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Stay Warm with Our Cold Weather Check-In: -10°F and Counting!

er, have in Minnesota!Janet, did you get any snow up there yesterday?Yes, we had snow but it was light all evening...maybe an inch?
  • #51
His son thought it was funny!
  • #53
I'll stay where I'm at it's a balmy 22 here in Maryland...
  • #54
hey don't knock the snot freeze-o-meter! Supposedly it's 10 here, but there's a windchill advisory and it's been snowing a few inches every day or so for the past week. DS went to camp today with his school. I feel sorry for the chaperones - what are they going to do with a bunch of 6th graders cooped up inside?
  • #55
candiejayne said:
This is kinda gross, but my BF just came in from shovelling the drive and asked if it was a bad thing if his snot was freezing! It's -21 with the windchill right now, and we ended up with about 5 inches of snow over the night.

can I just add.... EWWWWWWWWW!!!:yuck::yuck::yuck: blech!
  • #56
pamperedlinda said:
It's a guy thing....they never grow-up!

HEY!!!!!!! I resemble that remark! :D
  • #57
Sorry Janet, but right now we're a warm 17...with a wind chill of 4 :)
  • #58
LOL! I don't think I would want them to grow up! What fun would that be?
  • #59
My hostess for Friday night just canceled, because it is supposed to be 34- Friday night, and no one is wanting to get out, they are already calling to cancel- She rescheduled for the first week in March.
  • #60
Since Maryland will hit 50 I won't tell you Monterey CA is in a heat wave and is suppose to hit 80! Of course this morning its Freezing (to me in my jammies to let the dog out) at probably 40.
  • Thread starter
  • #61
Linda - wish I could pack up and come...too much to do, not enough time/money - maybe someday though!!!!Ginger - I'd enjoy your 17, but just wait, this cold might still head your way!!!!To all in CA - please send us about 10-20 degrees please!
  • #62
My best friend lives in beautiful Cape Coral, Florida. She is always calling me or sending me a text that it's such and such degrees there when she knows its freezing here. I just laugh and say just wait til you come home for a visit! Well, back in December, she made a trip up here. She froze her everythings off because she went from 75 degrees flying out to about -5 degrees here landing! I was even super nice to her and parked at the back of the airports lot! :) gotta love it! She was so ready to go home by the end of her week here!
  • #63
Up to 8 inches of snow here today. FUN! DS played out in it yesterday--he has a cough today, so I think we'll stay inside the rest of the day.
  • #64
We're supposed to get colder and colder as the week goes on. I was planning to spend Friday in, but a friend just called from the hospital in Indy. If she's still there on Friday, I'll make a trip to see her. She's worth braving highs of 0 for.
  • #65
We brought our outside dog in the house today and gave him a bath. Tonight is suppose to be -15 before windchills and tomorrow night -20 before, so he's gonna stay inside for a while. I forgot how much I missed having a dog inside. Between the 2 of us we have 2 dogs, but mine gets depressed, wont eat, and potties on the floor here at this house, he's much happier at my mom's and she enjoys having him.
  • Thread starter
  • #66
Our dogs are outdoor too and won't even go in the garage in these temps...they like to be out - CRAZY! We bring them in after work each night though in this weather and they sleep in the house all night. This morning I let them go out to the bathroom and come back in. A few minutes later they were going crazy and wanted out. I let them out and they both ran and laid down in their outdoor pen.
  • #67
JR has taken over the couch, he's being good! So far no messes though, we are a bit worried about it since he's not technically housebroken. We are just trying to make sure to let him out often. He's funny though, he gets 2 paws out the door and turns around and runs back in.

He's a big dog and I'm not use to having him under foot. He's a labrador that thinks he's a laprador! I tried to get a pic earlier with my webcam, I was sitting here with my laptop in my lap, and he tried to climb up on my lap too!
  • #68
It says it's 57 today but I'm cold to the bones! And because of the sudden drop in temperatures here in Florida, I now have a chest cold accompanied with lots of coughing! Yuck! I just got over having a sinus infection and now this!:cry::yuck::grumpy: If there was a sick smiley I would use that, too!
  • #69
It's warm here again today 0c. Yahoo!!!

My dogs are so spoiled there is no way they go out in cold weather. They go to the
door and bark. I let them out and they run to the bottom of the stairs, do their business and run back in. Our hound is so spoiled that if he goes out to far he wines for somebody to come get him. Packing around a 65lb dog isn't fun.LOL
  • #70
We've got a balmy -14 this morning .... off to fill the woodstove!
  • #71
34 at my house this morning.
  • #72
It's -8 here right now. With the windchill, feels like -23.

On top of the cold, we had nearly 12 inches of snow yesterday (lake effect).

Woke this morning to 63 degrees in our house...we have an energy efficient furnace and every once in a while the intake pipe gets filled with ice, so out I went -- thru the 2 foot snowdrifts -- to clean it out.

Going back to bed with my laptop!
  • #73
-17 feels like -36! They have cancelled most schools in this area today.
  • #74
-5 here this morning, with a windchill of -20....again today I am so thankful we have our woodstove. DH brought in a big load of wood before he left for work this morning, so I can keep the stove stoked today. Makes the house toasty warm....and the wood is from huge tree we had cut down this past Spring - so it's free heat! Our furnace hasn't run in 6 days.:thumbup:

Now - I need to think of something warm and comforting for dinner!
  • #75
Cold here too... It's about 0F with windchill of -17F... They have cancelled all the schools around here. Too bad it's too cold to go out and play in the snow! I may have to do some baking with the kids today!

Tomorrow is supposed to be worse. I'm just glad that Abbie and I don't have to be out at the bus-stop this morning!
  • #76
AnnieBee said:
Cold here too... It's about 0F with windchill of -17F... They have cancelled all the schools around here. Too bad it's too cold to go out and play in the snow! I may have to do some baking with the kids today!

Tomorrow is supposed to be worse. I'm just glad that Abbie and I don't have to be out at the bus-stop this morning!

Brrrrr! I'm glad for you!

They haven't canceled school here - but they did cancel outdoor recess!:D
  • #77
I don't know how you guys do it! It's 28F here right now and I'm freezing. We are suppose to hit a high of 66F today and be in the low 70's this weekend.
Of course my DH is in North Dakota and they are a -46 right now. His truck died on the way to his apartment last night. He was running off of the gas tank in his bed and the fuel lines froze. Thank God he still had alittle gas in the main tank so he could get to the gas station. I want him home soo bad!
  • #78
According to our thermometer it's -5.9 right now.
  • #79
ChefBeckyD said:
Brrrrr! I'm glad for you!

They haven't canceled school here - but they did cancel outdoor recess!:D

That's funny... That they have to officially cancel it, just in case the teachers don't have the common sense to keep the kids inside... :D:eek:
  • #80
-23 with a windchill of -46 right now. all schools are cancelled, a couple cities are powerless, and there isn't near the traffic on the main highway up the road as there usually is at this time of day. I'm not looking forward to going to work. I think I'm gonna have to start my car atleast a half hour before I'm ready to go.
  • #81
candiejayne said:
-23 with a windchill of -46 right now. all schools are cancelled, a couple cities are powerless, and there isn't near the traffic on the main highway up the road as there usually is at this time of day. I'm not looking forward to going to work. I think I'm gonna have to start my car atleast a half hour before I'm ready to go.

Ugghh, I can't even imagine it that cold... Take care out there, and make sure you have blankets and a few emergency supplies in the car with you. Getting stuck in weather like this (if there was an accident or the car breaks down) would NOT be good...
  • #82
They haven't cancelled school here, just a 2 hour delay....I am sure that it will be WAYYYYYY warmer in 2 hours!

I'm heading out soon to clean off my car and get it warmed up. DH worked last night til 10pm and got called out again today. He works on the railroad...hanging off the side of train cars at -20 below....hoping he makes it!
  • #83
AnnieBee said:
That's funny... That they have to officially cancel it, just in case the teachers don't have the common sense to keep the kids inside... :D:eek:

Actually, I think it's more so you don't have to send all the extra snow gear with the kids! Can you imagine getting 16 four year olds (and 13 of them are boys!:eek:) dressed for a 20 minute recess?:D Making sure they all go potty first, and then the coats (helping to zip), the snow pants, the hats, the scarves, the snow boots (making sure they are on the right feet!) and finally the mittens (they can do the first one no problem, but the 2nd one needs help!)

It takes me 15 minutes at home to get Micah ready to play in the snow.
  • #84
Hmmm, instead of getting warmer, it's getting colder. Temp just went down to -7!:eek:
  • #85
It got warmer but colder, our actual temp dropped 2 degrees, but the windchill lessened and it we up 6 degrees. Still super super cold! Though! we had a decent night with the doggie in the house. No accidents, BUT about 2:30 this morning he was barking and whinning that he needed to go out. Ah kinda like having an infant in the house! LOL
  • #86
I haven't had the news on yet this morning, but last night, there was already a list of school closings. Which surprised me. Most schools around here won't close for cold, and we didn't get that much snow yesterday, although it was snowing lightly all day (just a couple inches accumulation). I don't understand schools closing for cold - they still have to heat the building so that pipes don't freeze. Why not hold classes?
  • #87
Its so the kids won't have to walk to school or stand at bus stops. With our temps here, frostbite sets in after only about 10 minutes or less depending on the individuals skin. Some people are stupid enough to make their kids still walk to school or the bus stops. I think they have to do it to protect the stupid peoples kids.
  • #88
Ann, I think it might be because they don't want the kids to have to be standing out in the cold at the bus-stops... I kind of think it's silly, but on the other hand, you don't want to end up with a bunch of kids with hypothermia because they haven't been dressed right, especially if the buses are running late...

Anyone else know why they close schools for cold?
  • #89
Oops, I took too long to post...
  • #90
I get the bus/recess thing. But then they can just cancel the buses and outside recess. There are a limited number of snow/emergency closing days built into the calendar, and if schools use them up, they have to add days to the end of the school year, which just makes people angry. So why close when they don't have to?
  • Thread starter
  • #91
Around here, you can't cancel buses without canceling school. You would not believe the kids waiting around for buses yesterday not properly dressed with no parent in sight...sad!School is closed today here too... -21 actual temp right now...windchill is about -45 to -50.For day #3 in a row I'm dressed in many, many layers...
  • Thread starter
  • #92
ChefBeckyD said:
-5 here this morning, with a windchill of -20....again today I am so thankful we have our woodstove. DH brought in a big load of wood before he left for work this morning, so I can keep the stove stoked today. Makes the house toasty warm....and the wood is from huge tree we had cut down this past Spring - so it's free heat! Our furnace hasn't run in 6 days.:thumbup:

Now - I need to think of something warm and comforting for dinner!

I came home last night from class at about 10 p.m....outside temp was about -20 at the time, walked in the house and our living room was 82!!!! I about died...a 100 degree change in temp in a second!

The bedroom was a comfortable 66 at least...
  • #93
janetupnorth said:
Around here, you can't cancel buses without canceling school. You would not believe the kids waiting around for buses yesterday not properly dressed with no parent in sight...sad!

School is closed today here too... -21 actual temp right now...windchill is about -45 to -50.

For day #3 in a row I'm dressed in many, many layers...

Yeah - that's another reason they cancel outdoor recess when it's this cold. DS's teacher keeps a supply of winter gear in her classroom for the kids who come to school w/o mittens, hats, boots, snowpants, etc..... Can you imagine sending a 4 yr old out in the cold w/o the proper clothing?:eek::grumpy:

But then, there are the stupid Jr & Sr. Hi students who think it's cool to walk around in the cold in shorts and no coats....all of them saying "I'm not cold"....even while they are turning blue. What's up with that?
  • #94
-24 here this morning with a sind chill of -34. There are reports that a few spots on the Interstate have buckeled as well causing tires to explode. Yikes!!
  • #95
Currently -9, feels like -26 with the wind chill. Ouch!
  • #96
-23 here this AM not counting windchill. School was supposed to start 2 hrs late. At 8am they canceled all together. Too bad DD had been waiting outside for 15mins before I dbl checked my email to see that they had changed it!
  • #97
Currently 0, feels like -16. Sunny, beautiful and CLEAR. It's gonna get really cold tonight.

DH made it to Chicago. Flight to Las Vegas has been delayed (imagine that). Delayed just long enough that they got to see the plane crash in NY on the news. :(
  • #98
ChefBeckyD said:
But then, there are the stupid Jr & Sr. Hi students who think it's cool to walk around in the cold in shorts and no coats....all of them saying "I'm not cold"....even while they are turning blue. What's up with that?

I could be wrong, but I believe it's call stupidity. :rolleyes:
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  • #99
All the schools around by us are closed except ours...hopefully we'll know before bedtime.
  • #100
We're closed again tomorrow. Ugh.
<h2>1. How can I stay warm with Pampered Chef products during cold weather?</h2><p>Our Cold Weather Check-In event features a variety of products designed to keep you warm, such as our insulated food jar, microwaveable cozy, and cozy scarf. These products are perfect for keeping your food and drinks hot, as well as keeping you cozy and warm.</p><h2>2. What is the temperature range for the insulated food jar?</h2><p>The insulated food jar can keep food hot for up to 7 hours and cold for up to 9 hours. It is perfect for taking hot soups, stews, or oatmeal on the go during cold weather.</p><h2>3. Can the microwaveable cozy be used with any type of bowl or container?</h2><p>Yes, our microwaveable cozy is designed to fit most standard size bowls and containers. It is also dishwasher safe for easy cleaning.</p><h2>4. How can the cozy scarf keep me warm?</h2><p>The cozy scarf is made of soft, plush fabric and has a pocket to hold our hand warmer packet. Simply insert the hand warmer packet into the pocket and wrap the scarf around your neck to keep you warm and cozy.</p><h2>5. Are there any special deals or promotions for the Cold Weather Check-In event?</h2><p>Yes, during our Cold Weather Check-In event, we are offering a special bundle deal that includes the insulated food jar, microwaveable cozy, and cozy scarf at a discounted price. Don't miss out on this great deal to stay warm during the cold weather!</p>

Related to Stay Warm with Our Cold Weather Check-In: -10°F and Counting!

1. How can I stay warm with Pampered Chef products during cold weather?

Our Cold Weather Check-In event features a variety of products designed to keep you warm, such as our insulated food jar, microwaveable cozy, and cozy scarf. These products are perfect for keeping your food and drinks hot, as well as keeping you cozy and warm.

2. What is the temperature range for the insulated food jar?

The insulated food jar can keep food hot for up to 7 hours and cold for up to 9 hours. It is perfect for taking hot soups, stews, or oatmeal on the go during cold weather.

3. Can the microwaveable cozy be used with any type of bowl or container?

Yes, our microwaveable cozy is designed to fit most standard size bowls and containers. It is also dishwasher safe for easy cleaning.

4. How can the cozy scarf keep me warm?

The cozy scarf is made of soft, plush fabric and has a pocket to hold our hand warmer packet. Simply insert the hand warmer packet into the pocket and wrap the scarf around your neck to keep you warm and cozy.

5. Are there any special deals or promotions for the Cold Weather Check-In event?

Yes, during our Cold Weather Check-In event, we are offering a special bundle deal that includes the insulated food jar, microwaveable cozy, and cozy scarf at a discounted price. Don't miss out on this great deal to stay warm during the cold weather!

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