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What will you do with your extra Director Holiday Gift?

In summary, Lisa's heart dish arrived and her director gift did not. All the other participants' gifts arrived.
Got mine today! LOVE it!!!!

Don't want to ruin the surprise for anyone who didn't get theirs yet!

Since I'm single, I'm wondering what I'll do with the other half... maybe save it for a wedding present for my husband if I ever get married!!!!!

I love all that PC does for us!!!! I think this is really pretty and really nice!

I'm sure we'll see them EVERYWHERE at Leadership!!!!
Ohhhhh! Not fair! I can't wait! :party:

Gotta love our company! :chef:
I just got mine! How cool! Although I'm not a ________ person, I'll have to find a way to use it!!
Was it delivered FedEx?
According to my tracker I have 2 FedEx packages (2 lb each) that should be delivered tomorrow! - One actually seems to be hung up in Addison but it was released 4 hours before the other one. LOL

I am pretty sure one is the heart bowl and the other is my gift. Ohhh... I hope he/she comes early tomorrow!
ChefLisa said:
Was it delivered FedEx?

Yep. I totally wasn't expecting it! It came with another box for a show I had. How fun!!:):)
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Still no heart dish for me though. Really want that before our TEAM Holiday party on Sunday.
you guys are killin' me here!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
What's funny is ever since I was a director, I always got my gift like 2 days after everyone else!
  • #10
I've got 2 G items in my shipping adjustment list....probably the gift as well as the heart.
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Becky... do you think we're all going to look like flight attendants?
  • #12
stop, stop, STOP!!! All I can picture now are those little vest-like things stewardesses wear!!!
I checked my tracking in the website and it says mine arrived in Richmond today....should get it tomorrow???!!!
  • #13
Hmmmm - I have 2 G items - once shipped on the 11th and the other on the 12th...one is my heart bowl and the other must be my director gift. Does all this excitement mean it's not another Limoges style box???
  • Thread starter
  • #14
It's not another Limoge...I really like it!
  • #15
dannyzmom said:
Hmmmm - I have 2 G items - once shipped on the 11th and the other on the 12th...one is my heart bowl and the other must be my director gift. Does all this excitement mean it's not another Limoges style box???

Yeah... after giving us a UPS box and then switching to FedEx... well, I guess it WAS a year apart...

:cry:I can't wait!! You guys are :devil: for teasing us!!
  • #16
finley1991 said:
Becky... do you think we're all going to look like flight attendants?

  • #17
Ok since I'm clueless. How do you find this tracking your talking about?
  • #18
Go to Product Adjustment and click on find show. If you see something with a G in the long line of numbers a letters, it is something you earned or a gift.
  • #19
Got mine today. Love it!
  • #20
cmdtrgd said:
Go to Product Adjustment and click on find show. If you see something with a G in the long line of numbers a letters, it is something you earned or a gift.

Isn't that a neat little trick! :D Thanks for sharing!
  • #21
Aww man! I am so dissapointed, mine isn't scheduled to be delivered until Tuesday! I hate it when that happens.
  • #22
cmdtrgd said:
Go to Product Adjustment and click on find show. If you see something with a G in the long line of numbers a letters, it is something you earned or a gift.

But how do you track it?
  • #23
I believe you take the long number/letter combo, go to FedEx.com and track it using a reference number. Add 01 to the end of the number/letter combo.
  • #24
Mine are coming tomorrow and on Tuesday....the agony!
  • #25
My director gift came today! DH wasn't impressed. I think it's nice!:chef:
  • #26
Mine is on the truck for delivery. You ladies have me way too anxious! However, it will probably come after I leave for my show tonight!

  • #27
cmdtrgd said:
I believe you take the long number/letter combo, go to FedEx.com and track it using a reference number. Add 01 to the end of the number/letter combo.

Good golly gee...how do you girls figure this stuff out?!?!?!? :bugeye: Mine is coming tomorrow!! Yippee!
  • #28
got mine today...DH is not impressed, but I am!
  • #29
My DH said he'd wear it. Yeah! :)
  • #30
My tracking still shows it is on the fedex truck for today. Since they ship until 8 PM, I don't think it is coming today.
  • Thread starter
  • #31
DebbieJ said:
My DH said he'd wear it. Yeah! :)

  • #32
My DH was unimpressed...so was my DS! Both were like "Oh NO!!"

I think it is awesome that they even thought about the dh's in our lives! I will be shocked if I ever see the DH wearing it!
  • #33
Mine is coming tomorrow when I'll be at Disney World! Oh well!
  • #34
I got mine too! I think they are beautiful! I don't know if I'll actually use it, but I will certainly try to make an effort. I would definitely pick these over a box ornament anyday! :D :party: :D
  • #35
HOORAY! Mine came tonight! However, my husband will not use the man portion of the gift. I might consider using it. Another thought is I give it to the very nice guy who is hospitality at my meetings. I have been struggling with what I should give him. What do you all think of that idea?

  • #36
ChefLisa said:
HOORAY! Mine came tonight! However, my husband will not use the man portion of the gift. I might consider using it. Another thought is I give it to the very nice guy who is hospitality at my meetings. I have been struggling with what I should give him. What do you all think of that idea?


That's a great idea! But make sure you give it to him for doing something SPECIAL like recruiting or major high sales...!!
  • #37
Neither DH nor I cared for the guy gift...GREAT GREAT GREAT idea, but the design could have been much smaller (and therefore more suitable in a corporate environment). The other part is pretty, but again, wish the design had been a little smaller. Lovely colors though!
  • #38
Agree with leggy! I am going to see if my only male consultant would like it. He doesn't care for the pins, etc. so maybe this is something he would wear. I can't think of when I would use the other portion, but they are unique.
  • #39
I was actually considering it as a Christmas gift for the hospitality guy. I am giving Vera Bradley to the Consultants in my downline.
  • #40
I told my DH he'd have to wear the man gift since this business is taking him on a cruise!!!! He is still trying to decide if I am serious or not!!

I love the other part!!!
  • #41
got it yesterday thought it was cute wearing it tonights team meeting
  • #42
How does one wear it? My director friend and I are fashion challenged!
  • #43
here are a few suggestions:

as a hair scarf~tie it bow up in your hair and then turn it so the bow is under your hair.

hang it on a purse!!!

wear it around your neck, but not tied...rather, tuck it into your coat
  • #44
If you're small enough wear it as a belt.
  • #45
Mine has still not arrived :(
  • #46
Wow Carolyn, I'm surprised! I am usually one of the last (48 staters) to get stuff and I got mine on Monday. Have you checked the tracking?
  • #47
I got my Director gift but no heart dish yet. :(
  • #48
ShanaSmith said:
Wow Carolyn, I'm surprised! I am usually one of the last (48 staters) to get stuff and I got mine on Monday. Have you checked the tracking?

This is all it's been saying for days & days now...
Text copying disabled.
Crud - it won't let me post it here...well.. . it just shows it was shippe don the 12th and nothing further :(
  • #49
I wore mine today as a decoration for my leather coat's neck.....was at my DS's school party....booked a show!!!!!!!
  • #50
chefmeg said:
I wore mine today as a decoration for my leather coat's neck.....was at my DS's school party....booked a show!!!!!!!

Way to go Margaret!:chef:
<h2>What will you do with your extra Director Holiday Gift?</h2><p>Many consultants choose to keep their extra Director Holiday Gift as a personal memento or give it as a gift to a loved one.</p><h2>What should I do with the other half of the gift if I am single?</h2><p>You can save it for a special occasion, such as a wedding or anniversary, or give it as a gift to a friend or family member.</p><h2>Do you think we will see these gifts at Leadership?</h2><p>It's highly likely that you will see these gifts at Leadership, as many consultants choose to wear them as a symbol of their achievements with Pampered Chef.</p><h2>What do you think of this year's Director Holiday Gift?</h2><p>I personally think it is a beautiful and thoughtful gift. It's a great way to show appreciation for our hard work as consultants.</p><h2>Can you give us any hints about what the gift might be?</h2><p>I'm sorry, I cannot give any hints about the gift as we want to keep the surprise for those who haven't received it yet.</p>

Related to What will you do with your extra Director Holiday Gift?

What will you do with your extra Director Holiday Gift?

Many consultants choose to keep their extra Director Holiday Gift as a personal memento or give it as a gift to a loved one.

What should I do with the other half of the gift if I am single?

You can save it for a special occasion, such as a wedding or anniversary, or give it as a gift to a friend or family member.

Do you think we will see these gifts at Leadership?

It's highly likely that you will see these gifts at Leadership, as many consultants choose to wear them as a symbol of their achievements with Pampered Chef.

What do you think of this year's Director Holiday Gift?

I personally think it is a beautiful and thoughtful gift. It's a great way to show appreciation for our hard work as consultants.

Can you give us any hints about what the gift might be?

I'm sorry, I cannot give any hints about the gift as we want to keep the surprise for those who haven't received it yet.

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