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New Consultant, Bad Host, Please Help??

In summary, the consultant is trying to get in touch with the host after her party but has not been successful. The host has not responded to the consultant's calls or emails, and the deadline is the best hope the consultant has.
Hi guys! I'm fairly new to PC and have had my first bad experience with a host. I never had a head count from her, she insisted on doing all of her own inviting, I couldn't get in touch with her until the night before her party to even confirm the recipe and shopping list. Not by lack of trying I assure you. Her show was ok, although she didn't assist me with anything and a friend who I had brought along to watch ended up having to help me with the oven, dishes, prep, ect. Now, here we are 2 weeks post party and she has yet to get in touch with me to close the show. I have been calling, emailing, and even called a few of her guests to find some way to get in touch with her.
Short of driving to her house and litterally making her choose some free items what can I do?? I am at a loss for this one. To make it even crazier, she is a home party veteran, as she was a consultant for princess house, avon, mary kay and the likes in her past.
She is being quite the dickens. I think what you are doing so far is good. You may want to start including a deadline very politely when corresponding with her.
"Hi ...... This is Suzy your Pampered Chef consultant again. I hope everything is ok and there hasn't been a family emergency. You have been on my mind since I have not heard from you.

Your guests are anxious to receive their new Pampered Chef products and as soon as I have your list of free and discounted products, we can send in your party.

If I do not hear from you by June XX, I will go ahead and send in your guests orders but I would really love to submit your choices too since you were so gracious to invite us to your home for a party.

Thank you and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. You may reach me at ---------.

Also, it will cost you about $5, but you can send a certified letter requesting a card be sent to you with her signature. Then you KNOW she has gotten the message. Give time for the letter to get there and give her a deadline. If you do not hear from her then you have 2 choices. You can either give the show credit to someone else, or you can pay for the shipping to have the products send directly to the guests.

If you choose, you can call each guest that placed and order and explain to them that you are unable to reach the host but want to get their order to them. Then agree on a time they can meet you or if they want the product sent to them, let them know the additional $ they will have to pay.

Once I had one of these hosts. I had her order, but needed her paymen. I had an order from her mother (mother's order was $75 and not paid for). Finally, I paid for the extra shipping and filled the orders of the guests. I did not submit her party and cancelled her mother's order. (their reputation was very poor). I wanted the sales but not her hassle anymore. Customers always think it is the consultant that is delaying things, but 99% of the time, it isn't.

Better hosts ahead!!! Chalk this one up to experience!
Personally I don't expect my hosts to help me since I am the consultant. I do the dishes, etc. If they ask to help, I encourage them so that they can get a feel of being a consultant themselves but I never expect them too.
wadesgirl said:
Personally I don't expect my hosts to help me since I am the consultant. I do the dishes, etc. If they ask to help, I encourage them so that they can get a feel of being a consultant themselves but I never expect them too.

I completely agree.

However, there is a lack of common courtesy in this woman. The deadline is the best. I always tell my hosts to have any outside orders prior to the show, as I will be closing the show the night of the party. Once I am there as few guests will say "Can I bring a book home for my neighbor" I say sure but I am closing the show by XXXX (which is 2 days after the show). If they don't order after 2 days they aren't going to order and I refuse to hold up a whole show by waiting on people who couldnt be bothered to attend the show to begin with.

Hope this helps and makes sense. :balloon:
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  • #5
I appreciate the help ladies. When I say she didn't help I meant from the dishes to helping me put things in the oven, which was in the other room so I was having to interupt the show to run to the kitchen. I was under the impression that helping was part of their duties as a host. And my buddy was doing my dishes as well as the hosts personal dishes... from the things she cooked for her guests.
The ONLY thing I expect from my hosts the night of their party is to have FUN with their guests. I don't expect any help from them either. Even when they ask to help...I say "thanks, but I'd rather you have fun with your guests. It's my DH's job to do the dishes when I get him and my DS and DD have jobs too. If they don't...no PC vacations from them!" :love:

I host coach all my hosts to close out that night or within 2 days. Here's what I find, if you wait a week...chances are they won't have many more orders. But when I started closing in "tight," you've created a sense of urgency and they go out and get the orders.

As far as her not getting back to you, I'd leave that message mention in posts above, "if I don't hear back from you by ___, I'll choose your free and half price items and we can do an exchange later...of course, if you want to take advantage of the unlimited one-discount of __%, you will have to call me back now. Once I send it in, you will not be able to use that discount. Also, just to let you know, I'll be calling all your guests to let them know there's been a delay in getting their orders to them. I do hope everything is okay with you, I'm concerned about you."
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  • #7
do you do all of your shows at your house or do you bring your family with you? My husband has a 24/7 on call job and my children are 1 & 2, those are not options for me. I encourage my hosts as well as my guests to be active in the show, I prefer that people do things with me to get a feel for the products. In fact, I ordered several additional aprons, one for my hosts and one for anyone who has never attended a pc show. I ask them all to join me so that they can all get their hands on their products. Isn't that the idea?

I kind of feel like everyone is concentrating on her not helping me, that's not the problem I am having.

I host coach my hosts also, however, this particular host has had a mind of her own from the begining. I have never had a show go more than 2 days prior to closing. I started trying to contact her the next day and it's been like this since.
Yes, I think the main issue here is the issue of not getting back to close the party.

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that there has been some family emergency, however, this host has been difficult to host coach by the sounds of it and now may be even more difficult to nail her show down. Just too hard to tell right now.
I waited a month once for a host to get back to me and finally left her a message letting her know that if she just wanted to get her free items, she was not obligated to purchase any 1/2 price or out of pocket products. (she was interested in cookware). This seemed to be the problem and she called the next day to close out. It might be a money issue... just a different thought on the issue.n I like the script posted above too.
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  • #10
I sent her and her co-host, yep, there's a co-host too that's not returning my calls or emails, I told them that I was closing Saturday morning and I would choose their free product so that they would at least get that full value, even if they had to exchange it. I also told them they would forfeit their half priced item (my director told me to use it but since it'll ship to this woman's house I figured that would be akward) We'll see if she gets back to me.
Thanks for all the advise... not just the ones I liked ;)
This is a great community, I'm glad I joined.
  • #11
I have TWO co-hosted shows doing the same thing right now - I am sooooo frustrated!
  • #12
Any news?

Hope it gets sorted.
  • #13
My best advice is to leave one last message with a date and time that you will be submitting her show and picking out her gifts for her. I have had this happen twice and it is exhausting to try to keep getting in touch with a host like that.
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  • #14
I sent them an email on Friday night...

Hey ladies, I know it's been a difficult few weeks for you guys but I have to get this party closed out. I'm going to close on Saturday morning. If we can't get together by then I'll order free products for you and you can exchange them for whatever you want. That way you at least the the full value of your free product. You'll lose your half priced item and the additional discount though. Please try to get with me tomorrow so we can close this out the right way so you guys don't miss out on anything. I just have to get it closed because your guests want their items.

Thanks for your understanding.

Nicki Herrell

This is what I got back from the main host.

I just got a call from Amanda about our party...I'm sorry for the delay but my life is in major turmoil and this party unfortunately is not a priority. I went ahead and held it because I didn't want to cancel on you...I have not in the last 20 years worked outside my home...now I am here at my job 45+ hours a week, dealing with the 'mess' at our church, and 2 teenage boys that are giving us a run for our money!

I have one more order - as does Amanda...I will send it to you late tonight. She is away at camp and will send hers when she gets home. Then you can let us know our host credit and we can make our selections.

Please be patient with us...we're just overwhelmed...

So I sent her this...

I understand that life is hectic and that this isn't a priority for you, I also sincerely appreciate that you guys didn't cancel on me. This is a priority for me though, this is my job and I don't get paid until I submit the orders. I hope that you didn't think that I was being mean with my email. That was not the case at all. I just hadn't heard anything from you guys at all and my director told me that I had to set a deadline. I want to work with you guys any way that I can, I'm just stuck also because people are looking for their orders. I would be happy to wait until tonight, or even tomorrow afternoon, I just have to close it by midnight tomorrow.
Thank you, sincerely, for your business and I'm sorry it's gotten hectic.

She gave me her order yesterday, I am waiting on her co-host's order still right now but at least I got them to call me back.
  • #15
You've been very patient, and kind. You did well. Hopefully the other order comes right in for you. I've had hosts drag their feet about closing and never considered that it might be due to funding for 1/2 price items, etc. I continue to learn..... Thanks for sharing.
  • #16
Wow Nicki... you are very patient. I have occassionally had this issue with my hosts, but not as bad as you. I now never let it go past a week. You did a great job communicating with your host(s). I like the way you worded your first email. Everyone is busy and their lives are not anymore busy than anyone else's and I find it very rude when people tell me that this is just not a priority when they made a commitment to me and their guests. Their time is also not more valuable than yours. I like that you told them this is your business and it is a priority for you. You do not need to apologize for this. It was a good learning situation and I hope that you have finally closed the show.

Good job staying calm!

PS... I let anybody help me at my shows and I expect the host to do little things for me, like work the oven or microwave, serve the guests and do her OWN dishes.
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  • #17
Thanks Wendy, I appreciate your encouragement. I thought I handled it pretty well so I'm happy with the out come. It's over now and that's a good thing.
Have a great week!
  • #18
My two shows that I have been struggling to close...
One - the hosts are "waiting one ON MORE ORDER" tht was supposed to come in at 4pm today (haha)
The other co-hosts finally responded to me today with their order...and their CC #s
I submitted that show -- THREE cards declined (all sisters)...one sister gave me a second card #...that was declined as well. GEEZ! Finally, the 4th sister offered to pay for the 3rd sisters' order...Thank God...so that show is finally closed and processing...whew! One down and one to go.
Oh - and guess what? The sisters will all be at my show tomorrow night!!
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  • #19
Wow! And I thought my host was bad!
  • #20
I'm assuming Ginny takes her dishes home dirty like I do for her DH to load into the DW
I tell guests my husband is the CEO of my business "the carry everything outter" on show nights he loads my car before I leave, unloads when I return home. I call when I'm 1 neighborhood away. He warms my jammies in the dryer, makes me grilled cheese and a glass of milk and loads my dishes
  • #21
Nikki - I think your original note and your follow-up note were perfect - you were honest and you kept it professional. You explained that, just like them, your life is hectic, too, and Pampered Chef is a business, not just a party for you. I hope you get it closed out soon! Good luck!
  • #22
WOW! Not my hubby. My DH carries it all out and back in and does the dishes but never warms my jammies unless he's switching the washer, or cook extra. I'm usually the one picking things up on the way home. :) Its all good though!
  • #23
Teresa Lynn said:
I'm assuming Ginny takes her dishes home dirty like I do for her DH to load into the DW
I tell guests my husband is the CEO of my business "the carry everything outter" on show nights he loads my car before I leave, unloads when I return home. I call when I'm 1 neighborhood away. He warms my jammies in the dryer, makes me grilled cheese and a glass of milk and loads my dishes

Wow, what a hubby! I'm just glad my DH loads and unloads my car for me! Your DH is a keeper for sure!! ;)
  • #24
My ex-husband is my CEO - when he comes to pick up the kids, he carries my kit out to the van for me (my DH works evenings). My husband helps me with the dishes when I get home - we wash them together and he dries them for me. I've got it pretty good...although no warmed jammies ;)
  • #25
Teresa Lynn said:
I'm assuming Ginny takes her dishes home dirty like I do for her DH to load into the DW
I tell guests my husband is the CEO of my business "the carry everything outter" on show nights he loads my car before I leave, unloads when I return home. I call when I'm 1 neighborhood away. He warms my jammies in the dryer, makes me grilled cheese and a glass of milk and loads my dishes

Awww! I love the warm jammies trick!
  • #26
I do not expect my hosts to help in any way except to welcome their guests, find them a place to sit, and give them beverages. If they ask to help I usually decline, although if there is a big group I will take a little advantage of their offer.

When booking a party I do however tell the host that she and all her guests will be making the feature recipe. They all will be using the products so they know what they like and what they have questions on.

I bring along a nice garbage can with no cover and a clean garbage liner in it. I am not a fast "finisher" at my shows, so, as I dirty our products they go in my garbage to take home and wash (except for anything the size of the large round stone or larger - they will not fit in my garbage so I wash them at the host's house).

I have had 2 shows with awful hosts like yours. After many contact attempts, I had both shows shipped to MY home, and notified the hosts they would need to bring money orders or cashiers checks to me to pick up the products (since my hosts collected the money and hadn't paid me). I notified the customers who paid with credit cards, as tactfully as possible, of what happened, and made arrangements for them to pick up their orders from me.

For the first show I knew what the host wanted for her free and discounted products, and I went ahead and ordered them. When she finally did contact me, she did not take all of the discounted products. I kept those she didn't take as door prizes and personal gifts.

For the other show, the host did not tell me what she wanted for her free and discounted products, so I chose a 60% off monthly host item that I thought she would want and did not order anything else for her. She did end up paying for that 60% off item.

So yeah, sometimes we do not get treated too well! But I guess we have to roll with the flow!
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Related to New Consultant, Bad Host, Please Help??

What are the benefits of becoming a new consultant with Pampered Chef?

As a new consultant, you will have the opportunity to earn commission on your sales, receive discounts on products for personal use, and build your own business with the support of our team. You will also have access to training materials and resources to help you succeed.

What should I do if I have a bad host for my Pampered Chef party?

If you are experiencing challenges with your host, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with them. Let them know your expectations and how their actions are impacting your business. You can also reach out to your upline or our support team for guidance and resources to help improve the situation.

How can I increase my sales as a new consultant?

One of the best ways to increase sales is by building strong relationships with your customers. Take the time to get to know their needs and preferences, and offer personalized recommendations. You can also utilize social media and host virtual parties to reach a wider audience.

What are some tips for managing my time as a new consultant?

Time management is crucial for success as a consultant. Prioritize your tasks, set realistic goals, and create a schedule for yourself. It's also important to delegate tasks to others when possible and take breaks when needed to avoid burnout.

What support and resources are available for new consultants?

Pampered Chef offers a variety of support and resources for new consultants, including training materials, online communities, and one-on-one coaching. We also have a customer service team available to assist with any questions or concerns. Additionally, your upline and fellow consultants are great sources of support and advice.

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