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Should I Confront My Hostess About Her Show Not Being Closed On Time?

In summary, the author attempted to contact the hostess multiple times, but was unsuccessful. The hostess stated that she was not closing the show and there was nothing the author could do.
cookn' katie
Ok~ I need to vent! I had a show last sunday, the hostess knew that the show needed to be closed by today. She said, no big deal I can have it closed on Thursday. So Thurs. I got a call from her sister, Cathy. The hostess had booked a show from her Sept 07. Deb, the hostess was suppose to have 3 shows last year but kept canceling the night before my shows. So anyway, Cathy the sister asked me why she couldn't have an item at 60% off. I explained the situation and she told me off and said she would just take her business to someone else. She said that she couldn't understand why I wouldn't give her a break because her sister had to cancel due to the flooding in Iowa last summer. The flooding was in JUNE!!!! Well over 6 months after her show! Ok~so I tried Deb the hostess Thur, Friday and today. i left messages saying the show needed to be closed by Saturday and have payments here. Her show was going to put me over $5k in sales for my margarita machine. She called this afternoon and said she wasn't going to be able to close until next week. I told her that it really needed to be closed and she stated that she WASN"T closing and there was nothing I could do. AHHHH! i should have learned my lesson when she cancelled on me so many times before. Now I am $69 from $5k. Do you think I should say something to her that I lost an incentive since she didn't get her show closed or just keep my mouth shut? I worked super hard this month and did 6 shows in 6 days. I am super bummed!!! I really need a margarita now and I don't even have the darn maker because of her!!! I have thought of telling her that she now needs to submit it as a March show. Any advice?
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I'd call her at home right now. I don't care that it's 11:30 LOL Well, I don't know if I'd do THAT..but, maybe you are right to submit it for March, at least it will go toward the HWC products...let us know what happens and what you do about it.
Actually, HONESTLY, what I would do is probably put in a personal order of my own for the amount and get that margarita maker. I would never condone that, because in my mind it's cheating, BUT, you knew you would have made your goal had it not been for her, and you worked hard for it, so go for it.
I would let sleeping dogs lie... If you want the $5K level that bad - turn in a $69 ind. order. Really, for what these people have been like to deal with, I wouldn't add fuel to the fire so to speak.

If you turn it in as March, you'll have to foot the bill on the 60% off product & I really wouldn't want do that. As much I'd want to submit as a March show, I wouldn't push on it. You don't want her to run to HO to complain about you only to be told that she has until March 15th to submit a Feb show & get the specials still.
chefsteph07 said:
Actually, HONESTLY, what I would do is probably put in a personal order of my own for the amount and get that margarita maker. I would never condone that, because in my mind it's cheating, BUT, you knew you would have made your goal had it not been for her, and you worked hard for it, so go for it.

Just put it in your DH's name or something...otherwise, it won't count. Not that I'm condoning that or anything. :angel:
chefsteph07 said:
Actually, HONESTLY, what I would do is probably put in a personal order of my own for the amount and get that margarita maker. I would never condone that, because in my mind it's cheating, BUT, you knew you would have made your goal had it not been for her, and you worked hard for it, so go for it.

That's my thought.
That's a hard one - and heart breaking.

I have never told my host they have to close by the end of the month. I always tell them the truth - we have to close by the 15th. I do tell them if I have an incentive though and sometimes this helps. I also tell them the sooner we close the sooner they get their products and the guests get their products.

I don't think I would say anything about it. She obviously wouldn't care with the way she has treated you so far - and may even get some satisfaction from it since her sister couldn't get the 60% off special. Even though that wasn't your fault!
chefsteph07 said:
Actually, HONESTLY, what I would do is probably put in a personal order of my own for the amount and get that margarita maker. I would never condone that, because in my mind it's cheating, BUT, you knew you would have made your goal had it not been for her, and you worked hard for it, so go for it.

I meant, individual order, not personal, sorry
I wouldn't tell her because I have a feeling she wouldn't care! I can't believe she'd say that she wasn't closing and there was nothing you could do about it. WTH? That's REALLY rude!

If you're only $69 away, is there any shopping you have to do of your own for gifts down the road - wedding, bridal, bdays, anniversarys, Christmas even? To work so hard and be so close....
  • #10
pampchefrhondab said:
That's a hard one - and heart breaking.

I have never told my host they have to close by the end of the month. I always tell them the truth - we have to close by the 15th. I do tell them if I have an incentive though and sometimes this helps. I also tell them the sooner we close the sooner they get their products and the guests get their products.

I don't think I would say anything about it. She obviously wouldn't care with the way she has treated you so far - and may even get some satisfaction from it since her sister couldn't get the 60% off special. Even though that wasn't your fault!

Rhonda and I seem to have the same policy. I don't hesitate to tell people that I'm hoping they'll close by a certain date (1) so their customers will get their orders as soon as possible, and (2) because I'm working toward a goal/incentive. But, I do let them know the company deadline.

Doesn't sound like either of those things would matter to this host, though.
  • #11
If you turn it in as a March show, not only will you be footing the bill for the 60% off item but probably many other things with the price increases. And customers are expecting the Feb. guest special.

Sorry this happened. It sounds intentional after what her sister had to say.
  • #12
I have only been able to do this a few times and it feels GREAT My dirctor has been telling us to close the party THE NIGHT OF THE SHOW .

As may of the training tapes say all the people came to the hosts house the
night of the show , why should they wait a week so the host can get 1 more order some times she doesn't even get that/

It's all in the way tou coach them GET the orders before the party and you need to close that night ( ok maybe the next day ) but wow what a grat feeling not to have 3 shows hanging on for a week or more
  • #13
cookn' katie said:
Ok~ I need to vent! I had a show last sunday, the hostess knew that the show needed to be closed by today. She said, no big deal I can have it closed on Thursday. So Thurs. I got a call from her sister, Cathy. The hostess had booked a show from her Sept 07. Deb, the hostess was suppose to have 3 shows last year but kept canceling the night before my shows. So anyway, Cathy the sister asked me why she couldn't have an item at 60% off. I explained the situation and she told me off and said she would just take her business to someone else. She said that she couldn't understand why I wouldn't give her a break because her sister had to cancel due to the flooding in Iowa last summer. The flooding was in JUNE!!!! Well over 6 months after her show! Ok~so I tried Deb the hostess Thur, Friday and today. i left messages saying the show needed to be closed by Saturday and have payments here. Her show was going to put me over $5k in sales for my margarita machine. She called this afternoon and said she wasn't going to be able to close until next week. I told her that it really needed to be closed and she stated that she WASN"T closing and there was nothing I could do. AHHHH! i should have learned my lesson when she cancelled on me so many times before. Now I am $69 from $5k. Do you think I should say something to her that I lost an incentive since she didn't get her show closed or just keep my mouth shut? I worked super hard this month and did 6 shows in 6 days. I am super bummed!!! I really need a margarita now and I don't even have the darn maker because of her!!! I have thought of telling her that she now needs to submit it as a March show. Any advice?

All though it would be nice to "get back at her", you still need to submit as a February show.
  • #14
I think she means she is considering submitting as a march show and having her give up her 60% off host bonus and switch to March specials.
But, that's just how I read it.
  • #15
chefsteph07 said:
I think she means she is considering submitting as a march show and having her give up her 60% off host bonus and switch to March specials.
But, that's just how I read it.

I know what she was saying, I was just pointing out that it is a February show, no matter what, because it was a cooking show held in February.
  • #16
That sucks. Hey, I notice you're from Oxford. My husband grew up in Middle Amana...not to far from you! Do you know any Leichsenrings?
  • #17

I'm feeling your pain....if 2 of my cattie shows would have closed when I asked them...I would be on the Level 1 and getting my Kitchen Aid hand mixer. However, both of them have "more" orders so I guess I will see what comes of it. I'm looking on to the big picture...more sales for my trip to Disney!
I will learn from this one...closing date and time will be more on the forefront of my host coaching...and I won't make it the last day of the month. I'll do it a few days before so I have this "cushion".
  • #18
I thought, as long as the show was DATED February, you had until March 15 to submit it as a February show meaning the host could still get the February Host special. It would not count as February incentive or commission for us b/c we're submitting in March, but the benefit would not change for the host. It would not be fair in any situation to have a show in Feb and advertise the guest and host special for the current month and then close it in March where none of that would apply. Right?
  • #19
You're right, Tara.
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  • #20
I called the hostess today to see if she was ready to close. She said it maybe a few days before she will close. I explained to her that we had told the customers that the shipment would be in this week and we need to get it closed soon, that people would be expecting their items. She stated back that they knew we weren't closing for awhile. I told her that we had agreed to close last week and that's what we told her guests. I also explained that I reallly wanted to have it closed by Saturday for an incentive the company was having. I explained that I missed the incentive since she didn't close on Saturday. She claimed she didn't care because she has another $200 in orders and that it was more important to have a good show. I felt like I was super nice about it, and just stated that we weren't on the same page. I am changing the way I hostess coach from now on, you know a whole month ahead that you are having the show. You should be getting any orders before the show starts and only have orders after the show for the few that weren't able to come last minute. I am telling everyone we are closing 2/3 after the show. I think I am going to offer incentive to have your outside orders ready before the show and to close on with in 3 days of your show. Do you guys do anything like this? Back to the hostess, I don't think she gets it!! She has no respect for anyone but herself! Katie
  • #21
If it's any consolation Katie (and if she really does have the additional $200 in orders) - that extra commission will probably more than pay for the Level 1 incentive that you were wanting.....silver lining :)
  • #22
oops, sorry, I got your incentive mixed-up with someone elses.....still your extra commission will probably buy that margarita machine - and you have extra inentive points now too.....
  • #23
well - I tried to make you feel better - but I googled the dang thing and it's over $100 :eek: sorry, sometimes our hosts just suck! Maybe she will get a lot more outside orders to help make up for the dissappointment....
  • #24
Katie, if she really does have $200 in outside orders, why not submit it as a separate show? That way she gets the host incentive twice, and you finally get the show closed!
  • #25
Well, REGARDLESS, did you tell her that she HAS to have everything in by the 15th?
And DEFINITELY let your hosts know ahead of time what is an acceptable time frame for leaving a show open, 2-3 days is MORE than enough time rather than waiting on that "one more order" that never comes.

That stinks for you!:thumbdown:
  • #26
pamperedlinda said:
well - I tried to make you feel better - but I googled the dang thing and it's over $100 :eek: sorry, sometimes our hosts just suck! Maybe she will get a lot more outside orders to help make up for the dissappointment....

Linda....bless your heart for trying girl!!!

Sorry this is happening. I close that night and share that with my host when they get their packets. If they are no more than $30 away (personal rule) from the next level, I will give them 2 more days to bump up. After that....show is closed.

$69....if you can do it, put in an individual order. If you cant, suck it up and make a mental note NOT to deal with this lady again! Who knows what she is thinking, but business is business.

Head up! This aside, it sounds like you are doing great! Keep it up!
  • #27
That won't help her with the incentive Sarah, she already missed it. Might as well keep in open now.
  • #28
pampchefsarah said:
Katie, if she really does have $200 in outside orders, why not submit it as a separate show? That way she gets the host incentive twice, and you finally get the show closed!

Wouldn't she lose some FPV for that though too? I wouldn't reward her behaviour by giving her TWO 60% off items when SHE got screwed out of the margarita maker...
  • #29
The Cooking Show I did last night had been on my website since Feb 10th for March 2nd! She had all 11 of her outside orders entered on my website before the Show! She also sent out an email to each person who ordered (they were all from her office) on Friday that we were closing last night after her Show and she needed cash or checks by the time she left work yesterday! When I got to her house, she already had $475 in sales! She gave me all that cash/checks last night plus everyone at the Show paid me. I sent it in at $656.78 last night! I gave her $20 extra free for having five or more outside orders and I bought her Host Special for having over $500 in sales! I want her to host for me all the time now! She was great!

Even the best Host coaching ever will not get through to some people so don't feel you "failed" in some way! She just has an attitude! Maybe from now on you can offer some kind of incentive (something small like less than $5 if they close that night) or extra free product if it is a $500+ show!
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  • #30
Thanks for your words of advice. I just need to quit sulking and move on!!!
  • #31
As far as it being "lying" to a hostess to tell them they have to close by a certain date - I really don't think it is. How often are we told by HO that this is our business to run as we see fit - within the given guidelines of course. I personally feel that the deadline information on a flyer is for me and I am the one that sets deadlines for my hostesses within the given time frame.

Now I won't come right out and tell them that they can't have the February special if they don't submit their show by Feb. 28th but I will tell them that because it's the end of the month I need to get all of my shows cleared and off my calendar to move on to the next months specials. This is hostess by hostess - I obviously don't tell the person who has her show on the 28th that she has to close that day if she isn't ready - but I will tell the person who had her show on the 26th that I will close and send her show on the 28th.

Just my opinion, hope it helps someone.
  • #32
I would not even consider changing the month of the party. That would be suicide! First and foemost, you would have to eat all the price increases and there were alot! Second, you would have to explain that certain products were not available because they were discontinued in the 28th. Third, mailing refunds for the products that were discontinued? To much of a pain. Find the host benefits flyer. Attach it to an e-mail and tell her where to find the submitted by date. If you point it out, and she misses it then it is no longer your problem. Oh and save the e-mail you send her telling her about it.
Then find the 6 month info on the host benefit in case she brings that up and make sure you have it handy if she argues with you about that as well. Basically shove it back at her. Make it her problem to close. If she does not, give her alist of guest who ordered discontinued stuff and the price increase and tell her needs ot ask for more money form them or ahas to refund them. Let it be her problem.

Related to Should I Confront My Hostess About Her Show Not Being Closed On Time?

1. Why is it important for a hostess to close their show on time?

Closing a show on time is important for both the consultant and the hostess. It allows the consultant to receive payment and credit for the sales and also ensures that the hostess receives any rewards or incentives they may have earned.

2. What should I do if my hostess is not closing her show on time?

If your hostess is not closing her show on time, it is important to communicate with her and remind her of the deadline. You can also offer to assist her in collecting orders and payments to help close the show on time.

3. Should I confront my hostess about her show not being closed on time?

Confrontation may not be the best approach, but it is important to have a conversation with your hostess about the importance of closing the show on time. You can also express how it affects your business and offer solutions to help close the show on time.

4. What should I do if a hostess consistently cancels or reschedules shows?

If a hostess consistently cancels or reschedules shows, it may be necessary to have a conversation with them about the impact it has on your business. You can also consider setting boundaries and policies for future shows to avoid this issue.

5. Should I mention any incentives or rewards lost due to a hostess not closing her show on time?

It is important to communicate with the hostess about any incentives or rewards that may be lost due to the show not being closed on time. However, it is important to approach the situation professionally and find a solution rather than placing blame or making the hostess feel guilty.

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