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Help! Host Book Chaos - What Do I Do?

In summary, the host has changed the date several times and hasn't responded to the customer. The customer is worried that the orders they placed are not going to be fulfilled. The customer is considering leaving a message asking the host to call them back, but is also considering going to the house to check on the host. If the host doesn't call back, the customer will leave another message asking the host to call them back.
Okay I had a host book originally in mid feb., with to online orders that came in. Then she switched the date to March 7th a week later changed the date to the 8th of March. Then after we sent out a second round of invites she switched the date again to tomorrow 4-4-08. Well she has not responded to me at all since we set it for the 4th back at the beginning of March. I have called countless times and sent e-mails as well. What the heck do I do? I just tried to call her again and I left a message.
As others have suggested leave her a message that since you have not heard from her you are assuming the part is still on and you will be at her house at such and such time. Seems to work in at least getting a call back.
And I think one additional part of that message was something about, I have your address, so I will just use Google maps to get directions... For some reason that part really stuck out in my mind...
Hopefully her show is not dated February with any of the discontinued products ordered or guest specials, because it is too late to submit a February show.
Just wondering.
I am concerned about the orders that you have since February that went to your website--aren't they looking for their products?

I also am concerned if someone order something discontinued or a price change. Do check them out to be safe and make sure the guest specials aren't affected.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Back in Feb. I changed the date to reflect March. And I called those that placed an order and told them the show has been changed. I also made them aware that none of there items were on the discontinued list for the new catalog, although the prices have changed. They said they would hold off and just have it submitted when she has her show. Of course I had to change the date two more times and call the guests again. Now I have left messages saying that unless I hear otherwise I will assume the show is still taking palce. HOWEVER you know what they say when you assume! I actually went to to store and bought the ingredients for the dish just incase she didn't purchase it! I guess I have a 50/50 chance of having a show tomorrow. With my luck no one will be there at all when I arrive, not even the host herself. Has this happened to anyone?
  • Thread starter
  • #7
Well I showed up at the house at 6:15p.m. and no one was home. I waited and called the hosts cell and nothing. That was just awesome!
I am so sorry this happened to you!!

What are you going to do now?
Sorry this happened to you. That host was totally rude - been there had that.:grumpy:

Here's what I do now if the host just isn't returning my calls:

I leave a message saying that I really need to speak with her before the party and if she's swamped and doesn't have time to shop for the recipe I can do that for her and I am excited about the party but I know life happens and if she now is unable to host to please let me know so I can do whatever else I might have the opportunity to do during that time.

If I don't hear from her after that I will leave another message saying that since I haven't heard anything I have to think that she is not able to do the show. I say if I'm wrong call me right away because I can still come. I also say that I'm disappointed that she didn't call me to let me know and I hope everything is okay.

You never know, there could have been a family death or illness and returning my call was not her priority just then. I like to leave the door open just in case.
  • #10
Do you have enough outside orders to make a show. Perhaps call those web orders and let them know that you will be placing their orders yourself. That way you make "some" commission for all your troubles.

Related to Help! Host Book Chaos - What Do I Do?

1. What is the "Help! Host Book Chaos" guide?

The "Help! Host Book Chaos" guide is a resource provided by Pampered Chef to help hosts organize and manage their party bookings and orders.

2. How can this guide help me as a host?

This guide provides tips and strategies for keeping track of your party bookings and orders, as well as ways to maximize your party sales and rewards.

3. Do I have to be a Pampered Chef consultant to use this guide?

No, this guide is designed for any host who is hosting a Pampered Chef party. It can be used by both consultants and non-consultants alike.

4. Is this guide available in a physical format or only online?

This guide is available both online and in a physical format. You can access it through our website or contact your Pampered Chef consultant to request a physical copy.

5. Are there any additional resources or tools included in this guide?

Yes, in addition to the tips and strategies, this guide also includes a party planning worksheet and a booking tracker to help you stay organized and on top of your party bookings and orders.

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