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Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009?

but this is my business. I am only here to learn and ask questions. I will start posting my successes and questions. Hi Tammy! Welcome aboard! I'm glad you're here! :)No action yet today, but will post later! :)
  • #1,501
Yesterday was slower.Didn't sell the mandoline (he buys the big onions & tomatoes and thinks it's a waste to slice them down to fit in the mandoline holder) However he is looking at the forge knives, so that could be more $$. I wouldn't count this as a contact/ maybe 1/2 contact.I added another person to my mystery host. Verified w/ 1 person that they were doing the mystery host.Sent out 50 new minis w/ reminder for customer appreciation, will send out the rest today. Brenda I have faith you can do it.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,502
Wow - Amanda! You're really rocking the Mystery Host Show! I've thought about doing one, but really need to hold off until June, because I only have 2 weeks in June to do shows and earn the new Fall products. The one I did last June was over $1200!

Let's see - just got a really sassy, fun haircut - and gave the girl who cut my hair info on the Bridal Registry. (she's getting married in June)

Talked to a lady on the phone who is interested in booking a show, but wants me to mail her the specials for the next couple months before she decides.

AND - I am SOOO proud of myself! I made phone calls (didn't get anyone though) and sent a thank-you card to everyone who ordered on a catalog show I just closed. There were only 6 orders, but the show was almost $400! I sent them all a thank-you w/ my business card and new mini. After they get their products, I will follow up with another call. I've always been really bad about contacting the outside orders/catalog show orders, and so I am trying to form a new habit of contacting all of them! (thanks for the habit idea, Amanda!)
  • #1,503
ChefBeckyD said:
Wow - Amanda! You're really rocking the Mystery Host Show! I've thought about doing one, but really need to hold off until June, because I only have 2 weeks in June to do shows and earn the new Fall products. The one I did last June was over $1200!

Let's see - just got a really sassy, fun haircut - and gave the girl who cut my hair info on the Bridal Registry. (she's getting married in June)

Talked to a lady on the phone who is interested in booking a show, but wants me to mail her the specials for the next couple months before she decides.

AND - I am SOOO proud of myself! I made phone calls (didn't get anyone though) and sent a thank-you card to everyone who ordered on a catalog show I just closed. There were only 6 orders, but the show was almost $400! I sent them all a thank-you w/ my business card and new mini. After they get their products, I will follow up with another call. I've always been really bad about contacting the outside orders/catalog show orders, and so I am trying to form a new habit of contacting all of them! (thanks for the habit idea, Amanda!)

Thanks Becky, I'm really trying to rock this out, because I don't have much else this month. I need $850 more before Next Sat for my ice cream maker. That will be awesome for this summer w/ ds.

I have heard the habit thing on several CD's & I keep saying it because I'm really trying to turn my biz around & remind myself what I'm doing.

Today totally sucked, no contacts except telling the lady at the post office what I was mailing. I sent in a show, didn't finish mailing out mini's. I miscounted & ran out. So I'm waiting for my sister consultant to switch w/ me.

Well wish me luck tomorrow w/ the catalog tote & try to get something out of that & maybe I'll win a prize.
  • #1,504
spoke with a recruit lead today - hoping to get her signed before next Saturday.
Attened a new recruits grand opening show - she ROCKED!! Huge turnout - good sales! And she has a good recruit lead. The best part is that she had already been talking to her about it, so she was red flagging during the show big time! I'm so happy for her!! And I'm excited too because a booking lead that I had showed up at her show as a guest of a guest. She WILL book with my gal. And I really think that she may be a recruit lead for her too - she was on my radar, but I could never get her on the phone. So I will work with my gal to get her signed!!
  • #1,505
Made my contacts yesterday. Got 1 catalog show for early March. Have two interested hosts checking their schedules for dates. :) I'll be following up.
  • #1,506
Yesterday while shopping for my customer appreciation an aquitance saw the new season's best came & said hi. We chatted, she was out shopping for her bunko food/prizes. Well I jumped on it & said I could give her a shopping list & I will come make it for Bunko & we could give pc dollars for their prizes. So it looks like I will pick that up for Friday night.Today while I was buying the clear plastic to put my biz cards in the new shopping bags I gave a recipe card to the lady who was cutting the material (sucks she just placed an order)
Then I got 2 rsvp's for Saturday & 1 one of them said they weren't interested in the Mystery host. A busy week for me cleaning & working. I hope I don't miss out on too many contacts & force myself to make them.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,507
I don't do contacts on Sundays...but, at church today, they had a special table set up in the Student building for business building! Our pastor is doing a series on business according to the Bible, and encouraging everyone to network.(with over 10% unemployment in this area, it's affecting many people in our church) So, if you need a job, or are hiring, or want to get the word out to the church about your business, you could put your info on that table. I put out 6 recruiting packets, and 25 mini's with my business card attached, and when I got a chance to go look, everything I put out was gone!

Hopefully, something will come from that.
  • #1,508
ChefBeckyD said:
I don't do contacts on Sundays...but, at church today, they had a special table set up in the Student building for business building! Our pastor is doing a series on business according to the Bible, and encouraging everyone to network.(with over 10% unemployment in this area, it's affecting many people in our church) So, if you need a job, or are hiring, or want to get the word out to the church about your business, you could put your info on that table. I put out 6 recruiting packets, and 25 mini's with my business card attached, and when I got a chance to go look, everything I put out was gone!

Hopefully, something will come from that.

Becky I hope it works out for you.
  • #1,509
Woo hoo! One of my Saturday contacts decided to do a quick February catalog show. She'll close by the end of the week. :) I'll be emailing Jean Jonas for the drawing.Two other contacts yesterday at church. One requested a catalog. The other ordered 2 micro-cookers. Have I mentioned lately that I love my job?
  • #1,510
had a show saturday - 2 bookings, but they will go to the host if she signs (she's seriously considering it)
had an event yesterday - huge - 1 booking and several new leads
  • #1,511
so today, didn't really make a lot of calls, but got a few contacts in. One possible RFL fundraiser - will find out more in the next few weeks. Another possible fundraiser - they need a donation - I need sales. sounds like we could work well together!;)
Confirmed a booking from yesterday. some host coaching and team calls.
  • #1,512
Four contacts yesterday while out and about with The Furry Guy. Gave a mini-catalog to one. Another is a current consultant who is having trouble getting out of her circle of friends/family. I suggested CS and gave her the info she'd need.Got an email this morning from my host for Friday. She asked if it was possible to cancel. She was concerned about the host she booked from and didn't want to cause any problems for her or for me. You see, she and her husband separated this weekend. I assured her that she could cancel and put PC as far from her thoughts as necessary. As for the booked-from host, I told her how the host benefit works. Poor thing. My heart goes out to her.
Last edited:
  • #1,513
Went to my local healthy stuff shop and walked out with my 3 contacts for the day, a February Catalog Show, and a new customer. :) I love my job!
  • #1,514
very few contacts - spent the better part of the day getting things ready for post office and helping a new consultant submitting her first show ($700). But I did get a random order, and few more orders for my weekend host - hope to close her by tomorrow/wed latest!
  • #1,515
I haven't been doing so well with contacts the last 4-5 days. Today is a new day, and I hope to get back into a routine again!! I am in the process of trying to reach hosts to close out 2 cooking shows and 3 catalog shows
  • #1,516
spoke to a recruit lead today, emailed a few others. I know the emails don't count, but I try to make sure that I touch base with these people, and sometimes that works the best......had a church member call me with an order today. host coaching and team calls. And if bickering with DH about taxes (and my lack of organization) counts as a contact then I had TONS - with more to come in the next few weeks.....sheesh, did he forget who he married?!?!? I mean, it is very obvious that I am NOT good with details!! But I do want to say how VERY thankful I am to have P3 - because when I REMEMBER to put things in, it sure does make it easy!!
  • #1,517
A few contacts yesterday, but no real results.Also did a bit of host coaching.
  • #1,518
Good thing I got some good contacts in during the day, because I layed down after dinner, "for a few minutes" and did not do anything else until it was time to get the kids ready for bed.

My contacts were:

~Booked a May show, with a lead that was originally looking at April.

~Gave a catty to the clerk at Walmart. She was not familiar with The PC, but would be interested in earning some extra income with a flexible schedule! I will follow up with her today.

~Gave recipe cards to another woman outside Walmart, who had not heard of The PC, but she had no further interest.

~Made 3 customer care calls with no real results. (did add 1 e-mail address to my list)

~Finally made contact with the local Relay for Life coordinator. There is a Team Captain meeting coming up on March 2nd, and I told her about fundraisers, and how I would like to be there to tell the Captains about our fundraising opportunity. She said she was going to run it by the Captains to see if there was interest, and get back to me.

~My host from a couple of weeks ago is thinking about signing in the near future.
  • #1,519
Had a $915 show last night. No bookings there but a couple maybes.

Booked a show for April 14th tonight.
  • #1,520
Made two contacts yesterday:

~Followed up with the clerk from Walmart, and booked an end of April show.

~A customer care call, added her e-mail to my list, and can follow up with her late April about hosting a show.
  • #1,521
Made my contacts yesterday. Resulted in a possible show and a recruit lead. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #1,522
Had a Ladies Night Out Event last night w/ 6 other vendors. It was at a Kitchen and Bath Design Center - I had the PERFECT kitchen for a demo/set-up.It was a very dark and story night.....and only about 20 women showed up.Out of those 20 women (and 7 vendors competing for their attention!), I got $200 in sales, and 4 - yes, count 'em, 4! Bookings!The Silpada Rep who organized the event was a bit ticked off. She kept asking me what I did to get the bookings. Everyone else there was offering all kinds of deals & discounts, etc...on sales for the evening, and for bookings. I have been so busy dealing w/ my mom, I didn't even have time to come up with any kind of special. So - I set up a pretty display of new bamboo, and a few other new products. I served:
Sun-dried Tomato & Herb, and Garlic Parmesan Dipping Oils on the cracker tray w/ french bread cubes.
A block of cream cheese covered in Pineapple Rum Sauce in the middle of the medium bamboo tray - surrounded by Carrs Wheat Crackers & Water Crackers (Carrs are my favorite elegant cracker!)
I steamed Wonton Purses throughout the evening, and served them on the Dots Medium Platter w/ Ginger Wasabi Sauce in a 3rd Bamboo bowl in the middle of the platter.As people came to my area, I just commented on how this was an wonderful appetizer assortment for people who don't cook, or if you don't have time to pull something together. I then said that if they would like to host a show, I would bring this same set-up and we could have a fun night learning an easy recipe for the wonton purses. That's it - that's all I did. Oh - and also show them my "Magic Pot" (DCB) and talk about that too.:DIf you have been worried about selling the bottled sauces (and I had some concerns myself) then, based on my success last night, I would say not to worry - There was at least one sauce on every order I took last night! Plus a bamboo tray, and a pineapple wedger. It was a good start to my own Catalog Show I am doing for March!:thumbup:Oh - and one of the women who booked is also interested in becoming a consultant!
  • #1,523
well today I had a future host call me to ask if I could do a show for her co-worker on the same day. Considering this is quite a drive for me I was all over that - will definitely make it worth the drive!;)
had a show tonight - host is interested in signing.
touched base with a few other recruit leads - I haven't really been on the phone booking shows - I have 9 right now for March, and helping a new consultant with a HUGE fundraiser and so far I have 1 catalog show. I wouldn't mind some weeknight shows in March, but if I have to push til April I'm fine with that too.

I've had a child (2 of the 3 - different days) home with me almost every day this week sick from school (they only share germs:yuck:), so I feel very behind on my business "stuff". i need host packs made, guest folders, and just labeling........hopefully they will all be (and stay) healthy next week.
  • #1,524
I signed a new recruit today and closed a couple shows. :D

No new bookings added to my calendar today though.
  • #1,525
Made my contacts yesterday. No real results.However, while I was host coaching an accidental February catalog show, she expressed interest in the business. :) I'm sending her a recruiting packet today. Well discuss it when we close her show.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,526
amy07 said:
well today I had a future host call me to ask if I could do a show for her co-worker on the same day. Considering this is quite a drive for me I was all over that - will definitely make it worth the drive!;)
had a show tonight - host is interested in signing.
touched base with a few other recruit leads - I haven't really been on the phone booking shows - I have 9 right now for March, and helping a new consultant with a HUGE fundraiser and so far I have 1 catalog show. I wouldn't mind some weeknight shows in March, but if I have to push til April I'm fine with that too.

I've had a child (2 of the 3 - different days) home with me almost every day this week sick from school (they only share germs:yuck:), so I feel very behind on my business "stuff". i need host packs made, guest folders, and just labeling........hopefully they will all be (and stay) healthy next week.

I've discovered that my 4.5 yr old will sit and label for me. He does a pretty good job too. He has done catalog labels, bring a friend labels, etc.....once we came to an understanding that upside down labels were not okay, he's loved doing it. (Um, he does get paid a penny per label, though....:blushing:)
  • #1,527
ChefBeckyD said:
Had a Ladies Night Out Event last night w/ 6 other vendors. It was at a Kitchen and Bath Design Center - I had the PERFECT kitchen for a demo/set-up.

It was a very dark and story night.....and only about 20 women showed up.

Out of those 20 women (and 7 vendors competing for their attention!), I got $200 in sales, and 4 - yes, count 'em, 4! Bookings!

The Silpada Rep who organized the event was a bit ticked off. She kept asking me what I did to get the bookings. Everyone else there was offering all kinds of deals & discounts, etc...on sales for the evening, and for bookings. I have been so busy dealing w/ my mom, I didn't even have time to come up with any kind of special. So - I set up a pretty display of new bamboo, and a few other new products. I served:
Sun-dried Tomato & Herb, and Garlic Parmesan Dipping Oils on the cracker tray w/ french bread cubes.
A block of cream cheese covered in Pineapple Rum Sauce in the middle of the medium bamboo tray - surrounded by Carrs Wheat Crackers & Water Crackers (Carrs are my favorite elegant cracker!)
I steamed Wonton Purses throughout the evening, and served them on the Dots Medium Platter w/ Ginger Wasabi Sauce in a 3rd Bamboo bowl in the middle of the platter.

As people came to my area, I just commented on how this was an wonderful appetizer assortment for people who don't cook, or if you don't have time to pull something together. I then said that if they would like to host a show, I would bring this same set-up and we could have a fun night learning an easy recipe for the wonton purses.

That's it - that's all I did. Oh - and also show them my "Magic Pot" (DCB) and talk about that too.:D

If you have been worried about selling the bottled sauces (and I had some concerns myself) then, based on my success last night, I would say not to worry - There was at least one sauce on every order I took last night! Plus a bamboo tray, and a pineapple wedger. It was a good start to my own Catalog Show I am doing for March!:thumbup:

Oh - and one of the women who booked is also interested in becoming a consultant!

That is awesome, Becky!!! Another great story on how our businesses are thriving during these tough economic times!!
  • #1,528
Only made 2 contacts yesterday, as I left messages for 4-5 hosts that I am trying to close out!

One contact was a customer care call, with no real results. The other was a booking for a March catalog show.

I also heard from my MIA for next weekend's show. She had sent invites to 36 people, personally calling 19 of them, and so far only has 3 maybes. Both her mother and sister have recently lost their jobs. I told her to tell them to come anyway, and suggest to her guests to bring their favorite recipe with 5 ingredients or less (in their head, not the actual dish), and we would have a recipe exchange. This might get more interest. She is very upbeat about her show now!!!
  • #1,529
Three contacts today while I was out and about to close a catalog show ($350 and 2 bookings). No real results yet.Forgot to mention what happened Thursday while I was closing two catalog shows. (In order to make the most of the February host benefits, Mom collected orders for a catalog show. Daughter booked a show off Mom's and started collecting orders right away. They closed the same day. Mom got 2 items at 60% off. Daughter got 1. They were both thrilled, and both shows were just over $200.) Anyhoo, Daughter receives my newsletter via USPS. She told me that she loves getting the newsletter. When she sees it she opens it right away, before anything else. Made me feel really good. :)
  • #1,530
awesome newsletter story Rae - I'm the same -I'd rather have the "real" version than the online versions.....

Ellen - awesome job on the recruit! I REALLY wanted one this month, but no dice unless someone surprises me by signing up online tonight.

great show today - she had $250 in orders before I showed up - that's always a plus. low attendance - awesome sales - she has a GREAT show for her - she said it's the biggest ever - helped that the past host used her booking benefit to get the knife block set. no bookings though, although I will follow up with the outside orders.

Becky - I did "hire" my oldest at one point - but he's getting to the moody stage here lately - even flashing a $$ before his eyes doesn't seem to cut it anymore - he's getting sloppy "accidentally on purpose".
  • #1,531
Hi Ladies I'm back!! I have been busy all week getting ready for my customer appreciation. I have made contacts all week, but I didn't keep track.So I had 11 people attend my customer appreciation event, they loved the food. I submitted a show for $850 last night & have about $200 in new products to submit for March. I'm so excited. Now I need to get on the phone, I have 2 shows this month & that is not enough for Disney.I gave everyone a shopping bag w/ a new season's best. I had my mom make little biz card pockets w/ clear plastic & sew them in the shopping bags. I told them to put their names on the back of the cards & if they refer me & that person books a show, they can receive $20 in products. I'm trying to work smarter!! Well make them work harder for me. I need to go clean up from last night!
  • #1,532
Way to go, Amanda!!!

I had a show yesterday. Traveled 45 minutes for a lousy $160 show. 3 out of the 4 guests were past guests/hosts. 2 of them did not order. One of the orders was an outside order.

I also talked to my catty host about signing. She is a former consultant.
  • #1,533
Nothing here today. I was trying to rest and do family stuff after the drama of getting all my shows in yesterday. Had my last host called me 5 minutes earlier last night I would have earned the next level of the electrics incentive AND an extra % in pay. :grumpy: GRRRR....oh well.

I need to follow up with some people this week to get some April shows going. I am SO limited on when I can book shows in April I am a bit nervous. Between the Miami trip and Easter it is not looking good for that apron incentive.:cry:
  • #1,534
Five contacts yesterday. Since I don't do Sunday calls, this was pretty good. One is interested in our Stockpot. :) Another is interested in bartering PC products for therapeutic massage. Oh, yeah!
  • #1,535
had a show yesterday - during our biggest snowstorm in quite some time. Was in & out quick - over $500 with more orders possible from those who didn't make the show. hope to get some calls in tonight....
  • #1,536
Been busy - had 3 shows this past week - one yet to close. Taking a recruit lead to our cluster meeting tonight - she is very interested in becoming a consultant - would be my 1st for which I'm excited!! Need to get some more shows on the books for March and April.
  • #1,537
No contacts yesterday, but I better get on the phone this afternoon/evening. I have had a host for April 30th cancel, indefinetely (she has postponed her show 2-3 times already, and her guests would probably be the same 3-4 that were at Saturday's show), and then I just got an e-mail from my host for March 16th, needing to postpone her show. UUGGHH!!!
  • #1,538
host coaching today
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  • #1,539
Called someone who wanted to have a March catalog show, and she decided to change it to a Cooking Show (Wahoo!)

Also talked to someone who asked me to call to get a date on the schedule - and we set a date for April.
  • #1,540
Booked my 5th and 6th April shows, and my first May show. Am having a recruit interview Thursday!
  • #1,541
Had 2 contacts today,
1 order who wasn't able to attend the customer appreciation/ tried to get her to book, but a no go.
1 host coaching call.I was not feeling well, so I lounged a little more than I should have. I need $1250 for this month.
  • #1,542
Three good, solid contacts today.Two were at my salon. I took in mini-catalogs when I went in for a cut and color. (My red is BACK!) My stylist and her neighbor are both really interested in some of the new products. My stylist loves PC and has hosted and ordered before.The third was at my new ear candling lady's. Today was our first session. She said she loves PC, but hasn't seen a catalog in years. I grabbed a catalog for her out of my van. She said she'd look it over and leave it in the shop. (She's located in a small salon.) She said she didn't know of anyone close who did PC, and she was sure the customers would like to know where to find me. :)
  • #1,543
raebates said:
Three good, solid contacts today.

Two were at my salon. I took in mini-catalogs when I went in for a cut and color. (My red is BACK!) My stylist and her neighbor are both really interested in some of the new products. My stylist loves PC and has hosted and ordered before.

The third was at my new ear candling lady's. Today was our first session. She said she loves PC, but hasn't seen a catalog in years. I grabbed a catalog for her out of my van. She said she'd look it over and leave it in the shop. (She's located in a small salon.) She said she didn't know of anyone close who did PC, and she was sure the customers would like to know where to find me. :)

what is that?!!? I'm having visions of Shrek pulling wax out of his ear, and you are NOT an ogre - so please tell me what ear candling is. :eek:
  • #1,544
nothing for me today. ****sigh****
  • #1,545
Ear candling is great. The candle is actually heavy paper that's been saturated with wax, then rolled into a tight cylinder. The pointed end is placed gently in the ear canal. The other end is lit. Capillary action draws the wax gently from the ear canal.You can purchase ear candles at a lot of health stores, but I have stayed away from that. I would have to have The Furry Guy do it, and the idea of him near my hair with fire kind of scares me. Most people who do candling are massage therapists. My last practitioner would give me a facial massage and do a little aromatherapy. Unfortunately, she retired. My new one did some lymphatic massage before the candling. In both cases the lights were low, soft music was playing, and it was very relaxing. They both did 2 candles in each ear. It takes about 1/2 hour.When you see how much wax comes out of your ears, it's amazing. My dad has excess ear wax. He has his removed by a doctor. They use a long, tiny spade to dig out the wax. It hurts. I like my way better.BTW, I really can be an ogre sometimes. Just ask The Furry Guy.
  • #1,546
The only contact I made today (besides talking to a couple of hosts) was to a wedding registry/bridal show lead that I have been following up with. Their wedding has been moved from April to July, so I will follow up at the end of May with them.
  • #1,547
Ear candling is great. The candle is actually heavy paper that's been saturated with wax, then rolled into a tight cylinder. The pointed end is placed gently in the ear canal. The other end is lit. Capillary action draws the wax gently from the ear canal.

You can purchase ear candles at a lot of health stores, but I have stayed away from that. I would have to have The Furry Guy do it, and the idea of him near my hair with fire kind of scares me.

Most people who do candling are massage therapists. My last practitioner would give me a facial massage and do a little aromatherapy. Unfortunately, she retired. My new one did some lymphatic massage before the candling. In both cases the lights were low, soft music was playing, and it was very relaxing. They both did 2 candles in each ear. It takes about 1/2 hour.

When you see how much wax comes out of your ears, it's amazing. My dad has excess ear wax. He has his removed by a doctor. They use a long, tiny spade to dig out the wax. It hurts. I like my way better.

BTW, I really can be an ogre sometimes. Just ask The Furry Guy.
  • #1,548
weird day for contacts. Had a past host leave a vm about hosting this month or next - couldn't connect with her to set a date. My host for Friday postponed til May. Had someone from an event I did last year to place an order - she's supposed to do it on my website.....we'll see
team calls and closed a show
  • #1,549
Four contacts today. Two of them are planning to place orders soon.
  • #1,550
Been pretty busy - I'm working with my new and first recruit - she will be signing next week to maximize her first 30 days - she's already scheduled her first show for March 22nd and 3 more through April 9th - she's very enthusiastic and I think she'll do well. Been emailing back and forth with past host who wants an April or May show - I gave her a date for each and she's deciding between the two. I really need to get on the phone and get some more shows on my calendar - had 4 in the last two weeks of February but don't have another on calendar until March 29th. I will see some relatives this weekend - hoping to persuade a cousin to host a show for me.
<h2>What is the concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009"?</h2><p>The concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009" is to set and achieve realistic goals in three different areas: physical, nutritional, and mental. This approach encourages a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.</p><h2>What are the benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program?</h2><p>The benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program include increased accountability, motivation, and support. By setting and sharing your goals with others, you are more likely to follow through and achieve them. Additionally, you will have a community of like-minded individuals to provide encouragement and support.</p><h2>What is the difference between this year's 3-2-1 program and last year's?</h2><p>This year's 3-2-1 program is an all-new thread, meaning it is a fresh start for everyone. It is a great opportunity for those who may have fallen off track last year to recommit and for new members to join in. Additionally, this year's program will have a renewed focus on accountability and holding each other to our goals.</p><h2>What types of goals can be set for the 3-2-1 program?</h2><p>Goals for the 3-2-1 program can be related to physical health, such as exercising a certain number of times per week or improving overall fitness. They can also be related to nutrition, such as incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet or reducing sugar intake. Mental health goals can include practicing self-care, reducing stress, or learning a new skill.</p><h2>How can I join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread?</h2><p>To join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread, simply start by setting your goals and sharing them with the community. You can then check in regularly, share your progress, and provide support and encouragement to others. It is also helpful to set specific check-in days and times to hold yourself accountable and stay on track.</p>

Related to Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009?

What is the concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009"?

The concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009" is to set and achieve realistic goals in three different areas: physical, nutritional, and mental. This approach encourages a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.

What are the benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program?

The benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program include increased accountability, motivation, and support. By setting and sharing your goals with others, you are more likely to follow through and achieve them. Additionally, you will have a community of like-minded individuals to provide encouragement and support.

What is the difference between this year's 3-2-1 program and last year's?

This year's 3-2-1 program is an all-new thread, meaning it is a fresh start for everyone. It is a great opportunity for those who may have fallen off track last year to recommit and for new members to join in. Additionally, this year's program will have a renewed focus on accountability and holding each other to our goals.

What types of goals can be set for the 3-2-1 program?

Goals for the 3-2-1 program can be related to physical health, such as exercising a certain number of times per week or improving overall fitness. They can also be related to nutrition, such as incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet or reducing sugar intake. Mental health goals can include practicing self-care, reducing stress, or learning a new skill.

How can I join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread?

To join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread, simply start by setting your goals and sharing them with the community. You can then check in regularly, share your progress, and provide support and encouragement to others. It is also helpful to set specific check-in days and times to hold yourself accountable and stay on track.

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