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Holy Sh**...What Am I Going to Do!!

In summary, someone stole $250 worth of product from Darby, who does not know anyone in her new neighborhood well enough to ask them to get the product for her.
  • #101
I've got my $5.00 ready to go, if needed.... but I AIN'T NO LADY!
  • Thread starter
  • #102
janetupnorth said:
I'd also have the Director calling tell them that point. Tell HO, "right now you have a consultant out of luck", but what happens when the attenders here that PC wasn't willing to step up to the plate and rectify this. I think they'd much rather have it spread that they "stepped up" than let you hang...

My hospitality lady stepped in and did this and was given this response "because it was a confirmed delivery of product, both by FedEx and by the recipient, this is now a case for the local authorities"

I just got a phone call back from the nice lady at HO, whos says she took it to the department head. She was told, basicly the same thing. "Although PC is sorry for this horrible incident, they cannot prevent every circumstance presented to them. Because of the delivery confirmations, it is up to my local sheriffs office to handle this case". I was given the option of re-submitting all the items as a new show (with new payments of course) and given the situation, could take 20% off. I still dont understand if that is off each item, or my show total, and i am not about to call back there again. I will just do whats right and buy the guests items for them and make this right in mine and the Lords eyes.

I dont know what to say. I understand that they dont have PC Police out there trailing every delivery truck, but not everyday does someone call up with a problem like this. I did ask them what if it was a host the products were delivered too? As long as there is confirmation of delivery, they can do nothing. :(

I look at it like this: If I walked into WalMart and bought $350.00 worth of product and then it was stolen from me, WalMart isnt just going to hand me over $350.00 worth of new stuff. I was hoping that this business would see things a little differently due to how we handle our products (being mailed and shipped all over the world).

Well ladies, I am off to calculate every product and start my new show order. Wish me luck on this next shipment. You bet i'll be sitting at home, waiting by the door on that day. :eek:
  • #103
Great - 20% off, at least you will have the career sales and double points!! And we will chip in $5 a piece...and that will help :) ....do you have paypal? What is your email address? And, hopefully the local authorities can do something about it and reimburse you down the road :)
  • #104
Count me in, too!

I feel sick that this happened so someone in our family, and hope that it can be resolved quickly and (relatively) painlessly.

The fact that Darby and her FedEx guy had an agreement about where to leave things shouldn't make a difference. Every single thing that I've had delivered since the switch has indicated "Signature service not requested" on the tracking, which means that they don't need a signature to leave it. It gets me so mad that there are people who would steal things like that.

oohh--- gotta go have some chocolate and calm down.....

Hugs, Darby! I really hope this works out for the best for you.
  • #105
I'm so sorry, Darby.

Seriously, many of us want to help. We can see ourselves in exactly the same situation. Will you please let us help relieve some of the financial burden? Let us know how to get a little bit of $ to you.
  • #106
What is your address Darby?You know there are alot of us here who have said we will help you out so post your address for us to send you a check or if you have paypal like someone mentioned that would work too.

I have a Bridal Fair at Chinook Winds in Lincoln City on Saturday so I can come down on Sunday, and give you a call to meet up with you.

Theresia Aylward
Independent Consultant
Depoe Bay on the Beautiful Central Oregon Coast
  • #107
Did she tell you how to input it with the 20% off?
  • #108
chefann said:
Every single thing that I've had delivered since the switch has indicated "Signature service not requested" on the tracking, which means that they don't need a signature to leave it. It gets me so mad that there are people who would steal things like that.

That really peturbs me too!! That stuff is valuable. You'd think PC would want to protect themselves, their consultants and their customers!! I think HO made a horrible mistake in this!!!

Darby, I would insist that they not only give you 20% off, but free shipping as well. Let us know where we can send some $$ to help you out! I think we all need to raise a ruckus about this one to our ED's!!
  • Thread starter
  • #109
Hugs!!!Look at all of you going out of your way to help a stranger! Well, maybe not a stranger, but someone you only know from virtual world..LOL.

I know you all want to help me, and God bless you all for doing so. Would you accept the help if you were in this situation?

For those who would like to see me not rip all my hair out and bang my head slowly against a wall anylonger, my email address is

Thechef_of_northbend at verizon.net

You can email me for my address if you would like, or use this email for paypal.


You truly are my family and friends and I owe my regards to you more then you'll ever know!!!
  • #110
I am soooo sorry that this happened, I got $10 here with your name on it, if you would just tell me where to send it... We want to help.. we know that if it was us, you would be bugging us to death trying to find out where to send money..:)

SO just give us a paypal, or mailing address. You would get a little bit of help.. I dont mean to be pushy, but alot of people want to help and will fill better about the whole situation. I know I would be so frustrated and upset, and sick to my stomach if this happened to me, and I would appreciate all the help (emotional and financial) that was offered..
  • #111
you were reading my thoughts :)
  • #112
I am sure that I would feel just about as upset as you do if it happened to me, and not expect anyone to help to cover the costs, but it really could happen to any one of us....thankfully it wasn't the entire show that was lost! Now please take our money ;)
  • #113
PS: Maybe you should write HO a nice little email about how many consultants are aware of the problem and how upset we are with TPC, and that ___ (# of consultants) contributed money to help pay for the guests orders.... just to see if using a # of consultants gets you anywhere...
  • #114
Hey Darby,

I was signing on to PayPal to send you a donation and realized that I don't want you to have to pay a fee on it, I want it ALL to go to help you in your dilemna! PM or email your address to me and I'll drop you check in the mail.


[email protected]
  • #115
pamperedlinda said:
Hey Darby,

I was signing on to PayPal to send you a donation and realized that I don't want you to have to pay a fee on it, I want it ALL to go to help you in your dilemna! PM or email your address to me and I'll drop you check in the mail.


[email protected]

I already sent you $$ on paypal....you have to pay a fee to get it??
  • #116
She shouldn't have to pay a fee if you have it set up to take directly out of a checking /savings account. Valky
  • #117
jenniferknapp said:
I already sent you $$ on paypal....you have to pay a fee to get it??
If you have a "commercial" PayPal account, they take a small fee out of each transaction. That's the type of account you need to accept credit card payment.
  • #118
Phew, I didn't think so :)
  • #119
yummy4tummy said:
She shouldn't have to pay a fee if you have it set up to take directly out of a checking /savings account. Valky
Really? I used to sell stuff on eBay (No, not PC stuff!! :p and I had to pay a PayPal fee. was that because I had the type of account that accepted credit cards? If that's the case, then I'll just paypal it to Darby.
  • #120
Some words to live byI found this last night as I was going through old threads. It is very familiar to this situation...(Thanks Beth for the original posting of it) Valky

It's not my problem - or is it?

I have the moderator of another web link (Chef Apprentice of PC4Men) to thank for this story:

A little mouse living on a farm was looking through a crack in the
wall one day and saw the farmer and his wife opening a package. The mouse
was intrigued by what food the package may contain. He was aghast to
discover that it was a mousetrap. The mouse ran to the farmyard warning
everyone "there is a mouse trap in the house, there is a mouse trap in
the house."

The chicken raised his head and said "Mr. Mouse, I can tell you this
trap is a grave concern to you, but it has no consequence to me and I
cannot be bothered with it."

The mouse turned to the pig "I am so very sorry Mr. Mouse, but the
trap is no concern of mine either!" The mouse then turned to the bull;
"sounds like you have a problem Mr. Mouse, but not one that concerns me."

The mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected that no one
would help him or was concerned about his dilemma. He knew he had to
face the trap on his own. That night the sound of a trap catching its prey was heard throughout the house.

The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness she could not
see that it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The
snake bit the farmer's wife. The wife caught a bad fever and the farmer
knew the best way to treat a fever was with chicken soup.

The farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard to get the soup's main

The wife got sicker and friends and neighbors came by to take turns
sitting with her round the clock. The farmer knew he had to feed them, so
he butchered the pig.

The farmer wife did not get better, in fact she died and so many
friends and family came to her funeral that the farmer had to slaughter the
bull to feed all of them.

So the next time we hear that one of our recruits or other consultants, whether hospitatility or web-sister or brother or who ever, is facing a problem and we think it does not concern or effect us, let us remember that when anyone of us is in trouble, we are all at risk.
  • #121
Well, crud. PayPal's not working for me. I'll get to it when I get home.
  • #122
How very true. I wonder what the HO would say if you told them about this one. Maybe someone will come and bite them in the butt!!!! I wonder if Fedex delivers the product to the HO. After all the products are made somewhere else. If something was missing from their shipment, whose fault would it be. Or do they check to see if all pieces are there before letting the driver leave. I doubt it!!!!!!!! I say what goes around, comes around. It is only a matter of time before they get burned.
  • #123
Darby, your account should be rising. I just sent mine (with a little extra). Valky
  • #124
I guess HO's definition of confirmed delivery is very different from mine then. I would think confirmed means something was signed by the recipient. Who cares you you and your FedEx guy had an arrangement of where to leave the packages. Plain and simple, you cannot confirm the delivery because you did not sign for it.

Am I going to far as to say maybe an attorney should get involved? I don't think PC would want to hear from them. Or, if you wanted, you can report this to the BBB for a very poor business practice.

Is anyone else rethinking this whole consultant thing now?
  • #125
Hey... just sent you $10 .. I'm still going to pray that somehow someone at HO wakes up and realizes what has happened here... if they do.. take the money and donate it your local women's abuse shelter for me... if they don't... then get your customers thier items and either way... I pray you get some very deserved peaceful rest. We all care about you!
Diane VS
  • #126
...and maybe share with your customers how fellow consultants stepped up for you to help replace the items...and maybe you'll find a recruit! :) ...just thinking ahead...
  • #127
janetupnorth said:
...and maybe share with your customers how fellow consultants stepped up for you to help replace the items...and maybe you'll find a recruit! :) ...just thinking ahead...
There's a way to turn a negative into a positive!
  • Thread starter
  • #128
Yes, I am going to use this story as a possitive.

I am going to let everyone know that "Life Happens" and it happens to the best of us. And even when I thought that I was alone and had nowhere to turn, my fellow cheffer family came forth and shined like a beacon of light from above!!

This will show them that even is the worst of situations, we are allways here to stand by each other when the going gets tough!! Heck, I'd sign up if I heard that kind of testimony!!

You all are wonderful.
  • Thread starter
  • #129
I'm sorry. My brain hurts a little, so I'm kind of slow today...lol, bare with me. :eek:

My mailing address is:

2196 Everett Ave, North Bend, OR 97459

I've gotten your ressponses through paypal...wow. I dont know what to say. Please know that at anytime any of you out there need anything, you let me know first and I will be right there behind you 100%!! :)
  • #130
I can't wait to hear how much our simple little $5 (or more) adds up to :) I hope we can cover everything!!
  • #131
And if there's extra, please donate it to a Women's shelter or food bank or something... I don't want it back :)
  • #132
I am sending you a check Darby! So sorry this happened to you!
  • #133
Betcha wish you could change the title, huh? LOLI've noticed that TPC seems to be going through a "growing pains" phase right now, and those of us who have been with the company awhile are more aware of it than others. Hopefully, issues like this will be handled better in the future!

I have faith that those of us who stick it out will be rewarded in the end! Take care!
  • #134
I haven't been with TPC for a long time, but I am noticing the growing pains, it is just like Microsoft with releasing Vista before their own programs can support it 100%.... Some companies need to not take such a big bite at once....
  • #135
I don't think PC tried to take too big of a bite, they just had a lot of great products and programs that went WAY beyond what they had anticipated!!!!!
  • #136
chefann said:
And if there's extra, please donate it to a Women's shelter or food bank or something... I don't want it back :)

Great idea, Ann. Same goes for me, Darby!


P.S. I'd start watching your neighbors' garbages/recycling if you put yours out on the curb for pickup. Maybe you'll see some PC boxes and find the culprit!!
  • #137
Sometimes certain things that cause growing pains cannot be anticipated. I was with Longaberger Baskets in 86 and 87.. yikes... you want to talk about growing pains??? I had people ordering one basket that cost easily.. 75 bucks...and waiting 4 - 6 MONTHS to get it...it was SO hard...I couldn't stick it out...but I am SO loving PC and the company cares SO much more about us that I am still praying this will have a better ending company wise than it seems to have right now.
  • #138
I have been considering leaving TPC because of the way they accused me of advertising on eBay. They won't call me or my Director back about it, they promise to call and don't. I am just pretty disillusioned..

Anyway, please tell, what is your Paypal balance now? :)
  • #139
chefann said:
And if there's extra, please donate it to a Women's shelter or food bank or something... I don't want it back :)
Ditto for me too! I hope that your loss is covered....and if there's more let it do someone else some good.....Pay It Forward as the saying goes.

  • Thread starter
  • #140
I have painstakenly gone though this show, printed off each receipt, and figured what was to be in the boxes sent to me. I have now re-entered all items back into PP and I am submitting it as in individual order. I am taking a copy of everything from the first show and printing out everything from this show and am sending this to HO attn: Marla Gottschalk, Along with all the notes I have made and phone calls I have made. The total cost to me will be $356.84.

Your generous donations have helped me by $61.00!! Thank you!!

I hope this wakes someone up over there at HO and lets them know that there are unusual circumstances that can araise and we just need to know that our company is going to be willing to stand behind us, you know. At least I know I can always count on you all to stand behind me. And I to stand behind each of you. :)
  • #141
So you will have to pay for the host's free items as well? Ugh! I wish I could have helped more Darby. If this story gets to your host/customers you will have customers for life!
  • #142
thechefofnorthbend said:
I have painstakenly gone though this show, printed off each receipt, and figured what was to be in the boxes sent to me. I have now re-entered all items back into PP and I am submitting it as in individual order. I am taking a copy of everything from the first show and printing out everything from this show and am sending this to HO attn: Marla Gottschalk, Along with all the notes I have made and phone calls I have made. The total cost to me will be $356.84.

Your generous donations have helped me by $61.00!! Thank you!!

I hope this wakes someone up over there at HO and lets them know that there are unusual circumstances that can araise and we just need to know that our company is going to be willing to stand behind us, you know. At least I know I can always count on you all to stand behind me. And I to stand behind each of you. :)
Be sure you send it "Certified" and "Return Receipt Requested" that way you will know when it was delivered and who signed for it.
  • Thread starter
  • #143
britishchef said:
So you will have to pay for the host's free items as well? Ugh!

I wish I could have helped more Darby. If this story gets to your host/customers you will have customers for life!

I have to pay for everything that was in that box. Ce la vie...

I am just going to tell everyone that there was a delay in shipping and that it will be here sometime next week. And then I am paying for express service...ugh...
  • #144
Darby with the overwhelming response from cheffers on this incident, I am sure that your paypal account will be rising. Valky
  • #145
I am so sorry this happen to you Darby, I am going to be at that Same Bridal Fair at chinook Winds with Tree.... come and see us....keep your chin up girly.
  • Thread starter
  • #146
pamperedlinda said:
Be sure you send it "Certified" and "Return Receipt Requested" that way you will know when it was delivered and who signed for it.

Yes, I am sending this letter certified. I want to make sure that they cannot claim that "we never recieved it..." LOL :D
  • #147
So can I ask, why couldn't you re-enter it as a show so that you could use some of the FPV to replace products
  • Thread starter
  • #148
mommyhugz1978 said:
I am so sorry this happen to you Darby, I am going to be at that Same Bridal Fair at chinook Winds with Tree.... come and see us....keep your chin up girly.

I'd love too. I think Lincoln City is 3 hrs above me and we have only one car right now, and I am working an even tomorrow otherwise I'd be up there in a heartbeat kissing your faces!! LOL

You all are quite extraordinary, you know that?
  • #149
I am so sorry this happened to you. I am sure that your customers would totally understand what happened with the packages and you will not lose anyone as a customer
  • Thread starter
  • #150
britishchef said:
So can I ask, why couldn't you re-enter it as a show so that you could use some of the FPV to replace products

I am going to enter this as an individual order and make notes. That way when I send my letter off to HO, it will show what I had to do and how I had to go out of my way to correct this horrible mistake. And they wont see that I am out there trying just to cut corners, I am legitamily reparing a problem.
<h2>1. Can I hold FedEx responsible for my stolen package?</h2><p>Unfortunately, FedEx cannot be held responsible for items that are left unattended and subsequently stolen. This is stated in their terms and conditions.</p><h2>2. What should I do if my package is stolen?</h2><p>If your package is stolen, you should immediately contact FedEx and file a claim. You will need to provide information such as the tracking number and details about the package.</p><h2>3. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening again?</h2><p>To prevent this from happening again, you can request a signature upon delivery or have the package held at a nearby FedEx location for pickup. You can also consider installing security cameras or having a trusted neighbor or friend pick up your packages for you.</p><h2>4. Can I get a refund or replacement for my stolen package?</h2><p>If you have insurance on your package, you may be able to file a claim for a refund or replacement. However, this will depend on the specific details of your situation and the insurance coverage you have.</p><h2>5. How can I ensure the safe delivery of my packages in the future?</h2><p>To ensure the safe delivery of your packages in the future, you can request a signature upon delivery, have the package held at a nearby FedEx location for pickup, or consider using a different shipping method that offers more secure delivery options.</p>

Related to Holy Sh**...What Am I Going to Do!!

1. Can I hold FedEx responsible for my stolen package?

Unfortunately, FedEx cannot be held responsible for items that are left unattended and subsequently stolen. This is stated in their terms and conditions.

2. What should I do if my package is stolen?

If your package is stolen, you should immediately contact FedEx and file a claim. You will need to provide information such as the tracking number and details about the package.

3. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening again?

To prevent this from happening again, you can request a signature upon delivery or have the package held at a nearby FedEx location for pickup. You can also consider installing security cameras or having a trusted neighbor or friend pick up your packages for you.

4. Can I get a refund or replacement for my stolen package?

If you have insurance on your package, you may be able to file a claim for a refund or replacement. However, this will depend on the specific details of your situation and the insurance coverage you have.

5. How can I ensure the safe delivery of my packages in the future?

To ensure the safe delivery of your packages in the future, you can request a signature upon delivery, have the package held at a nearby FedEx location for pickup, or consider using a different shipping method that offers more secure delivery options.

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