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Master the Deck: Recruiting Tips for Finding Your Aces

In summary, the conversation discussed using a deck of cards as a recruiting tool, with aces representing the most successful recruits. The importance of not giving up on potential recruits and the potential for success in the remaining 20% were also mentioned. Additionally, ideas for incorporating the Super Bowl into sales challenges and team building activities were suggested.
Staff member
This is in response to the Deck of Cards Recruiting Request and Super Bowl Ideas on the #1 Directors Digest and what I had on file.

The Deck of cards Idea is great to use at a sales meeting. I have used a deck of cards with pictures from the Leadership city or from the place I have just been visiting, (Thanks to Pampered Chef) and pass those out at the sales meeting. I also keep the Jokers in the deck because they are the "Kit Nappers!"

Think of your recruits as face cards and aces in a deck of cards. They are all of your recruits. As you turn each card face up in the deck, an ace will not come up very often. You will get face cards but there are only 4 aces in the whole deck. A queen might be a recruit who signs but never qualifies or a king might be a recruit who does not hostess coach so her sales are low and she gets discouraged and quits. You do not have an ace in your hand yet, are you discouraged? Probably yes, but are you going to quit playing? If you do, the very next card could have been an ace! Don't quit, keep playing!

Aces are focused and self starters! They will succeed in spite of you or anyone else. You are probably an ace also and others will turn up if you just don't quit! Aces will probably be directors!

J,Q, and Ks are your other recruits. They need your help and direction. Some of them might develop into Aces. Show them the big picture, find out their goals, offer training and encouragement but don't want it for them more than they want it for themselves. Help those who help themselves. Spend your time wisely and develop ACES.

Just keep playing and don't quit turning up those cards. Only 20% of your business comes from 80% of your people. It is the other 20% (the aces) who are going to be successful. That is only 2 out of 10. Where do you find that 20% - by recruiting all 10!

I have demonstrated this at a recruiting workshop. have someone come up and start turning the cards up one at a time. When a face card comes up, say "Congratulations, you have just signed a recruit - but she never did qualify!!!! Disappointed ? Yes! Discouraged? Yes. Are you going to quit or do you want to continue to play? If she continues, turn up another card. Keep going until she gets an ace. Count how many cards it took and how many recruits ( face cards) it took until she recruited an Ace (a director) If she gets an ace at the very beginning - say, WOW, your first recruit and she is really a go getter!!!! You are off to a great start, are you excited? Yes! Do you want to continue to play, do you want another card? Then continue with the face cards and etc.

Tricia Collis
- CEO of Momma Bear Enterprises For the Super Bowl Ideas: 1. Create a Super Bowl themed sales challenge. This can be done in the weeks leading up to the big game. Give prizes for the most sales by the end of the quarter or for the biggest increase in sales. This can be a fun way to motivate your team and get them thinking about success. 2. Hold a Super Bowl party and have your team dress in their favorite team's colors. Have a small competition between teams, like who can make the most sales during the game. 3. Have a Super Bowl themed contest. Have people guess the final score of the game, or what the MVP will be wearing. Offer prizes for the winners. This is a great way to create some friendly competition and boost morale. 4. Make a game out of the Super Bowl. Have each person pick one player from each team and whichever person's player gets the most points, wins the game. This is a great way to engage your team and get them cheering for their favorite players. 5. Have a scavenger hunt. Have people find items related to the Super Bowl and have prizes for the quickest finisher. This is a great way to get your team excited and having some fun. These are all great ideas for getting your team engaged and motivated leading up to the Super Bowl and during the big game.
:I love the deck of cards idea for recruiting, it's such a creative and fun way to approach it. And I totally agree with the analogy of recruits being like face cards and aces. It's important to remember that not every recruit will be an ace and that's okay. We just need to keep playing and recruiting until we find those aces. And it's also important to focus on developing and supporting our J, Q, and K recruits because they have the potential to become aces with the right guidance and encouragement. Thanks for sharing this great idea!

Related to Master the Deck: Recruiting Tips for Finding Your Aces

1. What is the "Recruiting Aces Activity"?

The "Recruiting Aces Activity" is a program designed by Pampered Chef to incentivize and reward consultants for recruiting new team members. It is a fun and exciting way to grow your team and earn rewards!

2. How does the "Recruiting Aces Activity" work?

The "Recruiting Aces Activity" works by encouraging consultants to recruit new team members during a specific time period. For each new consultant they recruit, they earn points. The more points they earn, the higher the level they achieve and the better rewards they receive.

3. What are the rewards for participating in the "Recruiting Aces Activity"?

The rewards for participating in the "Recruiting Aces Activity" vary depending on the level achieved. Some possible rewards include free products, exclusive training, and even a trip to a luxurious destination!

4. Can anyone participate in the "Recruiting Aces Activity"?

Yes, any Pampered Chef consultant can participate in the "Recruiting Aces Activity". It is a great opportunity for both new and experienced consultants to grow their team and earn rewards.

5. How can I track my progress in the "Recruiting Aces Activity"?

You can track your progress in the "Recruiting Aces Activity" through the Pampered Chef consultant portal. There, you will be able to see how many points you have earned and what rewards you are eligible for. Your team leader can also provide guidance and support throughout the activity.

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