a friend is a Stampin Up demonstrator and in December asked if I would host a Jan show - I said I would find a co-host because nobody comes to my shows. She has not called me back and I'm too busy with my business to do it and she asked me, not the other way around) and that it is our job to call people and give them the opportunity to come by and play with the tools that are still out, taste the leftovers, order products, host a show, etc. She said something like "I know we need to be pushy"....NOOOOO!!! I took her off that one fast!!! Ugh! She is just such a strong personality and I tried to find out her "why" but she thought I was just trying to see if her motivations are in the right place. She could be such a great leader if she would just turn things around in her mind....okay, vent over. Feel free to make suggestions about my rant!
  • #11
sounds like she just needs a friend to vent to. She seems excited and is easily distracted by the littlest thing. Just be sweet and remind her of your office hours, and that you'll get back to her then. Chances are that she'll have figured out the solution before you call her back and she'll probably have a better attitude!
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  • #12
Ok, Leadership is over - no excuses now. I took protein bars and did eat a couple of them. I wish I knew why I almost feel sick when I am at conferences... One day I may or may not eat breakfast & lunch was hit or miss.... I was SO hungry after General Session on the first day I gulped down a hamburger - and man, it tasted gooo!!
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  • #13
I didn't eat so good tonight. My son talked me into going out to eat and we had Mexican. I am soooo bad when it comes to that.

I am exhausted tonight so I am hoping to finish a couple things and get to bed early.
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  • #14
Ok here goes... they say that written down goals help so this is what I want to accomplish...

1. start working out - minimum 3 times/week (Angela has me wanting to do my Slim in 6 tapes).

2. I will start tomorrow on the cleanse program that was sold to me by my Chiropractor.
The next 2 days - I will replace a meal with their shake
Days 3 and 4 - eat nothing - drink their shake. I can eat a few nuts (like 8 at a time)

Wish me luck
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  • #15
And now I am going to copy everyone's home made ticker. Thank you, who ever's idea it was
  • #16
I have someone like this too and a had to be REALLY patient at the beginning but now she has so much invested, 3 recruits and has sold over $1,000 consistently since she started. At first complained about EVERYTHING. She still does sometimes but I know she will come back around. You will have some of everything on your team. Nuts and flakes, as long as they are working be patient. Listen to their rants, be on her side sometimes then offer suggestions later when she is calm. If you offer suggestions right away she will think your are minimizing her feelings.
  • #17
chef_kimmo said:
Ok here goes... they say that written down goals help so this is what I want to accomplish...

1. start working out - minimum 3 times/week (Angela has me wanting to do my Slim in 6 tapes).

2. I will start tomorrow on the cleanse program that was sold to me by my Chiropractor.
The next 2 days - I will replace a meal with their shake
Days 3 and 4 - eat nothing - drink their shake. I can eat a few nuts (like 8 at a time)

Wish me luck

Good luck!

Do you like the Slim in 6 stuff? I think that was one I was looking at.
  • #19
Okay, so I flat out told her she needed to be positive. I said to her yesterday "take a nap, eat a piece of chocolate, whatever you need in order to get in a better mood and then get on that phone!" She took that in stride. I'm not used to being this forward especially with someone who is older than me (she has two daughters in their 20s and I'm 30), but I think it will work well for her. She called me back last night with no new sales (I think I'll need to train her on a 3-way call) but 3 new bookings for January and February!
  • #20
As long as they're working... 3 booking is GREAT!
  • #21
She also came to our cluster meeting last night (I do mine with my NED) and she came in with a negative attitude. NED had her sit next to her and "worked" on the attitude. By the end of the meeting her head was swimming with all the new info (you know how that is) and she had decided to install P3 on her son's computer and just move the modem when she needed to submit. NED's line about doing over 600 shows without taking a laptop probably did it for her.
  • #22
I have a laptop but don't take it to shows with me... only recruiting interviews. I find that it's one more thing to carry (I'm lazy) and it just got to be a pain for me. I love that line, though! And will definitely use it!
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  • #23
Christ Follower said:
Where's your ticker Kim?

Well, I had to hunt to find my thread but NOW is the time I am starting my weight loss with determination... It feels like I am starting a new chapter in my life so with it comes weight loss, getting healthy and exercising.

(there I said it, now I am going to do it)

Off to make my ticker ---- shoot it was almost 2 weeks ago since Ellen asked me where it was. Time to Get Er Done!!
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  • #24
So it is true - most of the people at work leave by about 4:30 and I finally left before 6:00 today. I left by 5:00 so I went home and changed and went to the YMCA and worked out before I picked up my ds.

I haven't weighed yet, and frankly I am afraid too.

I will do it tomorrow though - I do it first thing in the morning and want to keep it consistent.
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  • #25
No exercise today but I am hoping I will get some in tomorrow.

One of my co-workers and I are talking about going to WW meetings together so that will be nice. We are planning on going on Monday.
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  • #26
Oh BTW - - - would someone turn off that voice in my head telling me how good some chocolate would taste!!! :grumpy:

I don't usually crave chocolate or anything sweet. I hope it stops soon. :cry:
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  • #27
Ok, again I am outta here - working on a letter for PC.
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  • #28
I had an appt with the YMCA today and I am now all set to exercise regularly. I ended it with 25 minutes on the treadmill. I am actually excited about it......
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  • #29
My ds was in the Y Zone while I was working out and after I picked he said "I am glad you had fun, Mom". He is so sweet to say that but when I think about it - no, I don't think of exercising as fun. I just look forward to having more energy and being less fat.
  • #30
Good for you! :) I don't think I'm doing very good right now, but I'm getting geared up to get with it. I'm moving forward in my life all aspects. I am determined to meet you all a lot smaller than I am today!
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  • #31
Today my co-worker and I did go to WW meeting, I am getting back on track. Ok, today wasn't stellar as far as what I ate and points but I did start so here we go....

I have way too far to go to not be trying.

this will be my last post for the night I need to lay down since my neck is killing me from the way I slide down while posting.
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  • #32
Well, as you can see from my ticker, I have changed my weight loss. I thought I would zero out and go based on what WW is saying so I don't get confused.
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  • #33
My first weigh in showed only a .4 loss. I rounded on my ticker to the 1/2 because I couldn't out how to do the . when I am using those in between weights. I had a good few days since I weighed last so hopefully I will be on track now.
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  • #34
I do have someone who is helping me a lot. My co-worker that I said was going to the meetings with me. She really encouraged me because at the meeting I didn't want to weigh in since I thought I did terrible since we started. It felt good to know I actually lost some. I even followed through this weekend so it must have made an impression

Related to Overcoming Excuses: Achieving Leadership Goals

1. How can I overcome excuses and achieve my leadership goals?

The key to overcoming excuses is to make a plan and stick to it. Set specific, achievable goals and hold yourself accountable. Remember that excuses are just roadblocks on the path to success, and with determination and persistence, you can overcome them.

2. I keep getting distracted and can't seem to stay focused on my leadership goals. What can I do?

It's important to eliminate distractions and create a conducive environment for achieving your goals. This may mean setting aside dedicated time each day to work towards your goals, turning off your phone or finding a quiet place to work. It's also helpful to remind yourself of the end goal and the benefits of achieving it.

3. I have a lot of responsibilities and it's hard to find time for my leadership goals. What should I do?

Prioritization is key. Make a list of your responsibilities and determine which ones are most important. Are there any tasks that can be delegated or eliminated? By managing your time effectively and focusing on the most important tasks, you can make time for your leadership goals.

4. I'm worried about keeping track of my progress while preparing for leadership. How can I stay organized?

There are many tools and resources available to help you stay organized and track your progress. Consider using a planner or productivity app, setting reminders for important tasks, or creating a visual progress chart. It's also helpful to break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks so you can see your progress more easily.

5. I feel overwhelmed and discouraged when I face setbacks. How can I stay motivated?

Remember that setbacks are a natural part of any journey, and it's important to not let them discourage you. Stay positive and focus on the progress you've made so far. Surround yourself with supportive and motivating people, and remind yourself of your ultimate goal. Don't be afraid to take breaks and practice self-care when needed.

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