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Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

In summary, Sandy is trying to do 3-2-1 but has trouble getting to 4 contacts a week. Paulette is trying to do 3-2-1 but is not doing well with only 2 shows per month. JAE is trying to do 3-2-1 7 days a week.
  • #1,951
No contacts today. Not one. (hangs head in shame)
  • #1,952
It sounds like we ALL need one BIG kick in the butt to get ourselves back on track!! I have been making contacts, but probably only 4 days out of the week, and on average only 2 contacts a day.

Today, I did reach 3 contacts (but I feel like I need to be on the phone a little more in order to fill my calendar). They were as follows:

~An in person interview with a potential recruit. It sounds like she is interested, but she wants to pin down a few hosts for her first shows before she commits. Right now, we have scheduled her as hosting a show in June (my first available Saturday between now and then) to see if those attending would host a show for her, but meanwhile, she is going to look into the possibilty of getting her potential hosts in place.

~Spoke to a potential May host. She wants to check with her mother about using her house/kitchen for a cooking show and get back to me.

~Booked a May 31st show.
  • #1,953
26 calls to get 3 LIVE contacts. Booked 1 June show!:D :love:
  • #1,954
Made 2 contacts today, 1 resulted in booking a July show.
  • #1,955
1 contact today, a maybe for June!I have been horrible, school is overwhelming right now.
  • #1,956
Well, I just booked a July and October catalog show by e-mail. :) This lady was a customer of a former consultant that was passed on to me. She herself is described as a wonderful Christian lady and a former PC consultant. I guess she always does $800-$900 catalog shows! Yeah! I'll take it! ...and I worked all day and taught First Aid all night tonight, so I am off to bed!!!! Goodnight all!
  • #1,957
I only had one contact today. A maybe booking is following up with her neighbor she wants to co-host with and will get back to me.
  • #1,958
well it sounds like we all are getting back on the calling wagon!!
  • #1,959
I haven't checked in here in a while. I am so proud though! I made 3 contacts yesterday for the first time and booked 1 show and have another potential!! I am really going to try and do the 3 2 1 thing. :)
  • #1,960
Well, I am getting a little discouraged about May. HOW IN THE WORLD (yes I'm shouting!) do people get bookings for May?

June is booked solid, and now people are asking for July. I have done everything I can think of to book shows for May, and cannot do it - people aren't interested in HWC, or the Host Special, and they all say May is too busy for a show.

My goal this week was to book May - Tonight, I spent a solid hour on the phone, and, well, I got ONE booking for May, so I now have a big whoppin' 4 shows for May. But hey, I also got another booking for June, and one for July....this is just crazy! Right now, I'm not even sure how I am going to actually DO all of the shows I have booked in June! I'm not complaining...just wondering why I cannot book May.

(This is not a new problem for me - my 2 hardest months to book are always May & August.)
  • #1,961
Just got home from the Dentist and have bunko tonight, so no contacts today.
I am getting ready for a big fair Saturday & Sunday, I am hoping to get bookings for may out of that.
  • #1,962
Today I sent out an email about HWC. I have only ONE show booked in May. Within 10 minutes of sending the email, I got a possible May show and someone saying they'd be willing to pass around the attached order form for HWC items.

Then later, a past host called me with a $70 order. If she can't get another order to make it $150, she said for me to tack it onto my show this Saturday.

So no soild bookings but I am making some progress. My show this Saturday is the last thing on my calendar till May 27th so I am really PRAYING for some bookings! Still only 2 (maybe 3) for June. I don't know what has happened to me this year.
  • #1,963
Well, I have yet another renewed energy for getting on the phone. My director losing her directorship was probably the best thing that could have happened to me! I rolled up into Robin Anderson's first line and have been doing coaching calls with her. My goal for the next couple of weeks is to make 6 calls per day. This will be a major improvement over the 0 that I was making before!

So yesterday I actually made 9 calls. 1 not interested in anything; 4 left messages, 3 that asked me to call back today, and one that said she would call me back (although I don't expect that to happen!)

I'm actually excited again about making calls. Also, I am trying not to think about it and just dial the number. I tend to overthink what the person is doing at that moment and figure they don't want to hear from me. Now as soon as I start to do that I just push that away and dial the number!

Good Luck everyone on your calls today. I hope we all at least get one booking!
  • #1,964
Today my contacts have been:

2 possible hosts...one wont be ready to host for 2-3 months and the other one said, "maybe in fall or winter." Oh well.

One lady wants to attempt to collect $150 in orders so she can get the pink bowl trio so that is good.

One lady pre-ordered a HWC scoop. 4 down ~ 96 more to go! LOL!
  • #1,965
I've been making my contacts. Scheduled another May catalog show, two June shows, and one July show. In my host coaching I had one May party switch to a catalog show, but that works for me.
  • #1,966
I have come down with an awful cold, and my head is totally congested, so I haven't been up to my phone calls the last two days. I hope to get a few contacts in today.
  • #1,967
I made my calls yesterday. Mostly left messages for people. One person who is really busy right now but wants me to send a catalog. She will show it around work and if there is enough interest will do a catalog show. If not then I have permission to call back at the end of next month and we may book a June show.

So no real results with my calls but I am feeling really good about getting on the phone again.

Today is our town's big Butter and Eggs Day Parade. (We are the (self proclaimed, I'm sure) egg capitol of the world.) We are going to miss it this year because my almost 2 yo would be completely impossible there. I am still going to make some calls, but concentrate mainly on out of towners. I don't expect to reach many people though. Luckily I have a show tonight. She is only expecting 4-5 people though, so I will be just shy of my goal of 6 per day. So I HAVE to make those calls!!
  • #1,968
Well my last April show that I had scheduled for today just called me...she is really sick.

We did reschedule it for May 8th though so that is good. Now I have 2 shows for May...lol... I was bummed though b/c I was really hoping to get some bookings from this show today.

It is going to be in the 80's here today so I am not sure how many contacts I will get ahold of by phone. I will have to go outside and play and get my contacts elsewhere!
  • #1,969
May 8 is a wonderful day. It's my baby boy's birthday. He'll be 22.I have a few calls to make, but I've already made my 3 contacts for the day. I gave away a catalog to a clerk at a local boutique. Could have given away 2 if I had gotten my catalogs ready before I left the house this morning. They said they'd share, though.And, yes, I just got my catalogs ready, so I'm prepared the next time I leave the house. :)
  • #1,970
raebates said:
May 8 is a wonderful day. It's my baby boy's birthday. He'll be 22.

I have a few calls to make, but I've already made my 3 contacts for the day. I gave away a catalog to a clerk at a local boutique. Could have given away 2 if I had gotten my catalogs ready before I left the house this morning. They said they'd share, though.

And, yes, I just got my catalogs ready, so I'm prepared the next time I leave the house. :)
Hey, it's my baby boy's birthday too!!! He'll be 2!
  • #1,971
Cool! My baby boy is at school in Dallas, Texas, so I won't get to hug and cuddle him on his birthday. Take advantage of every hug and cuddle. They grow up waaaaay too fast. ;)
  • #1,972
Okay just got home from Day 1 of the fair. Made lots of contacts today, I am hoping for more tomorrow. Does this make up for me slacking lately???I am excited this fair always sets my fall selling season off to a great season. Each year it gets better and better. I want a 10k month this year. I am so pumped. I need to keep my excitement up!
  • #1,973
Go Amanda, Go!!

I only made 1 call today, resulting in a possible catty show. I am sending a catty, with the specials flyers, and will follow up.
  • #1,974
I got 5 contacts in at my show last night. Gave out 2 opportunity packets, and have one possible fundraiser in the fall. No bookings though.:cry:

I will be on the phone again today. I need to get my 6 calls in as well as make up the one I missed yesterday. We don't have anything on the agenda for today though, so my day is completely open. It's supposed to get up to 79 degrees though, so hopefully I can catch some people at home!

Have a great day everyone! I hope we are all successful with our calls today!
  • #1,975
I really need to get motivated. I am taking the phone courage class at conference because I hate calling people on the phone. They always sound like me when I get a call I don't want and I know that tone and it terrifies me.
  • #1,976
Sarah, don't forget to follow up with those potential recruits within a day or two! Make those calls:thumbup: :)
  • #1,977
Okay home from day 2 of the family expo. Not as many contacts today as yesterday, but I still probably made as many contacts for a few weeks. I will get on phone tomorrow. I will keep you guys posted.I want a trip!!!Mexico, Mexico, Mexico here I come.
  • #1,978
Well, I blew it today and didn't make any calls. I got spring fever. Then this evening when the boys were outside playing with DH I spent that time catching up with my bookkeeping work. Oops!

So tomorrow I will definitely get back in the swing. And two of my calls will definitely be to the two who I gave the opp info to!!
  • #1,979
Yeah I got 3 contacts today.
1 HWC fundraiser for may (last year was 1300)
1 order $70
1 cc callI need to keep up the momentum.
  • #1,980
The only contact I made today was getting an order for $10.50. Better than nothing I suppose. I need to get on that phone tomorrow and get some shows on the books for June! (May would be nice too since I only have 2)
  • #1,981
I called the two people who I gave the opp info to. One wants me to call back tomorrow and the other is not interested.:cry: Hopefully the one tomorrow will be interested and will want to sign in May! I could use some points!!!!
  • #1,982
made tons of calls, but just barely made my 3 contacts. nothing great to report yet. Now, to get busy on this awesome recruiting promotion!
  • #1,983
made a few calls last night, and actually reached 3 contacts. Nothing significant to report, but there is one person that said she would be too busy over the summer, and gave me permission to follow up in the fall.
  • #1,984
Made my 3 contacts today:

~The clerk at the grocery store - I gave her my card and a mini-catty, and got her info. She is getting married soon, so I told her that I would call her about our registry!

~A customer care call that got me her e-mail address, but no further interest at this time.

~Called a host that was scheduled for yesterday, but had went MIA about a week ago. My last contact with her was that she had an emergency to tend to at that moment, so we didn't get to talk. (And she was a lead from a booth two weeks ago). She rescheduled her show for June 16th, but I also mentioned the business opportunity and the new recruiting promotion to her (she had checked yes on her DPDS). She sounded interested. I told her I would e-mail the flyer, and if she wanted to meet before her show was scheduled, we could do that.

~I also sent an e-mail to one of my consultants to check in with her. I had not talked to her in a couple of weeks. (I also know her from the Mom's group I am involved in, so we have playgroups together). She let me know that she is taking courses in college now, and had no shows in April, and none lined up for May, and thinks she may go inactive and commit herself to her schooling, and a career with computers. UGH!!!!!! Now I really need to get my recruiting in high gear. I do not want to lose FD status!!!!!!!
  • #1,985
Nobody answered. UGH, so good last night not tonight.
  • #1,986
I made 3 today.

#1. Product adjustment (hey it counts as customer care right?)

#2. Had a lady come up to me at the bank and ask for a catalog. I was caught off guard and gave her the catalog but didn't get any of her information.

#3. Asked my friend that did my hair today if she wanted to have a show and she said probably in July but no date was set.
  • #1,987
host coaching last night, and working on that lead list!
  • #1,988
Hey, I haven't been on this thread because I haven't been doing 3-2-1. But, since Regional the other day, I am starting up again. I haven't quite gotten to 3 contacts a day, but I'm getting one or two. So far all "no's" until I e-mailed my sister. (I knew she'd respond, so I count that as a contact because she did respond.) She is going to have a show in June. That's the month I'm really focusing on. I saw one person at TJ Maxx and she said to call her for a fall show. Glad I can stop calling her for a while. Left a message, so only two contacts, today. Yielded one show for sellathon. Happy about that.
  • #1,989
No calls today since my 2 year old has been crying on and off all day.

I did get an order for a HWC scoop. Other than that, nothing new to add.
  • #1,990
need to get in a good calling routine again. I do good one night, then I get busy with the kids the next and stall on calling.
  • #1,991
Ellen and Amy, I am right there with you! Gotta love it too, when you are all set to make a few calls, and the kids come hunt you down, and making as much noise as they can.

I have only made 1-2 contacts each day the last couple of days. I have been busy getting ready for a booth at a Spring Bazaar on Saturday. I did stop at Walmart last nilght to get a folding table, and the lady at the door on my way out stopped me (to make sure I had a receipt for the table). She asked me if I was a vendor. I told her I was a vendor, but not a vendor for Walmart. So of course, I led into PC. She had not heard of PC (she was thinking we were a knife company), but is interested in doing something part-time. I got her phone number, and will call her today.
  • #1,992
i took up a challenge with a fellow cheffer, and we made 1 hour of daytime calls today. Happy to report I have a new MAY show!! I'm working hard with this woman to sign as well. She's interested in the opp for so many reasons, but just will not commit..........yet! So, maybe with a little prayer it will pan out as a grand opening show!
So, contacts made for the day! :D
  • #1,993
oh, and after seeing all the great success Becky has had with outlet orders I've been sending out emails like crazy, one for the outlet & HWC and the other the signing bonus for May recruits.
  • #1,994
I did a lot of grocery shopping today (one for Costco, and the other regular, but a weekly, instead of daily, trip to the grocery store), so I did not have a chance to get calls in, but I did get a contact in at the store. Gave a catalog away and got contact info. I have a booth tomorrow, and am hoping for a bit of traffic there.
  • #1,995
Made contact with a friend that does want to do a May show but won't be able to set a date till Tuesday. That's okay with me...that'll make 3 whopping shows this month.

My cousin that lives about 3 1/2 hours away replied to my email saying we could do her June show on the 7th or 14th! YAY! That makes a whopping 3 shows for June.

I also got an order for the pink gloves today. 5 HWC items sold...95 to go! LOL!
  • #1,996
Well I finally got a host to pick a date for May 22nd! She is someone I met two years ago this month who said she appreciated my follow up and persistence because she had told me 2 years ago she would like to do a show. Things kept coming up but now I have her show on my calendar - so you just never know who may eventually do a show!
  • #1,997
UGH - I need to get some people nailed down!I have 1 for sure June and 3 possibles that haven't nailed down a date yet!
I also have 4 people that said they want a July show but didn't have calendars around when they talked to me to set the date.I need to get ALL of these nailed down in the next couple weeks!I also have a list of "maybes" - one I can't bug yet because her husband died, another is on vacation for 2 weeks...Sigh...I'm either going to be disappointingly empty on my calendar or insanely busy!!!!...and I have some pasts hosts from last spring to get contacting again because it has been OVER a year since they hosted. They weren't ready a few months ago because of the crappy weather so I'm hoping they "warm up" to June or July. ;)
  • #1,998
Only one contact yesterday, which led to an order (yippee!), but the rest of the week was good. I'm getting ready to make calls this afternoon, so that should make up for yesterday.
  • #1,999
I handed out another catalog last night late - she is hopefully booking a show for July. Today I am working on getting another July show on the calendar rather than promised. Everyone else is out and about, I'm busy with housework and I need a nap!...got to bed late, slept like crap, pager went off at 3 a.m. for a structure fire. DH went not me but of course I didn't sleep well, especially when the pager went off for a medical call, all the guys were at the fire and I can't leave kids alone!
  • #2,000
show tonight.sales so-so. NO BOOKINGS!! and no recruit leads. ****sigh***
<h2>1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.</p><h2>2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?</h2><p>By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.</p><h2>3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?</h2><p>Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.</p><h2>4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?</h2><p>No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.</p><h2>5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.</p>

Related to Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.

2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?

By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.

3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?

Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.

4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?

No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.

5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.

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