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New Host Program Starting March 2014

overall, great news for the PC community and excited to see what changes come in the next few months!
Staff member
So....if you watched the video, what do you think?

I think it could be a very good thing- and definitely easier! More positives than negatives, that's for sure. At least in my view.

If you are not on the beta Consultants Corner, here is the summary. (By the way, I have not switched to Beta systems yet either, but can log in to the new beta CC - just use your Consultant ID # and I typed my password in all caps (I forget where I read to try that). It worked.

The NEW Host Rewards will provide...

Simplified Shows:

Cooking and Catalog Shows now feature identical rewards – no guess work required
Catalog Shows get at least $10 more at every level
Cooking Shows retain full Free Product Value at $500 or more
Lowest level of qualifying Shows is now $200
All levels are now in $100 increments for easy reference
Hosts pay $5.25 in shipping, allowing guest shipping charges to remain the same

More rewards:

Every level gets an extra half price item—up to 5
Kit Credit has increased to $25 and $50
Kit Credit of $25 can now be applied to the Mini Kit
Rewards for future bookings...the Future Party Pick allows a host to select ANY item in the catalog at 50% off at a friend’s future Show that is booked and held within 6 months of their Show.

Plus–hosts can continue to enjoy these same great rewards they love:

Product discount at their Party – up to 30%
10% discount for one year after their Party
A monthly special just for hosts

All February Shows must be submitted by midnight (CT) on February 28.

I have attached all of the resources they had available on the Beta site, including a transcript of the video.


  • 2014us-newhostrewardsvideo-transcript.pdf
    84.4 KB · Views: 704
  • 2014us-hostrewardsfaq.pdf
    98.3 KB · Views: 2,859
  • 2014us-hostrewards-pgrmflyer.pdf
    368.1 KB · Views: 779
  • 2014us-bookingrecruitingstickers.pdf
    95.8 KB · Views: 741
  • 2014us-cookingshowtally.pdf
    121.9 KB · Views: 722
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  • #2
here was one more attachment that I couldn't get in the first post.


  • 2014us-hostrewards-tipsheet.pdf
    112.1 KB · Views: 806
I'm excited that all hosts get at least one 1/2 price item. I also think it's going to be easier as far as paperwork and advertising things goes now that the benefits are the same for catalog & cooking shows. Having the two different flyers and stuff got frustrating sometimes. I'm not happy about the $200 minimum, because sometimes that $150 sounded doable to those hosts who wanted the host special and wanted to do a catalog show but aren't that great at doing them. Know what I mean? That $50 difference hopefully won't affect things too much, but those catalog shows that struggle will be even harder. I'm also sad that hosts will have to pay shipping, but I understand why they needed to do that. It's better to keep the overall costs down. I think the biggest thing that we will need to keep in mind is that most people don't have the host rewards chart memorized. They won't really know about the $5 difference in FPV for the ones that don't reach the $500 level. I know I don't even have those #'s memorized. lol I am also not going to point out the shipping thing to new hosts. For past hosts, I do feel I will need to tell them so they aren't upset at closing. They might remember the free shipping and be disappointed. I'm sure they will understand in that it helps to keep the price down on shipping for all their guests. The key thing is to stay positive, things change, prices go up. I'm glad that PC is trying to keep things fair and in other ways better. They want us to succeed and they want things to be easy and streamlined.
I don't like the negatives, and I think I counted three... the host paying for shipping now too, the $200 minimum, and the 5 less per level until you reach a 500.00 show, BUT the benefits clearly outweigh those.. the half price item at 200 and then an extra half price item at every level after that is beyond awesome, and clearly makes up for the $5 difference. I love the half price item on ANYTHING in our catalog, that the past host would like on the future shows booked off of hers, I also love that anyone is eligible for the guest special regardless they ordered it on a show or off my website! that's huge too and will encourage more sales... I love that catalog show hosts now get the same benefits because sometimes those catalog shows can be more difficult to host than a cooking show! at least at a cooking show, our demos bring products to life and get everyone excited! guests and hosts alike! I'm sure I'm forgetting something! LOL! but I'm excited.. we always don't like change when it's negative, but I think the positives of this new program clearly outweigh the negatives... Shipping for hosts sucks, but again, the shipping costs for our shows is still way less than the other direct selling companies, and most charge the host huge amounts to ship the order... that's one of the reasons I don't really have other home shows, because I compare them to our company too much! hehe! LOL!
All and all, I think this is going to be great and I am just blown away that in the almost 15 years I've been selling, this company continues to just get better and better and they outdo themselves time and time again! this truly is a great company! :)
When I heard all of the changes, the only thing to top off all the good things would be giving us just a wee bit of commission on the 1/2 price and/or host bonus items. We have been hoping for lots of years but guess it's still not in the grand plan. Looking forward to the changes, though :)
I do think the new program will be easier. Change is never easy, but I think, once again, the PC powers that be have done what they can to help us. I especially like the half-price for every host, free product for even the minimum catalog host, and the new booking benefit. I think that new booking benefit will be HUGE for me.
The "past host's pick" (the half price item) will still count toward the sales of the current host right? I hope so.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
The key will be...DO NOT point out the "negatives" and those changes to future hosts. If they remembered that shipping was free, just explain that to avoid raising ALL shipping, this was what PC had to do. It is still cheaper than most. Point out the extra half-price item she received (and how much she SAVED), etc.Overall, this can be a very positive change for our hosts, so we sell it that way, right?! :D
I would like to know that too- Will The "past host's pick" (the half price item) will still count toward the sales of the current host? Also say my past host wants to order a stoneware and it is 20% off stoneware this month, so will they get it at a 70% discount?
  • #10
I think it is a good thing. It was hard to remember levels and I like that catty and reg shows are the same now. Also, I think it's great that the past host can get ANYTHING on those re-bookings - and not just the current host special.The only thing I don't like is the cut-off. They could have just said it ENDS with FEB shows and allow us until March 15th to submit. MARCH shows and beyond get the new program. (Simple: FEB shows = old and MARCH shows = new.) Feb 28th is a Friday and I imagine a popular show night (at least for me it was) so it may be tricky to get those in. But, then again, I have never been one to push my hosts to close the night of the show.But, I think that is the ONLY negative for me. I feel the shipping charge for the host is necessary and better than raising it for everyone. Other DS companies charge shipping for the host, I think.Also, for the most part, the shows that I have had struggle get to $150 only got there with my finding add'l orders for them (and I got tired of that). Most of those hosts didn't really try anyway. The shows that got to $150 pretty easily (and not $200) were ones that someone had a large individual order and it only turned into a show due to my suggestion. But, I do think it is fair for PC to raise the minimum as most other DS companies have a higher minimum show, too_Overall, the shipping for hosts and the raise in the minimum show level is NOT unreasonable.
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  • #11
melindagilbert said:
Also say my past host wants to order a stoneware and it is 20% off stoneware this month, so will they get it at a 70% discount?
From what I read and understand, the 50% discount for the "future party pick" booking benefit would be applied to the already discounted price of the stone. ie: medium bar pan $25 reg --> $20 after 20% off special --> $10 after 50% off booking benefit .... the two discounts aren't added together (70% off would be $7.50) but rather stacked or applied one after the other. I could be mistaken though...
  • #12
I'm pleased with the changes!
  • #13
jcsmilez said:
The "past host's pick" (the half price item) will still count toward the sales of the current host right? I hope so.
My guess is that it will be as it is now--it counts, just not toward the initial party minimum.And, as for the February 28 deadline for February shows, we were speculating at the last team meeting that maybe March 1 will be the magic date for having to be switched over to the Beta site.
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  • #14
raebates said:
My guess is that it will be as it is now--it counts, just not toward the initial party minimum.And, as for the February 28 deadline for February shows, we were speculating at the last team meeting that maybe March 1 will be the magic date for having to be switched over to the Beta site.
In my calls to tech support and asking about the switch, they say we will have plenty of warning before having to switch to Beta. Hopefully one month is not their idea of "plenty of warning"!!
  • #15
cochef said:
In my calls to tech support and asking about the switch, they say we will have plenty of warning before having to switch to Beta. Hopefully one month is not their idea of "plenty of warning"!!
In the tech world one month is an eternity. My suggestion is that those who haven't switched yet might want to get familiar with Beta. I know that change is scary, but it is inevitable. The problems so many had at the outset have been dealt with. The HO is continually improving the site to address our wishes. It will only get better.
  • #16
As I've thought about it, I think I may offer free shipping for my hosts who have parties of $500 or more. Just another incentive for my hosts to gather as many orders as possible.
  • #17
I hate change but have been changed over to Beta for a while now and I like it. Change isn't always a bad thing. :)
  • #18
i think overall we are giving our hosts more. I can see my pay check going up for $200 parties verse $150, but down for those hosts that don't care to reach the $300 level because they already get a 1/2 price level at 200. Also, we don't make money on the 1/2 off item so that hurts too.

The goods far outway the bad though, and its all about whats good for our customers, and i think this is a great thing for our customers! The hosts i've talked to about it already - love it.
  • #19
I have been dipping my feet in Beta, just checking out the training videos, but am not on Beta and so ... I have never seen these changes.So do I still have until FEB 15 to do a show under the OLD host plan?I do wish they'd given us clearer notice, this is the first I'm seeing that there even IS a new plan! I cannot tell you how many emails from Home Office were sent to me that had links I could not follow because I'm not on Beta.
  • #20
Intrepid_Chef said:
I cannot tell you how many emails from Home Office were sent to me that had links I could not follow because I'm not on Beta.
I don't have the answer to your question, but I can tell you how to see the videos and other important things on Beta even before you make the switch. All you have to do is type your consultant number in as your user name and your consultant password as the password making sure to capitalize all the letters in the password. At least you have to do the capitalization if you're still using your original password from when you first signed up. This will get you into the Beta site as a Consultant to see flyers, videos, and anything else that's there.My understanding, and I haven't made the switch either, is that switching completely to Beta happens when you let your old PWS go and let the system redirect your website address to the new system. It's at that point that you are more committed because anyone who orders online on any of your shows will be ordering on the Beta system and those don't transfer over to P3. That's the part I'm scared to do because I still understand and really like P3. I know eventually, we'll all have to, but I'm doing this so part-time now that I haven't taken the time to really understand Beta and until I do, I don't feel comfortable being on it without the safety net of P3 if I need to place an order.I hope that's helpful for you to be able to follow links from HO emails. And I hope someone else has the answer to your other question.Shari in TX
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  • #21
Intrepid_Chef said:
I have been dipping my feet in Beta, just checking out the training videos, but am not on Beta and so ... I have never seen these changes.So do I still have until FEB 15 to do a show under the OLD host plan?I do wish they'd given us clearer notice, this is the first I'm seeing that there even IS a new plan! I cannot tell you how many emails from Home Office were sent to me that had links I could not follow because I'm not on Beta.
You can get on Beta CC without switching the whole way. do what Shari said above. That is what I have done and I am still n my old PWS and P3. But I can see the announcements and resources.But my understanding is that shows have to be submitted by Feb 28th for the CURRENT host plan. As of March 1st, it would be the new plan. So a february show that you submit in March would get the NEW host benefits and Be a MARCH show...so not the february host /guest specials. I think that was how it is.
  • #22
Well there is a lot up in the air for me right now. Because my PWS renews in March or April. And I am having a hard time seeing the positives in this plan, a $250 show minimum is why I stopped selling jewelry. Even though most of my smallest shows are $150, a lot of them are $175 before the past host's purchase. Oh and do past hosts' half price items count toward the $200? To tell the truth, I am in a funk because my income was too low for a "real" W-2 for the first time ever. This made me realize my income has gone down every year. I am seriously debating how long I want to stay in this business. It's just not profitable, not that it ever was.
  • #23
Ok, I don't remember reading this anywhere, but when someone books from a show do they have 6 months to hold their show for the past host to get the Party Pick? oh, just figured it out and cannot delete this post, so I am editing. I see it on the host flyer; 6 months, like before. Sorry to be so dense!
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  • #24
anyone make a host rewards flyer yet for the new reward program? I'm not totally digging the one on consultans corner and i like to put on in my fodlers for guest at shows. I had a great one i got on here for the old program. One that lists everything ou get for being a host?

thanks a lot!
  • #25
Is there a new flyer for us to give Hosts about the Hostess Rewards? All I've seen posted is geared towards consultants....

Related to New Host Program Starting March 2014

What is the "New Host Program Starting March 2014"?

The "New Host Program Starting March 2014" is a special promotion for new hosts who book a Pampered Chef party between March 2014 and May 2014. It offers extra rewards and benefits for hosting a party during this time period.

How can I become a host during the "New Host Program"?

To become a host during the "New Host Program", simply contact a Pampered Chef consultant and schedule a party between March 2014 and May 2014. You can also host a virtual party if you do not have a consultant in your area.

What rewards and benefits are included in the "New Host Program"?

The "New Host Program" offers a variety of rewards and benefits, including extra free products, discounts on select products, and the opportunity to earn exclusive host-only items. Your consultant can provide more details about the specific rewards available.

Are there any requirements to qualify for the "New Host Program"?

To qualify for the "New Host Program", you must be a new host who has never hosted a Pampered Chef party before. You must also schedule and hold your party between March 2014 and May 2014.

Can I still earn regular host rewards during the "New Host Program"?

Yes, in addition to the extra rewards and benefits offered by the "New Host Program", you can also earn regular host rewards based on the sales from your party. Your consultant can provide more information about the specific rewards and benefits available to you as a host.

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