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Host Coaching for Catalog Show Hosts: Tips & Tricks

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of host postcards and phone calls for host coaching in a Catalog Show. The speaker recommends making phone calls to go over the host packet and regularly check in with the host's progress and goals. They also mention using postcards to stay in touch and encourage the host to visit their host-only website. This approach has led to an increase in catalog averages and success in reaching host goals.
If you use host postcards such as

1. A Successful Show Checklist
2. Reminder of Show
3. Web Ideas for the Host
4. Show is 3 days away

for a Catalog Show Host, does anyone still make the phone calls or do you consider this host coaching?

I'm a newbie trying to figure things out.
make those calls!I would definately still make the phone calls. I just took a teleclass today about host coaching and I learned alot from it. One thing that stuck out to me was when you make your first call to the host to go over everything in the host packet with them. If you don't they will tend to not use the things in the host packet or forget about them. Good host coaching definately affects your show attendence and bookings. There are alot of other good reasons for making phone calls that I learned today from the teleclass but if I were to write down everything I learned it would be way too long. I recommend taking that teleclass and the other super starter teleclasses. They are free and you can register on the pampered chef website. Good luck!
Host Coaching a Catalog ShowI host coach a Catalog Show the same as I would a Kitchen Show. I call them once per week to input their orders, verify amounts and update them on their progress (current level, how much to next level). I also get them to set goals (wish list) on the first host coaching call and then on each call after ask if there is anything else they want to add for free. I let them know how many orders, etc. it will take for them to reach this goal and update it with them and on my web site when they add to their wish list. I encourage them to visit their host only area of my web site too. I have found my catalog averages have increased by an average of $100 since I started this at the beginning of the year. I have a Catalog Show host who will be closing on the 14th. She updated her own wish list and needs a $1500 show to get everything she wants for free. She had a Catalog Show 3 months ago that closed at almost $500. Hopefully she will reach the $1500 level!!
I forgot to add that I send postcards in between too.

Hi there! As a pampered chef consultant, I can assure you that host coaching is an essential part of having a successful catalog show. While postcards and reminders are great tools to keep your host organized and on track, it's still important to make phone calls to your host to provide personalized support and guidance. Host coaching is all about building a relationship with your host and helping them feel confident and excited about their show. So, I would definitely recommend making those phone calls in addition to using the postcards. Good luck with your catalog show and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions!

Related to Host Coaching for Catalog Show Hosts: Tips & Tricks

1. How do I get started with host coaching for my catalog show?

To get started with host coaching for your catalog show, first make sure you have all the necessary materials from Pampered Chef. This includes catalogs, order forms, and any other promotional materials. Then, reach out to your host and schedule a time to discuss their goals for the show and how you can support them. It's important to establish a strong relationship with your host from the beginning to ensure a successful show.

2. What are some effective ways to promote my catalog show?

There are a variety of ways to promote your catalog show, such as using social media, sending out email invitations, and creating a Facebook event. You can also offer incentives for guests to attend, such as a free gift or a discount on their purchase. Encourage your host to reach out to their friends and family and spread the word about the show.

3. How often should I check in with my host during the catalog show?

It's important to have regular communication with your host throughout the catalog show to keep them engaged and motivated. Aim to check in at least once a week to see how their show is going, answer any questions they may have, and provide any support they need. This will also give you the opportunity to remind them to follow up with potential customers and gather any additional orders.

4. What are some tips for increasing sales during a catalog show?

One of the best ways to increase sales during a catalog show is to offer special deals or discounts, such as a "host special" or limited-time offers. Encourage your host to share these promotions with their guests. You can also suggest hosting a Facebook live event to showcase the products and answer any questions. Additionally, make sure to follow up with guests after the show to remind them to place their orders.

5. How can I support my host in reaching their goals for the catalog show?

Your main role as a host coach is to support and guide your host in reaching their goals for the catalog show. This can include providing them with tips for promoting the show, helping them create a guest list, and offering guidance on how to follow up with potential customers. Be available to answer any questions they may have and provide encouragement throughout the process.

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