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Maximizing Sales: Building Relationships with Outside Order Contacts

In summary, you could call your outside order contacts and thank them for their order, ask them if they would like to take advantage of our host plan, or just ask them if they needed anything else.
janel kelly
I am in the process of closing a kitchen show. My host has gotten several outside orders. I was wondering how you go about contacting people who make outside orders. Do you call them and ask them if they want to host a show? Do you just kind of send a thank you note for their order in their bags and leave it at that? I know I can give customer care calls and ask how they like our products. Do I just leave it at that? I was just curious about what you all do as far as getting to know your "outside order contacts" Thanks!
Big Mac & Out of the Box
janel kelly said:
I am in the process of closing a kitchen show. My host has gotten several outside orders. I was wondering how you go about contacting people who make outside orders. Do you call them and ask them if they want to host a show? Do you just kind of send a thank you note for their order in their bags and leave it at that? I know I can give customer care calls and ask how they like our products. Do I just leave it at that? I was just curious about what you all do as far as getting to know your "outside order contacts" Thanks!

You could do Big Mac calls. (Morning After) Just call and thank them for their order, tell them you were sorry they couldn't be there, it was so much fun! And ask them if they would like to take advantage of our generous host plan to get products free and discounts that last a year! If not, ask them if they needed anything else before you send the order in.

Then later on you can also do Out of the Box calls - are the porducts out of the box? Need recipes? Need anything else?
Just out of curiousity, how would this apply to a catalog show? I am in the process of closing one now and the lady having it for me I have never even met. She knows my mother and goes to her job all of the time. I had a catalog at my moms work and she saw it and gave me a call to order soemthing and ended up saying she would have a catalog party. She picked her things up at my moms job as it was convenient for her to do so. She has been selling for 2 weeks now to her friends, and will be calling to close tonight. Do I call her friends that ordered or what? Im still new so bear with me. I just dont want to appear like a pushy salesperson trying to make them buy more.; especially as they have never met nor probably heard of me. KWIM?

This is what a BIG MAC call is....calling people to go over their order, answer any questions, etc. This is the perfect time to call those people and thank them for their order....you'd like to make sure you have everything correct before you close the show. You can also ask about having their own show, but don't have to.

You are not being pushy, you are doing your job. Think of it as a waitress. If a waitress came over and said she was be over in the corner and you can come get her if you need anything, you'd be upset. Her job is to make sure you have everything you need. That is what you are doing...making sure they have everything they need.
What does BIG MAC stand for?
Oh and by the way, A big light bulb just went on in my head with your last post. Thank you for the MANY GREAT ideas you have given me from your posts.
Outside ordersHi sometimes you don't get the phone or address on out side orders , but I have a small thank you that I put with ALL of my orders. Thank-you for your order I know you will enjoy your new kitchen products from the Pamperedchef. Remember you can always place an order by just calling me. Also a Show is a great way to earn FREE products of your choice !!!!! I'm only a click or call away! Doreen Zaino [email protected] 203-239-0082 Hey, I've Got a Website! www pamperedchef.biz/doreenzaino Browse & View Our Products on Line Host specials I have printed this on on sheet 4 times and put it on colored paper with all if the recipts that go back to the Host , It seems to work well.
BIG MAC calls stand for Morning After Calls. They are BIG because they usually reap BIG rewards with higher sales. They can also lead to an opportunity to talk about bookings or the opportunity.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
I think I need to just step out of my little box and call these people I haven't met or talked to ever. Its a little intimidating but I know I need to do it. Why is so much easier to talk to people at shows who you've just met but then making phone calls is a little scary? I think I just do better talking to people face to face. That has never been a problem for me at all. :p
  • #10
I attended a meeting...On Tuesday night that was held in the Milwaukee area. Linda Bowlen from the Home Office came up to help us figure out ways to get more sales and more recruits with consistancy. Something that should also be consistant other than our show schedules, is the way we hand over outside order forms to host. Most of us remeber the how to fill out the order part but we forget something extrememely powerful on that form. A name and phone number!
It should always be made clear that whether these outside orders are attached to a kitchen show or a catalog show, ALWAYS tell the hosts that the person's FIRST AND LAST NAMES AND A PHONE NUMBER HAS TO BE ON THAT FORM! Tell them it is for the warranty. The name part is true but so is the phone number in case you need to reach that person for some reason or the home ofice does if that person sends in a return. The Home Office records all info we send with an order from Pampered Partner.
(You should also ALWAYS get this info with a credit card or check order just to cover your own you know what.)
Anyway, this automatically gives you the opportunity to place a call to all outside orders to get the needed one on one time with that person. That's when you ask about hosting and if they had ever thought about doing what you do.
So phone calls, BIG MAC, Out of the box or whatever, are very important. Especially calls to the people who you never, ever even knew about, those pesky outside side orders from the phantoms of the parties. There is alot of untapped resource there. So, if you need an excuse to call someone on an outside order form, one lady said you should do it before you close the show, and we all agreed, incase of a booking, but use the excuses like just double check the order, or to give them the total due or whatever you can think of to get a "foot" in their door. You could simply use a missing "Round-up" as an excuse to prompt a conversasion. (Do this by telly them your $100.00 goal by the end of May so you can attend a special breakfast at conference.) They may even ask what conference is and you just got a recruiting call!
Now, I have told you about all this. I need to do something about it myself so starting on the 1st, I shall leave no personal info line blank! To this I do swear!
You never know what may come out of something as simple as a phone number on an outside order form.
  • #11
I know what it is for me.........Sometimes I feel like a phone soliciter (sorry for the spelling).

Related to Maximizing Sales: Building Relationships with Outside Order Contacts

1. How can I build strong relationships with my outside order contacts?

Building relationships with outside order contacts starts with genuine communication. Take the time to get to know your contacts and their needs. Show interest in their businesses and offer support and solutions to help them achieve their goals. Additionally, stay in touch regularly and consistently follow up on orders and inquiries.

2. What are some effective ways to increase sales through outside order contacts?

One effective way to increase sales through outside order contacts is to offer exclusive promotions or deals to their customers. This not only incentivizes them to promote your products but also creates a sense of urgency for their customers to make a purchase. Another way is to provide them with product samples or demonstrations so they can see the quality and benefits of your products firsthand.

3. How can I make it easier for outside order contacts to place orders?

Make it as easy as possible for outside order contacts to place orders by providing them with a user-friendly ordering system. This could include an online ordering portal, a mobile app, or a catalog with an order form. It's also important to have clear and concise product information and pricing readily available for them to reference.

4. How do I handle conflicts or issues that may arise with outside order contacts?

The key to handling conflicts or issues with outside order contacts is to address them promptly and professionally. Listen to their concerns and work together to find a resolution. It's also important to maintain open and honest communication to prevent similar issues in the future.

5. How can I maintain a positive and long-lasting relationship with my outside order contacts?

To maintain a positive and long-lasting relationship with your outside order contacts, it's crucial to stay engaged and attentive. Keep them updated on new products and promotions, provide excellent customer service, and show appreciation for their support. Consider offering incentives or rewards for their continued business and loyalty.

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