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Join the Thread Killers Club and Embrace Your Fate!

In summary, the conversation discusses the thread killers and how they often act. One person talks about how they are a thread killer on another forum and another person talks about how they are a thread killer on a Mac forum. Finally, someone talks about being a thread killer again.
  • #2,051
amy07 said:
I'll be doing the same later today.....So, are you going to set up a PC table like I've been reading on other threads? I think I'm going to try it. I really need to get a fresh list of contacts.

The rummage is with my Mothers and More group at a local church. The great thing is that I only have to work 2 hours out of the 3 1/2 days it's open. This year, they're trying a "Marketplace". For $20 we can set up a booth in a designated area. The Marketplace is only open tomorrow from 9-1, the busiest time. I'm doing it...packing for that right now. I'm usually an overpacker, but I am JUST bringing the new items and paperwork. I have to work my 2 hour shift after that at the rummage and then it's off to a show. It'll be a busy day but hopefully I'll reap some rewards. Keep your fingers crossed - my PartyLite friend is doing it, too, and we've set up a couple of bets with each other (first to get a booking, first to get a recruit lead, most bookings, highest sales).
  • #2,052
katie0128 said:
Mom is taking the kiddos to the Krohn Conservatory tomorrow for the annual butterfly show. My kids have gone multiple times... me on the otherhand, NADA!

One of the parents where I work is a Bridesmaid in a wedding there. What a hot and humid wedding that will be. One of my co-workers said with her luck she would feel a bug on her neck and smack it before it realized it would be a rare and beautiful butterfly. :eek:
  • #2,053
chefjeanine said:
My husband and I have had that same conversation. :rolleyes:

Sometimes I look at him and say "we are such 3rd graders". It's a good thing we found each other. I'm sure many people would not appreciate our grade school humor.

How about passing gas? Does that crack you up, too?
  • #2,054
<giggle> you said gas <giggle>
  • #2,055
Paige Dixon said:
How about passing gas? Does that crack you up, too?

My co-worker silently passing noxious gas that eventually fills the entire office? No :mad:

My buddy laughing so hard she passes gas? Absolutely! :D
  • #2,056
Okay, so I made up for yesterday morning. I evidently hit a wrong button and reset my alarm for 5:20 instead of 4:20. Woke up at 5:10 and freaked out a bit. Decided to skip the bike this morning. I'm only working 1/2 day today, so I'll exercise this afternoon. Felt good to get some extra zzzzz's, though.
  • #2,057
raebates said:
My co-worker silently passing noxious gas that eventually fills the entire office? No :mad:

My buddy laughing so hard she passes gas? Absolutely! :D

I agree with you Rae !
  • #2,058
raebates said:
Okay, so I made up for yesterday morning. I evidently hit a wrong button and reset my alarm for 5:20 instead of 4:20. Woke up at 5:10 and freaked out a bit. Decided to skip the bike this morning. I'm only working 1/2 day today, so I'll exercise this afternoon. Felt good to get some extra zzzzz's, though.

What time do you have to be at work?

You sound like me, getting up a few hours before work, except that you are probably on time. I am always 1-3 minutes late.:( Even if I leave 10 minutes earlier, the traffic is different and I am still a minute late:confused: . EVERYTIME !! And I only live 15 minutes from work!!
  • #2,059
It's one of the many issues I struggle with concerning that co-worker's personal behavior. Only 2 1/2 weeks left before I leave that assignment for good. Yippee!!
  • #2,060
I don't have to be there until 8. I'm really nuts about being on time, though. Since I'm the one who gets the office ready for the public, I feel the need to be there in plenty of time to have everything ready if someone walks in at 8 on the dot. That means I usually arrive 7:40 - 7:50. I leave my home at 7:15 so I have plenty of time to chat at the PO and pick up a cup of coffee on the way.
  • #2,061
I usually get up between 5 and 5:30 and don't have to be there till 7:30. SOMETIMES (only maybe possibly once or twice:rolleyes: ) I have been on CS and then that will make me late. Just maybe like possibly maybe 3 times:eek: !!.

I am the one running out the front door, and wanting to stop and not having enough time to get something. I work with 1-2 years olds, sometimes 6 already there when I arrive, you'd think I would make time for a cup of coffee or something stronger before I get there, but NO. Never can make it in time, so always rushed.

I used to get up about 3:30 - 4:30. Still a minute or two late. :eek: I hate that !!
  • #2,062
Paige Dixon said:
How about passing gas? Does that crack you up, too?

"Butt" of course it does.
  • #2,063
heh heh heh...
You said "butt."
  • #2,064
See? That's what keeps me coming back to CS--the sophisticated humor.
  • #2,065
I think you mean the opposite o..... oooohhhh.... I get it. :rolleyes:
  • #2,066
chefann said:
I think you mean the opposite o..... oooohhhh.... I get it. :rolleyes:

and the lack of sarcasm. Yeah, that's what draws me here.:rolleyes:
  • #2,067
This is such a respectful <cough>, wholesome <ahem, giggle, giggle>, supportive <snort!> environment!
  • #2,068
But...... ummmm well... yeah Katie I have to say DIITO!!!!!!! LMAO
  • #2,069
Someone "ditto"ed me... I feel special!:)
  • #2,070
"Special" like actually special? Or "special" like riding the short bus?
  • #2,071
chefann said:
"Special" like actually special? Or "special" like riding the short bus?

THAT was "spit my water on the computer screen" funny! (As in funny haha, not funny peculiar!)
  • #2,072
See what I mean? Sophisticated.
  • #2,074
Very hoity-toity.
  • #2,075
Today, I feel short bus special! The remaining brain cell has gone on strike... I think, don't really know what it is doing... but being productive it is not. Oh well! Oh goodie... it's time to go home! Buh, bye office!!!
  • #2,076
I have two more hours, but I'm counting down the minutes. Freeeeedooooommmmmm!
  • #2,077
I can hear George Michael singing...
  • #2,078
Now I'm picturing Rae wearing a kilt, and her face painted blue....
  • #2,079
Gee, Ann, good guess.
  • #2,080
As long as you don't moon them on the way out the door. :p
  • #2,081
You take the fun out of everything!
  • #2,082
Now if she had a blue butt rather than a blue face, that would be once in a blue moon... ;)
  • #2,083
Janet, I believe we have officially become a bad influence on you.
  • #2,084
I don't think that is COMPLETELY our fault... my guess... she had a "bad" side just WAITING to find the right place to come out! And then she found CS...
  • Thread starter
  • #2,085
HOLY SNOT! This thing is still going?! WoW!

Just popping in to say HI. Been traveling for a few shows out of state, and then my BIL was in a motorcycle accident four days ago, so its been a long few weeks. Hope everyone is doing well, and earning loads of free products!!
  • #2,086
Oh, no! How is BIL doing? How badly was he hurt?
  • #2,087
Yeah, please let us know. You know how we worry.
  • Thread starter
  • #2,088
Thankfully, he wasnt as hurt as he could have been. He had a pretty serious collision with a deer. My sister was riding about 125 yards behind on a friends bike, and watched the entire thing unfold! She thought he was dead for sure. He flew over the handlebars and skidded on his head/face for what they later measured about 60 yards!
By the Grace of God, an EMT was driving home in the opposite direction, and stopped to render aid and called emergency services. He had several hundred stitches and his entire face and left side of his body was a bloody mess. Also, they fixed his scalp, and later re-attached his left ear. Blech I know... too much info? My sister is having a hard time sleeping and eating, as she keeps thinking about those dreaded what ifs.

My folks just left there, and things are definately improving. The first hospital he was seen at immediately following the accident, missed a bunch of his injuries. They stitched his head and sent him on his way. His CT scan was good though, so WHEW! They took him into their local hospital the next day, and they are the ones who fixed his ear and cleaned his wounds. Also found some cracked ribs and some kind of hemotoma (?) on his hand. So, thankfully, we are sitting back to watch him heal, instead of the dreaded alternative.

Thanks for asking though ladies! I have been asking for prayer from around the country, and Erin said they are getting phone calls from all over... even strangers who heard it from a friend, who called to give support and offer prayer. God is certainly AMAZING!!
  • #2,089
Yes, He is. I'm glad he's doing well. I'll pray for continued healing.
  • #2,090
Crappy Day!Between conference coming up (and trying to figure out how to pay for the whole thing), working PT and trying to rebuild my PC biz, today was an overwhelming day... I actually should be getting my oldest DS's stuff ready for Cub Scout day camp tomorrow, but just can't bring myself to actually do anything right now. Was going to mope, watch tv and eat the newest container of ice cream, but decided to hang out here for a bit...
  • #2,091
katie0128 said:
Between conference coming up (and trying to figure out how to pay for the whole thing), working PT and trying to rebuild my PC biz, today was an overwhelming day... I actually should be getting my oldest DS's stuff ready for Cub Scout day camp tomorrow, but just can't bring myself to actually do anything right now. Was going to mope, watch tv and eat the newest container of ice cream, but decided to hang out here for a bit...

Is this at East Fork State Park? Is it that time of year already? Just a few years ago, I was a leader and would work the week at camp. Maybe I'll drive through there this week, to see a few familiar (and probably unfamiliar at this point) faces. Now I am remembering some good and unbearably hot days.
  • #2,092
Good morning thread killer wanna-bes.
  • #2,093
Good morning to you too!
  • #2,094
Rae! You're supposed to be sleeping in today!
  • #2,095
genburk said:
Is this at East Fork State Park? Is it that time of year already? Just a few years ago, I was a leader and would work the week at camp. Maybe I'll drive through there this week, to see a few familiar (and probably unfamiliar at this point) faces. Now I am remembering some good and unbearably hot days.

Nope - not East Fork... we are on the west side of Cincy in the William Henry Harrison District (used to be Shawnee District). Our boys go to day camp at Mitchell Memorial Forest.
  • #2,096
chefann said:
Rae! You're supposed to be sleeping in today!

I did! I slept in until 5:05! I feel so decadent!
  • #2,097
I slept in, too. Of course, I slept in because I forgot to set the alarm clock and then had to rush like crazy to get Kyle to day camp, but was only 10 minutes late to work. But the extra sleep did feel pretty good.
  • #2,098
Rise and shine! It's a beautiful day, and there are people out there who need PC right now!
  • #2,099
I'm more on time today than yesterday, so it's already a good day! I got to the post office on my way to work (my new route takes me near a 24-hour staffed branch). Rae- look for a Priority envelope from me in about 2 days. :) <giggle>
  • #2,100
Just wrapped my frames for our exchange (one for Sunday and one for Monday). I put a "picture" in the frames that I think the recipients will get a kick out of. <giggle>

Don't worry! It's not me. :eek:
<h2>1. What is the Thread Killers Club and how do I join?</h2><p>The Thread Killers Club is a group for people who have a tendency to "kill" online forum threads by being the last person to comment, resulting in no further discussion. To join, simply search for the Thread Killers Club forum and request to join.</p><h2>2. How do you know if you are a thread killer?</h2><p>If you consistently find yourself being the last person to comment on forum threads, or if you notice a lack of responses after you post, it's likely that you are a thread killer. Don't worry, it's a common phenomenon!</p><h2>3. Can being a thread killer be a good thing?</h2><p>Yes, being a thread killer can have its benefits. You may be the person who sparks a new topic or provides a conclusive answer to a question. Plus, being a thread killer can also be a source of humor and self-awareness.</p><h2>4. How can I break the cycle of being a thread killer?</h2><p>One way to break the cycle is to actively engage in discussions and ask open-ended questions to encourage others to participate. You can also try to be the first to comment on a new thread instead of waiting until the end.</p><h2>5. Are there any other thread killers in the Pampered Chef community?</h2><p>There may be other thread killers in the community, but don't let that discourage you! The Thread Killers Club is a fun and supportive space for all thread killers, so feel free to embrace your fate and join the club.</p>

Related to Join the Thread Killers Club and Embrace Your Fate!

1. What is the Thread Killers Club and how do I join?

The Thread Killers Club is a group for people who have a tendency to "kill" online forum threads by being the last person to comment, resulting in no further discussion. To join, simply search for the Thread Killers Club forum and request to join.

2. How do you know if you are a thread killer?

If you consistently find yourself being the last person to comment on forum threads, or if you notice a lack of responses after you post, it's likely that you are a thread killer. Don't worry, it's a common phenomenon!

3. Can being a thread killer be a good thing?

Yes, being a thread killer can have its benefits. You may be the person who sparks a new topic or provides a conclusive answer to a question. Plus, being a thread killer can also be a source of humor and self-awareness.

4. How can I break the cycle of being a thread killer?

One way to break the cycle is to actively engage in discussions and ask open-ended questions to encourage others to participate. You can also try to be the first to comment on a new thread instead of waiting until the end.

5. Are there any other thread killers in the Pampered Chef community?

There may be other thread killers in the community, but don't let that discourage you! The Thread Killers Club is a fun and supportive space for all thread killers, so feel free to embrace your fate and join the club.

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