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How Can a $1000 Mystery Host Flyer Boost My June Sales?

In summary, this flyer looks great and it is very motivating to see someone else put so much effort into creating a flyer. I think this would be a great way to boost summer sales.
Gold Member
after reading posts about summer bookings and the $1000 mystery host show, I came up with a flyer for June. I really need to boost my June sales. So, hopefully this works...

I just can't get it to convert to a word document...anyone computer savvy that can make it work??


  • $1000 Mystery Host Flyer.pdf
    157.7 KB · Views: 872
VERY NICE!! You did a great job with this!
I think it looks good!
Just one correction - it says you can't "loose" instead of "lose"Otherwise it looks great - I think I may use it if you don't mind!
GREAT! I am doing the same thing in July while I am at conference, I have been trying to motivate my self to create a flier but it never would have looked this nice!!! Wonderful job! I don't know how to change it to word though sorry!
WOW! very nice. One correction-it says "please not" rather than "please note"
ChefKrisB said:
after reading posts about summer bookings and the $1000 mystery host show, I came up with a flyer for June. I really need to boost my June sales. So, hopefully this works...

I just can't get it to convert to a word document...anyone computer savvy that can make it work??
That is so great!!! Love it! I think I might steal it too if you don't mind. Since we don't know how to convert the document would you mind changing the 2 corrections and resending it to us? You are so creative!!!
hey, one more correction that I saw. Rewards will (be) given out. The "be" was not on there.
I like it very much!One more thing I'd change though, in addition to the three others: there's a sentence where you say you thought you'd offer as much as you could "with minimal effort."I'd change that to read something like "...with minimal effort on your part."
  • #10
Could you (or Tasha) change this to a Word format so we could update it for July and so on?
Thanks for the hard work!
  • #11
Wow! This is great! I was looking for one a few days ago! Thank You!

  • #12
absolutely love it!!! thanks
can you change the pictures to the cdn prices for me? lol
if it can get changed to word i can make the price changes :)
  • Thread starter
  • #13
ok, I think I fixed them...I'm sooo sorry about the errors! I was a little brain-fried yesterday! :)
Here's the corrected June one and also one for July...I still can't get these to copy nicely into Word? Cna anyone else figure this out?

As for the price changes...what are the numbers and I can change them! :eek:
I wish I knew how to make this so you can edit it!!


  • july mystery host fly.pdf
    162.8 KB · Views: 601
  • june mystery host flyer.pdf
    138.1 KB · Views: 512
  • #14
Make sure that the participants clearly know that the amount you will be giving away is based on the amount of sales collected. I have done a couple of these. Sometimes, everyone follows through and you have $215 in FPV and others they don't. The one I just did to get me over TPC ended up being $900 after I added some items. But only 2 of my "hosts" submitted $100. The rest was orders I has collected.

I think Mystery Hostess shows are great and I encourage my team to do them too!

Your flyer looks FANTASTIC!
  • #15
That really does look nice! I did the in April with only 7 people, just over $1400 in commissionable sales! One thing that I decided to change this time is to give 2 people $100 in free product. $215 is overwhelming for some people and $100 is almost as exciting! Or even 4 people get $50. I think that would be pretty convincing for me. If I collect $100 in orders and have almost a 50% chance to get $50 free! I also let the other "non winners" get a 1/2 price item since my commission could cover it. I didn't lose anything and it gave them another reward. Plus, it increased my sales for incentives!
  • #16
July mystery flyerCan anyone convert this to Word?


  • #17
Karen Weber said:
Can anyone convert this to Word?



  • #18
My mystery host show is Saturday. Make sure you follow up with personal phone calls. Not a lot of people RSVPed until I called them. This time around I did 20 and $50 orders, but in the fall I do 10 and $100 orders.

Good luck!
  • #19
I wish I knew how to convert this! I would love to use it!!!
  • #20
Word DocumentI saved this as a word document but I'm not too sure how to attach it to the post. I hope this works!!


  • Doc1.doc
    430.5 KB · Views: 522
  • Thread starter
  • #21
$1000 mystery host flyer now in Word!!Thank you sooooo much! How'd you do it? Everytime I tried to save it, it got all screwed up! :)
  • #22
No ProblemNot a problem!! All you need to do is click on the Snapshot Tool in Adobe (looks like a camera) - put the little cross thing at the top of the page and drag it to the bottom to highlight the page - pop up says it's been copied to the clipboard - Open Word and paste. Fairly easy! I hope this made sense!!:eek:
  • Thread starter
  • #23
ahha! That's the one thing I didn't try!! :) Thank you so much!
  • #24
Oh Thank you! It is such a fantastic flyer! Now I can stop worrying about figuring out my computer to make one just like it! Thanks to everyone!!!!!!
  • #25
how do you convert to save on word?
  • #26
I love this flyer! I am flyer illiterate though. I have tried in both the pdf and word format to make the suggested changes about splitting the free product in 2. But I cant figure out how to do it! Can anyone explain it to me? Kristi
  • #27
ChefKrisB said:
after reading posts about summer bookings and the $1000 mystery host show, I came up with a flyer for June. I really need to boost my June sales. So, hopefully this works...

I just can't get it to convert to a word document...anyone computer savvy that can make it work??
Is there away to change the date to the end of the month so that we can use this for our customers?
  • Thread starter
  • #28
Ok, I finally got a chance to copy/paste the whole thing into Word. There has to be an easier way...anyway...I'll try to get the July one done soon.


  • june 1000 host flyer.doc
    231 KB · Views: 371
  • #29
? about flyerTech ?, how do you shrink the specials?

  • #30
Thanks ladies!!! This is just what I was looking for. I was wanting to send out my newsletter tonight and want to attach this to it! Thanks!

PS - would you send it as part of your newsletter or as a seperate email?
  • #31
Help I cannot convert July's to WordCan anyone help. I love the flyer, but I cannot convert it to word. Thanks in advance for the help.
  • Thread starter
  • #32
I can try to do it later today...I'm on my way out for my son's bday party at school...:)
  • #33
I was able to click on the snapshot tool and drap it to highlight it, but even then when you paste it into a new word document, I am not able to make changes to the document...am I doing something wrong? please help...love this flyer!!! and want to boost my July sales, since it seems like no one wants to do a show the first whole week of july because of the holiday and then the following week is conference for me! Running out of time...I want to email this out to my preferred host list.
thanks bunches
  • #34
This is an awesome idea! I am definately going to try this one.
  • Thread starter
  • #35
July $1000 mystery host Word Doc!!Ok guys!
I'm sooooo sorry about the delay on getting the July one to you! Here it is...hope this looks ok and works for you! :)


  • july 1000 host flyer.doc
    438 KB · Views: 405
  • #36
Thank you for all your hard work! The flyers look great!

I probably should ask my daughter for computer lessons! HA!
  • #37
ChefKrisB said:
Ok guys!
I'm sooooo sorry about the delay on getting the July one to you! Here it is...hope this looks ok and works for you! :)

Thank You so much!!! I did this in July and last night submitted it as a $1161.31 show! My highest ever!!! Thanks again!
  • #38
Is anyone working on a flyer for the upcoming months??
  • #39
I did it in June...zip. July...my highest show! Over $1200 and over $1500 after the hosts got done! Funny thing...only had FOUR hosts!
  • #40
I'd like to see one made for the up-coming months! Only next time I'll have it open to everyone, not just past hosts. I think I would've done better than $1161. It was such a great idea!
  • #41
Does anyone have a "Mystery Shopper" updated flyer for August and September?
  • Thread starter
  • #42
Wow, some of you guys had great luck!! I can try putting some more together for upcoming months. Thanks for the feedback.
  • #43
You know what I am going to use this for?? DECEMBER or JANUARY!!! You know - when we're trying to earn stuff for next season, but people are taxed because of the holidays. THANKS so much for sharing!!!!!
  • #44
does anyone have this for sept or october? i would do it myself bu ti dont nkow where to get the pics for the special ... maybe someone could tell me where to get those at?
  • #45
How do you get this out? Mail? email? I'd love to do this for September....
  • #46
What program was the original made in (did you use Adobe Acrobat to create or did you use publisher and save to Adobe?)
  • #47
Also if this is something you will be doing regularly, when you do your first one REBOOK the next one -- then you can offer 2 different people the host special for all subsequent Mystery Host Shows...
  • #48
pamperedape said:
You know what I am going to use this for?? DECEMBER or JANUARY!!! You know - when we're trying to earn stuff for next season, but people are taxed because of the holidays. THANKS so much for sharing!!!!!
April - We earn stuff for the Spring Season in Nov & Dec.....;) (or at least that's the way it's been since I've been a consultant. It used to just be Dec - but the last couple of yrs it's been primarily Nov.)
  • Thread starter
  • #49
Sept & Oct $1000 mystery host flyerI finally got a chance to do a Sept and Oct $1000 mystery host flyer. I have them in pdf and Word for everyone. Someone asked about the orginals, they were done in Publisher. I'd be happy to send them to you. Let me know what ya think of these! Here's to an AWESOME Fall!!!! ;)


  • oct 1000 mystery host flyer.pdf
    137.1 KB · Views: 293
  • oct 1000 mystery host flyer.doc
    136 KB · Views: 326
  • Sept 1000 mystery host.doc
    258 KB · Views: 300
  • sept 1000 mystery host flyer.pdf
    140.9 KB · Views: 294
  • Thread starter
  • #50
Nov and Dec $1000 mystery host...here's the PDF, Publisher, and Word versions. Here's to a great Fall season!!


  • Nov 07 1000 mystery host.doc
    337 KB · Views: 395
  • nov 07 1000 mystery host flyer.pdf
    387.7 KB · Views: 337
  • nov 07 1000 mystery host flyer.pub
    514 KB · Views: 315
<h2>1. How does the $1000 mystery host flyer work?</h2><p>The $1000 mystery host flyer is a promotional tool that offers customers the chance to win a $1000 shopping spree at your Pampered Chef party. The flyer contains a unique code that customers can enter when placing an order, and the winner will be chosen randomly at the end of the party.</p><h2>2. Will the $1000 mystery host flyer boost my June sales?</h2><p>While we can't guarantee specific results, the $1000 mystery host flyer has been proven to increase party sales and bookings. It creates excitement and a sense of urgency for customers to place orders and attend your party.</p><h2>3. How can I use the flyer to boost my June sales?</h2><p>You can use the flyer in various ways, such as promoting it on social media, including it in your party invitations, or handing it out to potential customers. You can also offer additional incentives, like a free product or discount, to customers who share the flyer with their friends and family.</p><h2>4. Can anyone enter the $1000 mystery host contest?</h2><p>Yes, anyone who places an order using the unique code on the flyer is eligible to win the $1000 shopping spree. This includes both new and existing customers.</p><h2>5. How can I create a flyer if I am not computer savvy?</h2><p>If you are having trouble converting the flyer to a Word document, consider reaching out to a friend, family member, or colleague who is more computer savvy. You can also contact your Pampered Chef consultant for assistance or use a free online flyer maker tool.</p>

Related to How Can a $1000 Mystery Host Flyer Boost My June Sales?

1. How does the $1000 mystery host flyer work?

The $1000 mystery host flyer is a promotional tool that offers customers the chance to win a $1000 shopping spree at your Pampered Chef party. The flyer contains a unique code that customers can enter when placing an order, and the winner will be chosen randomly at the end of the party.

2. Will the $1000 mystery host flyer boost my June sales?

While we can't guarantee specific results, the $1000 mystery host flyer has been proven to increase party sales and bookings. It creates excitement and a sense of urgency for customers to place orders and attend your party.

3. How can I use the flyer to boost my June sales?

You can use the flyer in various ways, such as promoting it on social media, including it in your party invitations, or handing it out to potential customers. You can also offer additional incentives, like a free product or discount, to customers who share the flyer with their friends and family.

4. Can anyone enter the $1000 mystery host contest?

Yes, anyone who places an order using the unique code on the flyer is eligible to win the $1000 shopping spree. This includes both new and existing customers.

5. How can I create a flyer if I am not computer savvy?

If you are having trouble converting the flyer to a Word document, consider reaching out to a friend, family member, or colleague who is more computer savvy. You can also contact your Pampered Chef consultant for assistance or use a free online flyer maker tool.

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