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Advice Needed: Dealing With A Hostess Who Won't Close show

In summary, the hostess canceled last minute multiple times, went on vacation for one week, and now has been home for one week and has not responded to any of the host's messages. The host has submitted her show without the hostess order or her ok, and is getting "concerned" about her friend. The hostess should try calling the guest from whom she has full payment so she can get her items. If the guest does not answer, try contacting the others and let them know that they can pick theirs up when the host has received payment (and it has cleared!).
cookn' katie
I need your advise. This hostess has been a pain since the beginning. She cancelled last minute multiple times. Anyway, she finally had her show. Now I can't get her to close it. Her show was 4 weeks ago. She told me 2 weeks ago the checks are in the mail. She went on vacation for one week, and now has been home for one week. I have left multiple messages on her home and cell phone. I have sent a few emails. Every now and again her daughter answers and then I hear her in the background say, " tell her I am gone". What do I do. I told her I was submitting her show on Thursday. Has anyone ever submitted a show without the hostess order or her ok??? Can I do that? Can I just submit the orders that I have money for? I even gave her over $200 in outside orders that I had come in. But, the people were getting anxious for their stuff, so I submitted their's as a catalog show. I hate to be "that consultant" but I think I am at that point. HELP!
I'd submit it, but have it shipped to your house. You can call the guests from whom you have full payment so they can get their items. Contact the others and let them know that they can pick theirs up when you have received payment (and it has cleared!).
I agree. Hopefully, she's told you what she wants in HER order..? If not, you could tell her that, if you haven't heard back from her by a certain time, you will be choosing her items for her.
Also, I would tell her that all February shows are required to close by the end of March, so this is out of your control. It's company policy. Be sweet about it, but let her no that you really have no other choice.

Other than this, you could also call the host she booked from, and tell her that you're getting "concerned" about her friend _____, as you've been unable to reach her to close her show. Has she been in touch with her? Maybe if you have other people "nagging" her a bit, she'll get on the ball a bit more!!

Best wishes! Let us know how it turns out!!

All good advice that the above ladies gave. I'm sorry you have to go through this... how hurtful to hear her tell her daughter to say she isn't home when you call her. Very immature.

I hope it all works out, and I would close the show too, but first call and try to tell her you need to hear from her by a certain date, or you'll be chosing her items for her. Good luck, let us know what happens, okay?
I would tell her if you don't hear from her by a certain date that she will forfeit her hostess benefits from the show. I would be very uncomfortable picking out her items for her, no matter how much of an idea I had of what she wanted. Good luck with this!
My personal opinion on this: Keep the show open until you can't hold it any longer. If you have phone numbers, you have every right to call the guests to tell them what is going on. If they want their orders right away, offer to submit their orders. Hopefully, you'll get enough to qualify as a show. Be as nice as possible w/o ragging on the host, just the facts. "Haven't placed the order. Haven't been able to reach the host. I can place your order right away, or you can wait until the host closes her show." Of course, if you don't have the money, then tell the guest you don't have payment for that order. I think the guests will be calling the host very, very soon.
jbachen said:
I would tell her if you don't hear from her by a certain date that she will forfeit her hostess benefits from the show. I would be very uncomfortable picking out her items for her, no matter how much of an idea I had of what she wanted. Good luck with this!
Even if you pick out her free and discounted items the host can replace any and all of them. Personally, I wouldn't do this, but it can be done.
Take the high road on this one. You have given her ample opportunity. Once every few years you need to cut your losses and place orders either as individual orders, or be the host yourself. Keep in mind that the host may have had extreme circumstances in her life, and just not be able to deal with you - or anyone - at this point in time. Somehow her "tell her I am gone" self-limiting mind is bringing her small ideas to fruition, but also costing you business. Cut it out - cut her off. Fire her as a host - just give a single final phone message.This is Katie, calling to tell Angela that, rather than delay everyone else's shipment any longer, I am submitting her friend's orders under a different host so they can receive them in a timely fashion. I wanted to thank her and suggest if finances are an issue, a Pampered Chef business is a great way to make a couple hundred extra dollars each month. My commission for this show was $245, and I worked about 3 hours to accomplish everything. Please take care and if you need anything, my phone number is -------.Bless and release.
scottcooks said:
Take the high road on this one. You have given her ample opportunity. Once every few years you need to cut your losses and place orders either as individual orders, or be the host yourself.

Keep in mind that the host may have had extreme circumstances in her life, and just not be able to deal with you - or anyone - at this point in time. Somehow her "tell her I am gone" self-limiting mind is bringing her small ideas to fruition, but also costing you business. Cut it out - cut her off. Fire her as a host - just give a single final phone message.

This is Katie, calling to tell Angela that, rather than delay everyone else's shipment any longer, I am submitting her friend's orders under a different host so they can receive them in a timely fashion. I wanted to thank her and suggest if finances are an issue, a Pampered Chef business is a great way to make a couple hundred extra dollars each month. My commission for this show was $245, and I worked about 3 hours to accomplish everything. Please take care and if you need anything, my phone number is -------.

Bless and release.

Scott, you should really post more often. You have very wise, sound and helpful advice! :)

That was a very well put post!
Are you a Director? (just curious):blushing:
  • #10
Great wording, Scott. Perfect.
  • #11
scottcooks said:
Take the high road on this one. You have given her ample opportunity. Once every few years you need to cut your losses and place orders either as individual orders, or be the host yourself.

Keep in mind that the host may have had extreme circumstances in her life, and just not be able to deal with you - or anyone - at this point in time. Somehow her "tell her I am gone" self-limiting mind is bringing her small ideas to fruition, but also costing you business. Cut it out - cut her off. Fire her as a host - just give a single final phone message.

This is Katie, calling to tell Angela that, rather than delay everyone else's shipment any longer, I am submitting her friend's orders under a different host so they can receive them in a timely fashion. I wanted to thank her and suggest if finances are an issue, a Pampered Chef business is a great way to make a couple hundred extra dollars each month. My commission for this show was $245, and I worked about 3 hours to accomplish everything. Please take care and if you need anything, my phone number is -------.

Bless and release.

I couldn't have said it better my self....:)
  • #12
Scott, perfect wording!Please post more often :)
  • #13
CookingwithMary said:
Scott, perfect wording!

Please post more often :)
ITA - I hope to get the point that I can be levelheaded and quick thinking enough to have the presence of mind to tastefully and naturally work in a RECRUIT pitch in trying to track down a MIA host!

Heck, I'm still working on getting the point where I so naturally bring it up to my hosts!
  • #14
I've had a similar situation... I finally, thanks to the advise of someone on here, called and left her a message saying that I needed to close by ____ not only so her friends could get their things in a timely manner, but that PC requires all shows to close within a month. I also mentioned that the out-of-pocket host benefits were an issue, that they were optional and she was more than welcome to just use her free product value. (She had her eye on cookware - during POR too - but couldn't afford it)
She FINALLY after almost a month of trying to reach her after her show returned that phone call and we closed her show within a couple days...
  • Thread starter
  • #15
Thanks for the great advice. I emailed a booking that I got from her show. I sounded sincere and worried. I told her the situation, she said that she was home from her trip and she had spoke to her that week. She said everything was fine. She also said "Tell her to close now, I want my stuff." I told the hostess before she left, we needed to have it closed to consider it a Feb show. (This was over 2 weeks past her show date). I called her many times to tell her we need to close, your guests will be getting upset that they don't get their products, etc. I also spoke to her about becoming a consultant, her partner was also pushing her to become one also. She told me that she wanted to become one, but if she didn't want to do a show at the last minute, she would call and cancel it. I would love recruits, but I do not agree with that kind of ethic. Anyway, in the messages that I have been leaving this week, I told her we need to close by Thur night otherwise I will close her party with the orders that I have payment for. And it isn't a great show, Right now her total is right around $200. I took away $200 outside orders of mine because my customers were getting upset. I also spoke the the past hostess that she booked off of, she cancelled her order, because it was a wedding present for this weekend. So I will call her again tonight, as if I have upset her for some reason and ask her again. If I haven't heard from her by tomorrow night, I will close it and only submit the orders I have payment for. I don't think I will pick out her stuff, because where do you start? I am ready to cut my losses. I have wasted so much time on her, I don't feel that I will break even on her show. AHHHHHH! I will take any last minute pep talks if you got them. :yuck:
  • #16
cookn' katie said:
Thanks for the great advice. I emailed a booking that I got from her show. I sounded sincere and worried. I told her the situation, she said that she was home from her trip and she had spoke to her that week. She said everything was fine. She also said "Tell her to close now, I want my stuff." I told the hostess before she left, we needed to have it closed to consider it a Feb show. (This was over 2 weeks past her show date). I called her many times to tell her we need to close, your guests will be getting upset that they don't get their products, etc. I also spoke to her about becoming a consultant, her partner was also pushing her to become one also. She told me that she wanted to become one, but if she didn't want to do a show at the last minute, she would call and cancel it. I would love recruits, but I do not agree with that kind of ethic. Anyway, in the messages that I have been leaving this week, I told her we need to close by Thur night otherwise I will close her party with the orders that I have payment for. And it isn't a great show, Right now her total is right around $200. I took away $200 outside orders of mine because my customers were getting upset. I also spoke the the past hostess that she booked off of, she cancelled her order, because it was a wedding present for this weekend. So I will call her again tonight, as if I have upset her for some reason and ask her again. If I haven't heard from her by tomorrow night, I will close it and only submit the orders I have payment for. I don't think I will pick out her stuff, because where do you start? I am ready to cut my losses. I have wasted so much time on her, I don't feel that I will break even on her show. AHHHHHH! I will take any last minute pep talks if you got them. :yuck:

That just sucks. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. It's a shame some people have to be so rude. Just look at it as a bad show and nothing more and move on. At least you got a booking out of the show and who knows what the future will hold.
  • #17
So, you are calling her tomorrow night or you're just closing the show tomorrow night if she doesn't call you?

Maybe you could call one more time and say "I know you've been busy, and you worked hard to have your show. But, I am sending in the paid orders in 2 hours (or whatever). Past host cancelled her order because she needed it this weekend, so your show total is $200. I'll order $25 worth of product for you and if you don't want it you can return it and get what you want. I'm having the products sent to my house. I'll call you when they are delivered, so you can come and pick up your products if you want them. Please, call me by --:-- or I'll assume you're okay with this."

Then pick out something you want for the $25, so if she never comes to get it, you have something you can use. You could even tell her exactly what you're going to order for the $25. This way she isn't really out anything and your customers are getting their things. I would only do this if the customers who paid are all okay with you sending their orders in this manner.
  • #18
I agree with everyone else. Call her and let her know you need to submit them now in order for your guests to get the special. She doesn't know, unless you told her, that you have until the end of the month. Give her a deadline, if you have not heard back from her, you will submit it so that her guests can get their orders. Then give all the guests a call and let them know that you will have their orders shortly.
  • #19
So what happened? I'm unable to fall asleep and want to know! :)
  • #20
(Obviously I'm new at this. ;)) Do you have to give them the hostess gifts? Could you not just say that you will submit the show under your own name and chose smaller items that can be given out as door prizes at future shows if you've not heard back from her by a specific date/time?
  • #21
If you submit the show under the host's name, then, everything is technically the host's. She may return things and get what she actually wants. I wonder what HO would say. I would call the customers who paid for their orders and ask them if they want you to just get their orders sent in. Then I'd send them in under my own show after I informed the host of what I was going to do.

Related to Advice Needed: Dealing With A Hostess Who Won't Close show

1. How can I encourage my hostess to close her show?

One way to encourage your hostess to close her show is by reminding her of the rewards she will receive for reaching her sales goals. You can also offer to help her with any last-minute orders or to provide any additional information she may need.

2. What should I do if my hostess is not responding to my messages about closing her show?

If your hostess is not responding to your messages, try reaching out to her through a different method such as a phone call or social media. You can also consider offering an incentive for closing her show, such as a free product or discount.

3. My hostess wants to keep her show open for longer than the recommended time. What should I do?

It is important to stick to the recommended time frame for closing a show, as it helps to keep the momentum going and ensures timely delivery of orders. However, if your hostess insists on keeping her show open for longer, you can suggest setting a new closing date and offering an incentive for those who place orders before then.

4. How can I help my hostess overcome any hesitations she may have about closing her show?

If your hostess is hesitant to close her show, try to understand her reasons and address any concerns she may have. You can also offer to provide additional support or resources, such as customer testimonials or product reviews, to help her feel more confident in closing her show.

5. What should I do if my hostess decides to cancel her show altogether?

If your hostess decides to cancel her show, it is important to handle the situation with understanding and professionalism. You can offer to help her reschedule or provide alternative options, such as a virtual party. Remember to always prioritize the satisfaction of your hostess and customers.

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