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Looking for Suggestions for Bookings

In summary, it sounds like you're already doing what you need to do! You should hold a show and look for opportunities to promote your business.
I am very seriously looking into signing on with PC. I have 5 of the required 6 bookings to sign but, having a hard time getting the 6th booking. I am new to the area and also just found out that there is someone at my new job that is also selling PC. Any suggestions on getting extra bookings before I start? I know that I will be able to sell the product and get bookings after I get started but, getting started is the problem right now.
Wow, it sounds like you're already doing what you need to do! How did you get those bookings? Keep that technique going! I would say that looking in the community to get your name out there would be good....Chamber of Commerce, Farmer's Markets, church bazaars, catalog shows by friends in other states, etc. One thing that's worked for people is going to garage sales in your area and mingle with the people putting them on. See if they'll let you set up a table with a small display or at least some catalogs. I've found that this is a nice FREE way to advertise. I know summer is coming to a close, but there may still be a few garage sales out there.

I know I had the best luck in just directly asking friends, family and acquaintances if they'd do me a HUGE favor of hosting a show so I could get my business off the ground. Even ask acquaintances...I did that and was plesantly surprised by how supportive people were. As a result, I got to know some people much better and really enjoyed working with them!

You sound like you're really on your way to a strong business! Good for you! I think prospective consultants who have all their shows lined up before signing have a REALLY strong foundation for their business. Do you have a consultant you're already working with?? Keep posting questions because we love to answer them! Please feel free to email me if you have anything I can try to help you with!! :)
Bookings suggestionsI would DEFINITELY hold a show of your own - even two, if you need to. Later, TPC frowns on this, but at the beginning it is encouraged. When I started, I had only 3 people at that very first show--and one of them was my wife!, but 1 of them booked, and from that show I had my first "real" show of people I didn't know, and they were IMPRESSED. That launched me into a $3,400 fundraiser, and really vaulted my PC business ahead. So: have a show. Having some friends hold a catalog show counts, too.

I tell folks, give this 60 days to see if it's for you. Then I tell them - 1,2,2,1: 1 - host their very first show (like the Mary Kay Debut). Overinvite and make it clear to people that you need help starting a new business - you are trying to reach your first promotion. Don't go into too much detail about 1250 or bonus levels or whatever. Then, 2 - ask 2 friends to host kitchen shows (you've got this covered), then 2 - ask 2 other friends to hold Catalog shows, and 1 - hold one more show - you can do a catalog show yourself, to catch the folks who couldn't make your first show!

Remember - making 1250 is "magic" stuff - it gives you another 2% raise each month, and once you become Director, guarantees you ALL THE FREE PRODUCTS! (did you know that?) Everything new is FREE again - but keep at that 1250.

Final advice - strive for 2 shows a week - If you start out like that, you'll launch ahead of others. I did 2 a month for over a year, and haven't made my 15K yet. Ramping up is harder than starting strong! Good luck to you, and I'll be praying for your exciting new venture!

Related to Looking for Suggestions for Bookings

1. How can I get more bookings for my Pampered Chef parties?

One way to get more bookings is to host a virtual party on social media and invite friends and family to attend. You can also offer incentives for guests who book their own party at your event.

2. Is there a certain time of year that is best for booking Pampered Chef parties?

Typically, the holiday season and the summer months are popular times for hosting Pampered Chef parties. However, you can also capitalize on special events or occasions, such as bridal showers or birthdays, to book parties.

3. How can I approach potential hosts to book a party?

A good approach is to share your own personal experience as a Pampered Chef host and the benefits of hosting a party, such as earning free products and having a fun and interactive cooking experience with friends.

4. Can I offer different types of parties, such as virtual or themed parties?

Yes, Pampered Chef offers a variety of party options, including virtual parties and themed parties, to cater to different preferences and needs. You can also customize your party to fit a specific theme or occasion.

5. What are some tips for encouraging guests to book their own parties at my event?

One tip is to showcase the benefits of hosting a party, such as earning free products and exclusive discounts. You can also offer a special gift or incentive for guests who book their own party at your event. Additionally, be sure to follow up with guests after the party to remind them of the benefits and answer any questions they may have.

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