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Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009?

but this is my business. I am only here to learn and ask questions. I will start posting my successes and questions. Hi Tammy! Welcome aboard! I'm glad you're here! :)No action yet today, but will post later! :)
  • #151
Made my contacts today:

1. Booking for August 21st (yay!)

2. Recruit lead that said "Still not ready," even after hearing about the great incentive

3. Product adjustment

At least I am doing my contacts and am really excited about the August booking since my August is looking a bit grim. That will change soon!
  • #152
O.k. I am going to try and get on board with this thread. I have to just remember to post here every day!! I made one call to a potential recruit and got some excuses, but I am going to send her the great new promotion and hope that she will decide to sign up!
Tomorrow I am going to work on calling more people. My goals for next month are 8 shows and 1 recruit. O.k. there it is, all of it. Now let's see how it goes from here!!
  • #153
ChefBeckyD said:
Just got back from my Couples Show.....made the long trip home from across the street!:p
First - my neighbor has been a great customer for 5 1/2 years, and this is the first time she has ever had a show! I was so proud of her for following through and doing all the right things as a host!

There were 22 people there (11 couples), and we are at $983 in sales so far, with one firm booking for September. I also made a great contact with a neighbor I'd never met before, who is in charge of Scrip for the local school system. She asked if I would be the Pampered Chef Consultant for the Scrip Program! Um......YEAH! I am so excited about that - my name will be going out to hundreds of families as the PC Lady to call for orders and shows!

So - I'm feeling pretty good about my contacts for the day!:thumbup:
Wow, Becky. That is great! How does that work with Scrip and PC? Do you have to give a percentage of sales back to the school?
  • Thread starter
  • #154
JAE said:
Wow, Becky. That is great! How does that work with Scrip and PC? Do you have to give a percentage of sales back to the school?

Yes, but I choose the percentage.....she said some do as little as 2%.....I don't think I'd go that low though!
  • #155
ChefBeckyD said:
Just got back from my Couples Show.....made the long trip home from across the street!:p
First - my neighbor has been a great customer for 5 1/2 years, and this is the first time she has ever had a show! I was so proud of her for following through and doing all the right things as a host!

There were 22 people there (11 couples), and we are at $983 in sales so far, with one firm booking for September. I also made a great contact with a neighbor I'd never met before, who is in charge of Scrip for the local school system. She asked if I would be the Pampered Chef Consultant for the Scrip Program! Um......YEAH! I am so excited about that - my name will be going out to hundreds of families as the PC Lady to call for orders and shows!

So - I'm feeling pretty good about my contacts for the day!:thumbup:
This is great! :sing: Congratulations!!!!
  • #156
So I've decided to get back to posting here... y'all are great accountability for those calls - thanks for the push Jill! I didn't make any calls today (I've actually only been awake for about 9 hours if you take my nap into account - tummy not great), however I did go to a giant cluster meeting tonight, so there went half my time of being awake :) I dropped of a product to a host and got some ideas at how to ask some past hosts that are also family to do a show for me again (over 2 years for one and just about 2 for the other). I have a family girls dinner Wednesday night, so I'll ask my aunt then and I'll call my cousin tomorrow. Plus I have some other calls to make to get my 3!

The cluster meeting was really fun - my SD's downline split between 2 locations (one in a NW suburb and one in a E suburb of the cities) and they had us 4 consultants that were at my meeting get up and tell everyone else about the new products - people loved it as we were WAY excited and almost bickering over who got to say what. This was also my 1st normal meeting (minus my entire SD downline recognition/holiday party/season kickoffs) since last August (long, sad story), I forgot how great it is to have a good cluster meeting and how much it can help! My SD brought up the idea of doing these every month and I said definitely! (sorry for the long post, but I just got home and had to share with someone!)
  • #158
Thanks Ellen! It's good to be back! I need this (and y'all!) :)
  • #159
Spent most of today doing paperwork. I had four contacts yesterday. I've had three today. Nothing really to report, but that's okay. I know it's a numbers game.
  • #160
Just checking in. I am sad to say I have nothing to report. Looking for a good report from everyone else. Rae, you are so steady. I thought of you today when I was complaining in my head about making calls. I want to be like Rae!
  • #161
That's really sweet. But, trust me, you don't want to use me as an example. I still argue with myself every time I sit down to make calls. I have noticed, though, that the phone now only weighs 20 pounds instead of the original 1,000 when making that first call of the evening.
  • #162
My calls today consisted of:

~"No, you must have the wrong number" when I called a contact that I met last week at Walmart (and her writing on the DPDS is quite legible)!:grumpy::grumpy: She did leave a work number as well, but I don't know if I should try calling it. I do have her e-mail.

~When talking to my father's wife about when my DH, the kids and I would be down to visit in August (near Myrtle Beach) I mentioned that I need to find a way to fit some business in the trip to write off some mileage. She mentioned that her Ladies Auxillary meeting (for the Veterans association) is on the Saturday. So, now she is going to talk to the person in charge about the possibility of me doing a demo. :thumbup:

~Contacted a potential August booking lead from a show I did at the end of June. She was driving, and wanted me to call her back next week to schedule it.

~Same thing when I called a host from June that had to reschedule. I sent her my available dates for September, and she is supposed to get back to me.
  • #163
Ok I'm in. Made some calls and this is big because I think I should be the poster child for every company that says "Don't be like her, get on the phone!"

Well I did it tonight. Called 6 people, 3 message, but the 3 I talked with 2 possible bookings one maybe August, one in the fall, 3rd person placed an order. Yea overall tomorrow I have 6 more to hit on my list.
  • #164
I just called my host for Saturday - she is SOOOOO excited! Don't have a final count until Thursday but she CLAIMS she has a bunch of excited guests and those who can't come are ordering.Jumping off here to go make calls to other potential hosts since I figure if she can about jump through the phone at me with excitement, I can take at least 1/2 that excitement and pass it on.Unfortunately my kids are crabby and sassy tonight - they are both going to bed - NOW! ;)
  • #165
I received an e-mail from an almost, sort of friend, more than an acquaintance. I e-mailed her because I lost her phone number and it's unlisted. It was a most discouraging e-mail: I will keep a PC party in mind. I really don't want to commit because I don't know one person who would be excited to come ( no offense but I know how I feel about being invited to parties like these). The products are nice but expensive, and in this economy I can't imagine there's many people I know who would want to spend the money on PC. I will look at the discounted items online and I will keep having a party in the back of my mind. I really will!

So, of course I emailed her back to tell her: I just want you to know that The Pampered Chef is very well aware of the bad economy, and they have given us an entire cookbook with recipes that can be made quickly and for around $2 a serving. My job is to show people how to bring family/friends together around the table at home during their busy lives rather than going out to dinner or getting fast food that is expensive and many times unhealthy. And, I just talked to mutual friend right after July 4 because she ordered a BBQ spatula for her husband. She asked me when I'd be having another party because she loves PC stuff. Now you know one person who would enjoy a party. This was not all I wrote because she wrote about other things that I responded to also. I was just floored for a couple minutes. I wish I could find her phone number.

I also called a friend to get some referrals and tell her about the new products. She gave me some ideas, and I'll get on that ASAP.

Two down for the day. One behind from yesterday. So that adds three to tomorrow's.
  • #166
Good job JAE keeping it up!I called another potential host and started talking to her and she's in Florida! I didn't realize her house number was a cell. She is looking at September for a party, she'll let me know. She is going to be DS's preschool teacher this year.I e-mailed another potential host (I know e-mail doesn't count) but I have a few people where that IS their preferred method of communication so I use it!I have to be done for tonight because it is getting late.
  • #167
Well, I made one call tonight and had to leave a message, but...

I did get a booking at the MD's office this morning. I had to have a biopsy of my thyroid:eek::yuck::cry:, and I had been talking to the doctors nurse at each appt. and today she said she is definitely doing a show. The other nurses and MD's wifes are excited for it, so hopefully it will be a good one!!

Anyway, that was all I got done today. I am planning on getting some letters in the mail to business owners for pamper a business tomorrow.
  • Thread starter
  • #168
janetupnorth said:
Good job JAE keeping it up!

I called another potential host and started talking to her and she's in Florida! I didn't realize her house number was a cell. She is looking at September for a party, she'll let me know. She is going to be DS's preschool teacher this year.

I e-mailed another potential host (I know e-mail doesn't count) but I have a few people where that IS their preferred method of communication so I use it!

I have to be done for tonight because it is getting late.

I think that if Email is how they want to be contacted, and you contact them that way and get a response - then it counts!:thumbup:
  • Thread starter
  • #169
Had another good show tonight!

It was a co-hosted show, and those can be tricky....but this one went well. Sales are at $400 - but both hosts are confident they can double that through outside orders - so I said "Go for it!"

Right now - 3 Bookings. 2 for August! Whoo Hooo! and 1 for September.

AND 2 of my 3 bookings took info about the business - and I let them know they could turn their show into an introductory show!

I'm happy with my contacts today.
  • #170
2 no's and a yes for september - couples show with tastefully simple. it should be fun!
  • #171
bad, bad bad day. Started off with my one "real" contact of the day being a product adjustment that I inherited from a team member who moved out of state (just found that out last week!!) Customer is ticked about a broken QSP that was never taken care of. On a good note, she placed an order for an additional order. Will definitely follow up later to see about a booking.

My other contact was with a recruit lead that I just can't get off the fence. She actually came to my new consultant training tonight after being at my team meeting last week. IF she does not sign by the end of the week, I'm gonna cut bait and keep her on my "someday" list. It's too draining on me.
  • #172
amy07 said:
bad, bad bad day. Started off with my one "real" contact of the day being a product adjustment that I inherited from a team member who moved out of state (just found that out last week!!) Customer is ticked about a broken QSP that was never taken care of. On a good note, she placed an order for an additional order. Will definitely follow up later to see about a booking.

My other contact was with a recruit lead that I just can't get off the fence. She actually came to my new consultant training tonight after being at my team meeting last week. IF she does not sign by the end of the week, I'm gonna cut bait and keep her on my "someday" list. It's too draining on me.

At least she hasn't screamed and ran! LOL!

Hopefully she's just afraid of that last step and will suddenly decide and go for it. She may be one that has to "learn first" - I am that way and would have drove a normal recruiter nuts! But sometimes they make the most motivated consultants (as long as their need to learn does not cripple their efforts - a bad sales pitch is better than none!) ;)
  • #173
janetupnorth said:
At least she hasn't screamed and ran! LOL!

Hopefully she's just afraid of that last step and will suddenly decide and go for it. She may be one that has to "learn first" - I am that way and would have drove a normal recruiter nuts! But sometimes they make the most motivated consultants (as long as their need to learn does not cripple their efforts - a bad sales pitch is better than none!) ;)

she's a young 73 AND a former consultant. She wants to do it, likes that I'm an "available" director to my team. but is holding onto the "I really need to think about it". So, I have made up my mind that when she calls me tomorrow (not if, cause she has called me several times already) I'm just going to tell her that she has passed the "pillow test". And that if she doesn't try it, see will always wonder what if.
  • #174
chefshawna said:
I had to have a biopsy of my thyroid:eek::yuck::cry:

Shawna - my thoughts are with you. One of my best friends had thyroid cancer last year (she just turned 24) and it was pretty shocking to us all. On the up side she is in remission and cancer free right now! I wish you the best of luck!
  • #175
Okay made my contacts today:

1. Booking for August 29th (she is going to co-host with someone). That puts me up to 4 for August...I still need 4 more to hit my goal.

2. A "no" for booking in August but "maybe" for September or later than that.

3. I also got a referral from a host from July 11th. Her mom want's to have a party but lives about 3 1/2 hours away. I just happen to have family in that area so I will call her this week to see if we will make a go of it. If not, I will see if my new recruit wants it since she lives closer to her than I do.

4. I asked the above mentioned host if she has ever thought of doing PC since she has 2 bookings off her show and now her mom wants to have one. She said that she's thought about it but no. Maybe someday when she retires.

So now I am one up on my contacts incase I can't get to all 3 tomorrow.
  • #176
Good day. I can't remember how many I called tonight, but I booked 3 and I'm sending out information about the business to 5 that I spoke with. I'm very motivated with the $$. It's going to help us get our house sooner. I'm interviewing a gal tomorrow that's been doing a catalog show for me. She's at $400. I told her I would give the show to her as her first show. It is well worth it for me. I'll make $300 for hitting FD status again and going to conference. I'm seeing things differently now. I really can say I'm looking to help people and show them how PC can change their life. The dollars are a bonus. I have 3 others that I think will sign in the next few weeks.
  • #177
Between us, Jen and I have done our 3 contacts for each of the last three days! With regards to the "2", tonight is our first and only show in July and even that's going on as an August show. Having said that, we think we may get our "1" tonight...! :D
  • #178
GourmetGirl said:
Shawna - my thoughts are with you. One of my best friends had thyroid cancer last year (she just turned 24) and it was pretty shocking to us all. On the up side she is in remission and cancer free right now! I wish you the best of luck!

Thanks! My sister had thyroid cancer and that is one of the reasons I had to have the biopsy. I had an adenoma, which is usually benign, but they just wanted to make sure. Now I just have to wait for the results until Friday! :grumpy: I hate how long they make you wait.
  • Thread starter
  • #179
pamperedthorpe said:
Between us, Jen and I have done our 3 contacts for each of the last three days! With regards to the "2", tonight is our first and only show in July and even that's going on as an August show. Having said that, we think we may get our "1" tonight...! :D

Soooo, what are the new products for UK Pampered Chefs??? What new recipes and theme shows are you doing?
  • #180
Hi y'all I'm Kathie from Colorado Sprngs, CO and I called all my leads from a recent wedding expo and so far I'm up to 3 wedding registries. I'm sending out packets for my brides by weeks end. wooo hooo
  • #181
I think this is a great idea. I have been selling Pampered Chef for 4 years. I was at Conference when they first announced 3-2-1. I thought it was a great concept, especially the 2 shows a week. That one was the easy one for me. I think after wave 3 conference this year, I finally got it. Maybe it's that thing where you hear it and hear it and one day it clicks. Anyway, I just told my husband today that it is one of my goals since going to NC, among many others. So I guess, I too, am a lurker that has finally come out into the light!!
  • #182
Welcome into the light, chezshelly!I had four contacts today--five if you count the firmed-up September booking. :)
  • #183
My only solid contact today was an order for a rectangle stone. I will take it! I still have time for a few more calls so we will see!
  • #184
I went to dinner with my 3 aunts and a cousin and asked my Aunt if she would have a party. I didn't get a solid no, but not a solid yes either. I'm watching my cousins while she is up north with my uncle for her bday weekend, so I'll bring it up again (along with a host packet :) ) when I see her then. I also got 1 aunt who said she would come and my cousin who said she may even come (this cousin said she will never, ever buy anything direct sales or do a party or go to a party, so we're making progress). I also mailed 2 catalogs and a mini, so I will follow up with the full catalogs (met them on the plane coming home from conference) next week (I have their work info). I'm so proud of myself for asking my aunt - she was my first host ever (and a $1000 host too) and hasn't had a show since (28 months). She tried giving me excuses, like who would come (that's when my other aunt and cousin said they would) and said nobody will buy anything (I said how do you know?) and I also mentioned there are 2 years of new products. I'm going to try for an early August show...
  • Thread starter
  • #185
GourmetGirl said:
I went to dinner with my 3 aunts and a cousin and asked my Aunt if she would have a party. I didn't get a solid no, but not a solid yes either. I'm watching my cousins while she is up north with my uncle for her bday weekend, so I'll bring it up again (along with a host packet :) ) when I see her then. I also got 1 aunt who said she would come and my cousin who said she may even come (this cousin said she will never, ever buy anything direct sales or do a party or go to a party, so we're making progress). I also mailed 2 catalogs and a mini, so I will follow up with the full catalogs (met them on the plane coming home from conference) next week (I have their work info).

I'm so proud of myself for asking my aunt - she was my first host ever (and a $1000 host too) and hasn't had a show since (28 months). She tried giving me excuses, like who would come (that's when my other aunt and cousin said they would) and said nobody will buy anything (I said how do you know?) and I also mentioned there are 2 years of new products. I'm going to try for an early August show...

Maybe your Aunt is fearful that she won't be able to match her previous show?
  • #186
my contacts today consisted of "don't call me, I'll call you".******sigh******

BUT! Atleast I got my contacts!
  • #187
I'm doing the happy dance! I signed a recruit today!! She puts me back at the FD status. Do any of you Directors live near Las Vegas? She'll need hospitality. I live in Oregon.
  • #188
Okay it seems I posted too soon earlier. I made another contact and it was a booking for August 9th! WOO HOO! That puts me up to 5 for August...3 more to go for my goal!
  • #189
lockhartkitchen said:
i'm Doing The Happy Dance! I Signed A Recruit Today!! She Puts Me Back At The Fd Status. Do Any Of You Directors Live Near Las Vegas? She'll Need Hospitality. I Live In Oregon.

  • #190
ChefBeckyD said:
Maybe your Aunt is fearful that she won't be able to match her previous show?

That's what I started thinking. I will see her this weekend, so I will tell her that while she did an AMAZING show last time, it doesn't have to be that big to be a successful show. I am also going to tell her my goal to network more and how I was very nervous my first show and would like to reconnect with those people. (and I'll just happen to have a host packet with me) :) As it is my aunt and she is helping me out I would even send out her invites for her and mention the online thing and how easy that is. Thanks for the suggestions!
  • #191
amy07 said:
my contacts today consisted of "don't call me, I'll call you".******sigh******

BUT! Atleast I got my contacts!

Are you using your 100 No's sheet? At least your nos today would help get you to a reward :)
  • #192
lockhartkitchen said:
I'm doing the happy dance! I signed a recruit today!! She puts me back at the FD status. Do any of you Directors live near Las Vegas? She'll need hospitality. I live in Oregon.

Congratulations!!!!! That is so exciting! yippee!
  • #193
Too tired to be specific but everyone did great with contacts today. I was "on vacation", so I'll try to get back to work tomorrow.
  • #194
Thanks for the congrats. My director was gone today, so didn't get my message. I had to share with someone. You all can do it too. Go back and look at your rolling list of recruit leads, former hosts, anyone that you think would be interested in starting the business and that will be excited about this great offer.
  • #195
I went to a ball game tonight and one of the mothers saw my Pampered Chef catalog tote and she wanted one, so I gave her one and she had so many items she wanted that tomorrow I'm going to offer her a show to get them all for free! We have a game for the next four days, so I will be seeing her a lot.
  • #196
Had a party last night, so made 10 contacts there. Got one booking for September. Now, as my goal is to get 2 bookings per party, I have to get on the phone and get another booking before my next party.

Have to follow up today as well with some people who want September parties and I have 2 host packets to deliver, so will get some contacts there too.
  • #197
No contacts for me yesterday. I left a voicemail or two, but then went to the pool for a Bday party.
  • #198
got an order at swimming yesterday and a possible booking for Dec. got a few voucemails. Had a registry consult. I am pretty sure she will register.
That's it. I need to do some office cleaning and get folders ready for a show Sunday.
  • #199
So far today I have talked to one past host (mailed her a mini and my mag bus card as she lost it), left a message for a hopeful Aug booking and got a "she will have to call you back" from my 1 confirmed August booking. I'm just proud of myself for picking up that phone!
  • #200
Just got my 8/20 show moved to 8/13!!!!
Calling my other August host to finalize her date TONIGHT - I'm hoping she'll go for the 14th!It'll be an INSANE week but it'll be good to get everything done at once. (I already have the 11th, 12th, 15th and 16th filled with other things).Also need to call my mom who is coming up the 16th-19th to see if she'll come a day or two early and spend time with my kids so they do not miss mom as much!
<h2>What is the concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009"?</h2><p>The concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009" is to set and achieve realistic goals in three different areas: physical, nutritional, and mental. This approach encourages a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.</p><h2>What are the benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program?</h2><p>The benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program include increased accountability, motivation, and support. By setting and sharing your goals with others, you are more likely to follow through and achieve them. Additionally, you will have a community of like-minded individuals to provide encouragement and support.</p><h2>What is the difference between this year's 3-2-1 program and last year's?</h2><p>This year's 3-2-1 program is an all-new thread, meaning it is a fresh start for everyone. It is a great opportunity for those who may have fallen off track last year to recommit and for new members to join in. Additionally, this year's program will have a renewed focus on accountability and holding each other to our goals.</p><h2>What types of goals can be set for the 3-2-1 program?</h2><p>Goals for the 3-2-1 program can be related to physical health, such as exercising a certain number of times per week or improving overall fitness. They can also be related to nutrition, such as incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet or reducing sugar intake. Mental health goals can include practicing self-care, reducing stress, or learning a new skill.</p><h2>How can I join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread?</h2><p>To join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread, simply start by setting your goals and sharing them with the community. You can then check in regularly, share your progress, and provide support and encouragement to others. It is also helpful to set specific check-in days and times to hold yourself accountable and stay on track.</p>

Related to Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009?

What is the concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009"?

The concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009" is to set and achieve realistic goals in three different areas: physical, nutritional, and mental. This approach encourages a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.

What are the benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program?

The benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program include increased accountability, motivation, and support. By setting and sharing your goals with others, you are more likely to follow through and achieve them. Additionally, you will have a community of like-minded individuals to provide encouragement and support.

What is the difference between this year's 3-2-1 program and last year's?

This year's 3-2-1 program is an all-new thread, meaning it is a fresh start for everyone. It is a great opportunity for those who may have fallen off track last year to recommit and for new members to join in. Additionally, this year's program will have a renewed focus on accountability and holding each other to our goals.

What types of goals can be set for the 3-2-1 program?

Goals for the 3-2-1 program can be related to physical health, such as exercising a certain number of times per week or improving overall fitness. They can also be related to nutrition, such as incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet or reducing sugar intake. Mental health goals can include practicing self-care, reducing stress, or learning a new skill.

How can I join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread?

To join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread, simply start by setting your goals and sharing them with the community. You can then check in regularly, share your progress, and provide support and encouragement to others. It is also helpful to set specific check-in days and times to hold yourself accountable and stay on track.

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