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Will I Be Successful at My Upcoming Jenny Craig Interview?

In summary, Kathy was nervous for her upcoming interview at Jenny Craig, but is excited to try out a new job and meet new people. She is currently working part-time at a PT job and is considering returning to Jenny Craig for another weight loss journey.
I have an interview at Jenny Craig for next week. I applied for a job. I am a little nervous because I am not at goal weight but they never asked me about that.

My hubby is encouraging me to get a full time job. This will be a customer care type of job. Wish me luck!

Good luck, Kathy! I bet you'll be a great cust svc person for them.And just because you're not at goal weight doesn't mean that you'll not be a model employee. I think it will actually give you perspective from the point of view of the clients.
Good luck Kathy - I think you'd be GREAT at it!
Best wishes, Kathy!
Good luck! Let us know how it goes!?
  • Thread starter
  • #6
I have sent in a resume to Medifast but have not heard from them. I called the main number to be proactive. There is also some other potential jobs like at Neiman Marcus Direct that I will apply for.

Hubby wants me to work full time - I think I would be very good with anything involving customer service. I love my current job but it involves being on a hard floor all day long (and sometimes very physical) and I just don't think I can do that long term 40 hours a week. Not that there are 40 hours avilble right now anyway
Hope you get the job you want. You keep saying Hubby wants you to get a full time job. Has there been a discussion about this? Do you want a full time job or are you feeling pushed into doing this? This isn't my business. I'm just commenting on your posts.
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  • #8
Well - I have not been very disciplined working at home or spending to much time by myself I guess is more the problem. Probably too much time on Chef Success too MY PC busienss doesn't make a lot of $$$ because they are all gong to charity

I like my current PT job but can't imagine being on my feet 40 hours a week on a hard floor. My left quad has been hurting for the last few days and I do not have a day off until Thursday. On my feet everyday.

I did a 6 hour craft fair yesterday which you know means at least 8 hours on your feet packing setting up etc. Then I had a 4 hour shift at work afterwards.

I just started with Fun Unlimited and it's promising (and I amnot promising my oney to everyoe on this) and I am still with PC. I was so excited to see two Cheffers yesterday at the craft fair. Met Lori and saw Patsy again. I met Patsy at a Suzi Lite talk.

Good luck with your interview! I was going to reply to your other post about the programs, but figured I'd do it all here.

I had 30 pounds to lose and was able to do it with Jenny Craig. I had tried other things, but just couldn't make anything else work. I lost all 30 pounds and have kept it (mostly) off for 3 years. I've thinking about going back to get rid of the 5 pounds that has crept back since I stopped running as much.

Things I like about JC:

*The food is actually pretty good.
*Their online community is great....I was there everyday.
*Website is nice with weight track, food journal, etc.
*I looked forward to the weekly weigh-ins...they helped keep me accountable and focused. I was kind of afraid to disappoint my JC consultant.
*The consultants were in various stages in their weight-loss journey. I had been afraid that I'd walk in and there would be nothing but skinny ladies who had never had any weight issues trying to give me advice, but that's not the case.

Things I didn't like about JC:

*Very pricey. It cost me $300+ to join their Platinum Program, but I got half of that back after I had maintained my goal weight for one year. Then it was approximately $130 per week for food. After I got a handle on the program and portions, I was able to substitute things from the grocery store to cut down on costs, so it was only about $75 a week in JC food.
*Some consultants are better than others. They are not trained nutritionists, and get a commission on the food they sell so some tried to push food even when I was trying to do more "meals on my own". I'd have to say that mine were friendly and supportive, for the most part, but I've heard some horror stories from the online forums.

  • #10
Just a thought...consider applying at the local hospitals and HMOs. Many different types of jobs--something I overlooked for years. Have been working for an HMO for 10 year as of next month, customer service. Hope this helps,Gwen
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  • #11
Thanks for all the supportive answers - I have to say as far as the hubby thing we are both a little passive in the conversation department. The way I was raised I learned to avoid confrontation. I am responsibile for not being more disciplined and bringing in the $$$.

Our life has never been 'normal' since we got married - My mom was diagnosed with cancer 2 weeks after our honeymoon. Then we dealt with her care and treatment and passing. I jumped into PC right during the middle of this as a way to try to deal - By doing these fundraiser and giving away my commision but I am also giving a way a lot of time and energy at the same time.
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  • #12
I am nervious and nervous but tomorrow is the big day
  • #13
Just be yourself... You are going to do GREAT!
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  • #14
You are TOO sweet
  • #15
Be sure to keep us updated. We want to celebrate with you!
  • #16
Best of luck to you. I know you'll do great!
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  • #17
Well to be proactive I called the Medifast line on Saturday and asked if I would be hearing from them. You never know with applications you submit online. I just asked if perhaps I did not fit their qualifications or the jobs were no longer available. Well guess who called on Monday to let me know that they had received my info and would be checkingw ith the local centers. I let them know I was following up with them because I had an interview with another weight loss center and then I finally got a response.

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  • #18
Well the interview at Jenny went very well - I hope to get a call back for a second interview. The position I am interviewing for is a Customer Care Coordinator. There is lots of potential for moving up within the organization if I choose to later. Counselor and above Hopefully have a second interview next week - Keeping my fingers crossed The center I interviewed at doesn't have a lot of hours right now. I might be working at 2 centers. It is the slow time of year for most Weight Loss programs - Things will pck up in January of course! LOL!
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  • #19
I just got a call from the center director at the Medifast where a friend of mine works - I met her through a host that is now a consultant on my team.

I have an interview at 5 p.m. this evening

Hopefully this will be a good fit for me

Keep your fingers (or whatever) crossed - Say a prayer etc.
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  • #20
Wow a different center called for an interview too - I am getting very popular in my job search.
  • #21
Woo-hoo! It's always good to have options, so you can actually make a choice.
  • #22
Good luck at your interviews AND making a decision!!!!
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  • #23
I guess my hubby is concerned about the Saturdays - I am assuming that even though Saturday is a regular work day I would htink that you could get a Saturday off occasionally. The one I am interviewing for today is really farther than I would like to go to on a regular basis. It was cost about $6 in tolls round trip to get there in a reasonable amount of time.
  • #24
When you get the job, Kathy, you can celebrate by going out to Pappadeaux on Highway 67 in Duncanville. Go on a Wed-Sat night and ask to be seated in Shawn Bates' section. That's my baby boy. He'll treat you right. :)

Of course, he'd appreciate a really big tip from one of his mama's Cheffer buddies.

Okay, it's a shameless plug for my son, but, hey, what else is new?:rolleyes:
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  • #25
LOL - Wish Duncanville was a little closer I have not been to Pappadaux's in years.

I just wish I had an answerin - I really want to work at the Medifast center in Plano/Frisco. The lady at the Garland center offered me a job but it would cost me $5 in gas and about $6 in tolls to get there in a reasonable amount of time each day. Plus I would have to work more evening, not as many hours as the other center has available. I expect to work on Saturdays but not EVERY Saturday.

There is also the Jenny Craig Center too - They are talking about sharing me between centers so I can get more hours. Hope to hear from them on Monday
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  • #26
I am so nervous - Tomorrow I am supposed to call Rhonda at the Plano Medifast. That is the location I am most leaning too. The one thing nice about all the interviews is they all seem to like m and would like to hire me. I just have the waiting and wondering. I still have more questions for the director and am hoping the answers will be what I want and need.

Jenny Craig is supposed to call me back tomorrow too. I was basically offered a job at the Garland Medifast but it is soooo far from my house. It would cost like $6 in tolls and $5 in gas (current prices) just to get there and back each day.

WIsh me luck - I am just on pins and needles because I don't like a lot of loose ends and not knowing. Of course I also will have a tough time leaving my current job but I look forward to a new adventure.

Throughts and prayers appreciated

  • #27
Kathy, you will make the right decision!!! I have faith in you!
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  • #28
Wow - It just gets more interesting A different center has now called me. She said it will be a full time position. WOHOO! And it's not too far from my house. So ANOTHER interview on Wednesday
  • #29
Holy cow!!! Please let us know how it turns out, Kathy!!!!!!

Good for you!! You're in demand!!!!
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  • #30
The saga continues - The cener I was supposed to call yesterday never called back - I will try again today. The center that called me yesterday also called back to cancel (We don't check this BEFORE calling an applicant)
Jenny Craig called and scheduled an interview at the same time as the one that was cancelled
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  • #31
Well interview #2 at Jenny Craig went well. I had to decline the one offer from Medifast. That center was too far from my house. I am hoping the original center I interviewed will call back. I know she is slow about returning call but come on - How many time am I supposed to call them???
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  • #32
Well it turns out with the interview #2 the director didn't understand that i would be open to a position as a consultant so they hired a different person for the consultant position. Since training fell through she is taking the place of the customer coordinator until training is done. Kinds of bummed. This does mean they like me and that there should be a position available in the next few weeks.

My stress level has been very high - Not sure why or how to fix it. Been very irritable and I don't like that feeling. It's not my normal charming self LOL!

  • #33
Something even better is going to come along - that way, when that dope calls back, you can politely tell her to GO POUND SAND!How do idiots get into management?
  • #34
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
How do idiots get into management?

The Peter Principle explains that clearly!
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  • #35
THe idiots that are in charge are what make the rest of us hate our jobs. My current manager is very nice but she hired her future daughter in law onto our team. She doesn't feel that she show shows favoritism but the rest of us would disagree. The both take days off and vacation off at the same time. We only have 7 people on our team so heaven forbid anyone else needs time off. She also doesn't think her sone is a mama's boy - Does any mother ever think her son is a mama's boy. She took 4 days off to spend extra time with him before he went to the coast guard and DIL tool off 5 days. So all three could spend more time together - These kids have been married about 6 months and mom is over at their house at least twice a week. Too much togetherness for me.
Anyway - On the job search I saw another position at a different center for JC so I called the original center before applying. He forwarded my resume to them. They have a very thorough interview and application process. He is still interested in me as a consultant so we re going to sit down and talk today to go over more details since this is not the original job I applied for.

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  • #36
Well I got the job offer from Jenny Craig now to talk it over with hubby and see what he thinks Now you are really going to have to wish me luck!!!
  • #37
Good luck!
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  • #38
It's official!!! I start my new job on Tuesday - They are going to work with me so that I can start training on my days off at my current job - Too cool

I will be a customer care coordinator until I can go to Jenny Craig Consultant training next month

Have you called Jenny ? LOL!
  • #39
Congrats! Job hunting is such a PITA. Ask me how I know :p
  • #40
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  • #41
Wow - Sorry I haven't been on much. I started last Tuesday and am actually working both jobs until Sunday. I ad to finish all my pre-work and actually started my training as a consultant today. 4 more full days fo training next week 9 :30-6:30 I will actually start getting introduced to clients on Dec 2 . I am replacing a consultant that is transferring so I have a client base already. I am nervious but excited.

I have already restarted on the JC plan too and already losing weight WOHOO!!!

Hope everyone is doing great. Working on a few fundraisers so my PC career is a little slow right now. I am thinking about working on getting some Healthy for you PC shows going in the early part of next year

Any ideas??
  • #42
Hi Kathy!!

Long time to "talk"....congrats on the new job!!

Are you going to have time to do your Healthy PC shows with working full time?

I have no real ideas for you - just wanted to say hi and congrats on your new job!!!!
  • #43
For "healthy shows" in January I am offering them as Real Food Real Fast Shows. I will be doing Smashed Potato Soup (from the "It's Good For You" Cookbook) or the Quick Turkey Chili in the DCB. Both are low in fat, and with the addition of some extra veggies in the Potato Soup (I use a carrot/celery/onion mixture in mine) - complete meals - just add some french bread or corn muffins and you are all set!

Other than that, I'll probably keep doing the 30 minute chicken - since I keep getting requests for that show.

And congrats Kathy on getting the job!
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  • #44
Sorry I have been so quiet - I am still around. Have a few nibbles of some fundraisers. I also got the CD on managing a full-time job plus PC. I ahve been getting more OJT training than most consultants. Since I had clients already when I got back from training I have already been covering for other consultants while they are takings ome time off for the holidays.

I love it - I am excited about the New Year - Some of you may have heard rumors about the new spokesperson. I love Valerie Bertinelli's new commericial about resolutions.
  • #45
Glad things are going well for you! Miss your chat on here!!
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  • #46
I miss you guys too - How are you doing?? I am still alive and well I have just been a lot busier

This will probably get crazier with Jenny Craig and the Power-Pops biz as the ew Years resolution people start contacting us. Biz at JC has already picked up after Christmas.

I am working on creating some JC recipes for a contest for their new cookbook

Related to Will I Be Successful at My Upcoming Jenny Craig Interview?

1. Will my weight affect my chances of being hired at Jenny Craig?

No, your weight will not affect your chances of being hired at Jenny Craig. The company focuses on promoting a healthy lifestyle and weight loss, but it does not have specific requirements for its employees' weight. As long as you are qualified for the job and have a positive attitude towards promoting wellness, your weight should not be a factor in the hiring process.

2. What should I wear to my Jenny Craig interview?

You should dress professionally and present yourself in a neat and polished manner for your interview. Business casual attire is typically appropriate for customer care positions, but it's always best to err on the side of being slightly more formal. Avoid wearing anything too revealing or casual, such as ripped jeans or tank tops.

3. What types of questions can I expect during my Jenny Craig interview?

You can expect to be asked about your previous customer service experience, your knowledge and interest in health and wellness, and your ability to work in a fast-paced environment. Be prepared to give specific examples from your past work experiences that demonstrate your skills and qualifications for the job.

4. How can I prepare for my Jenny Craig interview?

To prepare for your interview, research the company and its mission and values. Familiarize yourself with the products and services they offer. Practice answering common interview questions and have examples ready to showcase your skills and qualifications. It's also important to arrive early, bring a copy of your resume, and have a positive and enthusiastic attitude.

5. Does Jenny Craig offer any employee benefits?

Jenny Craig does offer employee benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and employee discounts on products and services. However, the specific benefits may vary depending on the position and location. During your interview, you can inquire about the benefits package and any other perks that may be offered to employees.

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