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Tips for Host Coaching 19 Shows!!!

In summary, the expert recommends creating a checklist of steps to follow for each show, scheduling call time with hosts, and coaching back-to-back.
Gold Member
I need some tips for host coaching... I have 19 shows scheduled for February!!! :) Ten are cooking shows and 9 catalog shows!!! For the first time since I started (almost 2 years ago) I have so many shows that I'm afraid I will forget to do or miss something important!!! I'm a little overwhelmed right now!
Also... how or do you host coach for catalog shows??? I'm pretty sure all the catalog shows won't all pan out. Some opted for catalog shows because they wanted February weekends and my all my Feb weekends were full...

any tips so I won't forget any key point in host coaching???
Everyone's different. What works for me is a checklist. I'd make a spreadsheet with each show listed along with each step of your host coaching.Here's my version. I make a folder for each show as it's scheduled. I have a vertical file where I keep the folders. One each folder I put a 2 x 4 label with each step of my host coaching. I check them off as I do them.
First of all congratulations on 19 shows in one month!

Are you all of your shows on certain days (ie., Fri night, Saturday and Sunday) or are they whenever? If they are on certain nights, I would scheduled specific days to do your calling and make phone apts with your hosts. I used to do that (don't know why I don't now) and it worked wonderful.

Also coach your catalog show's like your cooking show's. That is what I do and my catalog show average is $650.

Good luck and let us know how your month ends up!
Use the host checksheet list on the paperwork CD. This way you can keep track of who you have talked to, what you have talked about or messages you have left. And do your calls all on one day. That way you aren't trying to figure out who you still need to call.
whoa! congrats!!
OMGoodness! I wish I wish I had 19 shows for February! Wahoo to you!
Wow what a great month you are going to have! Got any tips for us that would also like 19 shows?
Great job! Go into it positively and not think "Some may cancel"! Really push the "60% off one item". I got a great flyer from here for Catalog Hosts. I'll attach it here so you won't have to hunt so much! I also modified a letter to be attached to catalogs that are taken to work. Hope these help you!


  • Hosting a Catalog Show - Individual.doc
    37.5 KB · Views: 573
  • Cover letter to pass around catalog at work for Kim Nipper.doc
    266.5 KB · Views: 578
  • Thread starter
  • #9
PCJen said:
Wow what a great month you are going to have! Got any tips for us that would also like 19 shows?

I don't know exactly anything that I'm doing different...

At the first of January I was kinda bummed out because I didn't have any shows in December and I had three for January but one cancelled and another postponed! Then, I booked 5 in two days (2 actually calle ME!!!) and at the January party I had I got another 5 bookings. Then between yesterday and today another 3!!! I couldn't wait to call my director and tell her!!! and she wasn't home!!!

All of a sudden it's like they're coming out of the woodwork!!!
  • #10
caraighan said:
I don't know exactly anything that I'm doing different...

At the first of January I was kinda bummed out because I didn't have any shows in December and I had three for January but one cancelled and another postponed! Then, I booked 5 in two days (2 actually calle ME!!!) and at the January party I had I got another 5 bookings. Then between yesterday and today another 3!!! I couldn't wait to call my director and tell her!!! and she wasn't home!!!

All of a sudden it's like they're coming out of the woodwork!!!

Boy, that's nice when that happens. I've had that happen too, with 10 shows total. Did you happen to tell the guests what you are making in Feb.? I haven't done that yet and wondered if that really helps too.
  • #11
Coach each show as if it were your only show for the month...and if it all possible, do the coaching in person so as to minimize cancellations (IMHO).

Also, try coaching back-to-back. I always try to do as many HC-ing as possible on the same day. I'll park myself at a coffee shop and then have a different host every 30 minutes or hour. You'd be amazed at how in the groove you get. (Just make sure you write down everthing unique to each show...otherwise they will all blend together!)
  • #12
I wish I had your problem! Lol. Good luck!! I think the tips here are perfect!
  • #13
There is a Host Information sheet on CC I think - I use that - I have a binder broken up into months and then I put the shows in order 1st - 31 of month - then Call the host, write everything down, and move on to the next host - I would recommend giving yourself a time allotment as well - this way you stay on schedule - do 4 one day and give yourself 1 hour. good luck and way to go with 19 shows!!!! You will be a busy little beaver in Feb!!
  • Thread starter
  • #14
PCJen said:
Boy, that's nice when that happens. I've had that happen too, with 10 shows total. Did you happen to tell the guests what you are making in Feb.? I haven't done that yet and wondered if that really helps too.

That's what did it for most of them!!! a few would have hosted anyway, but most was because of the Feb special!:D
  • Thread starter
  • #15
PamperedDor said:
There is a Host Information sheet on CC I think - I use that - I have a binder broken up into months and then I put the shows in order 1st - 31 of month - then Call the host, write everything down, and move on to the next host - I would recommend giving yourself a time allotment as well - this way you stay on schedule - do 4 one day and give yourself 1 hour. good luck and way to go with 19 shows!!!! You will be a busy little beaver in Feb!!

I'll need these shows! We've had lay-offs... voluntary and not so voluntary!!! I was off a month. Just went back to work on Monday and we have a meeting next week...:(
  • #16
caraighan said:
That's what did it for most of them!!! a few would have hosted anyway, but most was because of the Feb special!:D

So what are you making in Feb?
  • Thread starter
  • #17
I've been making the Tiramisu Brownie Trifle a lot lately. I've also been doing the Deluxe Cheeseburger Salad. I'm not sure what else...
I like making the Pork Tenderloin in the microwave too! It always amazes people that you can make it so quick and it tastes really good! Plus, I like showcasing the DCB!!! :D
  • Thread starter
  • #18
anyone have suggestions on what to make???
  • #19
congrats on all the shows!
If you haven't done the creamy one pot pasta; I definately recommend that. Everyone loves it & it's simple.
  • #20
So how did your month turn out?
  • Thread starter
  • #21
esavvymom said:
So how did your month turn out?

Well, I had a couple of shows cancel, one where no one showed up (not one single solitary person, just the host), some of my catalog shows didn't pan out, but some did better than expected. I also picked up two other cooking shows and two more catalog shows. One catalog show closed at over $300, which is really good cause I expected her to do the minimum, and I'm closing another catalog show today at $400!

If all the shows had closed in February I would have over $4000, but some didn't close yet. I didn't even make it to the $2500 for kitchen electronics. :cry: I was about $2200. :cry::cry:

anyway it gives me a start on march commissions!

gotta go to church now!!!!!!! :angel: Bye!!!

Related to Tips for Host Coaching 19 Shows!!!

1. How do I schedule my 19 shows for host coaching?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, it's important to have a plan in place for host coaching. Start by setting a goal for how many shows you want to schedule and then reach out to potential hosts via phone, email, or social media. Be prepared with potential dates and themes for their shows to make the process smoother.

2. What are some tips for keeping my hosts engaged during the host coaching process?

Host coaching is all about building a relationship with your host to ensure a successful and fun show. Keep your host engaged by regularly communicating with them, sending them reminders and updates, and offering them incentives for reaching certain goals. Also, make sure to listen to their needs and preferences to tailor the show to their liking.

3. How can I help my host reach their show goals and earn free products?

One of the main benefits of hosting a Pampered Chef show is the opportunity to earn free products. As their consultant, it's your job to support and guide them in reaching their show goals. Offer tips and suggestions on how to invite guests, share recipes and product information, and remind them of the rewards they can earn.

4. What should I include in a host coaching packet?

A host coaching packet is a great tool to provide your host with all the necessary information to have a successful show. It should include details about the products, recipes, and ordering instructions, as well as tips for hosting and inviting guests. You can also include a fun game or activity to get guests excited about the show.

5. How can I make the host coaching process more efficient?

Host coaching can be time-consuming, especially when managing multiple shows at once. To make the process more efficient, consider using online tools and resources such as email templates, social media posts, and scheduling apps. You can also delegate tasks to a team member or host coach to help lighten the workload.

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