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Deactivating the Wedding Registry

In summary, Jean Jonas sent out an email stating that the registries will not be accepting new entries until the new website and applications are redesigned. This email was sent on the day that the deadline for new registries was. consultants that have registries that they might rely on bringing in sales are angry because the new website and applications were announced before this issue was fixed.
Gold Member
Ok, it's 8:30pm on March 15th and we just received an email from Jean Jonas about the wedding registries. As of March 15th...which is TODAY, they won't be accepting any new registries until the functions can be redesigned for the new website and applications. The is much more information in this email concerning dates and active registries and gifts to the brides and all that....but NOTHING about when this function will be active and up and running in the future. Is anyone else ticked about this? Their reasoning for it not being a "big deal" is because only 1% of consultants use the registries. I know a lot of us that have registries that we might rely on bringing in sales. Why wasn't this developed BEFORE they announced the new website and apps? Why is the email going out ON the day that is the deadline for accepting new registries.
I'm really irritated because I just spent a lot of money having a table/booth at a wedding expo promoting out wedding registry and now...none of the brides that signed up for it will be able to use it unless they already set it up and their wedding is before June 15th. I think they should reimburse me for my expenses!! Yes, I'll try and turn them into at least a wedding shower, but that's not what we were promoting and what interested these brides. Sorry for the rant...but it's better to get it out here than maybe send this to the home office..??!!??
I think you have a good reason to be upset. I think it would be appropriate to let HO know that they should have given more notice regarding this issue. I'd let them know about your situation so they can realize that this has consequences.
I just got my first registry signed up earlier this week. More notice would have been MUCH appreciated! I have been telling all of my customers about the registry option and have several couples interested in using it.
Unbelievable. My consultant spent a great deal of time and money to have a booth at a wedding expo in two weeks. She is not going to be happy to have this news.
They probably figured it wasn't going to affect too many people, since according to their stats, less than 1% of all consultants use the Wedding Registry.
I know that I never promoted it. It was cumbersome and confusing to use, and I've only had one couple actually use it and get rewards from it.

I'm excited to see how they will be revising it - especially since they said it would be able to be used in conjunction with Bridal Showers when it's active. YEA for that!
I guess one thing you can do is list the items they want on your PWS somewhere. Maybe in your calendar section? Could you just put it in P3 as a show and just keep it open and have people just order like it's a show on your PWS? Try to see if they'd like to do a shower. Those seem to be more popular than registries, because some people are very traditional and just want to put BB&B or Macy's or whatever as their registry on their wedding announcements/invitations.Just try to stay positive and explain to them that PC is revamping things to make it better, but unfortunately has to go off-line for a while in the meantime. But you'd be happy to still help them and have a great work-around option. Or something like that. ;)
ChefBeckyD said:
They probably figured it wasn't going to affect too many people, since according to their stats, less than 1% of all consultants use the Wedding Registry.
I know that I never promoted it. It was cumbersome and confusing to use, and I've only had one couple actually use it and get rewards from it.

I'm excited to see how they will be revising it - especially since they said it would be able to be used in conjunction with Bridal Showers when it's active. YEA for that!

I could have written this. It is exactly my experience and my thoughts.
Ugh...I have two registries currently going on..I literally just sent my one bride 100 cards that I took a lot of time putting together for her 3 showers she is having. She is expecting it to be pretty productive with orders. Guess what????? Her wedding date is June 16th so it will be deactivated and now she can't have it running..I am pissed to say the least...I feel they knew before now that this had to take place..and if they didn't... and they are just "flying by the seat of their pants" for this whole new program...I'm afraid to see what were in for when they launch all of it!!! It sounds like from the email as long as the registry has orders currently placed then it will stay up..so what do I do now? Hurry and go and order something on there? Ugh Ugh Ugh!!!! My registries were finally going somewhere...my last one had over $700 placed. They were so excited! Im hoping I can figure out a solution for them or Im going to have a very unhappy bride. She already sent out her invites!!! FOR 3 SHOWERS!!!!!!!
I'm not totally understanding this.....so after today will be able to see what our brides have on their wedding registries? I have one that is getting married June 22 and another in October (the one in October was very excited.....hate to tell her about this). So can people place orders between now and June 15th or is it done or can we just not set up new registries.I agree that they had to have known about this and don't just drop it on us the night that it's being discontinued. Not sure what's going on in HO, but they REALLY, REALLY need to work on their communication!
  • #10
Not happy here either, just spent over $100 to do a Bridal event and I have recently had several people interested in using the wedding registry. This is just another thing to feel negative about. I'm still not looking forward to taking one step forward and 5 back with this new website deal and no computer program to use at shows. One of my last shows I would have been forever getting the 40 orders together on paper since the church was not internet friendly for me. There are too many customers and host that do not have access. I know I will feel very frustrated and nervous using the calculator at most of my shows. Nothing like double work, instead of entering the information at the show doing it later and probably about 1 or 2 in the morning due to trying to do things while everything is fresh. ok, sorry to rant and change the subject!
  • #11
I have 9 registries right now! Yikes. I would love to see where the 1% came from, I do a wedding shower almost every month. I do agree that they needed to revamp so many things but I don't understand why that means shutting the current one down. I hope the new one is really great!
  • #12
I am extremely happy with PC and all the changes being made, but I have to agree that communication is lacking on most of it. It honestly surprises me because this hasn't been my experience with PC.

I can't wait to see what the new registry has to hold. Like others, I really don't promote it right now....
  • #13
I have one that just got set up with super good friends for August and was going to set up another one after the shower next week for an August or September wedding, plus my daughter's in July. Ugh! I think this makes us look dumb and unprofessional. I don't know what the heck is going on at the home office. It must be stressful!!

  • #14
>>Ugh! I think this makes us look dumb and unprofessional.<<I totally agree. As a brand new consultant, one of the main reasons I pushed so hard to hit my $1250 in my first catalog show was to have my website unlocked so I could register my two couples who have been waiting for me to get set up, so they could register.I'd just emailed them this morning announcing that my website has been unlocked, and now I have to email them saying they're deactivating the entire thing. Like others, one of my couples has already put my URL on invitations they were having professionally printed. SMHSo, to avoid stressing about what we can't change... how CAN we work-around? Someone suggested treating it like a regular party... my couple that is most likely to have many people purchasing for them, are having showers from April on (they are just now moving into a home together, so setting up home before wedding day), with a wedding date of Sept 15.Is there a problem with holding a catalog party for six months? and if that's okay, how do we get the gifts shipped at different times? I doubt they'd be cool with doing a new party each month, but if that's the only option, I'm going to do what I need to do to get them the stuff they want.any suggestions?
  • #15
First off, a big thumbs up to all of us who chose to share these types of issues here and not on the PC Facebook page! GRRRRRR!!!!

The short notice (none actually) is very unprofessional and this is the part that ticks me off. Change happens and is necessary even though it can be painful at times. The lack of notice, however, is not cool. Two weeks would have been ok, 30 days would have been better.

If we had notice, it would given us time to come up with workable solutions for the short term and to communicate with our current and potential registrants in a proactive and professional manner to let them know how we would be able to maintain their registries (by using work arounds).

Although it will need a bit more work, here are my initial thoughts for the short term - I think it's do-able. Please poke holes in my logic, add to it, etc. We're all in this together!

Opening a long term catalog show seems like the only option. One challenge with keeping a show open for months is that the credit cards don't get charged until you close the show.

I'm thinking use Square to process the payments as the orders come in so that the guests still get their receipts in a timely fashion and so that we don't have to worry about issues like cards expiring, card numbers changing etc.

At the time that we close the show we'll have already personally collected from each ordering guest thus would pay the entire balance via our consultant credit/debit card. I would just add myself as a non-ordering guest and pay the entire show in a single payment. No need to put the payment info into each individual guest order.

It will cost a bit extra for us to do it this way, but with this type of process, setting up as a catalog show and posting the guests wish list on our PWS's (notes or calendar) I think it should work. Use catalog show evites with custom language to explain the process.

We'll need to update the wish list on a regular basis to note the items that have already been received. Because we review the orders we'll also have a chance to double check and prevent duplicates.

When to close and submit the show would be up to the consultant and couple. I'm thinking 1-2 weeks after the wedding date. Not ideal, but you can't do it before the wedding nor do you want to wait too long after the wedding. And you'll have to get the couples host order in as well in order to close the show. The timing could be a bit of a pain in the b*tt but the order is shipping to them so it's not like guests are waiting for orders too.

I think it's do-able for the short term (with just a little extra work and a minor added expense).

What am I missing?
What do we need to think through?
What do you think?

Here's hoping that in the long term we'll have a fabulous new solution (and sooner than later)
  • #16
Many of you are stating that you have brides with showers coming up, but I am not sure how that is affected by the registry? I have several showers a year - without a registry. The two have nothing to do with each other.
  • #17
Not only is this current "bomb" dropped on us by HO aggravating, but there appears to be too many delays in their communication with us. I would be surprised if HO did not know one year ago (my husband is a computer geek) that this was in the works. Surprise consultants!! HO needs to go back to treating their consultants with respect in terms of sharing ideas and info. I feel like a child and the parent just decided to change the rules mid-stream.I, also, have a couple of registries in the works for wedding dates later this summer that I have paid $$$$ for bridal expos. As a matter of fact, yesterday, 3/15, I put in an order for some more bridal registry forms, and the order was accepted. HO needs to get their act together and think about all the ways their decisions for a change need to be dealt with.
  • #18
I'm horrified by the lack of discretion shown on the FB PC page. *shudder*I'm also breathing a sigh of relief that I have only one registry right now, and it's a friend, and I know we'll work something out.
  • #19
Brainstorming here... I wonder if with all the many changes coming up with the new web and then what ever is causing the delays with it that the change with registry didn't just get lost in the shuffle? Or maybe the new web can't support the registry as it is now set up so to make it all work they had to change it too? It's possible that this is a new development.Whatever it is, I agree that communication is lacking and have said for some time that they keep things from us for too long before giving us info. Execs and above get info in a more timely matter (don't know about this issue though) but many don't trickle it down. I think HO counts on that trickle down to help soften some of the announcements. But I also know that they get very upset when we are told things that weren't supposed to come out yet. What to do?We have had a lot of changes in a short time and look at all the uproar just on this board! HO may be getting a bit gun shy about telling us anything. No excuse and definitely frustrating but it is what it is and we have two choices: walk away or roll with the punches. This is still the best DS company out there both in product line and in how they treat the consultants and customers. Change hurts sometimes. How it was is comfortable, like anything else in life. Let your feelings be known to HO. They do listen but when you tell them how much you dislike a change give them something positive too - like a suggestion on how the issue might have been more palatable or how you like that other change.I am not shy to let HO know my opinion but I also know that things that bothered me at first when they changed have smoothed out in time to be no big deal or it was changed after a while to be better when the original change didn't work out. We'll be okay.
  • #20
Honestly, this is another example of HO's lack of consideration for the position they put the consultants in. This situation is in addition to the s&h and price increase that was suddenly being charged on replacement parts - not to mention the consultant s&h cost increases for supply orders. They have NOT been communicating well at all about the, as I call it, 'ugly' side of business; price increases and changes to a system when you're trying to implement a new system are part of business - it's the way it's communicated that is the problem with PC right now. Everyone definitely needs to communicate their unhappiness, and embarrassment, to HO (and not on facebook, as some else mentioned!). Good luck to those with registries effected by this; you may have to get creative, but since PC is such a great product, people will be willing to do it a different way.
  • #21
Amanda_RI said:
I'm horrified by the lack of discretion shown on the FB PC page. *shudder*

I agree... I just read it... how stupid are people?... that is a public place where customers go to get ideas and learn... not where consultants can go to divulge the inner workings of the company and the problems they have. If I were a customer and saw some of that stuff... I wouldn't even dream of using that consultant.... now here on the other hand, is slightly different. Sheesh.

That aside... I'm sad about the registry too and hope that this means we will have the new system sooner than we thought... but from the sounds of the email the wedding registry hasn't even been developed yet.

This is going to frost my new recruits cookies.... she only signed up to sell PC just so she could do her sister's registry. I did give her some other creative ways of doing it without the registry... but who knows.

This is a real mess... I wonder how they calculated that only 1% of us use the registries? I have 7 going right now. :( This new system better be worth the kinks.
  • Thread starter
  • #22
Oracle said:
First off, a big thumbs up to all of us who chose to share these types of issues here and not on the PC Facebook page! GRRRRRR!!!!

The short notice (none actually) is very unprofessional and this is the part that ticks me off. Change happens and is necessary even though it can be painful at times. The lack of notice, however, is not cool. Two weeks would have been ok, 30 days would have been better.

If we had notice, it would given us time to come up with workable solutions for the short term and to communicate with our current and potential registrants in a proactive and professional manner to let them know how we would be able to maintain their registries (by using work arounds).

Although it will need a bit more work, here are my initial thoughts for the short term - I think it's do-able. Please poke holes in my logic, add to it, etc. We're all in this together!

Opening a long term catalog show seems like the only option. One challenge with keeping a show open for months is that the credit cards don't get charged until you close the show.

I'm thinking use Square to process the payments as the orders come in so that the guests still get their receipts in a timely fashion and so that we don't have to worry about issues like cards expiring, card numbers changing etc.

At the time that we close the show we'll have already personally collected from each ordering guest thus would pay the entire balance via our consultant credit/debit card. I would just add myself as a non-ordering guest and pay the entire show in a single payment. No need to put the payment info into each individual guest order.

It will cost a bit extra for us to do it this way, but with this type of process, setting up as a catalog show and posting the guests wish list on our PWS's (notes or calendar) I think it should work. Use catalog show evites with custom language to explain the process.

We'll need to update the wish list on a regular basis to note the items that have already been received. Because we review the orders we'll also have a chance to double check and prevent duplicates.

When to close and submit the show would be up to the consultant and couple. I'm thinking 1-2 weeks after the wedding date. Not ideal, but you can't do it before the wedding nor do you want to wait too long after the wedding. And you'll have to get the couples host order in as well in order to close the show. The timing could be a bit of a pain in the b*tt but the order is shipping to them so it's not like guests are waiting for orders too.

I think it's do-able for the short term (with just a little extra work and a minor added expense).

What am I missing?
What do we need to think through?
What do you think?

Here's hoping that in the long term we'll have a fabulous new solution (and sooner than later)

Just thinking about how the registry works and how my brides have used it in the past. Most have it up and running so that guests that are coming to a shower and the wedding have choices. Not all showers are PC showers even with a registry. So if someone purchases off the registry now, for a shower gift...that product total adds to the "show" for the bride to redeem after the wedding. If you have a catalog show open for say...6 months and someone wants to purchase something for a shower, how will you process that order and have it still add to the "show" total in the end. Just thinking about different scenarios that might come up. I know with my sister's registry, she had people buy for her shower in April AND for the wedding in June. With the registry, her rewards just keep adding up. If it was now, we'd have to have 2 catalog shows, one for the shower gifts and one for the wedding gifts. I'm not sure of a solution yet, but still thinking about it all.

I understand about change and have no problems and think this will be great that I can process an order from anywhere and not just home!! But, the communication lacks professionalism and I feel like it's a game or a big secret instead of a business. Another concern that I just thought of is that if they need to make changes to the registry for the new website application...will they need to make changes to us using our website for shows? I hope that part is already in the design of the new website!!!
  • #23
Its just too bad that the current registries couldn't continue through completion and new ones set up with the new system when it is ready. I can't wait for the new system to happen -- its going to bet super-cool. Remember switching from Pampered Partner to P3 -- soooooooo much better!

  • #24
BethCooks4U said:
Brainstorming here... I wonder if with all the many changes coming up with the new web and then what ever is causing the delays with it that the change with registry didn't just get lost in the shuffle? Or maybe the new web can't support the registry as it is now set up so to make it all work they had to change it too? It's possible that this is a new development.

Whatever it is, I agree that communication is lacking and have said for some time that they keep things from us for too long before giving us info. Execs and above get info in a more timely matter (don't know about this issue though) but many don't trickle it down. I think HO counts on that trickle down to help soften some of the announcements. But I also know that they get very upset when we are told things that weren't supposed to come out yet. What to do?

We have had a lot of changes in a short time and look at all the uproar just on this board! HO may be getting a bit gun shy about telling us anything. No excuse and definitely frustrating but it is what it is and we have two choices: walk away or roll with the punches. This is still the best DS company out there both in product line and in how they treat the consultants and customers. Change hurts sometimes. How it was is comfortable, like anything else in life. Let your feelings be known to HO. They do listen but when you tell them how much you dislike a change give them something positive too - like a suggestion on how the issue might have been more palatable or how you like that other change.

I am not shy to let HO know my opinion but I also know that things that bothered me at first when they changed have smoothed out in time to be no big deal or it was changed after a while to be better when the original change didn't work out. We'll be okay.

I am not at all opposed to change, as it is usually a good thing, and this time may be as well. I do, however, have great disappointment with PC when they continue to tell us things last minute, and make changes like this to the registry, without offering helpful solutions for us to handle it.

I do not agree that we have two choices, accept it or walk. I think HO needs to hear our reservations and help us out.

Perhaps, if they don't do so already, they should create a review board of sorts made up of consultants, so they can run some items by us first and see how they will be accepted. We are the eyes and ears of the public.
  • #25
CookinWithLynda said:
Honestly, this is another example of HO's lack of consideration for the position they put the consultants in. This situation is in addition to the s&h and price increase that was suddenly being charged on replacement parts - not to mention the consultant s&h cost increases for supply orders. They have NOT been communicating well at all about the, as I call it, 'ugly' side of business; price increases and changes to a system when you're trying to implement a new system are part of business - it's the way it's communicated that is the problem with PC right now. Everyone definitely needs to communicate their unhappiness, and embarrassment, to HO (and not on facebook, as some else mentioned!). Good luck to those with registries effected by this; you may have to get creative, but since PC is such a great product, people will be willing to do it a different way.

I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I couldn't disagree with you more! How anyone states that the HO has no consideration for their consultants is C.R.A.Z.Y.!!! Seriously? What other DS company offers their consultants what we are offered? I've tried other DS companies and they were nothing in comparison to what TPC offers!

Did they or did they not just spend millions of dollars on new technology to make our lives easier? Sure, we can't use it yet, but the delay is telling me that they are working their butts off fixing the bugs so that it's a fairly smooth transition. Yes, I'm impatient and was very vocal about WHY are you telling us there is going to be training in February and there was none? I asked them to remove that teaser from CC until they had firm information on training dates, or even just saying "COMING SOON!"

I only used the wedding registry twice and it was nice, but cumbersome in my opinion. I hated the fact that people could view the registry and then attend a party in another state, order an item and then have the consultant call me and tell me to remove it from the registry. WTH? You mean to tell me you'd rather give the host a benefit and not the bride that registered? That, to me is just wrong!

Regardless, I know this is a setback for the "1%" that utilize the registries. I am confident that the HO will give us something that is phenomenal to work with. We just need to brainstorm and figure out a temporary solution.
  • #26
Okay, I couldn't take it anymore on the FB page, so I wrote:"This conversation really should be taking place in the consultant forum on CC. Consultants shouldn't be "venting" on the FB page."I thought of also putting a plug in for CS, but wasn't sure if that would be appropriate to do on the PC FB page. ;)
  • #27
Brainstorming here....It's not ideal but you can offer the bride/groom the wedding catalog (with a glance I think the only thing no longer available is the Simple Additions) and/or the catalog. If you do a catalog have them turn it into their wish list by marking everything and create a list online (email, your webpage, their wedding page from The Knot or whatever) with item name, page number and price. Those that are doing showers can have the guests look at the bride's "wishbook." Put it together into one catalog show if their wedding is soon or one for before and one for after their wedding day if its later. Think of and spin the positives!1. Those who purchase won't have to pay direct shipping this way (huge issue for my registries in the past)
2. The bride/host can book off of herself and get two separate 60% off specials!
3. Wedding registries were capped at 215 in benefits, essentially with two separate catty shows the benefit possibilities are endless! HTH


  • wedding_catalog.pdf
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  • #28
babywings76 said:
Okay, I couldn't take it anymore on the FB page, so I wrote:

"This conversation really should be taking place in the consultant forum on CC. Consultants shouldn't be "venting" on the FB page."

I thought of also putting a plug in for CS, but wasn't sure if that would be appropriate to do on the PC FB page. ;)

NO! Don't plug CS there! Really don't want a bunch of people who have no clue how to use social media hopping over here! :D
  • #29
I wonder how many people who are posting negativity are even USING the registry??
I agree- the communication was poor, AGAIN. (seems to be the trend lately). I fall in the 99% who don't use the registry, so it doesn't impact me directly....but they should have given more notice. Especially in light of all the heat they are already getting for the lack of notification and communication on other issues.
  • #30
Oracle said:
I'm thinking use Square to process the payments as the orders come in so that the guests still get their receipts in a timely fashion and so that we don't have to worry about issues like cards expiring, card numbers changing etc.

At the time that we close the show we'll have already personally collected from each ordering guest thus would pay the entire balance via our consultant credit/debit card. I would just add myself as a non-ordering guest and pay the entire show in a single payment. No need to put the payment info into each individual guest order.

I'm not sure what square is, but if it's a method of charging the cards right away, wouldn't that open the door to 'abuse' of merchant privileges? When I had my .com biz, one of our requirements was that we could not charge the consumer's card unless we would be shipping product within 24 hours. Authorizing it is ok, but to charge it, as far as I'm aware isn't. Does square allow authorize only?

I'm open to extra work, I just am upset that the lack of notice leaves at least one of my couples with invitations being printed that show a PC registry that now does not exist. :blushing:
  • #31
ChefBeckyD said:
NO! Don't plug CS there! Really don't want a bunch of people who have no clue how to use social media hopping over here! :D

LOL :D Exactly!! That's why I said to go to the forum on CC instead. ;)
  • #32
SydneyB said:
I'm not sure what square is, but if it's a method of charging the cards right away, wouldn't that open the door to 'abuse' of merchant privileges? When I had my .com biz, one of our requirements was that we could not charge the consumer's card unless we would be shipping product within 24 hours. Authorizing it is ok, but to charge it, as far as I'm aware isn't. Does square allow authorize only?

I'm open to extra work, I just am upset that the lack of notice leaves at least one of my couples with invitations being printed that show a PC registry that now does not exist. :blushing:

But if things are being shipped to the bride and the customer is aware of the time frame, wouldn't that be a slightly different scenario than say they were purchasing something for themselves?
  • #33
SydneyB said:
I'm not sure what square is, but if it's a method of charging the cards right away, wouldn't that open the door to 'abuse' of merchant privileges? When I had my .com biz, one of our requirements was that we could not charge the consumer's card unless we would be shipping product within 24 hours. Authorizing it is ok, but to charge it, as far as I'm aware isn't. Does square allow authorize only?

I'm open to extra work, I just am upset that the lack of notice leaves at least one of my couples with invitations being printed that show a PC registry that now does not exist. :blushing:

Excellent thought, I was hoping to get some feedback like this to help develop a good workable long term solution.

I believe that because we'd be fulfilling to contractual obligation based on a later ship date per the bridal couples consent AND spelling it out in the info that we post with the registry instructions, that this would be okay.

Particularly as we the bride receives a copy of the order. The biggest potential for abuse/failure to perform, imho, would be a consultant who, in the long run fails to close the registry and make the overall payment.

Although stories of consultants "taking the money and running" are pretty rare, it could happen. On the other hand I suspect that those consultants don't hang out with us here :)

As far as I'm concerned, any solution that I find here or devise here with the help of this community stay here and would be shared with immediate teams which sadly does not include CC :eek:
  • #34
The short notice is really horrible. But I can't wait to have a registry that works well with wedding shower shows. I always wanted customers to be able to view the wish list when ordering on shows. Hopefully they'll design it so that the two will work together.
  • #35
I was researching Square as it sounded like it might be a viable option. I found this in the User Agreement:

By creating a Square Account, you also confirm that you will not accept payments in connection with the following businesses or business activities: (1) any illegal activity, (2) buyers or membership clubs, (3) credit counseling or repair agencies, (4) credit protection or identity theft protection services, (5) direct marketing or subscription offers or services, (6) infomercial sales, (7) internet/mail order/telephone order pharmacies or pharmacy referral services (where fulfillment of medication is performed with an internet or telephone consultation, absent a physical visit with a physician including re-importation of pharmaceuticals from foreign countries), (8) multi-level marketing businesses, (9) inbound or outbound telemarketers, (10) prepaid phone cards or phone services, (11) rebate based businesses, (12) up-sell merchants, (13) bill payment services, (14) betting, including lottery tickets, casino gaming chips, off-track betting, and wagers at races, (15) financial institutions offering manual or automated cash disbursements, (16) financial institutions offering merchandise and services, (17) sales of money-orders or foreign currency by non-financial institutions, (18) wire transfer money orders, (19) high-risk merchants, including telemarketing merchants, (20) service station merchants, (21) automated fuel dispensers, (22) adult entertainment oriented products or services (in any medium, e.g., internet, telephone or printed material), (23) internet/mail order/telephone order firearm or weapon sales, (24) internet/mail order/telephone order cigarette or tobacco sales, (25) drug paraphernalia, (26) occult materials, (27) hate products, (28) escort services, and (29) bankruptcy attorneys.

I'm guessing this is not a solution for us.....:(

I am frustrated also as I have a registry that was just set up within the last three weeks and they sent out custom printed cards with a link to the registry.....they are not very happy with Pampered Chef right now....

I do love this company but do not understand the lack of notice. I do web page development and have to believe they had to have known well in advance that this was coming....I wish they would have told us when they knew so we would have had more time to prepare. And if they did just find out, I'm like others in feeling that the "new web" may not be as tested as we would like.

I also understand this affects only "1% of consultants" but that still has to be a large enough number of brides affected that could damage our reputation.

Maybe if they would come up with a workable solution for us and our brides rather than us having to figure it out ourselves, I would feel better. I know this business is "my business" but I rely on the Pampered Chef to give me the tools to do my business in a professional manner - affording success for me and thus for them....
  • #36
Kathy's_Kitchen said:
I was researching Square as it sounded like it might be a viable option. I found this in the User Agreement:

By creating a Square Account, you also confirm that you will not accept payments in connection with the following businesses or business activities: (1) any illegal activity, (2) buyers or membership clubs, (3) credit counseling or repair agencies, (4) credit protection or identity theft protection services, (5) direct marketing or subscription offers or services, (6) infomercial sales, (7) internet/mail order/telephone order pharmacies or pharmacy referral services (where fulfillment of medication is performed with an internet or telephone consultation, absent a physical visit with a physician including re-importation of pharmaceuticals from foreign countries), (8) multi-level marketing businesses, (9) inbound or outbound telemarketers, (10) prepaid phone cards or phone services, (11) rebate based businesses, (12) up-sell merchants, (13) bill payment services, (14) betting, including lottery tickets, casino gaming chips, off-track betting, and wagers at races, (15) financial institutions offering manual or automated cash disbursements, (16) financial institutions offering merchandise and services, (17) sales of money-orders or foreign currency by non-financial institutions, (18) wire transfer money orders, (19) high-risk merchants, including telemarketing merchants, (20) service station merchants, (21) automated fuel dispensers, (22) adult entertainment oriented products or services (in any medium, e.g., internet, telephone or printed material), (23) internet/mail order/telephone order firearm or weapon sales, (24) internet/mail order/telephone order cigarette or tobacco sales, (25) drug paraphernalia, (26) occult materials, (27) hate products, (28) escort services, and (29) bankruptcy attorneys.

I'm guessing this is not a solution for us.....:(

I am frustrated also as I have a registry that was just set up within the last three weeks and they sent out custom printed cards with a link to the registry.....they are not very happy with Pampered Chef right now....

I do love this company but do not understand the lack of notice. I do web page development and have to believe they had to have known well in advance that this was coming....I wish they would have told us when they knew so we would have had more time to prepare. And if they did just find out, I'm like others in feeling that the "new web" may not be as tested as we would like.

I also understand this affects only "1% of consultants" but that still has to be a large enough number of brides affected that could damage our reputation.

Maybe if they would come up with a workable solution for us and our brides rather than us having to figure it out ourselves, I would feel better. I know this business is "my business" but I rely on the Pampered Chef to give me the tools to do my business in a professional manner - affording success for me and thus for them....

I debated this issue with myself prior to getting square originally and concluded that as PC identifies itself as a direct seller I would view it the same way. Yes, MLMs are a subset of direct sales.

There is no legal definition that either includes or doesn't includes PC. There is a lot of debate in the definitions and there is a pretty wide grey area. If your business can ONLY thrive if you recruit and the main focus of your business is recruiting you are indeed an MLM in every sense of the word.

If, on the other hand, a consultant can succeed without recruiting, as is the case with PC, and we can sell and be product focused then we can be considered Direct Sales without being classified into the MLM bucket.

There are a number of Direct Sales companies that use this concept to categorize themselves outside of MLM status.

Bottom line, based on the research I did and the fact that for the vast majority of consultants our income is primarily from product sales I was (an still am) comfortable with agreeing to these terms.

As a side note I've had Square for over a year and list myself as a PC Consultant in my Square set up. I've had no issues or concerns.
  • #37
So has any of you cheffers come up with a great flyer & idea/plan for brides to be? I would like to contact the people from the recent Bridal show, but I want to have something to offer besides telling them the wedding registry is getting revamped and will be unavailable for a time.
  • Thread starter
  • #38
I sent an email on the 15th to HO and other than an auto reply...I've gotten NOTHING back at all. NO RESPONSE. Still frustrated!!!
  • #39
yankfan24 said:
I sent an email on the 15th to HO and other than an auto reply...I've gotten NOTHING back at all. NO RESPONSE. Still frustrated!!!

I did the reply at the bottom of the email and I haven't gotten a response either. Just spent big bucks for a bridal show and had several brides wanting the registry....now I feel like I just flushed my $$$ down the toilet! I have got to come up with some way of working with these brides so we can some sort of manual registry. Suggestions???
  • #40
ChefBevShu said:
I feel like I just flushed my $$$ down the toilet! I have got to come up with some way of working with these brides so we can some sort of manual registry. Suggestions???
I agree with you and was hoping someone better organized than me would have an ''aha!" idea for contacting everyone that was interested in the wedding registry with something that could work.
  • Thread starter
  • #41
I sent a second email and finally got one back AND a phone call. But, it was as expected. Sorry that the registry program was deactivated and we are sorry, but we can't do anything about your expenses for the bridal expos. IF you purchased registry information/brochures from PC, we MIGHT be able to give a credit for that. Email mentioned something about forwarding for future consideration...but voicemail said we are just basically SOL!!!

Oh, and NOTHING about the fact that it was sent out on the 15th!!!
  • #42
So HOW do you have a bride "register" with you, if the registry will be down? I have the WISH list, and can put the bride down as a show, but HOW will everyone know what she wants?
  • #43
It's been suggested to put the bride's wish list in the News section on your web site so people can still see their list. Not perfect, but it will hopefully help out a little.
  • #44
frozenchef said:
It's been suggested to put the bride's wish list in the News section on your web site so people can still see their list. Not perfect, but it will hopefully help out a little.[/QUOTE ]

This was suggested to me and that's what I've done. My news titles include "(bride's name) bridal wishlist" and anyone can click and get the list. It's time consuming but already been helpful when one out of town guest emailed wanting to order for the bride from her shower. There's no personal info other than the bride's name.
  • #45
frozenchef said:
It's been suggested to put the bride's wish list in the News section on your web site so people can still see their list. Not perfect, but it will hopefully help out a little.

Thank you SO much for response, but I have NO clue what you are talking about and, YES, I do have a web site.. I'm SO lame with computers, is ther any way you can "walk me through" this as this is SO huge for me.. and thank you again for your kindness in responding....Please feel comfortable in PMing me... Carol
  • #46
Log in to Consultant's Corner, click on Personal Web Site > Personalize Your Site. Then click the News tab and click Add to create a new story. Then follow pchockeymom's idea:"This was suggested to me and that's what I've done. My news titles include "(bride's name) bridal wishlist" and anyone can click and get the list. It's time consuming but already been helpful when one out of town guest emailed wanting to order for the bride from her shower. There's no personal info other than the bride's name."
  • #47
OH MY GOSH! I think I actually understand! I haven't started the list yet, but is there a way to use your COOL pix, etc. that you made up on there, too? You are great for helping me thank you SO much!
  • #48
If we do it this way, on the site in the news as a wishlist, the bride doesn't get credit for the items ordered, right? And we would have to maintain the wishlist as people buy items from it, correct?

Is this working for anyone else? My future sister in law had a registry and wants to add something about PC in her shower invites - trying to figure out the best solution here.
  • #49
I would think if you set up a SHOW for the Bride, and reference that in the "News" article "Wish List", folks could order under her show for products.It's awkward, and I hope they come back with something soon...because it does look tacky, but just let folks know it's in transition with the new system.
  • #50
So I would just keep editing her list as people bought from it?
<h2>1. Can I still deactivate my wedding registry after March 15th?</h2><p>Yes, you can still deactivate your wedding registry after March 15th. The deadline for accepting new registries is only for setting up new registries, not deactivating existing ones. </p><h2>2. When will the wedding registry function be up and running again?</h2><p>The exact date for when the wedding registry function will be active again has not been announced yet. The company is currently working on redesigning the function for the new website and applications. </p><h2>3. Why wasn't this issue addressed before the new website and apps were announced?</h2><p>The company may not have been aware of this issue until it was brought to their attention. They are now working on fixing it as soon as possible. </p><h2>4. Will I be reimbursed for my expenses if I promoted the wedding registry at a wedding expo?</h2><p>We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide reimbursement for expenses related to promoting the wedding registry. We suggest reaching out to the brides who signed up and offering an alternative option, such as a wedding shower. </p><h2>5. Can I still use the wedding registry if my wedding is before June 15th?</h2><p>Yes, if your wedding is before June 15th and you have already set up your wedding registry, it will still be active and usable. The deadline for accepting new registries only applies to those setting up new registries. </p>

Related to Deactivating the Wedding Registry

1. Can I still deactivate my wedding registry after March 15th?

Yes, you can still deactivate your wedding registry after March 15th. The deadline for accepting new registries is only for setting up new registries, not deactivating existing ones.

2. When will the wedding registry function be up and running again?

The exact date for when the wedding registry function will be active again has not been announced yet. The company is currently working on redesigning the function for the new website and applications.

3. Why wasn't this issue addressed before the new website and apps were announced?

The company may not have been aware of this issue until it was brought to their attention. They are now working on fixing it as soon as possible.

4. Will I be reimbursed for my expenses if I promoted the wedding registry at a wedding expo?

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide reimbursement for expenses related to promoting the wedding registry. We suggest reaching out to the brides who signed up and offering an alternative option, such as a wedding shower.

5. Can I still use the wedding registry if my wedding is before June 15th?

Yes, if your wedding is before June 15th and you have already set up your wedding registry, it will still be active and usable. The deadline for accepting new registries only applies to those setting up new registries.

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