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I Think I May Hang up My Hat......

well...anything. Third, as a Director you are in a better place to see things from a different perspective and have more clout to fight for what you want. I know it is hard when you are temping and don't have all the time in the world, but hopefully things will change in the near future. Kristin's financial situation is tough, but in summary, she is still a consultant and has the power to fight for what she wants. I wish her the best of luck as she goes through this tough time.
Gold Member
I have had a lot going on financially lately. I am temping right now full time and have had 2 interviews in the past week that I am waiting to hear back from. I am praying hard that I will get an offer soon! My husband just got laid off yesterday and we aren't doing so good. I am going through a self evaluation about what I want to do with my future. I am not in a good place right now.
I am taking a step back from PC in order to try to save my family life and my marriage. I have a show at the end of this month and nothing after. I think I might just put in for a waiver. Hopefully things will change for the better but I really need to focus on other things right now. This totally S***KS!!!:( :cry: :( :cry:
Oh, Kristin! I know you posted about some things that were going on, but I sincerely hoped they had gotten better. I'm so sorry you're dealing with a terrible situation.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
dannyzmom said:
I know, I am almost in tears right now. I just don't have the energy.
I hope things work out for you. I know what you're going through and, believe me, once you "self-evaluate", things will get better. Take all the time you need, we'll be here when you come back! (((((Hugs)))))))
  • Thread starter
  • #6
chefann said:
Oh, Kristin! I know you posted about some things that were going on, but I sincerely hoped they had gotten better. I'm so sorry you're dealing with a terrible situation.
They could get better if I get an offer. Sorry, I am just feeling bad for myself right now and I know I can come here and vent.
So sorry to hear this Kristin. I hope your show this month goes really well for you. Definately put in that waiver and buy yourself more time. Having that off of your mind for a while will allow you to focus on the other things.
Take care.
I'm sorry to hear that Kristin. I've thought of giving this business up several times. I always pray to God about it and He always gives me an answer.

I will be praying for you.
{{{{{{{{{Kristin}}}}}}}} I will pray GOOD things come your way.

PS: You know, you can be one of those "occassional" show submitters! As long as a year goes by...you ARE still a consultant...just inactive. Submit $200, become active again. I have a couple on my team who only submit a show in March and September (new products duh!) ~ then they are active for kit enchancement month in April! Walahhhhhhh!

Best of luck!
  • #11
I agree with the Dave Ramsey plan. It definitely changes the way you think and spend money every day.

I also think that it is so common for people to drop in January. It's like in college when they give you that speech the first week "Look to your left, look to your right...those people will not be here when you graduate." Except with PC it's those people will not be here in January. For whatever the reason January is always a hard month to get through. I am so thankful that I stuck with it last year. I had no sales in January, through together one catalog show in February and then really started booming in March. I don't know how I made it back. It's hard...like starting over as a new consultant without all of the new products and awesome incentives. Now I'm a Director. If you leave now you might always wonder "What if..."

I hope you find your way back like I did, or even better than I did for that matter.
  • #12
{{hugs}} Take care of yourself and your family. PC will be here when you need or want to come back. Wishing you well.
  • #13
Kristin -

First, take care of yourself and family, they come first. The principles PC is founded on would say so too.

Second, consider a waiver until you have had a chance to get a little stress off your platter and feet on solid ground and then see where you stand and if it what you want to do, or if it can help again with your finances. I know so many people who go to quit then orders seem to show up on their doorsteps!
  • #14
janetupnorth said:
Kristin -

First, take care of yourself and family, they come first. The principles PC is founded on would say so too.

Second, consider a waiver until you have had a chance to get a little stress off your platter and feet on solid ground and then see where you stand and if it what you want to do, or if it can help again with your finances. I know so many people who go to quit then orders seem to show up on their doorsteps!
  • #15
I'm so sorry Kristin!:( I really hope things get better and you get an offer. PC will ALWAYS be here, no matter what. And CS will always be here too.

I hope you find some answers that set your mind at ease while you self-evaluate!
  • #16
Kristin - I am so sorry to hear this. I totally agree with what previous posters have said. Just remember when God closes a door, he opens a window.
  • #17
momoftwins said:
Kristin - I am so sorry to hear this. I totally agree with what previous posters have said. Just remember when God closes a door, he opens a window.
I agree too! {{{{{hugs}}}}}

I would suggest something a little different - it would give you more time. You are submitting a January show. If you had sales in December wait until Feb 1 to submit it. Then mark your calendar for the 3rd week in March. If you still need to (who knows things might have changed a lot by then) THEN put the waiver in. That would give you 2 months more before you need to submit or make the decision to leave.

Good luck. I've been there so I know what you're feeling - in fact I'm going through some things now too - it's a hard time.
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  • #18
momoftwins said:
Kristin - I am so sorry to hear this. I totally agree with what previous posters have said. Just remember when God closes a door, he opens a window.
That is a saying I keep thinking of. I have been waiting for the window to open for a LONG time now. I think it might be jammed shut.:(

I also thing of "If God brought me to it, he will bring me through it". But it feels like an endless circle. I have to keep the faith.

Thanks all for your encouraging words. I think the waiver is my best option. I am going to submit a January show. Then I will put in for it. It will give me time to get back on my feet and concentrate on other things. I could never leave this site though. Can I stay?
  • #19
Thinking of you! HUGS & PRAYERS!
  • #20
Hang in there Kristin. I'm sure you'll get an offer & things will change.
((hugs))) from me too
  • #21
chefkristin said:
That is a saying I keep thinking of. I have been waiting for the window to open for a LONG time now. I think it might be jammed shut.:( I also thing of "If God brought me to it, he will bring me through it". But it feels like an endless circle. I have to keep the faith. Thanks all for your encouraging words. I think the waiver is my best option. I am going to submit a January show. Then I will put in for it. It will give me time to get back on my feet and concentrate on other things. I could never leave this site though. Can I stay?
Of course, you haven't left us yet, and who better to help get you on your feet or keep you on your feet!!!!Kristin - Here are some verses for you to ponder today:Deut. 31:8 - "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you."Psalm 145:18 - "The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth."Psalm 121:2 - "My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth."I Corinthians 2:9 - "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him."Col. 3:2 - "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."I KNOW the God I serve is always there with me and ALWAYS answers prayer. As my 6 year old will remind me, sometime he says yes, sometimes no and sometimes maybe or wait, but He answers. We cannot always comprehend what God has planned for us because we think in a finite world, God's mind functions on eternity. We tend to be in our time frame and our finite situations and cannot grasp the big picture. Kristin, just keep trusting and praying that He has something good for you for the future, stay strong and put your faith and trust in God not man. Keep working but trust God and give Him the glory and seek Him with an open heart and mind. If you truly seek Him, He will direct your upcoming paths.We're all here for the emotional struggles you may have - we maybe can't give you a hug in person but can pray and sympathize with the pain and struggles of life.
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  • #22
The prayers are being heard...:angel: :angel: :angel:

I got a job offer today for the job that I wanted so bad!!! I start on January 22nd!!! I can get health coverage effective February 1st! What a relief. Now we just need to find my husband a job. I still need to take some time for the family though. I will still submit a waiver just to get back on my feet anyway. But maybe I won't have to leave totally. We will play it by ear. Thanks everyone for being so supportive.
  • #23
janetupnorth said:
Of course, you haven't left us yet, and who better to help get you on your feet or keep you on your feet!!!!

Kristin - Here are some verses for you to ponder today:

Deut. 31:8 - "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you."

Psalm 145:18 - "The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth."

Psalm 121:2 - "My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth."

I Corinthians 2:9 - "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him."

Col. 3:2 - "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

I KNOW the God I serve is always there with me and ALWAYS answers prayer. As my 6 year old will remind me, sometime he says yes, sometimes no and sometimes maybe or wait, but He answers. We cannot always comprehend what God has planned for us because we think in a finite world, God's mind functions on eternity. We tend to be in our time frame and our finite situations and cannot grasp the big picture. Kristin, just keep trusting and praying that He has something good for you for the future, stay strong and put your faith and trust in God not man. Keep working but trust God and give Him the glory and seek Him with an open heart and mind. If you truly seek Him, He will direct your upcoming paths.

We're all here for the emotional struggles you may have - we maybe can't give you a hug in person but can pray and sympathize with the pain and struggles of life.

Thank you Janet. That is what I needed today.

CONGRATS Kristin!!! :D You ROCK! :D
  • #24
I'm glad for your good news, Kristin. You and your family will be in my prayers.Take your time. Never make a decision out of fear. I know that's easy to say when I'm not in the situation, but that doesn't mean it's bad advice. If, after you've carefully considered everything, you find that you need to step away from PC for a while in order to focus on your marriage and your family, know that you take our love and support with you.
  • Thread starter
  • #25
raebates said:
I'm glad for your good news, Kristin. You and your family will be in my prayers.

Take your time. Never make a decision out of fear. I know that's easy to say when I'm not in the situation, but that doesn't mean it's bad advice. If, after you've carefully considered everything, you find that you need to step away from PC for a while in order to focus on your marriage and your family, know that you take our love and support with you.
Thanks so much Ray. I still find it amazing that although we don't see each other on a regular basis I really consider you guys my friends. Sometimes I would rather be here then out with my friends that I do see. Now I am choked up.
  • #26

So glad to here that the job came through! I'll continue praying for the needs of your family. God does hear and answer prayer!
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  • #27
ChefBeckyD said:

So glad to here that the job came through! I'll continue praying for the needs of your family. God does hear and answer prayer!
Now I just have to do my part and go back to church.:(
  • #28
I'm so happy for you Kristin!

Just think of all the new contacts you are going to meet at your new job! You better keep a catalog on your desk at all times.
  • Thread starter
  • #29
pamperedlinda said:
I'm so happy for you Kristin!

Just think of all the new contacts you are going to meet at your new job! You better keep a catalog on your desk at all times.
I always do. LOL!!
  • #30
Wow! I am so moved by this thread! Kristin, I also wish you all God's best!

The timing of this couldn't have been better for me, either. My husband lost his job yesterday, totally unexpectedly!! He's got almost 22 years in, and we know he was "targeted", that he didn't do anything wrong, based on many factors.
Right now, we're pretty devasted, to be sure. I've been a stay at home mom for over 20 years now, so I'll probably have to go and get at least a temp job, until we figure out what/where we're going.
Our faith is strong. We've both done our best to be faithful to our Lord, as well as our church and our friends. The Lord will take care of us, I have no doubt.
Right now, though, we're grieving a bit. 3 kids, the second is graduating this year from high school.
Our house was built in 2006, and we moved in it in December, so it's only a year old. It's much larger than our old one, so we have a good-size mortgage. Our old house was paid for...oh well, who knew?
My son put it well tonight at dinner, when he told my husband, "well, now you can take some time and figure out what you want to be when you grow up!" Out of the mouths of babes, huh?

Sorry to hijack, but, anyone who's sending out prayers for Kristin,...could you tag me onto the end of it for a few weeks?

Thanks so much!
  • #32
Consider yourself tagged. It's wonderful to know that there are never too many prayer requests for God to handle.
  • #34
Wow Kristin - looks like you'll be working for an organization with a great mission!
  • Thread starter
  • #35
ChefBeckyD said:
Wow Kristin - looks like you'll be working for an organization with a great mission!
Absolutely!! I have wanted that for so long!!! A feel good company!!!
  • #36
Paula - sorry to hear of your situation too. Especially when your husband has worked there so long. I wish the best for both of you finding what the next stage is!
  • #37
SillyChef said:
Thank you Janet. That is what I needed today.

CONGRATS Kristin!!! :D You ROCK! :D

You're welcome - I hope you are o.k. too. :(
  • #38
chefkristin said:
Now I just have to do my part and go back to church.:(

You know Kristin, that is the amazing thing about God's grace. He gives it without expecting anything in return. He paid the penalty for our sins BEFORE we even committed them and knowing we would sin. He doesn't want you to serve Him out of obligation, He wants you to choose to love and serve Him because you desire to. That's why we have free will. God wouldn't want us to be little robots following Him, it means more to choose to serve Him. So seek Him out in whatever way you can right now. Church is a great place to be, but God wants our hearts daily.
  • #39
Congratulations on your new job, Kristin! I am happy to hear that things are starting to look up for you. Keep us posted!
  • #40
Congratulations Kristin and good luck with the new job!

Paula, you are in my prayers too! I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I know exactly what he is going through. I lost my job 6 years ago after working for the company 16 years! I at least did see it coming about 2 months before hand. There were 30 of us the same day in my group. Looking back I was actually lucky to get it when I did. My entire department is now gone. Everyone has lost their job. When I lost my job the company offered a 3 day training session from Spherion (sp?). They helped us discover the skills we had and what jobs would be a good fit for us. Then they made us complete a resume and reviewed it for us. It really made me feel like I had a future!!

I would highly recommend your husband work on a resume right away. If there is any kind of program like that offered in your community, have him take it. I actully didn't start looking for a job right away. I started taking classes for Medical Transcription; however, a friend from my church knew I was out of a job and referred me to the company I work at now. I've been there for 5 1/2 years. I was so happy my resume was already done when I received the referral.

The company I work for is the best. They pay me what I was making per hour at my old job and I work whatever hours/days I want as long as I get my job done. I can also work from home when the weather gets really bad. I can login to our computer files from home. It's wonderful. I don't have as much money as I would have since I was full-time before, but I do have more time for my kids - which no amount of money could buy!

They told me in the career class that looking for a job is like having a job. You should spend 40 hours a week sending resumes, calling, etc.

Again, I'll keep you in my prayers and hope he will get a job he likes even better in the future.

P.S. The best thing about the job I have now is I get to recover money for incorrect billing for my customers from the company I lost my job from. The best was a $100,000 recovery:)! It felt so good!

Related to I Think I May Hang up My Hat......

1. Can I still work for Pampered Chef while focusing on other things in my life?

Yes, you can still work for Pampered Chef while taking a step back to focus on other things in your life. You can request a waiver for a certain period of time and resume your business when you are ready.

2. Will taking a step back from Pampered Chef affect my business in the long run?

It is possible that taking a break from Pampered Chef may have a temporary impact on your business. However, it is important to prioritize your personal life and well-being before your business. You can always pick up where you left off when you are ready.

3. Is it common for Pampered Chef consultants to take breaks from their business?

Yes, it is not uncommon for consultants to take breaks from their Pampered Chef business for various reasons. The company understands that life can get hectic and offers waiver options for consultants to take a step back and focus on other things.

4. Can I still attend my upcoming show at the end of the month even though I am taking a break from Pampered Chef?

Yes, you can still attend your upcoming show if you have already committed to it. However, it is important to communicate with your host and let them know about your situation. They may be understanding and willing to help out.

5. Will Pampered Chef support me during this difficult time?

Pampered Chef values its consultants and understands that life can throw us unexpected challenges. The company offers support and resources for consultants going through difficult times. You can reach out to your upline or the company's customer service for more information and assistance.

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