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Calling All Consultants for a Online Cluster Meeting!!!!!

In summary, the online show should be promoted as an "online show" and open houses are a great option to bring in new customers.
With gas prices going sky high and people wanting to go on vacations lately, I think people have tightened their belts on their wallets because they need to pick where they spend their money, thus leaving the direct sales business dry and this includes us with Pampered Chef.

I don't know what to do either to get those "MAYBES" to go to a yes with a definate date on my calandar. I am sure I am not the only one that would like my calandar to be fuller either.

I think we all should do some brainstorming and use Chef Success as a online Cluster meeting to brainstorm to get those bookings and get the dates set in ink on our calandars. Thus this is why I am starting a thread for this.

So... My first idea will be to make a flyer to share offering the NEWEST HOTEST ITEM IN OUR CATALOG FOR FREE IF YOU BOOK A SHOW TODAY!!!
The New Mix N' Chop....
I will work on this after I get back from bring my dog to the vet.

I look forward to all other ideas we can bring to Chef Sucess to boost our Summer bookings!!!

So... lets hear it for our online cluster!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Really stress the catalog shows. If you're in an area with lots of people who do the internet thing, sell this as an "online show."
I am calling our Dr.'s offices and eye Dr etc and any other offices I can think of and setting up Lunch shows.... drop offs... where I'm making a couple things and dropping it off... and picking it up the next day or so... I don[t have the ability schedule wise to do that during the school year so I'm working that angle... also I'm doing a kids outdoor show with the mom's at a home on the river... I know the sales from that may not be high but I'm hoping for some bookings. I will attach my bookings bonanza sheet that I'm doing right now but I can't until I get on my other computer. I have confronted the "it's really busy" thing too and I'm suggesting daytime shows instead of evenings sometimes. It's amazing that some don't even think of that as an option until you suggest it. I know that isn't an option if you are working FT. I also play up the fact that even if you are doing an evening, at least there isn't homework to contend with for you or for your guests. On the gas icost ssue... I think I'm going to work that in as this being the way to SAVE gas... they get to fellowship with friends, have a night out and shop for themsleves or those gifts they need all at once! That's living smarter!
I completely agree. I have spent so much time and energy trying to get bookings and people just are not biting. I exchanged shows with a Lia Sophia consultant and am having a show for her this Friday night. I invited 38 people and have 8 coming and 3 maybe's. The rest said no. I think everyone is just picking and choosing what to spend money on right now and these little extras just are not important right now.
I like the idea of calling an "online show". I have a lot of friends that are working career women and we communicate a ton through email. So that would love that idea rather than calling it a catalos show,
I am offering the DIY show for weekends that I don't want to work.
Open houses are also great. Everyone's busy, so the ability to just come and go during the show is a good option.
I really want my June full so I can pay for our trip and so I will be offering 2 free cooking shows at my next 2 shows.
My senior director suggested a referral program where when someone refers someone who has a cooking show, you give them $$ to spend at their friend's show as a thank you for the referral. I'm hoping this will help expand my customer base and help get some shows, as bookings have been bad for me lately (and obviously for my s.d. as she never offers a promotion for bookings!)
  • #10
First - what is a DIY?

Right now I have 7 cooking shows and 3 catalog shows on my books for the end of May, beginning of June. I realize that I'm new and that a lot of the shows I am booking are friends and such, but I'm going to apply what I know about other DS companies, and sales in general here ... I'm going to challenge us to take a real critical look at our thinking ... So, not accusing anyone of not doing the right things or anything like that, and not trying to oversimplify things. On the contrary - what I'm talking about here takes hard work!

We tend to get what we expect. Are we expecting people to say yes or to say no? Often we project results that we don't want because we suspect that we are going to get the answers we don't want. And it is subtle - a slippery slope of thinking. The more we hear no, the more we start to buy into the stinking thinking that tells us that the next person is going to say no, too.

I don't see Pampered Chef as even being in the same category as cosmetics, jewelry, or gift/decorating ware. Everyone has to cook. And, more than ever, people must get the most value for their money. Do YOU believe - I mean, REALLY believe - that your clients are better off spending more for the products you offer than they are going to Wally World and buying a cheaper version? If you hedge on that, think about going out and buying one of those cheaper versions and taking a close look. What makes what you are offering so much better anyway? I know that I am looking at every item in our lines that way. I suggest we each take a product and tell everyone else here WHY the client is so much better off with OUR product than they are with cheaper brand X.

The other thing is are what are we doing to move into different circles of people? One thing I have really learned is that people tend to run with people pretty much just like them, including with people who have similar amounts of disposable income. The one thing I have really strived to do in setting up my early shows here is to make certain that there is no overlap in groups - each hostess takes me into a completely different circle of people. I figure I have to acquire at least one new circle to replace each cooking show I do. If I can't do that from the cooking show itself, then I must find a new host through prospecting.

Ok -- I'll stop now. I hope that these words from a newbie are welcomed!

Oh, btw - the new Mix 'n Chop is on backorder ....
  • #11
June July Bookings Bonanza FlyerHere you go... feel free to critique! :)


  • PC June and July 2007 Booking Bonanza.doc
    67 KB · Views: 435
  • #12
MomToEli said:
Ok -- I'll stop now. I hope that these words from a newbie are welcomed

You have great wisdom. Words from newbies are always welcome here.
  • #13
DIY is a Do It Yourself show. Talk to the host and get a list of items s/he wants to see and play with. Place the items in your crate or your bag (whichever one came with your kit) and take it over to her house on a Friday. Take an inventory list, catalogs, order forms, specials flyers, DYLAB and opportunity brochures. Check off the products on the inventory with her and go over any product she is not familiar with. Over the next 48 hours she is to have friends and family over to play with the products. At the end of the 48 hours you pick up the bag/crate, go over the inventory list with her again and hopefully have sales and bookings. It has worked well for another director in my area.
  • #14
At our cluster meeting last night, we spoke about the different theme shows for the summer to get people to book summer parties. The themes we spoke about were Margarita Ville, Couples night, Saturday morning brunch, BBQ, Alcohol beverage cooking (ABC) show, Let's "wrap" it up. I also thought about a Camping theme show. I also listened in on a tele-class this morning about a "Kid's Cooking Camp". The consultant planned to do kids cooking classes on Tuesdays (2x a day).
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Here are a couple flyers I redid from last year at this time. I am going to send them out to those maybe's and whoever would like to use them or change them however you want you are welcome to them.


  • #16
quiverfull7 said:
Here you go... feel free to critique! :)
I have a dumb question. If a host has 3 bookings does she get all 3 prizes or just the large chillzane bowl?
  • #17
Last night at our cluster meeting we talked about a business in a box while your on the go... What you do is get like a small filing box put host packets, catalogs, recuriting packets, order forms, just a small amount that way when your at your kids soccer game and or practice, dance,dentist office, you can work on your business, dont' forget your contact phone list,
  • #18
There is Never such a thing as a dumb question!!!!!!!
nickywsn said:
I have a dumb question. If a host has 3 bookings does she get all 3 prizes or just the large chillzane bowl?

She will just get the large Chillzane Bowl... but you could make it all three if you wanted to! ... Maybe all three for 4 or 5 bookings? And nooone will get it until the last show is held... then I'll put it on the host order and ask that it be given to that past host.
  • #19
mommyhugz1978 said:
Last night at our cluster meeting we talked about a business in a box while your on the go... What you do is get like a small filing box put host packets, catalogs, recuriting packets, order forms, just a small amount that way when your at your kids soccer game and or practice, dance,dentist office, you can work on your business, dont' forget your contact phone list,

I LOVE THIS! I am just reorganizing and trying to stop all the madness of piles around here... and I just emptied a file box that will be perfect for this... Thanks for sharing because it was driving me nuts in the utility room for the last 5 days!
  • #20
quiverfull7 said:
I LOVE THIS! I am just reorganizing and trying to stop all the madness of piles around here... and I just emptied a file box that will be perfect for this... Thanks for sharing because it was driving me nuts in the utility room for the last 5 days!

I will type of the flyer and post it later on today!!! I love this idea as well.. becasue I have been caught off guard unprepared and I didnt' even have my business cards on me.... nor a catalog!!!! Believe you me... I learned my lesson on that one!!!
  • #21
Business in a BoxHere is the business in a box flyer that I was talking about a little bit ago!!! Hope it helps ... I have an action plan now!!


  • Business In A Box.doc
    26 KB · Views: 378
  • #22
tlennhoff said:
You have great wisdom. Words from newbies are always welcome here.

Ah, thank you, Tasha :eek:
  • #23
cmdtrgd said:
DIY is a Do It Yourself show. (edited....)

Thanks for the long answer - now I know what it is and what it looks like.

Have you ever had problems with not getting your products back?
  • #24
I feel like I sure do know how to clear a room .... :eek:

What happened to the meeting?
  • #25
I love both the flyers ladies--VERY VERY NICE! I did a Price of the Day for July because I will be gone 2 wks (Conference & then vacation w. hubby) but I really really want to earn the sell a thon promotion. The woman I was talking to wanted the last weekend of the month which I hate b/c it'll be hard for me to close by the 5th so I told her she could have any piece of stoneware except the Deep Covered Baker for the price of the day & she changed the date & booked for the first weekend:) YEAH!!! I hope the price of the Day promo works cause I need alot of shows to get to $3000 only working 2 weeks.
  • #26
Bren706 said:
At our cluster meeting last night, we spoke about the different theme shows for the summer to get people to book summer parties. The themes we spoke about were Margarita Ville, Couples night, Saturday morning brunch, BBQ, Alcohol beverage cooking (ABC) show, Let's "wrap" it up. I also thought about a Camping theme show. I also listened in on a tele-class this morning about a "Kid's Cooking Camp". The consultant planned to do kids cooking classes on Tuesdays (2x a day).

OK Ladies--I am soo embarrased to be asking this, but I grew up with authentic mexican food and little else (Mole, Posole, Menudo, enchiladas ect) and I have been asked alot about grilling & BBQ shows, but --here is the embarrasing part--how do you use a BBQ? Can I put my cookware on it? How do i keep stuff from catching on fire? I am too embarrassed to ask my team but it is in demand and I need HELP!

Please someone explain How do I do a BBQ show? My husband although american doesn't BBQ either so I am totally clueless.
  • #27
MGG said:
OK Ladies--I am soo embarrased to be asking this, but I grew up with authentic mexican food and little else (Mole, Posole, Menudo, enchiladas ect) and I have been asked alot about grilling & BBQ shows, but --here is the embarrasing part--how do you use a BBQ? Can I put my cookware on it? How do i keep stuff from catching on fire? I am too embarrassed to ask my team but it is in demand and I need HELP!

Please someone explain How do I do a BBQ show? My husband although american doesn't BBQ either so I am totally clueless.
Please don't be embarassed - everyone is clueless about something!

You don't use cookware on a BBQ, since the whole point is for the smoke to flavor the food as it is cooking. That's why the food is placed straight on the grill. As long as you've got the grate set high enough above the coals (charcoal grill) or flames (gas grill), nothing should catch fire. That said, you do need to be careful of paper and loose, flowing clothing when you grill.

My suggestion is to start small: cook some hot dogs or hamburgers. Check out a grilling cookbook that has a "how to" section in it - your local library probably has one.
  • #28
Great ideas!!! :D Thanks for sharing. I will try the Dollar Days & Booking Bonanza flyers tomorrow @ the World's Largest Garage Sale. I have never done a booth anywhere & just took on a 1/2 shift for another consultant in our cluster who can't make it at the last minute. :eek: Any suggestions are welcome! I am taking old cattys w/the old catty labels, biz cards, calendar, some cash & carry items, recipe cards & drawing slips.

Related to Calling All Consultants for a Online Cluster Meeting!!!!!

1. What is the purpose of the online cluster meeting?

The purpose of the online cluster meeting is for consultants to connect with each other, receive important updates and information, and learn new tips and techniques to improve their business.

2. How do I join the online cluster meeting?

To join the meeting, you will receive a link and instructions from your team leader or through the Pampered Chef website. Simply click on the link and follow the prompts to join the meeting.

3. What equipment do I need to participate in the online cluster meeting?

You will need a computer or mobile device with internet access and a webcam. It is also recommended to have headphones or a headset for better audio quality.

4. Can I attend the online cluster meeting if I am unavailable during the scheduled time?

Unfortunately, the online cluster meeting is a live event and will not be recorded. However, your team leader may be able to provide you with a summary of the meeting afterwards.

5. Will there be opportunities to ask questions during the online cluster meeting?

Yes, there will be designated times for Q&A during the meeting. You can also submit your questions beforehand to your team leader or through the online chat feature.

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