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Does a Host Qualify for the Guest Special Without Spending $50 Out-of-Pocket?

Yes, you get commission on the cost of the 1/2 price item the host buys. So if she buys the cookware combo, you get commission on the $220 that she pays for not the total cost of $440.
Gold Member
I just closed a show and wondered if the host gets the guest special if she didn't actually spend $50 out of her pocket? My party was in August and the host had $60 in free product value to spend. She spent exactly that, the $60 in free product value, didn't spend any money out of pocket to get anything at a discount. She did use her 1/2 price options and the monthly host special but I wondered since she didn't pay the required $50 out of pocket, (not using 1/2 price options and monthly host special) would she get the free cookbook? I should have asked this question before I submitted her show and I was looking over the receipts (her stuff gets shipped on monday) and noticed that I didn't give it to her, and then her mom (who is having a show for me in September) placed her order over the phone with me while I was really sick with strept throat and I didn't give her the free cookbook either. :eek: I know that I will have to eat the cost for her mom but what do I do in the case of the host? Please help me. I feel horrible b/c I want everyone to get everything they possibly can especially since she hosted a kitchen show for me. Thanks in advance.
Guest special for HostHi , the Host must spend 50.00 to get the guest special ( example August free cookbook ) so what that means is after she uses the Free 60.00 the if the 1/2 price item that she buys is OVER 50.00 then she csn get the free Guest special ( the cookbook) her out of pocket must be over the 50.00 . That goes for if she uses her % to buy products too . Hope you go that the way I tryed to explain it. You can Call PC and tell about the cookbook that you forgot to put on the order they do give expeptions and as long as you know what cookbook she wants when you call they are good about helping you out Good Luck
Doreen Zaino
Future Director
[email protected]
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  • #3
So, I was right in not giving her the free cookbook right? :confused: She did spend $63 out of her pocket after 1/2 price options and monthly host special.
goest specialIm not sure I get it if she spends over 50.00 money out of her pocket she does get the cookbook ,no matter how she gets there exept if its free snd she spends nothing %, or 1/2 price aslong as she goes over the Free dollars above 50.00
The hostess only gets the guest special if she spends $50 after she uses her free product value, 1/2 priced, AND % off.

So, if Host gets $60 in Free, 2 1/2priced and 20% for $400 in sales. And she spends all of her Free $, buys both of her 1/2 priced and the Host Special then the other half of her 1/2 priced and the out of pocket $ of the Special would count towards the required $50, but only if it equals $50 after the 20% discount. RIGHT?

Just trying to clarify this for myself.

Just look at what the host's balance is at the end of the order. If she owes $50 or more (after everything has been entered), then she is entitled to the free cookbook.
Iam confusedI was told that a host was unable to use her free money she earned for hosting the show, example say she had a $500.00 show she gets $90.00 worth of free products. I was told she could not use any of that$90.00 to purchase the host special.SHe had to buy that out of her own pocket.
Was I told wrong ??? Have i been doing this wrong for almost a year now ???

Someone please explain !!! :eek:
No, a host can't use her free product value to purchase the host special.

Kristi, if your host did spend $63 after all of her host benefits had already been used up she would get the free cookbook.
Let me see if I am getting this straght,..

Host must use earned free product credit on full priced products and/or towards startup kit to $40. She may choose one combo from the back and 1/2 priced items (which of these things do we get commission)
  • #10
You get commission on the cost of the 1/2 priced item the host buys. So if she buys the cookware combo, you get commission on the $220 that she pays for not the total cost of $440.

I don't know if you get commission on the SS kit or not.
  • #11
correct me if i am wrong, but i thought that since the host specials and ha;f price combos are such a great deal already, that we do not make commision off of them. even when i put it in PP, my commisionable sales dont change in price. they stay the same. but once again, correct me if i am wrong
  • #12
I hope that I cover everything... her I go. We do not receive commission on host half price items. This is a service to the host as an encouragement to have higher show totals. This is where we benefit as consultants (from the higher show total)

We do not earn sommission on the monthly host specials either. However if a past host purchases a host special then the current host does get sales credit for this sale. You will notice that someimes your commissionable sales and the the guest sales are different. We only earn commision on commissionable sales.

As far as I understand it. The host will beable to purchase the monthly guest special so long as she spends $50.00 out of pocket. In September, she will receive the guest specials of 20% off plus her additional discount that she earns will apply to these purchases. A great time for her to stock up on Stoneware for herself and as gifts. Check out this flyer that I attached to help her explain just how much she can get!!

Also one last thing. For thoose of you who do not know this we do earn commission on anything that the host gets with her discount after all discounts are applied. If your host wants to take advatage of her 20% discount lets say on $300.00 woth of products, then you will earn commission on $240.00 of those sales. Hope this helps you all.


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2 host specials from original booking?:) I just wanted to inform you guys what ended up happening. I forgot to give the host's mother her free cookbook and I did not give the host the free cookbook b/c I didn't know how it worked and I had already submitted the show when I posted my question. I told my recruiter that I had to eat the cost of the two cookbooks and she told me to call HO and tell them what happened. I did and they are sending out 2 cookbooks to the host for her and her mother!!!! :D I am so relieved b/c I am scraping every penny for the new fall/winter products! I'm psyched. :)

Anyways, I do have one more question-When a host goes to a show that was booked from her show, what happens if the friend has more than one show within the 6 months? Can she go to each show and get the host special or does a booking have to be marked at each show? I'm very curious about this. The reason I ask is b/c my April host had a booking for June. The friend held her show in June and she had 3 bookings with 2 of them being in August. Well, both friends canceled their shows in August and now the June host really wants the SS Bowls so she's having another show for me. Can my April show get the host special again this month since her original booking is having another show? (I hope this makes sense!) Please let me know!! Thanks in advance!
  • #14
If I understand your question correctly, no, she can't receive it twice. Since you officially entered only ONE booking from her original show, then that's the host special she's entitled to. If you would have entered the August show as a booking at the previous show, THEN she would be entitled to the host special. I hope I'm making sense. Maybe call the home office to be sure?? BUt I don't think she's entitled to the August special. :confused:
  • #14
No commission on half priced itemsIn "Recipe for success" it says we do not get commission on half-priced items or monthly host specials. Basically, if PC is giving it away at 50% off or more, they are not going to lose more of their profit by giving 20% commissions to the consultants on top of it!
I double checked with my Director, and she confirmed it. The only commission we earn for hosts is the balance they pay on their discounted items.
  • #15
Ok...I'm kicking myself right now!!!I JUST closed that co-host show that was open for 2 weeks, some of you know about it... The 'drag-your-feet' host specifically ASKED me if she would get a free cookbook. I SAID NO...that it was the guest special! I have been with PC for 4 1/2 years... and didn't know that the host got the Guest Special!!! I feel horrible! I called HO and they said they can't do anything, even though the show hasn't been sent yet!!! :mad: The lady said it says it on the GS flyer...no ...it doesn't!
The host specifically asked, so I feel really bad.
I had been reading about the host getting the stoneware at 20% off PLUS her discount, 1/2 price etc... But I thought that was a special for September, not every month the host being able to get the GS!! I feel bad, and feel like I should go back and get all my hosts cookbooks! Especially the one that ASKED!
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  • #16
If you haven't sent the show you can add it to her order in PP.


As long as the host spent the specified amount of money - out of pocket - then she can get the special. And, she can always order the guest special at the special price.

  • #17
confused!The post on this thread about the 1/2 off cookware commission vs. no commission has me a little confused. I just had a show on Friday and the host used her 1/2 off credit to get the cookware set for $220. I did not receive commission (which I already was aware I wouldn't) but I thought that purchase would go towards my sales total for the month. Then when I plugged it into PP, I decided the 1/2 off cookware must not benefit me in anyway what so ever. But now I am wondering if I am wrong...can someone please explain??

I will make a fake example to show what I am asking -
If I had a show with $550 commissionable sales and $510 in guest sales but the actual show total (which includes the 1/2 off cookware) is $770, what dollar amount would go towards my sales for the month???
  • #18
cheesehead said:
The post on this thread about the 1/2 off cookware commission vs. no commission has me a little confused. I just had a show on Friday and the host used her 1/2 off credit to get the cookware set for $220. I did not receive commission (which I already was aware I wouldn't) but I thought that purchase would go towards my sales total for the month. Then when I plugged it into PP, I decided the 1/2 off cookware must not benefit me in anyway what so ever. But now I am wondering if I am wrong...can someone please explain??

I will make a fake example to show what I am asking -
If I had a show with $550 commissionable sales and $510 in guest sales but the actual show total (which includes the 1/2 off cookware) is $770, what dollar amount would go towards my sales for the month???
"Sales for the month" are commissionable sales and 1/2 price items are not commissionable. So, sorry, the 1/2 price items don't count. :( THe $550 is what would be counted in your "sales for the month."
  • #19
pamperedbecky said:
"Sales for the month" are commissionable sales and 1/2 price items are not commissionable. So, sorry, the 1/2 price items don't count. :( THe $550 is what would be counted in your "sales for the month."

I understand the reason we can't earn commission on the 1/2 off items, but it doesn't seem right that we have nothing to gain by promoting the 1/2 off -the cookware especially! I realize PC is offering such a great deal to the host, but why shouldn't we get a little credit for that sale? I don't expect the $ of commission, but I encouraged the host to buy the cookware, sold her on the product, yet I have no reward for doing so. That kind of stinks.
  • #20
I agreeI have someone that just booked a show in October so she can get the Roasting Pan and the Cookware all for $278 and now I realize that I don't get any credit for any of that. I'm in my SS1 so, Oct will be SS3 for me and was hoping that that would count towards my $1250 for the bonuses, but I guess not. :(

Related to Does a Host Qualify for the Guest Special Without Spending $50 Out-of-Pocket?

1. What is the "Host Getting Guest Special"?

The "Host Getting Guest Special" is a special promotion from Pampered Chef that rewards hosts for inviting guests to their cooking parties. It allows hosts to earn free products and discounts based on the sales made at their party.

2. How does the "Host Getting Guest Special" work?

When a host invites guests to their cooking party, they will receive a special code that they can share with their guests. The guests can then use the code to make purchases on the Pampered Chef website. For every purchase made using the code, the host will earn points towards free products and discounts.

3. What kind of rewards can hosts receive through the "Host Getting Guest Special"?

The rewards for the "Host Getting Guest Special" include free products, discounts on purchases, and exclusive host-only items. The specific rewards will depend on the total sales made at the party using the host's special code.

4. Is there a limit to the number of guests a host can invite for the "Host Getting Guest Special"?

No, there is no limit to the number of guests a host can invite for the "Host Getting Guest Special". The more guests a host invites, the more chances they have to earn rewards.

5. Can hosts still earn rewards if their guests do not make purchases using the special code?

Unfortunately, hosts will only earn rewards for purchases made using their special code. If a guest forgets to use the code or makes a purchase without it, the host will not receive any points towards their rewards. It is important for hosts to remind their guests to use the code when making purchases.

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