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Who Has Earned the Hwc Products?

In summary, the Host With the Most (HWC) "PINK" products are being earned by multiple consultants through sales and bookings. The deadline for earning these products is March 15th, and they will be shipped out in mid-March. Consultants are also hopeful for earning the HWC apron, but it seems unlikely for some due to show schedules. Some consultants are using phone sales and extra effort to try and earn the apron.
Gold Member
I thought this would be fun to see who's earned the HWC "PINK" products and please tell us if you will be earning the Apron as well!!! Don't forget the shows need to be HELD and SUBMITTED between March 1st-March 15th.

I've turned in $2380 in sales so far this month and I've earned:
1. The HWC Products


2. The Apron!!!:D :D :D

Where are you at????

I'm hoping to get the products, but even though I would LOVE to have the aapron, I don't think I will get it.
ME!! ME!! I earned the HWC stuff but not the apron yet... I have shows on Sat and Sun so hopefully I can close one before the 15th.
I earned all of it too. I love the new apron (though haven't received it yet). I love the lighter pink. Too funny, Kristi, I've submitted just over $2300 this month too though some is from February shows.
I earned the HWC products, but have given up hope on the apron (stupid catalog host).
The first half of my month is falling apart....I've got my fingers crossed!
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Yeah guys!! I love it! If PC dangles a carrot in front of me, I go after it!!!:D Hey Deb, GET on the phone. Wait a minute, you have probably been on the phone MORE than me!! I need to get on the phone as well for more bookings this month!:D
I'm submitting my 2 shows this weekend! So just the products for me, not the apron! :( Although I am going to attempt a Friday sale tomorrow to see if I can get enough orders to qualify for a 3rd show???
I'm crossing my fingers....For it all!!!

I'm submitting my first March show tonight and I'm closing yesterdays on Tues. and hopefully tomorrows show will close on Weds. so I should be ok.

Go Pink!!

  • #10
I have three shows that might potentially close in time. One is this Saturday, next Wednesday, and a catalog show.

I am hoping at least two of them will close in time.
  • #11
BTW, can I just say I love the pink products this year! I hope they sell better than those last year! I wish we could purchase the aprons if we didn't earn them!
  • #12
I really want it and haven't been working as hard as I should, so I'm trying for a Phone Sale. I'm doing a Manic Monday phone sale and I'm going to be making phone calls ALL WEEKEND LONG! I want to at least collect $300 in orders so I can submit it as 2 shows to get the products. Hoping for $450 so I can get the apron too!!
  • #13
I just submitted my first show of the month tonight and will be submitting a catalog show on Saturday, so I just have the products b/c hubby and I are going on vacation from sunday to sunday of next week.
  • #14
I just submitted my second catalogue show, so I am getting the HWC products. I am hopeful that I'll get another catalogue show from a few individual orders that are coming in the next few days.
All of my shows for this month are after the 15.
  • #15
PampMomof3 said:
Hey Deb, GET on the phone. Wait a minute, you have probably been on the phone MORE than me!! I need to get on the phone as well for more bookings this month!:D
You know what, I just had a past host from Feb email me and ask for catalogs because a bunch of people from her work missed placing orders on her last show.....Hmmmm....think she can have them by Thursday?!?!?!?!?!
  • #16
I have 1 show on the 11th that I'll be closing...plus one catalog show I'm closing out tomorrow - and possibly another catalog show that I'm TRYING to close on the 15th, but I'm not sure that'll actually happen. So there's a 95% chance I'll get the products, and a slight chance I'm getting the apron!!
  • #17
I am closing my second show tomorrow. So products come to me!! I don't have anything else scheduled this month, so probably no apron in my future. That's ok, not a big fan of PC's aprons anyway.

But a big yeah for the products.
  • Thread starter
  • #18
Thats great everyone! Remember that the products will be shipped mid-march and the Mid-Season products will be shipped as earned!!!

Deb, I totally think she could have them back in a week. I mean, she already knows who these people are!
  • #19
I'll be turning in 2 shows today. Hopefully my show tomorrow will close next Thursday, then I'll earn it all:D LOVE the free stuff!
  • #20
I have 2 shows out of town this weekend, and 2 catalog shows clsoing on Monday. I think I will hold 1 cooking show off, and close after the 15th, so I will have a head start on the mid-season products.
  • #21
I am submitting my first March show today and I have two next week. I am very hopeful to close them by March 15. I really want the pink apron!

  • #22
I've already submitted one March show & will be closing a second one this weekend. Then I have shows tonight & Sunday, so I will definitely get everything! Can't wait for the apron!

I'll tell ya--I started closing shows the night of after going to the Spring Regional in Ohio with Julie Weitz & it's been great! Now I KNOW that my shows will close in time for incentives!
  • #23
Turned in my 2 shows already...but my show for this week end postponed to next week end...:( Gonna have to go around door to door this week.....:rolleyes: ;)
  • #24
I'm dangling carrots for 2 hosts to get their shows closed by Thursday so when I put those with the one that is still "received" that makes 3 for me!!
  • #25
I have 2 shows this weekend and one on Mon. of next week. I'm really going to push to hav them closed so hopefully I will earn everything!! I'm so excited. YAY Pink!!!
  • #26
PampMomof3 said:
Yeah guys!! I love it! If PC dangles a carrot in front of me, I go after it!!!:D

I'm a sucker for those dang carrots, myself. I've got one submitted and I'm closing a show tonight. That earns me the products.

I've got an out-of-state catalog show that will be closing next week. I'm going to try to convince her to do that by the 15th. That will get me the pretty pink apron.

Okay, I have the white one from a couple of years ago. It would work fine. I don't really NEED a new pink apron. I'm not even that particularly fond of pink. Does that top me? NO! I want it! I want it! I want it! http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/jumping0036.gif
  • Thread starter
  • #27

You sound a lot like me! I can't wait to me you at WAVE 2!!!!!:D
  • #28
I have already earned the products with 2 shows turned in. I have a show on Sunday that will be closing on Tuesday. So I will be getting the apron as well. When I saw the HWC apron hanging at the home office i decided then that if PC ever offered the HWC apron again I was going to do whatever it took to earn it. I am a very happy person.

  • #29
I have my 3 shows done. I am sending one tomorrow. Then closing 1 this weekend and one on Monday. I should get all of it. I don't need the apron either (I have about 10 different ones and don't even wear them). But I like everyone else wants all the FREE stuff!!!!
  • #30
PampMomof3 said:

You sound a lot like me! I can't wait to me you at WAVE 2!!!!!:D

I'm looking forward to making your acquaintance as well!
  • #31
Bummer...I'm only gonna get 2 shows in, so I won't get the apron. I'll get the products though, so that's good. I really really wanted that apron though...maybe I can pull together a catty before the 15th...Yep, I'm gonn try that! Good idea, I'm glad I thought of it! Sorry...it's late and I'm tired! tend to get a little goofy when this happens! DD is babysitting and I'm waiting for her to get home, otherwise I'd be in bed already!
  • #32
Good luck with your third show Chris! I am going to hang my apron in my office, but maybe I'll take a sad preggo-in-an-apron pic first so you guys can make fun of me, LOL!!
  • #33
I did! :D Though I do have a question. My show today was 600+ she is getting a few more outside orders. Could I split that into 2 shows and her still get the same benefits?
  • #34
I am not going to make it = ( but I can see getting the mid-season products = ) Really wanted that apron but I will survive
  • #35
gilliandanielle said:
Good luck with your third show Chris! I am going to hang my apron in my office, but maybe I'll take a sad preggo-in-an-apron pic first so you guys can make fun of me, LOL!!

OH GILLIAN! You crack me up!!! WE wouldn't make fun of you, would we? :rolleyes: Of course not. We wouldn't be laughing at you, we'd be laughing WITH you! Thanks for your encouragement on my 3rd show...will drop in a post if I get one!!! I"m hoping! :D
  • #36
SillyChef said:
I did! :D Though I do have a question. My show today was 600+ she is getting a few more outside orders. Could I split that into 2 shows and her still get the same benefits?
It wouldn't work because a $300 show gets $40 and a $600 show gets $115 (so $80 total instead of $115) and she would 20% off additional stuff instead of 25%. I guess if you wanted to pay the $35 and whatever the difference in the 5% is it would work, but that is pretty spendy for HWC stuff that you can buy for cheaper...
  • #37
pcchris said:
OH GILLIAN! You crack me up!!! WE wouldn't make fun of you, would we? :rolleyes: Of course not. We wouldn't be laughing at you, we'd be laughing WITH you! Thanks for your encouragement on my 3rd show...will drop in a post if I get one!!! I"m hoping! :D
I would laugh with you too...I am sure I should take one to scrapbook once I miss my belly! I guess being pregnant is a good "excuse" why the apron looks so bad on me even though they always look funny!!
  • #38
... Okay, won't do that. I don't want to spend money... I want to get it for FREE! :D
  • #39
I've got my 3 turned in. :) Are they shipping as earned? I don't remember.
  • #40
Ok...I have got shows 1 and 2 submitted. Now it is just a matter of getting eithe rof my 2 hosts from this weekend to close in time so I can get my pink apron! (ya know - to match the pink panties!! LOL)
  • #41
crystalscookingnow said:
I've got my 3 turned in. :) Are they shipping as earned? I don't remember.
The sheet said HWC shipping mid-march and the mid-season products ship as earned...
  • #42
I've held 3 shows, and sumitted 1. I WILL have the other two submitted tomorrow, so I earned it all! Yay! I love those carrots!
  • #43
I also have shows 1 & 2 submitted, and I have a show on Mond. nite and a catalog show on the 14th that should close. I really want the pink apron, couples shows seem to be really popular for me right now, and I like to make my shows very interactive, so I want to have his and her aprons!
  • Thread starter
  • #44
You guys are doing great!! We sure do love freebies!!!:D
  • #45
I have...now just have to close out one more to get the apron!!! I will get it!!
  • #46
I have!! I have one this week that could earn me the apron but I doubt it closes on time. And that really does not matter to me b/c I do not want the apron. I have started just not liking to wear my apron.

I REALLY want the midseason products!
  • Thread starter
  • #47
I want those Mid-Season products too!:D
  • #48
I am hoping to get my mid season stuff in March but I only have one show on the 16th and one on the 28th!! I have two shows to put in from this weekend if it weren't for the darn HELD AND SUBMITTED rule!!
  • Thread starter
  • #49
Why don't you change them to the 16th and 17th? It doesn't matter what day you held them on.
  • #50
My second show for this month that was supposed to close today...wants to wait until Monday to close now... :-(
<h2>1. What are the HWC products and how can I earn them?</h2><p>The HWC (Help Whip Cancer) products are special edition pink products that Pampered Chef offers in the month of March to support breast cancer awareness. To earn them, you need to submit at least $2000 in sales between March 1st and March 15th.</p><h2>2. Can I earn the HWC products if I am a new consultant?</h2><p>Yes, all consultants have the opportunity to earn the HWC products regardless of how long they have been with Pampered Chef. As long as you meet the sales criteria, you can earn the products.</p><h2>3. Do online orders count towards earning the HWC products?</h2><p>Yes, online orders count towards your sales total for earning the HWC products. However, the shows must still be held and submitted between March 1st and March 15th.</p><h2>4. Can I earn multiple sets of HWC products?</h2><p>Yes, you can earn multiple sets of HWC products if you meet the sales criteria for each set. For example, if you submit $4000 in sales, you can earn two sets of HWC products.</p><h2>5. Do I automatically earn the Apron if I meet the sales criteria for the HWC products?</h2><p>No, the Apron is a separate incentive and must be earned in addition to the HWC products. You must submit at least $2500 in sales between March 1st and March 15th to earn the Apron. However, you can earn both the HWC products and the Apron if you meet both sales criteria.</p>

Related to Who Has Earned the Hwc Products?

1. What are the HWC products and how can I earn them?

The HWC (Help Whip Cancer) products are special edition pink products that Pampered Chef offers in the month of March to support breast cancer awareness. To earn them, you need to submit at least $2000 in sales between March 1st and March 15th.

2. Can I earn the HWC products if I am a new consultant?

Yes, all consultants have the opportunity to earn the HWC products regardless of how long they have been with Pampered Chef. As long as you meet the sales criteria, you can earn the products.

3. Do online orders count towards earning the HWC products?

Yes, online orders count towards your sales total for earning the HWC products. However, the shows must still be held and submitted between March 1st and March 15th.

4. Can I earn multiple sets of HWC products?

Yes, you can earn multiple sets of HWC products if you meet the sales criteria for each set. For example, if you submit $4000 in sales, you can earn two sets of HWC products.

5. Do I automatically earn the Apron if I meet the sales criteria for the HWC products?

No, the Apron is a separate incentive and must be earned in addition to the HWC products. You must submit at least $2500 in sales between March 1st and March 15th to earn the Apron. However, you can earn both the HWC products and the Apron if you meet both sales criteria.

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