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Boost Your Catalog Show Success: Tips for Hosting and Coaching Catalog Hosts

Contact/call Nancy and ask her about setting aside what you want and billing/shipping it on the 1st.For those of you who like the three card method...have you thought about making up your own cards? Laurie can provide a template and you can print them out.
Hey does anyone host coach their catalog hosts? I'm not really sure how to do that and I have two Catalog shows in Sept, so I want to make sure they do really well .. Any tips, suggestions, forms?? Thanks!
I coach them similarly to the cooking show hosts (just omiting the recipe and directions to their home parts of it) and I also point out that they are doing my job and wouldn't you want to be paid for that!?
First, I give them the following flyers in their host packet - and then call them and go over the info with them. I actually have more in my Catalog Host Packets then I do in my Cooking Show Packets. Staying in contact is key! You have to keep them excited. I call once a week, email once a week, and send one postcard a week while they are doing their catalog show.


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  • !Catalog Show Cover Letter.doc
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  • Catalog Host Show Planner.doc
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  • Catalog Show Host Letter.doc
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I also use the catalog planner. I love it and it gives me something to run through with them whether it be in person or over the phone. I make sure to set the closing date the first time we speak. Once they start I call them after 3 days to see how they are doing and if they have any questions. I remind them that out of state orders can also be accepted and to collect payment once the order is placed that way they don't have to search down that guest on XdateX when the show will close. Don't forget to praise them on the fantastic job and offer the business opportunity to them. Just look at how many people were willing to help her earn free and diso****ed products!
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becky, what things (email, postcards) do you send them? do you have them on your computer at all so i can see them?

does anyone have a catalog host information sheet? like what to talk about with them during each call?
Thanks for the documents! I have 3 catalog shows going out today! :thumbup:
abrahamlaur said:
becky, what things (email, postcards) do you send them? do you have them on your computer at all so i can see them?

does anyone have a catalog host information sheet? like what to talk about with them during each call?

The emails are just basically - how is it going? Do you need any more catalogs etc...., can I answer any questions for you?, and keep up the good work!

Phone calls are more rah rah rah! and helping them think of other possibilities for
who to ask.......one lady hadn't even thought about taking the catalogs to her sons little league games! She got several orders by doing that - all the moms in the stands pouring over her catalog!

The postcards - so sad! I just stocked up from Nancys because I have always used her 3 cards - Thanks for Booking a Catalog Show, How's Your Catalog Show Coming?, and It's Time to Wrap Up Your Show.........

The more you contact - the more the host feels cared for and encouraged.
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Thanks becky, too bad she is going out of sale, or already had, i dont remember. i could really use those cards!
Laurie, check out her site: Nancy's Artworks. She still has a lot of items (or did a couple of weeks ago anyway) and you can place an order. Her prices are good, and if you USE the products they will TOTALLY pay for themselves with one show!
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ann, when is she going out of business? do you know when the last time is we can purchase from her?

thanks for the website by the way!
  • #11
She's done August 31. From the buzz, she's been putting some great freebies in packages just to get things cleared out of the house. When it was announced that she would no longer be a vendor, she closed her office and moved everything into her basement. *sigh* She's such a sweet lady - she'll be sorely missed. :cry:
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Dang, I cant buy anything before the 1st and even then I'm not sure I'll have enough money :( Oh well ... any other place we can get postcards like this?
  • #13
Merrill has some cards, but nowhere near the variety that Nancy's has. Could your Director get some and use them with you as an incentive? (Just trying to think outside the box here.)
  • #14
abrahamlaur said:
Dang, I cant buy anything before the 1st and even then I'm not sure I'll have enough money :( Oh well ... any other place we can get postcards like this?

Contact/call Nancy and ask her about setting aside what you want and billing/shipping it on the 1st.
  • #15
For those of you who like the three card method...have you thought about making up your own using VistaPrint? That may really work for you!
  • #16
KellyTheChef said:
For those of you who like the three card method...have you thought about making up your own using VistaPrint? That may really work for you!
Thats probably what I'll do.......I'll just have to do them one at a time! Shouldn't be too bad - since I get emails from there every other day!

Related to Boost Your Catalog Show Success: Tips for Hosting and Coaching Catalog Hosts

1. How can I motivate my catalog hosts to have a successful show?

To motivate your catalog hosts, it is important to communicate the benefits of hosting a show, such as earning free and discounted products, as well as the potential to earn host rewards. You can also offer incentives or rewards for hosts who have a certain number of guests or sales. Additionally, providing them with easy-to-use tools and resources, such as social media graphics and sample scripts, can help them feel more confident and excited about hosting a show.

2. What are the best ways to promote a catalog show?

One of the most effective ways to promote a catalog show is through word of mouth. Encourage your hosts to personally invite friends and family to the show and to share the catalog with them. You can also provide them with digital invites or flyers to share on social media. Another idea is to host a virtual event, where hosts can invite their guests to join a live video demonstration or Q&A session.

3. How can I help my hosts with their follow-up after the show?

Following up with guests after the show is crucial for a successful catalog show. Provide your hosts with a follow-up checklist or script to guide them in reaching out to their guests. You can also offer a special discount or promotion for guests who place an order within a certain time frame after the show. Additionally, encourage hosts to share their personal experience and testimonials on social media to further promote the products and show.

4. What are some ways to keep my hosts engaged throughout the show?

To keep your hosts engaged, provide them with regular updates on their show progress, such as the number of guests who have RSVP'd or placed an order. You can also send them reminders and tips throughout the show, such as sharing a new product or highlighting a special offer. Additionally, offering a host-exclusive training or virtual event can help keep them excited and involved in the show.

5. How can I track the success of my catalog shows?

There are several ways to track the success of your catalog shows. You can use a tracking sheet or online tool to keep track of the number of guests, orders, and sales for each show. You can also send out a post-show survey to gather feedback and insights from hosts and guests. Additionally, monitoring the number of repeat hosts and guests can also be a good indicator of the success of your catalog shows.

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