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Let's Meet Up at Conference 3: Who's Going?

In summary, the group is quiet. Marlene and Rhonda say they'll be there in Wave 3. Jennifer says she's going, and she's excited about Belinda's session.
Gold Member
What a quiet group!!! Who all is going to conference 3 with me??

I would love to know everyone's name and screen name so I can say hello if we happen to run into eachother. And I love cheering for anyone crossing the stage for promotions or TPC!!!

Speak up ladies and gentlemen!!:D :D :D :D
I've been reading so much about Conference that I wish I could to :( I just signed up to be a Consultant so it wasn't in my plans....with three kids I need more notice than the month before. Oh well....I will DEFINITELY go next year!!!!
I'm definitely going. Will be arriving on Sunday evening, and departing Thurs.
around 1PM. Will be staying at the Palmer House, and going on the 8AM, Monday morning Home Office tour. So, put me on the list. Rita Goebert, #441601
PaulaReb said:
I've been reading so much about Conference that I wish I could to :( I just signed up to be a Consultant so it wasn't in my plans....with three kids I need more notice than the month before. Oh well....I will DEFINITELY go next year!!!!

Paula - there is also a Leadership Conference usually in the first week of January. You have to be a Future Director (2 signed consultants, do not have to be qualified) to go. From what I've heard, it is nothing compared to National Conference, but it is still awesome! That's something to plan for that is earlier than next summer!
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Leadership vs. NationalThese two conferences are both awesome. They are different because National is geared towards every consultant while Leadership is geared towards leaders in the company. If I had my choice of the two, I would go to Leadership because that is where my business is headed. Luckily, i don't have to choose and I can go to BOTH!! :D
I'll see you all in Chicago:Marlene,

I'll be there! I look foward to seeing you at conference. I'm visiting family in St. Louis and making a big trip out of it! I can't wait to get reenergized! It's so easy to lay back and cruise in the summer:). My kids will both be in school full-time this fall and I'm looking forward to dedicating some more time to my business.
I'll be there with BELLS ON!!

Arriving on Saturday afternoon! staying at the Sheraton! Taking the 2nd Home office tour and leaving Wednesday evening.

Please scream your heads off for Bobbie Frazier! She's my director and we earned TPC in 1st line sales this year! She's treating us all to a "Pampered Day," we get either a pedicure or manicure (our choice) while she serves us spritzers, juice, coffee, cream puffs, mini quiches, and chocolate dipped strawberries! I'm so excited! I LOVE THE PAMPERED CHEF!!!
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I'll be there too! Arriving about 11am on Sunday ad staying at the Palmer Hilton! Can't wait!!

That sounds wonderful, and congratulations to you and the rest of your team members. None of my cluster is going, so I'm not either. I took some time off from doing shows for awhile (but not enough to go inactive), so I really didn't have the money. I do want to go next year. I want my whole family to go and make a vacation out of it.

Hope to join in the fun in '07!

  • #10
I'm going - my first time!I'll be there and I can't wait! This will be my first conference (I've sold for almost 2 years)!

I'm trying to get on a home office tour, but they haven't gotten back with me yet. We will be driving from the Fort Wayne, Indiana, area so I'll only be staying Monday and Tuesday night. We are lucky it makes conference so much more affordable. I also had enough sales in Jan. to get $50 off.

I really hope this energizes me. I've singed up for Belinda's session on the last day because I know how motivating she is.

From what I read I'll be getting a pen for $15,000 in career sales. Not sure how this whole thing works yet.

I can't wait to meet everyone there! It's not long now!

See ya,

Rhonda B.
  • #11
I'll be there in Wave 3!

And I agree with Marlene - both conferences are fantastic in their own right.

I wasn't going to go last year, but I became a Future right in May, and both my recruits wanted to go, so I sucked up my fear of flying and went! It was totally amazing and wouldn't change it for the world!
Then I couldn't decide if I was going to Leadership because no one else in my cluster was a Future yet, but someone else promoted in time to go and we had the most amazing time!

My plan is to never miss one again!

  • #12

I'll see you on the HO tour. I'm on the first one as well. It will be an early start to conference but I'm excited!

  • #13
I will be at wave 3 - coming in Sunday through Thursday. I am Carolyn Kraham. I will be walking for TPC in Personal Sales and hopefully on stage for having earned Level 2 already (I am only 8k points away). Do we get anything for $50k in career sales? Last year I got a pin for $15k but have since met and well surpassed $50k.
anyone going to the breakfast of caring? I'll be there, too.
  • #14
dannyzmom said:
I will be at wave 3 - coming in Sunday through Thursday. I am Carolyn Kraham. I will be walking for TPC in Personal Sales and hopefully on stage for having earned Level 2 already (I am only 8k points away). Do we get anything for $50k in career sales? Last year I got a pin for $15k but have since met and well surpassed $50k.
anyone going to the breakfast of caring? I'll be there, too.
You will be invited to the Career Club lunch for surpassing $50,000 and every year from now on! I was just a little away from $100,000 last year and was still invited (just didn't get a pin - got that they year before). This year I earned the $100,000 pin and a jump to the next level table.

I will also be there at the breakfast of caring with you. PLEASE!! Let's find each other!!

PS: Congrats on TPC!! WOO HOO!!!
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  • #15
So glad to hear of all your successes!!I can't wait to celebrate with everyone!! :D Way to go on your accomplishments!! Attending conference is a huge accomplishment in itself!

Can't wait to meet you all!

I will be at the Breakfast for Caring and at the Career Club Luncheon (inching my way towards $200,000 career sales)! We will definately have to try to meet up!:D

I am so excited to walk for TPC..it is something I have wanted for so long, and after missing it last year by $3000 in sales it about broke my heart! :eek: (But having a baby in April can do that!! He was well worth it!)
  • #16
BethCooks4U said:
You will be invited to the Career Club lunch for surpassing $50,000 and every year from now on! I was just a little away from $100,000 last year and was still invited (just didn't get a pin - got that they year before). This year I earned the $100,000 pin and a jump to the next level table.

I will also be there at the breakfast of caring with you. PLEASE!! Let's find each other!!

PS: Congrats on TPC!! WOO HOO!!!

Beth, I will be carrying my cell phone with my throughout conference - email or private-message me and I'll give you the # so we can find each other!!
  • #17
fruit76loop said:
I can't wait to celebrate with everyone!! :D Way to go on your accomplishments!! Attending conference is a huge accomplishment in itself!

Can't wait to meet you all!

I will be at the Breakfast for Caring and at the Career Club Luncheon (inching my way towards $200,000 career sales)! We will definately have to try to meet up!:D

I am so excited to walk for TPC..it is something I have wanted for so long, and after missing it last year by $3000 in sales it about broke my heart! :eek: (But having a baby in April can do that!! He was well worth it!)

Congrats on TPC Marlene!! I have been holding my breath all weekend waiting for them to update the TPC calculator - they finally updated it today!! IT'S REALLY REAL - I DID IT - I REALLY REALLY DID!!!!
  • #18
WOOT!!! I am SOOO excited to be going to National Conference!!! I went to Leadership in January and had a GREAT time!!! I just started PC in Oct of last year, so it was awesome to get to go to Leadership... I was one of 4-5 from Alaska there and we all said we were gonna walk as new Directors at Nat. Conf. and I am the only one who made it! I earned Breakfast of Caring, and have earned Level I already... Not bad for someone who lives in rural Alaska in a town of 4500 people! I'm on track for Level 2 for sure, and am ultimately aiming for laying on the beach at Atlantis with my husband while the kids hang in Illinois with Grandma!!!

I am moving this month to Homer, AK, and am kind of nervous about starting all over again though. The good new is that there are very few to NO consultants on the entire Kenai Peninsula! Since we are moving June 23 and my hubby is reporting to a new boat July 1(we are Coast Guard), he can't take any leave to stay with the kids, so I'm bringing my two kids to Conf. *6 yr old boy and 1 yr old girl* My mom-in-law is driving up from Belleville (near St. Louis) to babysit! I LOVE HER!!!

We are staying at the Sheraton with the rest of the Alaska delegation.

And for those of you who know her (and it seems everyone does) YES I am in Jana Washatka's downline!!! AND PROUD OF IT!!!

OMG I totally bought my plane tickets for the wrong day though!!! I am getting to Chicago Monday morning at 630am and have the HO Tour at 8! We are going to try and standby for two earlier options... hope we don't get stuck in Denver!

Wish me luck trying to fly from AK by myself with my kids!!!
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  • Thread starter
  • #19
Congrats!Welcome to Directorship! :D :D :D I will cheer for your when you walk the stage!! It is absolutely amazing!! Way to go!!

Can't wait until the Director's event--my first Director's event as well, I promoted October 1 last year!!:)

Just goes to show you that it doesn't matter where you live or how many people live in your town or state!! Being from Wyoming I always hear comments like that! :rolleyes:

I know Jana, she is wonderful. We are in the same downline-Chris Manion. Hope to see you in July!! Congratulations!!:)
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  • #20
Whooo Hoooo!!
dannyzmom said:
Congrats on TPC Marlene!! I have been holding my breath all weekend waiting for them to update the TPC calculator - they finally updated it today!! IT'S REALLY REAL - I DID IT - I REALLY REALLY DID!!!!

Way to go!! We will be walking together!! Can't wait to get that ruby ring on my finger!!:D
  • #21
Pampered SheilaNAlaska

I lived in Anchorage for 9 years...met and married my husband there! Do you know where the AK people are from? We also have a couple friends on the Kenai Penninsula.

Congrats on directorship!
  • #22
I will be there also. My third conference. My first time at the career club luncheon for $50,000 in sales. Driving up Monday and Staying at the Sheraton this year. Ann Ried, Future Director
  • #23
I just decided today to attend. It will be my first conference and we will be staying at the Palmer, all 8 of us from my cluster! Yeah!! I haven't been reading much about Conference, since I didn't think I was going. Now I have to go back and read!!

I have to admit, one of my big fears about going to conferences is not knowing anyone. Which is REALLY sad, since I am a meeting planner with my full time job. I feel like I know so many of you, and I would like to be able to meet if possible. Is there something special we can wear to let fellow "cheffers" know who we are? Sorry if you have talked about this already, I need to go read the conference threads.

See you in Chicago!!
  • #24
I'm going in Wave 3. Not staying at a conference hotel though. My hospitality director found rooms cheaper within walking distance of McCormick Place. She's stayed there before.
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  • #25
Roomie needed:D Hello again everyone.

We have had one consultant decide she is not attending, so we have space for 1 if anyone knows of anyone. This is of course for Conference session 3. We are staying at the Hilton Chicago and have a 2 bed/2 bath room (gotta love those!!:D ) We are arriving on July 16 and leaving July 20. So the room is for 4 nights and split 4 ways it is a total of $170 each plus taxes.

Let me know if you or someone you know still needs a room!

  • #26
I am attending wave 3 and will be walking across the stage as a new director! yippee!!!!
John Abner
  • #27
John, Congrats! I heard at the cluster meeting on Tuesday that you'd promoted! Congrats to you and your team!
  • #28
I'll Be There!!!This will be my first conference. We are staying at the Hilton. My real name is STACI VAZQUEZ!!!! I cant wait to meet others from this group!:D
  • #29
I'm going! Wave 3!I'm so excited! I've been with PC for 4 years - went the first yr. 2nd yr, had a 2 week old baby at conf. time, and last yr. had a wedding we couldn't miss. I'm SOOOO glad to be able to make it this year! We don't stay at Conf. Hotels- we stay at the Embassy Suites down the street from the Conf.Hotels - Free Full Breakfast, Free Happy Hour before Dinner, and cheaper rates! We love it there!
  • #30
Me too....Hi Fruit76loop.....:p
I'll be there with bells on too, coming in Sunday Morning, staying at the Palmer, taking the 8 a.m. Monday HO tour, and leaving Thurs. a.m.......

So don't forget to put CHEFFERS somewhere on your badges and your screen name, mine is Kelley Sells and I'm really Kelley Wile #473398.....

Can't wait to meet you all.....I NEED some motivation and I think THIS is just the trip I"m needing......:D
  • #31
I'll be there!!!I have been with PC since January and LOVIN every minute of it. I am really excited about coming further EAST than the Rockies.

We leave Oregon at o'dark thirty on Sunday and arrive after the dinner hour (I hope it will still be TODAY when we get there - LOL).

I look forward to meeting some of you fellow cheffers - you have all been so VERY helpful with your posts and reponses.

This site is paramount to the success of a newbie like me....

Staying at Palmer Hilton with the HENDRICKS team.

PCGINA - Gina Riley to my fellow cheffers...:D
  • #32
fruit76loop said:
Way to go!! We will be walking together!! Can't wait to get that ruby ring on my finger!!:D

Years and years ago I had acrylic on my nails so they could grow long and pretty. It's been years since then and I have short nasty nails now. Hubby was like "Honey, you should go get a manicure & tips and paint your nails ruby red to match your new ring in time for conference" - I am thinking I may just do that!!
  • #33
PCGINA said:
I have been with PC since January and LOVIN every minute of it. I am really excited about coming further EAST than the Rockies.

We leave Oregon at o'dark thirty on Sunday and arrive after the dinner hour (I hope it will still be TODAY when we get there - LOL).

What is o'dark thirty? (asked by a clueless east coast girl)
  • #34
This is my first conference and I am so excited. I signed with PC right after last year's conference. Myself, hospitality director, some of her cluster and my director are all taking a bus from Cincinnatti, Ohio very early Sunday Morning. We should be in Chicago early afternoon and then won't be leaving until Thursday late afternoon/early evening.

This is will the first time that I have left my children and husband for almost a week. The most I have done has been 3 days and that was over a weekend.

  • #35
Hi - I am in Wave 3, too. I just started selling in October. I am excited and nervous to attend conference. I am staying at the Hilton Palmer House with the Eisenberg Cluster. How far is Conference from my hotel? I have never been to Chicago.

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