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pp on Port 80: Is It Coming to the '06 Conference?

In summary, the people over in the UK are already using port 80 for their Pampered Partner program, and it sounds like it might be coming to us this conference. It would be really helpful if there was integration between PP and individual websites, and we should have to enter show orders that are sent in online again in PP.
Pampered Partner using port 80? Wait....Our friends over the pond are already doing that....Is it coming to us this 06' conference?

P.S. Google "port 80" and you might have a hint of what I am talking about! :eek:
Ooohh! That would make things SO much easier! I would definitely bring my laptop to shows then! So, where'd you get this inside scoop?
It's not clear exactly what you guys are talking about, but what I'd really like to see is integration between PP and individual websites. It's such a pain to enter all the contact info twice and keep it updated. Am I missing something or is that what you do, too? Also, we should have to enter show orders that are sent in online again in PP. That's my two cents worth!

PcTeChGoon said:
P.S. Google "port 80" and you might have a hint of what I am talking about! :eek:

Nope, I'm still pretty clueless. :eek:

Yeah, me too.
Hmmm... I don't get it.
It means Pampered Partener would be a web-based program. Port 80 is the common port all computers use to access the web. Making the program web-based would mean we could all access it from ANY computer!
WOOHOOO! *happy dance*
**ohhhhhh** that sounds great!! you have to explain everything to me :eek:)
  • #10
Part of what I like...Part of what I like about TPC is that our program is NOT web-based. We can't get high speed where we are at, and that would be a major pain! Plus, it seems like more of a security risk...at first glance anyway.

Just my opinion, but I hope if they do go to this, that they give us an option...
  • #11
I think it would be great as an option, not as the only way.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
I am full of information and scoops.... TPC has never seemed to put all their eggs in one basket, so I wouldn't worry about a whole switch over at once. Nikked even if it took you an extra ten minutes for each show the benefits would out way the wait. Dail-up takes 15-30 minutes to get an update. If a full install is needed to fix a PamperedPartner a download takes 3-4 hours. That would not be an issue anymore. No more product list udpates and if your computer crashes you will not have to worry about losing your data. Most insecureity comes from what is on your PC in the first place. Spyware/Trojans on computers give hackers total access to your PC, SSL(The Security on the web) I would trust rather then the windows OS. I am sure TPC would optimize these sites for 56K not broadband.
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  • #13
Not to be argumentative...
PcTeChGoon said:
I am full of information and scoops.... TPC has never seemed to put all their eggs in one basket, so I wouldn't worry about a whole switch over at once. Nikked even if it took you an extra ten minutes for each show the benefits would out way the wait. Dail-up takes 15-30 minutes to get an update. If a full install is needed to fix a PamperedPartner a download takes 3-4 hours. That would not be an issue anymore. No more product list udpates and if your computer crashes you will not have to worry about losing your data. Most insecureity comes from what is on your PC in the first place. Spyware/Trojans on computers give hackers total access to your PC, SSL(The Security on the web) I would trust rather then the windows OS. I am sure TPC would optimize these sites for 56K not broadband.

Okay, so I know that changes happen, and I'll have to deal with it when and if it does, but...

Updates to PP are not a problem for me. When I update once a month, I do it right before I go to bed, and when I wake up in the morning, it's done. No muss, no fuss.

I back up regularly to a flash drive, so a crash isn't a problem. I utilize PP for my entire customer data base, and if I had to do that online, I wouldn't. In fact, I probably wouldn't have signed on as a consultant if that was the program...as stated before I LIKE PAMPERED PARTNER, precisely because it is not web-based.

I am pretty computer literate, so I understand most of the ins and outs...just don't think this other way is a better option.

Consultant's corner is a nightmare for me because of how long the pages take to load. The fastest speed I can get on my line is 28.8, and when I have to download flyers, it takes way to long, and I can only do one at a time...don't ask me to have to wait for pages to load so I can send in an order...YUCK!

There is no way you are going to convince me that this is "better" for everybody...it's different, and if you have high-speed access, great. But for me and my house, we like PP as is!
  • #13
Who are you?PCTechGoon...

Who are you? Do you work for TPC HO? Seems like maybe you are here to see what we think...

Just curious...
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  • #14
Has anyone noticed that the title of this thread is pamered partner ??Heh, I'm tired and my sense of humor gets weirder than normal when that happens.... ;)
  • #15
Too funny!
cmdtrgd said:
Has anyone noticed that the title of this thread is pamered partner ??

Heh, I'm tired and my sense of humor gets weirder than normal when that happens.... ;)

I got so caught up in the topic, I didn't even notice...and I usually do!!! Thanks for the giggles!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #16
Sorry it was 2 in the morning and I suffer from insomnia :-/
  • #17
Hey, no prob. It just took me a few times reading this thread to notice it...I thought it was worth a giggle!
  • #18
cmdtrgd said:
Hey, no prob. It just took me a few times reading this thread to notice it...I thought it was worth a giggle!

I'm glad I'm not the only one that is amused to easily:p
  • #19
NikkeD..For your sake, and other in your positions, I do hope they don't do away with the current program. Web based really would be painful with such a slow connection. I'll cross my fingers for you. ;)
  • #20
What is port 80?

Related to pp on Port 80: Is It Coming to the '06 Conference?

1. What is "pp on Port 80" and how does it relate to the '06 Conference?

"pp on Port 80" refers to the functionality of using a web browser to access the Pampered Chef website. This feature allows for a smoother and more streamlined experience for users. It is expected to be available at the '06 Conference, making it easier for attendees to access and use the website while at the event.

2. Will "pp on Port 80" be available for all devices at the '06 Conference?

Yes, "pp on Port 80" will be accessible on all devices that have a web browser. This includes laptops, tablets, and smartphones, making it convenient for all attendees to access the Pampered Chef website during the conference.

3. Can I use "pp on Port 80" to place orders at the '06 Conference?

While "pp on Port 80" will be available at the conference, it is primarily designed for browsing and accessing information on the Pampered Chef website. To place an order, we recommend using our mobile app or speaking with a Pampered Chef consultant at the event.

4. Will "pp on Port 80" affect the security of my information on the Pampered Chef website?

No, "pp on Port 80" does not affect the security of your personal information on the Pampered Chef website. We take the security and privacy of our users very seriously and have implemented measures to ensure the safety of all data.

5. How can I learn more about "pp on Port 80" and its features?

You can visit the Pampered Chef website or speak with a consultant to learn more about "pp on Port 80" and its features. We will also have representatives available at the '06 Conference to answer any questions and provide demonstrations of the functionality.

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