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Take Charge/Take Action 2009-2010!

In summary, Sharon plans to promote to Advance Director, increase bookings and recruitment, and give back to several charities this year.
  • #351

I submitted a supply order yesterday in which I ordered enough mini catalogs to cover invitations for the first month. That means I've committed, and I have to see it through, or I'll be out a nice chunk of change, which is NOT why I do this business.

I already have one show scheduled for May, and I need to speak with the host about sending the invitations and such. I've already given her a host packet with invitations, so we'll see how that goes. I have another friend who had been interested in hosting in April, but we didn't get days to work, and we're looking at picking a date for May.

Other than that, I really just need to get on the phone and work on finding more bookings. I think I may even have to go stroll the brownie aisle at the grocery store...
  • #352
Whahoo Nora! I think you will see a big difference. As for that stroll down the brownie aisle, don't you wish those recipe cards were still available?
  • #353
beckyjsmith said:
Whahoo Nora! I think you will see a big difference. As for that stroll down the brownie aisle, don't you wish those recipe cards were still available?

:) I was thinking that I could just print some on cardstock... but currently I have Deluxe Cheeseburger Salad cards in my purse, so I suppose I'll have to stroll the meat aisle or the produce section. :D
  • #354
I had the organizational meeting for my first fundraiser yesterday. The group is excited, and so am I.
  • Thread starter
  • #355
Today ended up being good! I had a migraine most of the day, and had a party tonight that I wasn't feeling into....but by the time I got there, I was feeling GREAT!I've had a HO lead who wanted info about the business, and we've been playing phone tag. I've been trying to get a hold of her most of the week, and really was starting to think it wasn't going to happen at all....at one point in the week, I had directed her to my website, because I have a feature with questions and answers regarding PC. Well, I finally got a hold of her while driving to my show, and here is what she said....
"Oh, well I just went to your website, and read all your information there, and just ordered my kit on my own...is that okay? I know you might think I'm silly, and overly ambitious, but I am really excited to get started! I don't want to stay at my FT job forever so I'm anxious to get started with PC and make that my job...do you think that's silly of me to think I can do that?"WOW WOW WOW! We set a time to meet to go over her kit once it comes!Then, I had a great party - it's at $550 with a June booking right now, and she is still collecting outside orders. :)THEN I got home - to another HO lead who wants info on starting her own business! WAHOOO!
  • #356
Holy Cow Becky!! That's awesome - you are on fire - great job:)
  • #357
Becky, that is so fabulous!

I had my first April show last night. I really need to start getting people to book at the beginning of the month. Show was supposed to start at 7, but no one showed until 7:30 (and they all lived right next door to the host). They were a fun group though. 4 ladies and one two year old, though the Host's son (7, if I remember right) did a good job of keeping her entertained.

We made the Cool & Crunchy Chicken Tacos as a salad, layered in the Trifle Bowl. Funny thing is, I didn't sell any Trifle Bowls! I did, however, sell 3 Deep Covered Bakers because I had made the chicken in that. My show from the 18th that had changed into a catalog show also fizzled out, so I added the two orders that host had into this one, and right now we're sitting at a few dollars over $500.

I didn't get any bookings. I really need to figure out how to work more booking bits/seeds into my demo. I've been doing a fairly interactive demo with the guests picking tools to try and then doing the steps, but I find myself talking less and forgetting to sprinkle bits about booking and recruiting. I think I'll go back to a more traditional demo with asking people to come up to try products.

I did have a really good ticket game session, they had a lot of questions. Two gals took home a Come Join Us booklet, and I have appointments to call them to see if they have more questions.
  • #358
I had several PC contacts yesterday, most of which had not discernible results. However, I did sell two Trifle Bowls at my networking meeting.

At every meeting (not the large events, but the smaller meetings) I take one product. Sometimes I don't even mention it until someone asks. Yesterday I took the Trifle bowl. I started the meeting with the pedestal inside along with pink cellophane floss. The lid was on the bowl and a candle sat next to it. As I started to do my 60 seconds of "I'm looking for people who . . ." I said that I was looking for anyone who has a mom, a wife, or anyone else they want to remember for Mother's day. As I spoke I took off the lid and put the candle on the pedestal. I said that the Trifle Bowl was great for centerpieces as well as those yummy layered desserts. I took the candle off the pedestal, removed the pedestal from the bowl and put the bowl on top of the pedestal as I talked about how versatile the product is. I put the candle down in the floss as mentioned that it was on sale for only $29 until the end of the month. I then mentioned that I was also looking for anyone whose life had been touched by cancer and distributed HWC flyers.

When I was done the guy next to me turned to me and said that he wanted 2--1 for his mom and 1 for his office. They often have candy, popcorn, and such at meetings. He has a gift for hospitality and loves for things to look polished, even for staff meetings.
  • #359
Way to go Rae. :) You make me want to find a networking group in my area. I'll have to see if I can find one with meetings outside of my 8-5 work hours.
  • Thread starter
  • #360
NooraK said:
Becky, that is so fabulous!

I had my first April show last night. I really need to start getting people to book at the beginning of the month. Show was supposed to start at 7, but no one showed until 7:30 (and they all lived right next door to the host). They were a fun group though. 4 ladies and one two year old, though the Host's son (7, if I remember right) did a good job of keeping her entertained.

We made the Cool & Crunchy Chicken Tacos as a salad, layered in the Trifle Bowl. Funny thing is, I didn't sell any Trifle Bowls! I did, however, sell 3 Deep Covered Bakers because I had made the chicken in that. My show from the 18th that had changed into a catalog show also fizzled out, so I added the two orders that host had into this one, and right now we're sitting at a few dollars over $500.

I didn't get any bookings. I really need to figure out how to work more booking bits/seeds into my demo. I've been doing a fairly interactive demo with the guests picking tools to try and then doing the steps, but I find myself talking less and forgetting to sprinkle bits about booking and recruiting. I think I'll go back to a more traditional demo with asking people to come up to try products.

I did have a really good ticket game session, they had a lot of questions. Two gals took home a Come Join Us booklet, and I have appointments to call them to see if they have more questions.

I used to offer incentives to get people to book at the beginning of the month - and then, when people want to book, I only give dates available at the beginning of the month.

Funny, I haven't been selling Trifle Bowls either, but they do love those DCB's! I think for my customers, practicality wins usually.

That was one of the reasons I went back to a more traditional demo. In the chaos of an interactive show, I wasn't able to talk about booking, etc...like I wanted to. My sales and bookings, and recruit leads are better w/o the interactive show.

And FINALLY - That's AWESOME to have 2 recruiting leads! Way to go!
  • #361
ChefBeckyD said:
I used to offer incentives to get people to book at the beginning of the month - and then, when people want to book, I only give dates available at the beginning of the month.

Funny, I haven't been selling Trifle Bowls either, but they do love those DCB's! I think for my customers, practicality wins usually.

That was one of the reasons I went back to a more traditional demo. In the chaos of an interactive show, I wasn't able to talk about booking, etc...like I wanted to. My sales and bookings, and recruit leads are better w/o the interactive show.

And FINALLY - That's AWESOME to have 2 recruiting leads! Way to go!

Yes, I put one (of many) things I picked up at Director Express to work. It's actually funny, because I had Tammy Stanley's booking CD in my car, and right before I pulled into the host's driveway, she was talking about the same exact thing: When they came up to check out and handed me their receipt, I set it aside. I asked my questions first, offered info on the business, asked about bookings, etc before adding up their total. It was so much less rushed, and none of them felt pressured!
  • #362
Noora, networking groups come in all types. Be sure that you're allowed to visit a time or two before officially joining. Some are really pricey.

To give you an idea of what you might expect--the one I belong to required a 1-time $50 sign-up fee and asks for a monthly $20 donation. The donation is strongly suggested but not mandatory. Only one businessperson from any given field is admitted for membership. For me that means that not only am I the only PC consultant, I'm the only one selling kitchen tools. Meetings are held twice a month. If you miss more than 3 meetings in any 1-year period you lose your membership. (You can rejoin.) If you must miss a meeting and arrange for a substitute that doesn't count as a miss. Your sub doesn't have to be in your same line, so my life coach friend could sub for me. This group is specifically for Christians in business, so the meetings involve prayer and a devotional as well as business ideas and networking. The group has open events every 2 months.

I thought that might give you some things to look for/ask about.
  • #363
Thank you for the suggestions Rae.

I spent a lot of time on the phone today. Unfortunately (as usual) a lot of it was leaving messages.

I had one a couple of people who said it just wasn't something they could do right now. One contact (a co-worker) said she'd love to do it, but she was concerned she didn't have enough room in her apartment. I suggested to her that she might be able to find someone to co-host with, and she said she'd check with her sister and get back to me.

I did speak with a friend who had said on FB that she'd like to host. We talked in the morning and tentatively set the date as the 15th. I put a host packet in the mail for her on my way to work, and set her up on my PWS. Later in the day, she posted on my wall that the 8th would work better. Unfortunately, that's my birthday weekend, and I'm not going to be doing any shows. Her husband is getting back from a business trip this weekend, and then the last weekend is Memorial Day Weekend and DS's birthday weekend. I gave her a call after work today, but wasn't able to talk to her.

Tonight, I need to clean my products so that they're clean for Sunday's show. I also want to spend some time updating my notes on my contacts, plus there's a ton of cleaning that could be done around the house.

Tomorrow I plan to go out a bit depending on the weather. They're predicting severe thunderstorms, so we'll have to see what it's like in the morning. I do need to go to the grocery store, so I think I'm going to have to make that work. Hopefully I'll get some practice striking up conversations.
  • #364
I was planning to work on host kits today but never got to it. Make calls, leaving several messages. Took care of a few customer issues. Wasn't as productive as I'd planned, but I got lots of (evidently much-needed) rest. Tomorrow is another day.
  • #365
Rest is important, so as long as you got something done, I think you're fine. :)

I had a show yesterday, which lived up to my expectations. Meaning: I didn't host coach very well so there were 4 guests present, and the sales are currently at about $200. I know host coaching is one of my weaknesses, and I have to work on that A LOT.

I did have three recruit leads, and I elaborated more on the Director Express thread.

I also realized, that if I get the two ladies who seem most interested to sign, I would be eligible for HO Leads, except I didn't have $1250 in sales last month, and it doesn't look like I will this month either. Even if my other show gets to $600, and this one gets to $300, that's only $900, with less than a week to go. Frustrating, but I think I'll concentrate on going forward and getting these ladies all the information they need/want first.

After the show, DS and I went to the park for a bit. I didn't get a chance to try and strike up a conversation with any of the moms, because he's still at an age where I like to be fairly close, and man is he quick. From there, we went to the grocery store. I even put my apron on, so that I could say I forgot to take it off after the show, but nothing. Even the gal that bagged our groceries didn't say anything about it, and she has made a comment about the card I used to have in the catalog tote (the one from NC that says "I love what I do, and you can too!). Maybe I just need to go more often. I tend to do big trips less frequently, mainly because of all the couponing I do.

Today is Monday, the first day of a new week full of fresh possibilities!
  • Thread starter
  • #366
NooraK said:
Rest is important, so as long as you got something done, I think you're fine. :)

I had a show yesterday, which lived up to my expectations. Meaning: I didn't host coach very well so there were 4 guests present, and the sales are currently at about $200. I know host coaching is one of my weaknesses, and I have to work on that A LOT.

I did have three recruit leads, and I elaborated more on the Director Express thread.

I also realized, that if I get the two ladies who seem most interested to sign, I would be eligible for HO Leads, except I didn't have $1250 in sales last month, and it doesn't look like I will this month either. Even if my other show gets to $600, and this one gets to $300, that's only $900, with less than a week to go. Frustrating, but I think I'll concentrate on going forward and getting these ladies all the information they need/want first.

After the show, DS and I went to the park for a bit. I didn't get a chance to try and strike up a conversation with any of the moms, because he's still at an age where I like to be fairly close, and man is he quick. From there, we went to the grocery store. I even put my apron on, so that I could say I forgot to take it off after the show, but nothing. Even the gal that bagged our groceries didn't say anything about it, and she has made a comment about the card I used to have in the catalog tote (the one from NC that says "I love what I do, and you can too!). Maybe I just need to go more often. I tend to do big trips less frequently, mainly because of all the couponing I do.

Today is Monday, the first day of a new week full of fresh possibilities!

Noora - you are doing all the right things! Great job!

I have a small neighborhood grocery store just a couple blocks from my home. I never buy the bulk of my groceries there, but it's wonderful for when I need a few things, or something quickly. I'll often stop in to buy a pepper, or a loaf of french bread on my way to a party. The cashiers there now know me as "our Pampered Chef Gal"...but it took a while. :) It came from building relationships with them. We always chat when I'm checking out, and I always make sure to give them a new mini and a recipe card. Now, it's fun to go in and have them be eager to tell me what they made on their bar pan the night before, etc... I love that this a job built on relationships like that!
  • #367
ChefBeckyD said:
Noora - you are doing all the right things! Great job!

Thanks Becky. I just hope I can keep up what I'm doing long enough that I see the boost in my business before my enthusiasm runs out.
  • #368
I've had an interesting day so far. I was out for my spa day--salon and massage. My stylist asked to be put on my USPS newsletter list. (Her computer died, and she didn't want to miss it. :)) My massage therapist gave me an order for a catalog party her friend is hosting. I got home and checked my email. One was from someone I met in March at a women's retreat. We'd sat together and connected, even though she had to leave early. I gave her my card so that she could call if she had any questions about what happened the rest of the day. In her email she asked to schedule a June show with her daughter. Yay!Another email was from my husband's cousin's aunt (she's the sister of his uncle by marriage), whom I'd met at a recent bridal shower. She lives in Minnesota. She order almost $100 worth of stuff. (Some of that her sister talked her into. I'll have to thank her at the wedding. LOL!)Tonight I'm headed out to the Extension Homemakers' International Night. It's my first meeting with this group, and it's the whole group. (They're an organization of small groups that periodically has larger gatherings.) We'll see who wants to talk PC. I won't broach the subject, but I'll be ready when someone else does. I'll let you know how it goes.
  • #369
Oh, yeah, and I approved my ad for the local lawnmower races. :)When we were at the race last year thumbing through the program I looked around at all of the women in attendance, then looked at The Furry Guy and said, "Why am I not in here?" I checked, and it was only $25 for a 1/4 page ad. Plus, since this is a fundraiser for the Lions Club, it's going toward a good cause. I realize that sponsoring a lawnmower race is outside the box, but that's the way I roll. :)
  • #370
Anyone remember me??? LOL!So, I took a few months "off" meaning I just turned in a show here and there to stay active while I took a long, hard look at my business and really considered what I want to achieve. Here's what I've figured:Would I love to earn Maui? SURE!! Am I going to bend over backward to earn it? No - not because I don't think I can, but because I have a hard time working toward something that I can't conceive of mentally. Since I've never been to Hawaii (or Toronto), I really have a difficult time committing to doing the work to earn it, knowing it will mean leaving my 5 kids behind (or working harder to buy them in). BUT - what I REALLY wanted was a car, since we only had one and that wasn't working out. And I REALLY wanted was a VW Beetle convertible. And hubby and I talked and agreed that if I could make the payments and get qualified, he'd give me the down payment and I could get it.So I picked it up on Sunday. And let me tell you, I have a new fire under my behind to make this work!!! I've been making calls every night for a week and I'm up to 5 shows and 2 booths for May, which is a lot for me. I'm hoping to add 3-5 more shows to my schedule, and sign a recruit or two (I have 3 strong leads right now). I also really want to promote to Team Leader by conference, because darn it, I want a ribbon!!! So, I'm hoping to get at least two (if not all 3) of my leads signed in the next two months. I'm also going to do my own HWC show next month, and I want to do an order form for HWC products to take to my hubby's office along with a recipe to get HWC orders. I'm really looking forward to making a fresh start on my business!
  • #371
Woo hooo! Good for you, Nicole.
  • #372
I made a few calls tonight. Closed out my show from last Thursday at about $550. With the Host's order the commissionable sales are $587. I also spoke to my Host from Sunday, and she said she's spoken to the people who were not able to make it, and will be getting orders from them tomorrow. She works ALL day tomorrow and Friday, so I will get in touch with her this weekend to close out her show.

I also spoke with a co-worker again about booking a show. We had talked over the weekend, and she said she'd love to host a show, but feels her apartment is too small. She checked with her sister about co-hosting, but unfortunately that won't work. She did say though that she can resrve the clubhouse at her apartment complex, and then also invite people in the community. The clubhouse requires a month's notice for a reservation, so we booked her show for mid-June.

I've been calling the customers from my recent shows to check how they enjoy their products, and to see if they'd be interested in hosting a show. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get a hold of very many of them. The few I have gotten a hold of, haven't been interested for the most part. I need to work on my wording when they present an obstacle.

I'm also concerned that I'm going to get to a point where I've called all of my potentials, and left messages, and don't know how many times I should call before I become a pest. I think I need to listen to my TS Bookings CD again...
  • #373
I spoke with one of my guests from my Sunday show tonight. She had been looking for a torte pan with a removeable bottom, and I wanted to let her know that the one on the outlet was exactly what she was looking for. She had also taken a catalog show packet, and a Come Join Us booklet. When I spoke to her, she said she didn't know if she should have agreed to do the catalog show, because she's not finding enough time to see if people want to order things. She also said she felt some of the items were over-priced. Obviously, if you're not absolutely in love with the products, it's harder to sell someone else on them. She also said that while she does need to find a source of income, she's not really interested in the business because she's not interested in selling anything. She also said she was disappointed that the host of a party doesn't get free products. Huh? I don't know WHAT she was listening to during the show, because I mentioned that several times during my demo and when I did the bookings slide.

After I got home, I made some more calls. I spoke to a couple of people, but didn't end up with any bookings. One lead was very interested, but she's in charge of organizing the prom and graduation at her school this month, and just plain doesn't have free time in her calendar. She was quite interested in the pink products though, so I let her know to be on the lookout for my newsletter

I also spoke to an old recruit lead that I hadn't touched base with in a while, and I'll put more about that in the Director Express thread.

Right now, I'm listening to Tammy Stanley's bookings CDs and taking notes on the process she has for responding to objections. If I can get him to, I'd like to practice with DH. I also want to listen to the host coaching CDs and take notes on those, so that I can refer to them when I'm actually coaching my hosts.
  • Thread starter
  • #374
NooraK said:
I spoke with one of my guests from my Sunday show tonight. She had been looking for a torte pan with a removeable bottom, and I wanted to let her know that the one on the outlet was exactly what she was looking for. She had also taken a catalog show packet, and a Come Join Us booklet. When I spoke to her, she said she didn't know if she should have agreed to do the catalog show, because she's not finding enough time to see if people want to order things. She also said she felt some of the items were over-priced. Obviously, if you're not absolutely in love with the products, it's harder to sell someone else on them. She also said that while she does need to find a source of income, she's not really interested in the business because she's not interested in selling anything. She also said she was disappointed that the host of a party doesn't get free products. Huh? I don't know WHAT she was listening to during the show, because I mentioned that several times during my demo and when I did the bookings slide.

After I got home, I made some more calls. I spoke to a couple of people, but didn't end up with any bookings. One lead was very interested, but she's in charge of organizing the prom and graduation at her school this month, and just plain doesn't have free time in her calendar. She was quite interested in the pink products though, so I let her know to be on the lookout for my newsletter

I also spoke to an old recruit lead that I hadn't touched base with in a while, and I'll put more about that in the Director Express thread.

Right now, I'm listening to Tammy Stanley's bookings CDs and taking notes on the process she has for responding to objections. If I can get him to, I'd like to practice with DH. I also want to listen to the host coaching CDs and take notes on those, so that I can refer to them when I'm actually coaching my hosts.

Did you correct her thinking about the free product for hosts? That's just weird.
  • #375
ChefBeckyD said:
Did you correct her thinking about the free product for hosts? That's just weird.

Yes, I did. At first I was just so taken aback, because it's one of the first things I mention in my show opening, and because I always do the bookings slide at my shows.

I'm afraid the catalog show may fizzle out. She's starting to see it as an obligation, not something fun she can do to get some free stuff. I'll just have to wait and see.
  • Thread starter
  • #376
NooraK said:
Yes, I did. At first I was just so taken aback, because it's one of the first things I mention in my show opening, and because I always do the bookings slide at my shows.

I'm afraid the catalog show may fizzle out. She's starting to see it as an obligation, not something fun she can do to get some free stuff. I'll just have to wait and see.

Um, yeah...you would wonder why she agreed to do a catalog show in the first place, if it wasn't for the idea of free products. Maybe encourage her to gather orders of pink products, to help out a great cause? Would that be more of an incentive for her? (just brainstorming here...)
  • #377
I didn't make very many calls today. I was staring at my phone, trying to think of who I could call, since I've made so many calls in the last few days. I don't want to be calling my customers every couple of days, leaving multiple messages, looking desperate.

I've een updating some of my contacts tonight. I haven't been doing as good of a job at it as I should have been. Since I have the capability to carry my contacts with me, and have notes about them, I might as well take advantage of that. I'll have to remember to write down my notes after each show so I don't fall behind like this.

Tomorrow I have several errands to run, so that should give me a chance to practice getting out-and-about contacts. I don't really plan to work too hard on my business beyond that. I feel I've done a pretty good job during the week, so I cn afford to relax over the weekend.
  • Thread starter
  • #378
NooraK said:
I didn't make very many calls today. I was staring at my phone, trying to think of who I could call, since I've made so many calls in the last few days. I don't want to be calling my customers every couple of days, leaving multiple messages, looking desperate.

I've een updating some of my contacts tonight. I haven't been doing as good of a job at it as I should have been. Since I have the capability to carry my contacts with me, and have notes about them, I might as well take advantage of that. I'll have to remember to write down my notes after each show so I don't fall behind like this.

Tomorrow I have several errands to run, so that should give me a chance to practice getting out-and-about contacts. I don't really plan to work too hard on my business beyond that. I feel I've done a pretty good job during the week, so I can afford to relax over the weekend.

Yes....you know the saying. "All work and no play...." Down time and relaxation are needed by your mind and your body! (especially with a little one on board!)
  • Thread starter
  • #379
This was a productive week.

I submitted a $600 show, with a catalog show booking for still this month!

I had my first Cluster Meeting at my house. It was actually new consultant training, but I invited my entire cluster. 6 of the 13 came - but we had a blast! I got great feedback from them, so felt like it was profitable and fun for all of them. One of them that came was the guy on my team...he's been a consultant for 6 months, and this was the first training he attended. He emailed me the next morning to thank me, and said it had been great training, and to make sure and let him know when I had another one! SUCCESS!

I booked 2 shows for June this week, and then had a May show have to reschedule for June, so now I have 7 shows in June...and only 2 more dates that I can book.

I also got confirmation from all of my consultants about shows booked for this month - so it looks about 99% sure that I will FINALLY promote to director June 1st. I thought it was frustrating before to have the right # of consultants, but not the right structure...but to have the structure, and still not promote is even more frustrating!
  • #380
Finally got my show from April 25th submitted this weekend. Such a hassle for $250 in sales, but at least I have $250 in sales :)

I sent out some messages through Facebook at the end of last week, looking for someone to host a show this week. I've received one positive response saying she would let me know for sure by Saturday. I'll have to find her today to see if we're good to go.

My host for June 19 called on Saturday in a panic, because she had gone to the leasing office of her apartment complex to reserve their clubhouse for her party, only to be told they don't offer it out for residents anymore. I spoke with her this morning, and assured her that we would be able to do the show in her apartment, and there would be plenty of space.

I created the invitation for my June 5th fundraiser and sent it to the hosts for approval. I'll be stuffing envelopes this week to get those mailed out. Tonight, I'll probably be making more calls to find bookings. Maybe I'll listen to a training tape, too.
  • #381
Well, my show for Wednesday fell through. The host wants me to check in with her for next month, though.

I did, however speak to another good friend today. She used to work here several years ago, but left to be at home with her kids, and then did some day care work. She started back to work here this morning, and caught me in the lobby as I was walking in. She said she'd want to do a show, now that her schedule is more conducive to it. I met up with her at lunch, and we set a date for a week from Thursday. :D
  • #382
Had a fun show last night. She'll be well over $500 by the time we close on Friday with at least 2 solid bookings. :)Today was fun. I handed out one catalog with HWC flyer and 2 mini-catalogs. Then, when I emerged from the library i had a voicemail waiting. Someone at the library saw the sign on my van and called. We've now got a June wedding shower scheduled. Yippee!
  • #383
I need help dating shows again. I am having such a hard time because my schedule is so crazy at work.
  • Thread starter
  • #384
AJPratt said:
I need help dating shows again. I am having such a hard time because my schedule is so crazy at work.

Anne, do you have certain days of the week that you know you won't be working?
  • #385
ChefBeckyD said:
Anne, do you have certain days of the week that you know you won't be working?

Not really. It changes. They give us a schedule a couple of weeks out, but the hosts I have ready to schedule want more notice than what I have. I will steadily have every other weekend off, but for now, we some people out and its been hectic.
  • #386
Anne, Offer your hosts an "Express Show" to schedule your shows a week or two out. Offer to bring the ingredients so they don't have to worry about shopping, and have her pick up the phone and call her guests to invite them.
  • #387
Bren706 said:
Anne, Offer your hosts an "Express Show" to schedule your shows a week or two out. Offer to bring the ingredients so they don't have to worry about shopping, and have her pick up the phone and call her guests to invite them.

That's a great idea, Bren!
  • Thread starter
  • #388
AJPratt said:
That's a great idea, Bren!

Have you read the thread Keith started about the "sampling" show idea?

Shoot, now I can't remember the title of it....it's a great idea for an express show, though!
  • #389
"Tools and Tastings" is the name of the express show idea.
  • Thread starter
  • #390
Maragib said:
"Tools and Tastings" is the name of the express show idea.

That's it! Thanks!
  • #391
ChefBeckyD said:
Have you read the thread Keith started about the "sampling" show idea?

Shoot, now I can't remember the title of it....it's a great idea for an express show, though!

Yes I did! I do like that idea. I think it can work for most of my hosts, but I have one who feels she didn't have a great turn out last show (um 20 attended) and wants more notice. UGH!
  • #392
One thing that I've picked up from my Tammy Stanley CDs is this: the longer something is on a person's calendar, the more it starts to look like a commitment, or even an obligation. People are already overcommitted, and will want to wriggle out of something that's a commitment if it isn't a priority. People crave fun and spontaneity.

If you explain this to your hosts, they'll see why a show with short notice might actually have better attendance.
  • Thread starter
  • #393
NooraK said:
One thing that I've picked up from my Tammy Stanley CDs is this: the longer something is on a person's calendar, the more it starts to look like a commitment, or even an obligation. People are already overcommitted, and will want to wriggle out of something that's a commitment if it isn't a priority. People crave fun and spontaneity.

If you explain this to your hosts, they'll see why a show with short notice might actually have better attendance.

Along with that, from Tammy Stanley (who is my new hero!), is this:

People come to a show for two reasons.

1. Because they want to.
2. Because they have the evening free.

It doesn't matter how much advance notice they have - if their child has a dance recital, or a soccer game, or is sick...or if they have a last minute meeting, or have to work overtime, or score tickets to their favorite sporting event, then a PC party is going to be pushed aside. That's just the way it works. People don't schedule in a PC party with a permanent marker, they schedule it in with a pencil...so advance notice can work against you, since it's easily erased. People won't always commit to what they are doing 2-3 weeks in advance, but they DO know if they have Monday night free!
  • #394
Had my first show of the month today. Thursday's show had gotten cancelled because the host forgot she had a chiropractor appointment that night.

Today's show was for a good friend. She'd done a show a few years ago, but only had two guests at that one. I tried to coach her this time to have a bigger guest list, but the list she provided me did not have any useable information. The addresses didn't have house numbers, there were no phone numbers or email addresses. She did have postcards and she did hand those out.

We had a total of 4 guests, one of which showed up almost two hours after the start time after I've completely wrapped up my demo. Two of the guests placed their orders almost right away, the other two kept browsing their catalogs, and when I asked if they were ready they'd respond they were still looking. The show started at 3, and at about 6:30 I finally got in my car, without orders from the other two guests.

I don't really mind hanging out with my host, she's absolutely fantastic, but I was frustrated that the guests kind of dragged me along like that. Right now, the show total is a whopping $57. Not exactly worth the hassle I had with finding someone to watch DS since DH had swithched his work weekends without checking with me first, and the original person who had said she'd watch him had something come up at the last minute.

One of the gals who placed an order is interested in hosting a show, but wants to check on dates with her friends first. One of the gals who didn't place an order also seemed interested in hosting, but I didn't get a chance to sit down with her because she never placed an order. I'll make a point of calling her tomorrow and hopefully I'll get her on the phone.

I'm really looking forward to my fundraiser on June 5th. I've sent 57 invitations so far, and one of the hosts is still trying to get her other two daughters to put together invitation lists. Thursday's show has also been rescheduled for June, and the host said that she has filled out the whole guest list I put in her host packet. Now I just need to get it from her :)

Hopefully I'll be able to rustle up some more shows to put on my calendar. Tomorrow DH will be participating in an Autism walk, and DS and I will head down there with him and check out the booths and such. Maybe I'll find some new business while I'm there.
  • Thread starter
  • #395
I am so excited tonight!

I have 9 out of 13 consultants who have submitted for the month, and tomorrow, I am meeting with a Sr. Consultant and her recruit to help submit the show that will officially make me a DIRECTOR! :D

Everything else is all set, it's just that one thing that needs to happen. I'm going to be there to make sure that it does! :thumbup:
  • #396
That's so fabulous Becky! I'm so glad to hear all of your hard work is paying off.
  • #397
Becky, that's wonderful!I had good contacts yesterday leading to a possible (probable) wedding shower. Yay!
  • Thread starter
  • #398
Very fun, profitable show today...but sort of odd too. :)

It was a Brunch Show, on a backyard deck. We did the 30 Minute Chicken, with Strawberry Spinach Salad, and then the host had made muffins, and we had bread w/ dipping oil, and we used the Cool & Serve for Spinach Dip, Hummus, Pita Chips, Pretzels, and Tortilla Chips.

Everyone loved the Cool & Serve - but when it's in competition with the DCB, the DCB wins. Sold 3 DCB's!

There were 8 guests, 2 outside orders, and $700 in sales. There were also 3 bookings - one for July, one for October, and one for December. LOL! (the October one is going to be gone for most of the summer, and the December one is building a house that will be done in November) The 3 who booked shows all ordered $100+ today.

I have dates on the calendar for the Fall/Winter shows. I did this by using the technique of letting them know that the date could change, but that if we just left it at me calling them later to set a date, it may never get done, because I'm not really great at doing that, and also that if they have a date on the calendar now, their host from today would be able to still count it as a booking, and get the Host Bonus at their show. Both were able to look at my calendar and date a show by doing that!

Then, while I was busy with the guests orders, the host had put all my dishes IN HER DISHWASHER! I went to the kitchen to wash and pack up, and they were washing!:eek: But then the host said that she was ready to close today, and pick out her free products - so we sat together and went over her benefits, and took care of her order. Then, she started asking questions about signing....and we had a GREAT conversation about that...and she is thinking about coming to my cluster meeting Wed! BOTH of my hosts from this week are seriously giving thought to signing, so I'm really excited about that! So - I was glad that I was "trapped" there by my dishes in her dishwasher. :)
  • #399
Congrats on another great show!

I did my fundraiser today. The crowd was great, 10 attendees (though four were the host and her daughters :)). We're currently at $711 and one of the daughters says she's got another $200 in orders from work that she'll key in online.

I got one catalog show booking, but no other leads. I'm having a hard time incorporating my seeds into my shows. I've had such a bare schedule, I don't get enough practice. Maybe I'll start "doing a show" whenever I make dinner at home. I even made myself some index cards with booking and recruiting lines on them, but I keep forgetting to look at them.

Well, actually, I take that back. One of the host's daughters did express interest. However, she's moving to Texas in three weeks because that's where her husband will be stationed, so this exact moment isn't the most ideal for her.

I had a great time, though. They're a fun bunch, and the fajitas are always great!
  • #400
I had a show yesterday that's sitting at $791 and change. It will definitely be over $800 by the time we close, possibly $900. The fun part is how the booking came about. I met the host at a women's retreat. She sat next to me, and we got acquainted. She had to leave early, so I gave her my contact information in case she wanted to know what she'd missed. Several weeks later her daughter was with friends who were going on and on about how great their PC stuff was. Daughter called mom and said, "We should have a PC party." Mom said, "I know someone," and called me.On Thursday I met lots of people at Chocolate, Blues & Business. Added a few people to my newsletter, which is always a plus.
<h2>1. What is the Take Charge/Take Action 2009-2010 program all about?</h2><p>The Take Charge/Take Action program is a yearly accountability thread designed to help Pampered Chef consultants set and achieve their goals. It encourages consultants to take charge of their business and take action towards their goals in the new year.</p><h2>2. What are the benefits of participating in the Take Charge/Take Action program?</h2><p>Participating in this program can help you stay focused and motivated throughout the year. It also provides a supportive community where you can share your progress and receive encouragement and advice from other consultants.</p><h2>3. What are some examples of goals that consultants may set for themselves in this program?</h2><p>Common goals include increasing sales, recruiting new team members, promoting to a higher level, and improving overall business success. However, each consultant's goals may vary based on their individual business needs and aspirations.</p><h2>4. How can I take charge and take action to achieve my goals?</h2><p>There are many ways to take charge and take action towards your goals. Some suggestions include creating a detailed action plan, consistently tracking your progress, seeking guidance and support from your upline or fellow consultants, and continuously learning and growing in your business.</p><h2>5. How can I promote to director in the upcoming year?</h2><p>Promoting to director is a common goal for many consultants. To achieve this, you can focus on building and training your team, consistently submitting shows, and actively promoting the opportunity to others. It may also be helpful to attend training events and seek guidance from your upline leader.</p>

Related to Take Charge/Take Action 2009-2010!

1. What is the Take Charge/Take Action 2009-2010 program all about?

The Take Charge/Take Action program is a yearly accountability thread designed to help Pampered Chef consultants set and achieve their goals. It encourages consultants to take charge of their business and take action towards their goals in the new year.

2. What are the benefits of participating in the Take Charge/Take Action program?

Participating in this program can help you stay focused and motivated throughout the year. It also provides a supportive community where you can share your progress and receive encouragement and advice from other consultants.

3. What are some examples of goals that consultants may set for themselves in this program?

Common goals include increasing sales, recruiting new team members, promoting to a higher level, and improving overall business success. However, each consultant's goals may vary based on their individual business needs and aspirations.

4. How can I take charge and take action to achieve my goals?

There are many ways to take charge and take action towards your goals. Some suggestions include creating a detailed action plan, consistently tracking your progress, seeking guidance and support from your upline or fellow consultants, and continuously learning and growing in your business.

5. How can I promote to director in the upcoming year?

Promoting to director is a common goal for many consultants. To achieve this, you can focus on building and training your team, consistently submitting shows, and actively promoting the opportunity to others. It may also be helpful to attend training events and seek guidance from your upline leader.

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