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Join the Thread Killers Club and Embrace Your Fate!

In summary, the conversation discusses the thread killers and how they often act. One person talks about how they are a thread killer on another forum and another person talks about how they are a thread killer on a Mac forum. Finally, someone talks about being a thread killer again.
  • #1,551
I think I'd be a bit scared of the crowd that name might draw, Ann.
  • #1,552
Me, too. :rolleyes:
  • #1,553
Is it just me, or has this thread taken a definite turn toward the gutter?Oh, wait. It's us. Never mind.
  • #1,554
Oh, Ann - my husband thought my shirt said "Past Slut".
  • #1,555
Tell him that you're reformed now.
  • #1,556
amy07 said:
Oh, Ann - my husband thought my shirt said "Past Slut".
Is there something in your past you haven't shared with us?
  • #1,557
chefann said:
Tell him that you're reformed now.

no way!! He does not joke around like that,he would probably thing I was being serious.

By the way..........HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!:D :D
  • #1,558
Now I'm in trouble. Today is senior skip day and DS is upset because I won't let him. He was using the "everyone, even the Salutarian is" and I talked to people and his 3 best friends are not skipping so now he is mad because I used "Wm, Reggie and Adam aren't." Such a bad mom.

It's a big deal because administration are very strict and have said those who skip today will not walk. He would be making me lie AND break away from my work to go get him. DH said he's bullying me to do this and we need to talk.

I know he'll get over it but in the mean time I have to listen to his attitude - which has been bad enough lately. You know they get that way at this age so that we can let (make) them go! It's time he saw what the real world has in store for him - lol.
  • #1,559
oh, senioritis has struck, huh?
  • Thread starter
  • #1,560
When I dropped Zane at school this morning, that parking lot looked pretty sparse.... I am thinking today must be a Senior Skip day here as well.
  • #1,561
amy07 said:
oh, senioritis has struck, huh?
Oh! BIG TIME and for months now.

He will be so upset if most of the class skips and I didn't let him. Oh well. Too bad. I am not going to lie for him and he better not skip! HE WILL WALK!!
  • #1,562
As far as I'm concerned, you're not a good parent unless at some point your child claims to hate you.

Hang in there. Someday he will thank you for the values you instilled and modeled for him. Seriously. My 21-year-old just called last week. He thanked us for making him finish the jobs he started and making him do his best. He said knows that's why he has the work ethic he does now. He's been on the job less than 6 weeks, and he begins management training in about 10 days. Every boss he's ever had has commented on how hard he works. That thank you made every one of those "You're not fair" comments worth it.
  • #1,563
Yeah, I know. Everyone of my sons has gotten nothing but acclaims for their work ethics too. And when we made one son switch high schools (moved to a different part of the town and could have kept him at the first school but would have had to drive, drive, drive) he later thanked us profusely. At the time he was upset because he was in the band but at the new HS he had an opportunity to join football (not possible at the first school- another story) and the band director ASKED him to join band too. He got to go to the Rose Bowl with that band but that wasn't the reason he thanked us. He had some teachers at the new school that were very influencial in his life.

They don't understand at the time but no sometimes means I love you.

My other son is an awesome daddy. Very much like DH was but that son would have nothing to do with helping with the little ones unless he had no choice (he had two brothers who loved to help with them so he seldom did have to) but he certainly was watching.

They do make us proud in the end but too bad we have to go throught these years first!
  • #1,564
God made them babies first so we would become attached. If they were teenagers first, we'd kill them before we bonded.
  • #1,565
raebates said:
God made them babies first so we would become attached. If they were teenagers first, we'd kill them before we bonded.
SO true. My dh wonders why we can kill unborn babies who haven't even had a chance but we aren't allowed to kill teens whose purpose in life seems to be to dirve us to the brink! lol
  • #1,566
I often told our son that I would survive his adolescence. He might not, but I would.

BTW, he hated being called an adolescent. He said it sounded like a bad thing. I assured him it was.
  • #1,567
i just got a call from DS. He needs me to pick him up after school because his best friend who told me "No maam I am not leaving school early" just this morning has already left school because "his family is leaving for a long weekend". Thanks a lot. Now DS will be even harder to live with.
  • #1,568
Just answer everything he says with, "I know you are, but what am I?" It will drive him crazy.
  • #1,569
I remember my Sr. Skip Day.....my best friend and I had so much fun! We didn't do anything special.....except we went shopping and bought the craziest undies we could find (long before you could find thongs in a "normal" dept. store!) to wear for Graduation, then hung out at the mall and had Chinese for Lunch....it was one of those "perfect days" that remains in my memory! I still love that girl! (She is now a Nurse Practitioner w/ 3 teenage boys - but we still giggle like teens when we are together!)Oh - and my stripper name is either Trinket First, or Duke First......hmmmm, which do you think is better?
  • #1,570
ChefBeckyD said:
I remember my Sr. Skip Day.....my best friend and I had so much fun! We didn't do anything special.....except we went shopping and bought the craziest undies we could find (long before you could find thongs in a "normal" dept. store!) to wear for Graduation, then hung out at the mall and had Chinese for Lunch....it was one of those "perfect days" that remains in my memory! I still love that girl! (She is now a Nurse Practitioner w/ 3 teenage boys - but we still giggle like teens when we are together!)

Oh - and my stripper name is either Trinket First, or Duke First......hmmmm, which do you think is better?
Trinket for sure.

I didn't let him skip because the administration at his school is very very ...well, I'll use strict for lack of a better word. They made it very clear that all seniors who skipped would not walk at graduation and I believed they would enforce it.
  • #1,571
Between you and me, I hope they do. One of the biggest problems I see with many of my son's friends is that people in authority haven't been consistent with them.

It starts when they're 2, and they're playing at the park and hear, "Now, if you do that again, we're going home," for the 15th time. They do it again, and hear the same thing again. It's perpetuated by various teachers, administrators, etc., who set down the rules, lay out the punishments for infractions, and then let people slide. They come away with the belief that breaking the rules doesn't matter.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think that every person who breaks a rule is headed down a horrible life path. I don't think badly of Becky for participating in Sr. Skip Day. It's just that when administrators say they're really going to make people tow the line and then don't, young people are taught that the rules don't really matter. They're less prepared to face the cold hard reality that choices have consequences.

Okay, I'm all done with my little rant. You can all go back to your lives now.
  • #1,572
raebates said:
Between you and me, I hope they do. One of the biggest problems I see with many of my son's friends is that people in authority haven't been consistent with them.

It starts when they're 2, and they're playing at the park and hear, "Now, if you do that again, we're going home," for the 15th time. They do it again, and hear the same thing again. It's perpetuated by various teachers, administrators, etc., who set down the rules, lay out the punishments for infractions, and then let people slide. They come away with the belief that breaking the rules doesn't matter.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think that every person who breaks a rule is headed down a horrible life path. I don't think badly of Becky for participating in Sr. Skip Day. It's just that when administrators say they're really going to make people tow the line and then don't, young people are taught that the rules don't really matter. They're less prepared to face the cold hard reality that choices have consequences.

Okay, I'm all done with my little rant. You can all go back to your lives now.

I totally agree with you Rae! Already, I see that with my son's little friends....it drives me crazy to hear moms counting 1.....2......3......and then NOTHING! Empty threats with kids is just a disaster waiting to happen!

I didn't mean anything against Beth not letting her son skip......more just my random mind going back to my Sr. Skip Day when I read the posts....oh - and we were allowed a Sr. Skip Day if we had already fulfilled our requirements for graduating - ours was actually a planned, and sanctioned Sr. Skip Day!:D (no way would I have broken a rule - I was the "good girl" that everyone wanted their kids to hang out with!:rolleyes: )
  • #1,573
I could just sense that about you, Becky.

I often think about a particular incident with my son and smile. I was in our local gas station paying for fuel. Shawn was about 12. He came in from the car to ask for a candy bar.

I said, "No."

He said, "Okay," and went back out to the car.

The young woman behind the counter looked at me with her mouth hanging open. Finally, she said, "I've never seen that before. He didn't even argue."

I told her that in my house if you argue you not only don't get what you ask for, you lose stuff you already had.

Yes, I was a mean mom. I have the wonderful young man to prove it.
  • #1,574
raebates said:
I could just sense that about you, Becky.

I often think about a particular incident with my son and smile. I was in our local gas station paying for fuel. Shawn was about 12. He came in from the car to ask for a candy bar.

I said, "No."

He said, "Okay," and went back out to the car.

The young woman behind the counter looked at me with her mouth hanging open. Finally, she said, "I've never seen that before. He didn't even argue."

I told her that in my house if you argue you not only don't get what you ask for, you lose stuff you already had.

Yes, I was a mean mom. I have the wonderful young man to prove it.

Not to get all sentimental or gushy or anything.......but Moms like you Rae, and you too Beth, are the Moms like I want to be to my little guy as he is growing up.

I have a friend from church, who's 3rd son (of 3) just graduated from High School. All 3 of those young men are incredible! Not just polite, but also kind, thoughtful, have always known how to talk to adults and be respectful, leaders at school and church, volunteers, etc......but still ALL Boy! Fun and goofy, and often mischieveous......the oldest is getting married in a month - and I have seen all of them be raised as incredible men of faith - THAT is how I want to raise Micah! It's all in the big picture! The things you do today, and the way that you raise, love and discipline your children today will effect their future!

OKAY - now that's enough of my rant.....slowly backing off my soapbox and going to randomly hug my kid!
  • #1,575
Aww, aren't you sweet. Raising good adults is not nearly as easy as giving in to whatever your child wants at the moment. It's worth it, though.

Micah is blessed to have a mom who wants to do right by him.
  • #1,576
Morning everyone! No Rae you did not have the last word.
  • #1,577
Dang! I was hoping that would work.
  • #1,578
Guess you were wrong!:rolleyes:
  • #1,579
raebates said:
As far as I'm concerned, you're not a good parent unless at some point your child claims to hate you.

I heard this somewhere too.

Whenever the kids say they are mad at me, or hate me, or don't like me, or being unfair, or.... OK, I'll stop now..

I say. "Good, then I am doing my job. " and they stomp off.
  • #1,580
If I make everyone mad at me here.... would you all just stomp off....
  • #1,581
genburk said:
If I make everyone mad at me here.... would you all just stomp off....

Ummm, no. We just "pull up our big girl panties" and keep posting!:D
  • #1,582
ChefBeckyD said:
Ummm, no. We just "pull up our big girl panties" and keep posting!:D
That's right! We're a bunch of tough cookies here!
  • #1,583
Dag gone.... I was hoping you all would just get mad and leave me sitting here, wondering why no one would reply......

Have a great Memorial weekend.
  • #1,584
Not a chance. We're way too, umm, persistent.
  • #1,585
Persistent or competitive?
  • #1,586
Persistent is just a much more positive word than stubborn, mule-headed, . . .
  • #1,587
Who do think is the most stubborn, mule headed.. scratch that.. persistent person here you know. Maybe they will end this whole thing.
  • #1,588
The only way this thread will end is if someone locks it.
  • #1,589
genburk said:
Who do think is the most stubborn, mule headed.. scratch that.. persistent person here you know. Maybe they will end this whole thing.
That would be me.

Greg, you might as well shut this thread down - NOW!

QUICK!! Before someone else posts!
  • #1,590
Ha! I got in before it was shut down.
  • #1,591
Greg....OhHH Gregggieeeeee!!
  • #1,592
Obviously your pleas went unheeded.
  • #1,593
Well then I'll just have to keep trying...
  • Thread starter
  • #1,594
Peeking in... you gals are all talking crazy smack.... I know it is going to end with me. I am just sitting back and lurking, while you all exhaust yourselves trying to kill this bad boy... :D ...then I will sneak in... and BAM! It will be over before you know what hit ya! ;)
  • #1,595
Well, maybe next time.
  • #1,597
Nope. I guess it wasn't the next time. :p
  • #1,598
Everyone will be busy with Memorial Day and this is officially the last post on this thread.

See I told you so.........
Last edited:
  • #1,599
Ummm.... no. We have no special plans today or tomorrow. Unless you call powerwashing the deck "plans".
  • #1,600
BethCooks4U said:
Ummm.... no. We have no special plans today or tomorrow. Unless you call powerwashing the deck "plans".

Would planting the vegetable garden be considered "plans"? Even if it is, It still leaves plenty of time to check out the thread and post! <<<wicked laugh>>>
<h2>1. What is the Thread Killers Club and how do I join?</h2><p>The Thread Killers Club is a group for people who have a tendency to "kill" online forum threads by being the last person to comment, resulting in no further discussion. To join, simply search for the Thread Killers Club forum and request to join.</p><h2>2. How do you know if you are a thread killer?</h2><p>If you consistently find yourself being the last person to comment on forum threads, or if you notice a lack of responses after you post, it's likely that you are a thread killer. Don't worry, it's a common phenomenon!</p><h2>3. Can being a thread killer be a good thing?</h2><p>Yes, being a thread killer can have its benefits. You may be the person who sparks a new topic or provides a conclusive answer to a question. Plus, being a thread killer can also be a source of humor and self-awareness.</p><h2>4. How can I break the cycle of being a thread killer?</h2><p>One way to break the cycle is to actively engage in discussions and ask open-ended questions to encourage others to participate. You can also try to be the first to comment on a new thread instead of waiting until the end.</p><h2>5. Are there any other thread killers in the Pampered Chef community?</h2><p>There may be other thread killers in the community, but don't let that discourage you! The Thread Killers Club is a fun and supportive space for all thread killers, so feel free to embrace your fate and join the club.</p>

Related to Join the Thread Killers Club and Embrace Your Fate!

1. What is the Thread Killers Club and how do I join?

The Thread Killers Club is a group for people who have a tendency to "kill" online forum threads by being the last person to comment, resulting in no further discussion. To join, simply search for the Thread Killers Club forum and request to join.

2. How do you know if you are a thread killer?

If you consistently find yourself being the last person to comment on forum threads, or if you notice a lack of responses after you post, it's likely that you are a thread killer. Don't worry, it's a common phenomenon!

3. Can being a thread killer be a good thing?

Yes, being a thread killer can have its benefits. You may be the person who sparks a new topic or provides a conclusive answer to a question. Plus, being a thread killer can also be a source of humor and self-awareness.

4. How can I break the cycle of being a thread killer?

One way to break the cycle is to actively engage in discussions and ask open-ended questions to encourage others to participate. You can also try to be the first to comment on a new thread instead of waiting until the end.

5. Are there any other thread killers in the Pampered Chef community?

There may be other thread killers in the community, but don't let that discourage you! The Thread Killers Club is a fun and supportive space for all thread killers, so feel free to embrace your fate and join the club.

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