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Kristi's Famous Phone Sale - Save Big! June 2nd, 2006

In summary, Kristi's Famous Friday Phone Sale is a great opportunity to save on your purchases, receive special offers and shopping sprees, and get your order delivered to your home or picked up at the host's home.
Gold Member
Okay, I posted this in another thread but I thought I would make my own. Please tell me you thoughts, comments and suggestions. I will be sending this by e-mail tomorrow to over 500 contacts! Am I missing the boat on anything? I really want to get some sales from this!:D


Kristi’s Famous Friday Phone Sale is Friday, June 2nd, 2006

HERE'S HOW IT WORKS-- AND WHY ITS FAMOUS! I sit by the phone all afternoon, and you call in your orders. There will be HOURLY SPECIALS and SHOPPING SPREES!

Hourly Specials:
10 am – 11 am Save 5% on your entire order!

11 am - NOON All products containing an 'f' for Famous Friday, 10% off!
NOON - 1 pm Men’s hour- All men placing orders get a FREE Seasons Best Recipe Collection.

1 pm – 2 pm Nap time! E-mail me or go to my website to place your order and you’ll be entered to win a FREE JAR OPENER!

2 pm – 3 pm Save 15% on any order!


Add your PHD # (past host within past year) and save another 10% at any hour!

The highest order will receive a FREE product valued at $25! Your choice!

Every $60 order will receive a FREE Ice Cream Sandwich Maker ($12 value) with their order!

You can choose to pick your order up at my home when it arrives OR have it shipped by UPS to your door.

There are 3 ways to order. . . choose which works best for YOU:

1. Visit my website during sale hours 10am - 4pm www.mywebsite.biz

Then, click on "Order Pampered Chef Products"
Next, enter host's name. . . which is PHONE SALE (Type Phone in first name box and Sale in second box)
You can view the catalog & place your order, including credit card payment.
It is a secure site - I will adjust your total to reflect the sale.

2. Call me the during the sale hours at 123-456-7890. If I am helping another customer and I don’t pick up, I will call you right back.

3. E-mail your order to me Thurs night, with your full name and phone number and take the full discount of 15%. Include your full name, address, phone number and I will call you with your total and get your payment.

Have fun shopping . . . for you, for gifts, for your kids who now have kitchens of their own, for weddings, showers and even Father's Day! I appreciate your business and I am here to help you with recipe and product ideas any time. Without you, I’d have no business in the kitchen.

Need new cookware? . . . ask me about the two ways to get it FREE! Either Host a show OR do what I do - become a Pampered Chef Consultant and enjoy the same flexibility and expense-paid vacations that my family enjoys. I am just a phone call away or check out my website to learn more!

I would appreciate it if you would invite a friend to benefit from this Phone Sale- IN FACT, when you refer 5 or more people to my FAMOUS FRIDAY sale, you will WIN A SHOPPING SPREE! The more people you refer, the BIGGER your SPREE will BE! The spree is based on orders placed by your referrals. You don't have to place a minimum order to win.

Email orders will be checked once an hour so that you can benefit from the hourly specials. Shipping and taxes apply to all orders. Shipping in town, $4, all others subject to actual UPS shipping charge. Credit card orders ONLY for this sale please.

ALSO Book your show with me on June 2nd, and you’ll receive Any product (valued at $30 or less) for the price of the day. Example-choose the Food Chopper and book your show on June 5th and receive the chopper for $5! Must book your show for June, July or August to receive this special! Hurry, this deal won’t last long and dates are filling quickly!
Looks good to me!
have you tried this before?? Sounds like a great idea, I'd like to know how it works!! Good luck!!
I would like to know how it goes as well. I would like to try it as I am on vacation the last week of June, so I will set it up for one of the days I am home.
I'm hoping to get bookings with the June give away days flyer but if that doesn't work I will try this sale the last week for June to try and boost last minute sales!!

I definately want to know how your sale goes. Are you mailing these as flyers or sending them as e-mails? I would love to do something like this but I have a feeling I wouldn't get much of a response unless I called everyone to remind them of my sale or something like that.
  • Thread starter
  • #7
I have never done something like this before. I'm excited to try it and can't wait to see how it turns out. My thoughts on doing it so soon is that it is still fresh in my customers mind and if I give them too much time, they'll forget. I plan on sending this out tomorrow and see if I get a good response from this a couple days early. I'm hoping it does well but we'll see!:p

Oh, I'm only doing this by e-mail so hopefully it will be word of mouth!
This sounds like fun! I was going to do a bingo next week; since I couldn't get any takers on shows that week, but I may do this instead! Sounds like less work, maybe! Let us know how it goes!
I did one back in December, and ended with a $706 show:D . It helped that it was right before the holidays, and a lot of people bought gifts. I pretty much followed Kristi's outline in the first post (I got it from here), but did it in the afternoon and evening. Next December, I'm going to make it a lot shorter time frame - maybe 2 1/2- 3 hours. I got too antsy sitting around waiting for the phone to ring, although it certainly paid off. I also did it only via e-mail (I e-mailed the invitations from my website), no snail mail.

Good luck!!

  • #10
PampMomof3 said:
I have never done something like this before. I'm excited to try it and can't wait to see how it turns out. My thoughts on doing it so soon is that it is still fresh in my customers mind and if I give them too much time, they'll forget. I plan on sending this out tomorrow and see if I get a good response from this a couple days early. I'm hoping it does well but we'll see!:p

Oh, I'm only doing this by e-mail so hopefully it will be word of mouth!

Why not say that anyone who orders $60 or more gets the free ice cream maker & half priced shipping? Or if anyone orders early, they'll get 5% off. It sounds like a fun sale. I'd probably consider doing a 8am-noon sale.... but I have a hard time sitting home all day. Hmmmm maybe I could do this AND declutter at the same time.....

Good luck!
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Thanks for letting us know of your AWESOME outcome Diane! I hope mine does half of that! I just sent it to 525 people so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that i get a couple bites! I did a bonus time as well. I added if the place an order by e-mail or my website between 6-10 (I'll be at a show) then they'll get a free SB cookbook. I changed the men's hour to the great grilling cards free. I'll post my results on Saturday after my show!

Thanks for the encouraging words!:D
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  • #12
That's a great idea Susan! Only too late for me now. I'm hoping it will spark some interest and be able to add the sales onto my aunts show on Saturday! :D
  • #13
I like your sale idea. Just a quick ? does that 10% apply to professional cookware? I wanted to create a sale like yourself but have been reluctant b/c didn't want to reduce my earnings by giving so much for free. Hope you yield lucrative results!
  • Thread starter
  • #14
It sure does! I did that for all of May and only had 1 person use me on it. Hey, if I can get a $100 sale on professional cookware, I don't mind giving them $10 off when I'll still make $17 more. I plan on hitting $10k this month for a 27% commission rate.:D
  • #15
Good luck and thanks for the information about your sale. Great timing! Glad you've had success with sales like this in the past.
  • #16
PampMomof3 said:
Thanks for letting us know of your AWESOME outcome Diane! I hope mine does half of that! I just sent it to 525 people so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that i get a couple bites! I did a bonus time as well. I added if the place an order by e-mail or my website between 6-10 (I'll be at a show) then they'll get a free SB cookbook. I changed the men's hour to the great grilling cards free. I'll post my results on Saturday after my show!

Thanks for the encouraging words!:D

WOW! 525 people! I wish I knew that many people! This has encouraged me to meet more people. My husband has been telling me that my problem is that I am fishing from the same small fish bowl. I need to expand and reach more people! I have a goal now to have 525 people to email in December! :D
  • #17
I really like your idea!! So much I'm trying it. wishing you luck tommorrow!!
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Thank you guys! I can't wait until tomorrow!:D I had a show for tomorrow night just reschedule for August so now I'm just hoping to have a good turnout from this. I'll keep you guys posted to let you know how I do. Man, I hope I don't get too excited and not get any orders at all!:rolleyes:
  • #19
My director did this sale in November, because she was having a lot of cancelations and had over a $700 show. You never know just think positive!:D

Good Luck, and I hope it is a huge success for you!
  • #20
How does one get so many contacts, 525 seems like a lot!!
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  • #21
Ask everyone for their e-mail address at your shows. Also, if you have the website, there is a place for your hosts to add their friends e-mail addresses and you can click on it to add their name and address to your database. I've only been doing PC for 13 months so I'm extremely happy to have that many contacts!:D

Now, I'm just waiting for 10:00 to come but I think my best hour will be between 2-3 but we'll see! :D
  • #22
Whenever I add people's emails to my mailing list without asking, most get upset. We need to add that to our order forms and survey slips.
  • #23
my director has over 1000 contacts....wish i could just get a couple hundred
  • #24
tiffanypc05 said:
my director has over 1000 contacts....wish i could just get a couple hundred

At my shows, I tell the guests that if they will provide their email address, I will send them the recipe(s) I make...since I started doing that, I get emails from just about everybody. I also mention that I do have an email newsletter that I send out...

In fact, on my drawing slip, I have a little disclaimer at the bottom that says "Your information will never be sold or given to another party. Thank you." It lets them know that I am not passing their information out.

I have attached it...It was created in publisher, so am attaching in "jpeg" format...

Hope this helps...


  • Drawing Slip jpeg.jpg
    Drawing Slip jpeg.jpg
    34.7 KB · Views: 597
  • #25
Nicole - that looks great. Could you also post the publisher one?
  • #26
Publisher format
cmdtrgd said:
Nicole - that looks great. Could you also post the publisher one?

Here you go!


  • Drawing Slip.pub
    48 KB · Views: 409
  • #27
Thanks for the great drawing slips! I transferred it into word.


  • guest info slips.doc
    25 KB · Views: 535
  • #28
Thanx!!! :D
  • #29

I can't wait to hear how your sale went! Hope you are having a successful event!
  • #30
cmdtrgd said:
Whenever I add people's emails to my mailing list without asking, most get upset. We need to add that to our order forms and survey slips.

I make my own prize drawing slips for my shows. Similiar to the PC ones, but I tweaked mine a little; I put a place for their email & under it ask if they want to be on my monthly email list.
  • #31
Nicole, great drawing slip! I like the responses they can choose, instead of yes-maybe-no. Very creative:)
  • #32
How is your sale going?
  • #33
Mine looks like it's closing at the $300 level. I only have 68 contacts on my website though, PLUS I send out the email yesterday.

It is $300 more than I would have had. I will be doing this again during Dec.
  • Thread starter
  • #34
That's great Brooke! I guess I didn't realize you were doing it but am glad that you had such a great response! Better than me I would say!;)

Right now I have $87 in sales but have 5 people that said they wanted to order with me today and I haven't heard from them yet so I'm going to call them now! I also had a surprise today with a show that I went to and she only had one lady show up and she placed an $75 order. Well, guess what? She called me today to close her show out and we are closing her show out at $377 right now! Not too bad in a days work! Can I count that as my phone sale?!:p I'll post later and let you know what it finally closes at. I did put on there that they can place an order through 10 tonigt to get a special!:)
  • #35
I did the phone sale thing. Right now, my sales are at 235. in guest sales. So not too bad, hopefully I will reach the 250. I will add something if I don't get anything else. Now the 250 is for the guest sales right? Not the show total.. I think that is right.. Anyway.. hope everyone sale goes well.:D
  • #36
Great show Mary!!

Great closing for your show!!! As far as the phone sale goes its $87 more than you had yesterday. Maybe some couldn't order till tonight!!

How did you get all of those contacts? From your receipts or do you transfer them from you hosts who use your website?
  • Thread starter
  • #37
Thanks brooke and Congratulations Mary! That's fantastic! :D

I get my contacts from receipts, DPDS and contacts from my website. It's turned out a pretty good number, I really didn't think that I had that many!:p ;)
  • #38
I'm trying this idea too. Mine is Friday so I'm hoping it does well. I don't know many people and am struggling to get my June going. I handed out flyers about the sale today and saw some interest but so many people had friends that are PC consultants so it's hard to tell what will happen.
  • #39
I am trying this, this Friday also. I hope it goes well as I haven't had much luck getting the other 2 bookings I need for my sales. I just sent out an email about it & I'm thinking about putting an ad in the paper....
Kristi, what was your final number?
  • #40

How did your phone sale a thon go?
  • #40
I made a Publisher document. Does anyone know how to convert it to Word or PDF and keep the formatting?
  • #41
Phone Sale FlyerI made a Publisher file for the Phone Sale but does anyone know how to convert this to Word or PDF and still keep the formatting?


  • Phone sale.pub
    57 KB · Views: 411
  • #42
tanze26 said:
I made a Publisher file for the Phone Sale but does anyone know how to convert this to Word or PDF and still keep the formatting?

What I do is save it as a "JPEG". Go into the file, click on Save As, then change the file type to jpeg. Then, you can post it. This doesn't allow anyone to make changes, but at least they can see it!

  • #43
Kristi ~ thank you!!!! for sharing your email content! Wow! Fab idea!
Michelle S. ~ thanks for the flyer!

Everyone else ~ thanks for the info & ideas! I need another show for June & I think I just found it! You all are great!

What was the thought about an ad in the Paper?
  • #44
I did a similar sale when I needed to take two weeks off both before and after my baby was due. I called it "Baby Due Sale" and accepted orders by voice mail or email only. (Since I didn't know if I'd be having a baby the day I scheduled the sale!). This was a few years ago before I had email, so I mailed out tons of post cards, to preferred customers and past hosts. I also handed them out everywhere I went and PUT AN AD IN THE PAPER. The only ones to take advantage of the sale were past hosts. I got NOTHING from the ad except the bill.
  • #45
I am having my first phone sale tomorrow too! I put it in my monthly newsletter and emailed it out yesterday. Currently I have only about 40 contacts, but I hope to fix that when I do more "out of the box" calls after some shows I had in the last two weeks.Wish me luck, I hope some people call. Is it bad not to have any expectations of anyone to call? I never really get responses from people who get my newsletter, but I do know people read it.Update: 15 minutes to the end of the sale. No phone calls. Oh well. I tried.
Last edited:
  • #46
Well... my phone sale was a disaster. Not one call! Granted I just started and don't have many contacts but still. I made some sales the night before but those people would have ordered anyway so I ended up making less b/c of the discount I then had to give them b/c they knew about the sale. Anyone else have better luck? I passed out flyers around the neighborhoods with the mini-catalog and posted the flyers in local businesses. Maybe some of those will pay off one day.
  • Thread starter
  • #47
amybee said:

How did your phone sale a thon go?

Thank you for asking and I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I had 2 shows this week (last night and tonight and had other hosts to track down for my remaining 5 shows this month!) so I've been a little busy!:p My sales for the the phone sale was $235. Not too bad, since I've had 4 cancellation/reschedules on me this month. I'll take anything at this point~!;) Good Luck everyone who does this, I did find that everyone loved the 15% off hour!

GOOD LUCK! I'm glad some of you found some luck in it and the others who didn't, don't get discouraged, you're putting your name in front of your customers one more time! It's great to do that!!:D Have a great weekend!
  • #48
I've gotten all my flyers out @ 50. Sent out about 100 emails... and have gotten about 6 RSVP for my "early bird"; which is tomorrow. My show is 6/23. Will let you know how it goes.

Tena; don't give up. Try again in about 6 months; and remember to tell everyone to "pass it on". Also, send to realtors, church's, maybe try the local paper (jury still out on that one. :) Good Luck!
  • #49
I tried it!I tried this at the very last minute. I ended up with about a $50 order from one person. Which I am very :D with since it only took about 5 minutes to send the email!
  • Thread starter
  • #50
Congratulations! Isn't it easy??

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