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Those That Are Planning on Cruising....

In summary, Beck is trying to earn a Cruise this year and is close to level 1. Heather is trying to earn her first trip and is close to level 1. Lacy is an expert summarizer of content.
Hey; I thought those of us planning/hoping on earning the cruise could check in & share where you're at on points! Just in case we all need that extra kick in the booty:D

I'm at 41,282; so I need just over 12,000....;)
How about the rest of you?:cool: (I know some of ya have already earned it!)
I'm at 45,882! I have two consultants who signed in September who need to qualify and about 2-3 possible new consultants joining in the next few weeks! And a BUNCH more shows. Yay!!! So only 6118 to go!

12,000 is definitely do-able!! Go for it Lacy - have a great three more months!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!
YOu can do it Lacy!

Whoo HOOO Beck! You're jammin girlfreind! Keep up the team bulidin :)!

I'm a few K shy of level 1 - hoping to make it this year!? ;)
I plan on cruising, but as I was praying last night I told God, "this will take a miracle". If it is His will I will be on the cruise. I need roughly 30,000 points. My plan is to promote to Director, recruit and qualify at least 5 new consultants and have sales at or above $3500 each month till the end. It still doesn't quite add up, but we'll see. I'll do my part if He see fit to bless me with this. I will not be crushed if the answer is, "no". It would be mighty cool to earn Level 2 this time though.

However, the way my fall is setting my spring should be AWESOME!! So earning Level 2 next year should be smooth (barring any unforseen circumstances).
I earned my first trip last year! SanFran was awesome!!
I now have 41,000 points, I am hoping and praying I can pull off this crusie!!!
ok, I'm a dreamer........IF I can get my 5 newest recruits qualified and get my points for promoting I'll still need 11,000 pts. :cry: :cry:

October is looking really good, and I've already got shows booked into November, but I'm just not sure. BUT I know that I sure don't want to give up either. I've got 2 more serious fence sitters that I'm working with too, so I'm hopeful that it can still be done.....
I've heard a statistic that you can do 1/2 of your business in the last 3 months of the year! Keep up the good work, ladies, you can do it! :D
Well I'm a bit of a dreamer as well but I'm trying my hardest to get there! I'm am short 19,000 points right now. I am signing a new consultant this month so that's 2000, I'm hoping to promote a Director next month so that's 3000, and I have another girl who is close to promoting to Director, that would make me an advanced Director giving me 6000 more points. Leaving me 9000 to make up. It's a stretch but I'm going to work hard to try and make it happen!!!

I really really REALLY want to earn my first trip! I've cruised most of my life as vacations, I've even been on both of the ships being offered to us, but I don't care! To me, there's nothing like Royal Carribean Cruise, plus... I want to cruise for the first time in my life as a small person! By that time, my recent gastric bypass surgery should help me be at that point, please wish me luck!
heat123 said:
YOu can do it Lacy!

Whoo HOOO Beck! You're jammin girlfreind! Keep up the team bulidin :)!

I'm a few K shy of level 1 - hoping to make it this year!? ;)
You can make level 1!!! You can do it, Heather!!:) :thumbup: I know you can.
  • #10
As you can see in my signature, I am close! I only have one unqualified recruit right now but a couple more potentials. My husband is Jamaican and neither of us have ever been on a cruise. I WILL earn the cruise!!!
  • #11
I just earned Level 1- It will take a miracle to hit level 2, but my God is in the Miracle Business !!!!
  • #12
mrssyvo said:
I just earned Level 1- It will take a miracle to hit level 2, but my God is in the Miracle Business !!!!

:thumbup: :thumbup: well said!!:thumbup: :thumbup:
  • #13
Last year was my first time I earned a trip and I was behind and pulled it off from October-December. So you all can do it too.
Right now after my 4 new recruits qual.( which all should this month) I will need 4,380 to get the cruise.
  • #14
Wow! Everyone is doing great!!! I currently have 41,135 points and should have a girl qualify this month. Without those extra 2k points, I need 10,878!!! We can do it!!!
  • #15
chefkugler said:
Last year was my first time I earned a trip and I was behind and pulled it off from October-December. So you all can do it too.
Right now after my 4 new recruits qual.( which all should this month) I will need 4,380 to get the cruise.

Can I ask how many points you needed at the end of September last year?
  • #16
OhmyDLM said:
Well I'm a bit of a dreamer as well but I'm trying my hardest to get there! I'm am short 19,000 points right now. I am signing a new consultant this month so that's 2000, I'm hoping to promote a Director next month so that's 3000, and I have another girl who is close to promoting to Director, that would make me an advanced Director giving me 6000 more points. Leaving me 9000 to make up. It's a stretch but I'm going to work hard to try and make it happen!!!

I really really REALLY want to earn my first trip! I've cruised most of my life as vacations, I've even been on both of the ships being offered to us, but I don't care! To me, there's nothing like Royal Carribean Cruise, plus... I want to cruise for the first time in my life as a small person! By that time, my recent gastric bypass surgery should help me be at that point, please wish me luck!

Do you already have a director in your first line? If not, you need two directors to promote to Advanced.
  • #17
cmdtrgd said:
Do you already have a director in your first line? If not, you need two directors to promote to Advanced.

I did already have one but she relinquished a few months ago... but I do have two now, one who will probably promote by the end of this month and another girl who is close, said she is working with recruits number 4 and 5 as we speak, that will make 2. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!! It's time for me to promote as well!
  • #18
I just looked back and for October-December last year I needed 18,000 points. I stopped looking at how much in sales and looked at how many shows I needed. I knew my show average and took that to figure out how many shows. So say I had a list of 35 shows needed, I would write in a name for each one and know how many more I needed.
I pulled off a 5,000 December and made it by 44 points.
So yes YOU can do it!
  • #19
:cry: :cry: :cry: I'm so upset!! I will miss the cruise with all of you this year. I just found out my due date is 4/28, since I will be a c section it will probably be a week earlier....but I am still going to earn the trip and take the $$ but I will be thinking of all you and what an awesome time your having!!!
See you all on incentive '09!!!!!!

Good luck with getting those last points...you can do it :thumbup: :)
  • #20
chefkugler said:
I just looked back and for October-December last year I needed 18,000 points. I stopped looking at how much in sales and looked at how many shows I needed. I knew my show average and took that to figure out how many shows. So say I had a list of 35 shows needed, I would write in a name for each one and know how many more I needed.
I pulled off a 5,000 December and made it by 44 points.
So yes YOU can do it!

That's SO inspiring! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING! I can do this! :)
  • #21
OhmyDLM said:
That's SO inspiring! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING! I can do this! :)

Yes, YOU can do this!!
See you on the cruise!
  • Thread starter
  • #22
Woo-hoo; you guys are all doing great!:D :thumbup:
  • Thread starter
  • #23
chefkugler said:
Yes, YOU can do this!!
See you on the cruise!

Thanks for sharing your past stats~very encouraging for all of us!
  • #24
I am at 46,299. I feel fairly confident that I will have it earned by the end of November. I have a recruit to qualify and we still have 10 weeks of shows to do.
  • #25
A good way to boost your points is to get some fundraisers going. It's that time of year with cheer, soccer etc.
  • #26
pckrissy said:
:cry: :cry: :cry: I'm so upset!! I will miss the cruise with all of you this year. I just found out my due date is 4/28, since I will be a c section it will probably be a week earlier....but I am still going to earn the trip and take the $$ but I will be thinking of all you and what an awesome time your having!!!
See you all on incentive '09!!!!!!

Good luck with getting those last points...you can do it :thumbup: :)

WHAT??? This is the first I'm hearing about your pregnancy! I had no idea!!! Krissy, details!!!
  • #27
I am not going to earn any of the incentive for this year...however I have definately set it as a goal for myself for next year. I am going on a cruise next year just not with PC.
  • #28
chefheidi2003 said:
I am not going to earn any of the incentive for this year...however I have definately set it as a goal for myself for next year. I am going on a cruise next year just not with PC.
I'm with you Heidi, I started as a hobbyist.... now I want the career sales! I am shooting for cruise next year... with PC!!!

Nice work everyone, and you all give great motivation.
  • #29
I am currently at just over 42,000 with a new recruit almost qualified. With my busiest months ahead, I am feeling very confident that I'll earn the cruise. I can't wait to sail again...had a BLAST the first time!

2 years ago, when the Caribbean Cruise was announced, I planned to work hard to acheive it. Had a rough spring though and thought it was unattainable. I was a future director with no new recruits in site. I attended my first conference, saw the vision, reset my goals and returned with enthusiasm.

By September I also had over 19,000 points to go and I was VERY nervous about how that was going to coorelate into my dream vacation. So...I started something I'd never done before: I SHARED MY DREAM!~ At every show, with every booking and recruiting call, I said that I was working toward something very special, my dream cruise (it was actually PC's 25th anniversay and the month of the trip, it was also my hubby and me's 25th wedding anniversary.) I wasn't whiney and beggy, I simply shared that I was working hard for that goal.

And something amazing happened.

I recruited 3 folks and they all qualified.

I had a solid September and October; I did 15 shows in November and 8 in December. I took orders until December 31st (my last new recruit qualified on December 31st so I was taking orders as a hedge in case she didnt'!)

I earned the trip.

I sent a postcard to all 110 of my hostesses from that year, from the cruise ship, thanking them for their support and that of their guests.

I STILL have people asking if I earned the trip (guests and such) or who now ask "what are you working on now". I tell them I earned San Francisco last year and took my hubby and 2 kids. I then tell them I am on target to earn another cruise and I can't wait!

The difference now? I believe I can do it! And, I don't hesitiate to share my dream with others.

So....break it down. The numbers look big but you can do it too!

  • #30
Thank you so much for sharing! I am always hesitant to share what I am working towards because it seems that when I do people come back with "watch out, so she is going to try and sell it to you big time!" I don't want to put that pressure on people.

Now that I really think about it though, I guess that has only happened once or twice. I really let those two incidents dictate how I share now. Did you ever run into that when you were sharing? How did you deal with it?
  • #31
Yikes I need 20,700 points for level two!! :( I have 8 recruits to get qualified, now it's not a question of will the qualify.... THEY MUST!!!! (Just to be safe though I'm going to try to recruit a few more.... ) :)
  • Thread starter
  • #32
That's awesome Beth!
I"ve been telling my customers all year that I was planning on earning it, and to check on me to hold me accountable. I have some of them every once in awhile that ask; it's great! I have one gal that just did a catalog show & she asked if I've earned it yet....I said I'm on track. She said if I need her to do another catalog show around Xmas to let her know!
  • #33
I response to the question as to if I get any negative responses/reactions when I share my dream: Nope.

I share the dream but I don't hound people to book or order. I just put the verbal "dream" out there.

I've actually found that a good % of folks are looking for an excuse to host a show and earn free stuff. Just having a show to earn free stuff sounds so "greedy" to some. But, by helping me achieve my "dream" and need for more bookings to achieve it, seems to get folks to say "ah, I'm not really doing this for me, I'm doing this for her...... Same way that booking a show so your friend (the current host) can get the host bonus option she wants. Women really like to help! It is our nurturing gene.

Oh...with my first cruise, I did tell folks that I'd send them that post card from the cruise if they hosted and I earned the trip....it gave a more "I really value you saying YES" feeling. I am going to start saying that again now. Glad we had this little e-discussion cause I just remembered that and I do think it made a bit of a difference last time.
  • #34
Addie4TLC said:
Yikes I need 20,700 points for level two!! :( I have 8 recruits to get qualified, now it's not a question of will the qualify.... THEY MUST!!!! (Just to be safe though I'm going to try to recruit a few more.... ) :)

I feel ya on the qualifying recruits part. I'm thinking of having them break their larger shows into smaller ones, and if need be i will pay the difference in host benefits, just to be sure they do qualify!
  • #35
Amy, you would do better by helping them book more shows. I would hate for them to have to explain it to a host and getting a hassle about it. Everyone can stay happy and she can get more commission with more parties!! There is still plenty of time for them to qualify for this earning period. Be patient and GOOD LUCK!!
  • #36
amy07 said:
I feel ya on the qualifying recruits part. I'm thinking of having them break their larger shows into smaller ones, and if need be i will pay the difference in host benefits, just to be sure they do qualify!

I know how you feel. Chef Kearns is right though... if they have a good experience and do the work to get there they will value their business more. They will follow your lead too and do whatever you do. Instead of spliting up a show have them ask people to do a small catty show. They will love their comission check!
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Related to Those That Are Planning on Cruising....

1. How do I earn points towards a cruise with Pampered Chef?

There are several ways to earn points towards a cruise with Pampered Chef. You can host a party and earn points based on sales, recruit new consultants and earn points for their sales, or purchase certain products that offer bonus points.

2. How many points do I need to earn a cruise with Pampered Chef?

You need at least 53,000 points to earn a cruise with Pampered Chef. However, it's always a good idea to aim for more in case any of your points are disqualified.

3. Can I use my points towards a different reward instead of a cruise?

Yes, you can use your points towards other rewards offered by Pampered Chef. These may include product credits, gift cards, or even cash bonuses.

4. What happens if I don't earn enough points for a cruise?

If you don't earn enough points for a cruise, you can still use your points towards other rewards. You can also roll over your points to the next year or use them to purchase discounted products.

5. Can I earn points towards a cruise by purchasing from a Pampered Chef consultant?

No, only consultants can earn points towards a cruise. However, you can host a party and earn points for sales made at your party. You can also join as a consultant and earn points for your own sales and for recruiting new consultants.

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