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Join the Thread Killers Club and Embrace Your Fate!

In summary, the conversation discusses the thread killers and how they often act. One person talks about how they are a thread killer on another forum and another person talks about how they are a thread killer on a Mac forum. Finally, someone talks about being a thread killer again.
  • #2,501
Oh. OK. Now I understand.
  • #2,502
Ok Rae... We will let it die....

After this post!
  • #2,503
Okay, that will work.
  • #2,504
Bet you though you had killed it, huh? After all, it went 32 hours without a post.

  • #2,505
etteluap70PC said:
Ok Rae... We will let it die....

After this post!

Wait! I thought we were letting it die after Ann's last post...
  • #2,506
Or was that Rae's last post?
  • #2,507
I don't know but this is the last post on this thread.
  • #2,508
now Beth.... You should know better than that!!!
  • #2,509
yeah. But it was worth a try.:rolleyes:
  • #2,510
Hmm, maybe you didn't understand the instructions?

I'm just proud that it lasted over 24 hours without a post after mine. ;)
  • #2,511
katie0128 said:
Wait! I thought we were letting it die after Ann's last post...

Ah, Katie, to be so young and innocent. :)
  • #2,512
But I'm growing up quick... just the other day I understood, not one, but TWO of KG's crazy puns!!!
  • #2,513
Ah, you learn well, grasshopper.
  • #2,514
raebates said:
Hmm, maybe you didn't understand the instructions?

I'm just proud that it lasted over 24 hours without a post after mine. ;)

awww you just got lucky. I had company and other comitments all day.
  • #2,515
Very new to ChefSuccess....so what's a thread killer? LOL
  • #2,516
If you are the last person to post on a thread and there are no more replies ever then you are a thread killer!

It has happened to us all. This thread was started as kind of a joke/comic relief for those of us who seem to "kill" threads when we post to them.

This one had become a friendly copmetition as to who will be the last to post. I personally intend to NEVER let it end!!! LOL

Welcome to our wacky little corner of cyberspace!
  • #2,517
Glad to have you here Lynnieray. Don't mind us. We're mostly harmless and, occasionally, even helpful.
  • #2,518
now go check out all the other stuff happenin on cs and let me kill this thread!!!
  • #2,519
raebates said:
Ah, you learn well, grasshopper.

Not a grasshopper - a katydid! We read a story about katydids in first grade and the nickname has followed me...
  • #2,520
Whenever I see your name, I think of our son's wonderful friend named Katie who lives in the Columbus, OH, area. Like you, she is sweet and slightly ornery. We love her.When we first met her she had royal blue hair. The back was all feathered. The Furry Guy told her that the back of her hair looked like a pea**** feather. It was beautiful and suited her. Since then her naturally blond hair has been black, purplish-red, and shocking pink. At one point she had a Mohawk. Of course, when you're a beautiful teenage/early twenties young woman, you can get away with a lot.
  • #2,521
raebates said:
Whenever I see your name, I think of our son's wonderful friend named Katie who lives in the Columbus, OH, area. Like you, she is sweet and slightly ornery. We love her.

When we first met her she had royal blue hair. The back was all feathered. The Furry Guy told her that the back of her hair looked like a pea**** feather. It was beautiful and suited her. Since then her naturally blond hair has been black, purplish-red, and shocking pink. At one point she had a Mohawk. Of course, when you're a beautiful teenage/early twenties young woman, you can get away with a lot.

Oooohhhh - so that is why I couldn't get away with something like that at any age! Makes much more sense now.
  • #2,522
Gee, Katie, I had you pegged at about her age and, of course, beautiful.
  • #2,524
raebates said:
Gee, Katie, I had you pegged at about her age and, of course, beautiful.

I love you, Rae!!!

But - nope, I'm 32 and I'm going to leave the rest of that up to the eye of the beholder.
  • #2,525
Ah, you're still a young'un.
  • #2,526
I'm probably a bit younger than you Rae but I have friends that have kids that are 20! I can not even immagine being at that stage allready!

I'm 37 :D
  • #2,527
You're quite a bit younger than I, Paulette. I'm 44. I'll be 45 in November. It's nice to still feel young and yet have the house all to ourselves. My brother is 41 and has a 3 1/2 year old and an almost 1 year old. Makes me tired just to think about it. I'm looking forward to someday being a young, fun grandma.
  • #2,528
You'll be the only grandma with a Post Slut t-shirt!
  • #2,529
I'll be one cool granny.
  • #2,530
raebates said:
I'll be one cool granny.

My mom and both of DH's parents are all the same age... they got their first grandkid the year they turned 50. They're pretty young and periodically cool grandparents!
  • #2,531
My parents were pretty young when they had me so it all evened out MY dad was 51 and mom was 53 when I had my first. DH's mom is older I think she is 0ver 60 but I'm not sure.

Forgot to mention I have an aunt 10yrs older than me and her oldest is only 5yrs older than sammie and her youngest (twins) are 2 yrs older.
  • #2,532
raebates said:
You're quite a bit younger than I, Paulette. I'm 44. I'll be 45 in November. It's nice to still feel young and yet have the house all to ourselves. My brother is 41 and has a 3 1/2 year old and an almost 1 year old. Makes me tired just to think about it. I'm looking forward to someday being a young, fun grandma.

DH is 48 (almost 49) and I am 42.....and we have an extremely active 3 yr old. We won't have the house to ourselves until we are in our 60's!:eek:
Wouldn't trade it for the world though - don't know what we did w/ our time before Micah!
The sad part is that all of Micah's grandparents are older (in their 70s or close to it) so he doesn't have young, fun GP's - he loves them all anyway. But sometimes I wish they could be more active with him.......

The hardest part is that all of our friends have children who are grown & having children of their own - so they are in a totally different life phase from us....but at the same time - we don't really fit in the "young parents" crowd most of the time. Sometimes we feel a little isolated because of that.
  • #2,533
ChefBeckyD said:
The sad part is that all of Micah's grandparents are older (in their 70s or close to it) so he doesn't have young, fun GP's - he loves them all anyway. But sometimes I wish they could be more active with him.......

THe most important thing is that you and your husband are active with him.

This is one of the reasons that my DH was so agreeable to not having children. His mom was 41 when she had him (and probably not much into the "active" play thing) and his father was 44 when DH was born. DH's dad was not active at all -- he never went outside and played with him. And my DH is a very athletic guy. To make matters worse, my father-in-law retired when he was 55. Nice in theory, if you are going to go out and travel the world or DO something with your time, but his plan was to stay home and that's what he's done.
  • #2,534
It's funny. We have friends our age with little ones and others with grandchildren. I've never been one to care a lot about chronological age. My dad is 17 years older than my mom. He was 39 when I was born. Mom was just shy of 22. Dad always seemed younger, though. I love my mom, but she was born an old woman. The age difference really didn't show up until Dad lost his sight in 1990. As the years have gone by, he seems closer and closer to his actual age. He's 84 now, legally blind and almost deaf. Mom's only 66. She'll be 67 in December.
  • #2,535
I'm a thread killer too....love this thread; don't feel so bad now.
  • #2,536
Just wanted to pop in and make sure we kept this one goin.... I wont be on much for a while. Got lot's going on so it's up to you all for the next few days.
  • #2,537
I didn't forget about this either - just laying in the weeds.:p

PS: I was a gramma at the age of 41 (also had a 4 year old at the same time). My first son was born just short of my 21st birthday. It was hard to see myself as a gramma for a really long time - between my age and the fact that they live so far away. My second son has really kept me in the gramma loop with his babies though - that and the fact that I now AM gramma age makes it feel more real and exciting. I have tried to spoil all of my grandchildren but these last too are really getting the benefit! (well... and this summer the oldest did too!)
  • #2,538
I bet you're a fun grandma, Beth.
  • #2,539
WOW! Almost 24 hours without a post... guess all you grandmas are out having fun!
  • #2,540
ChefBeckyD said:
DH is 48 (almost 49) and I am 42.....and we have an extremely active 3 yr old. We won't have the house to ourselves until we are in our 60's!:eek:
Wouldn't trade it for the world though - don't know what we did w/ our time before Micah!

We have a Micah too! He's 16 & driving tho! Not too many Micah's around!
What is his middle name? Mine is Micah John.
  • #2,541
Hijacking this thread does not count as killing it. Now, why don't you all go over to the official hijacking thread and let this one die? ;)
  • #2,542
I don't wanna and you can't make me!
  • #2,543
Aww, maaaannnnnn!
  • #2,544
Just realized that Rae was the last one to post three days ago. Now I'm trying to decide if I should post something just to keep this stupid thing alive... hmmmm......

Oh wait... I just posted... Guess Rae doesn't get to kill it. BTW... is there a time limit on this thing before it is officially declared dead?
  • #2,545
I say three days is the time limit. :)
  • #2,546
raebates said:
You're quite a bit younger than I, Paulette. I'm 44. I'll be 45 in November. It's nice to still feel young and yet have the house all to ourselves. My brother is 41 and has a 3 1/2 year old and an almost 1 year old. Makes me tired just to think about it. I'm looking forward to someday being a young, fun grandma.

I am 41 and have a 3 year old.... and my oldest son just turned 17 yesterday. By the way, I have a 17 year old, and 15 1/2 year old, and then unexpectantly became pregnant with my 3 1/2 year old !!. I work in a preschool with 1-2 year olds, so you would have thought that would keep me young (I think it just gave me gray hair.... no wait... that was hubby !!).

Anyway, it is funny how my 3 year old has changed everything. Hubby only wanted one, now we have 3. She sure has changed our lives... for the better.

We were just talking yesterday how she could be an Aunt before she is 10. Hopefuly it won't be much sooner than that !!! College has to come first.
  • #2,547
I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaack................

Thanks Kati for savin it!

No way Rae! you aren't gonna kill it!
  • #2,548
Hey, this thing is dead. Go away! :(Tina, my son's Uncle Neal was only 5 when he was born. Neal was born the day before The Furry Guy's 17th birthday. There's less age difference between him and his uncle than between him and his first cousin.
  • #2,549
Uncle Neal was born when he was 5?! I wouldn't want to be grandma - carrying a baby for 69 months!
  • #2,550
My brother was 6 when my first was born; my oldest was 17 when my last was born and my youngest was 4 years 11 months when my first grandchild was born.

My aunt had her first grandchild and 2 years later my aunt and her daughter and daughter in law all had babies.
<h2>1. What is the Thread Killers Club and how do I join?</h2><p>The Thread Killers Club is a group for people who have a tendency to "kill" online forum threads by being the last person to comment, resulting in no further discussion. To join, simply search for the Thread Killers Club forum and request to join.</p><h2>2. How do you know if you are a thread killer?</h2><p>If you consistently find yourself being the last person to comment on forum threads, or if you notice a lack of responses after you post, it's likely that you are a thread killer. Don't worry, it's a common phenomenon!</p><h2>3. Can being a thread killer be a good thing?</h2><p>Yes, being a thread killer can have its benefits. You may be the person who sparks a new topic or provides a conclusive answer to a question. Plus, being a thread killer can also be a source of humor and self-awareness.</p><h2>4. How can I break the cycle of being a thread killer?</h2><p>One way to break the cycle is to actively engage in discussions and ask open-ended questions to encourage others to participate. You can also try to be the first to comment on a new thread instead of waiting until the end.</p><h2>5. Are there any other thread killers in the Pampered Chef community?</h2><p>There may be other thread killers in the community, but don't let that discourage you! The Thread Killers Club is a fun and supportive space for all thread killers, so feel free to embrace your fate and join the club.</p>

Related to Join the Thread Killers Club and Embrace Your Fate!

1. What is the Thread Killers Club and how do I join?

The Thread Killers Club is a group for people who have a tendency to "kill" online forum threads by being the last person to comment, resulting in no further discussion. To join, simply search for the Thread Killers Club forum and request to join.

2. How do you know if you are a thread killer?

If you consistently find yourself being the last person to comment on forum threads, or if you notice a lack of responses after you post, it's likely that you are a thread killer. Don't worry, it's a common phenomenon!

3. Can being a thread killer be a good thing?

Yes, being a thread killer can have its benefits. You may be the person who sparks a new topic or provides a conclusive answer to a question. Plus, being a thread killer can also be a source of humor and self-awareness.

4. How can I break the cycle of being a thread killer?

One way to break the cycle is to actively engage in discussions and ask open-ended questions to encourage others to participate. You can also try to be the first to comment on a new thread instead of waiting until the end.

5. Are there any other thread killers in the Pampered Chef community?

There may be other thread killers in the community, but don't let that discourage you! The Thread Killers Club is a fun and supportive space for all thread killers, so feel free to embrace your fate and join the club.

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